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er allow the figning of the mufter-rolls, wherein fuch falfe mufter is contained, fhall, upon proof made thereof, by two witneffes, before a general court-martial be cafhiered, and moreover forfeit all fuch pay as may be due to him at the time of conviction for fuch offence.

Art. 60. Any commiffary who shall be convicted of having taken any gift or gratuity on the muftering any regiment, troop or company, or on the figning the mufter rolls, fhall be displaced from his office, and forfeit his pay as in the preceding article.

Art. 61. Any officer who fhall presume to mu fter any perfon as a foldier, who is at other times accustomed to wear a livery, or who does not actually do his duty as a foldier, fhall be deemed guilty of having made a false muster, and fhall fuffer accordingly.

Art. 62. Every officer who fhall knowingly make a falfe return to the commander in chief of the American forces, or to any his fuperior officer, authorised to call for fuch returns, of the ftate of the regiment, troop, independent company, or garrison, under his command, or of arms, ammunition, cloathing or other stores thereunto belonging, fhall, by a court-martial, be cashiered.

Art. 63. The commanding officer of every regiment, troop, independent company, or garrison, in the fervice aforefaid, fhall, in the beginning of every month remit to the commander in chief of faid forces an exact return of the ftate of the regiment, troop, independent company, or garrifon under his command, fpecifying the names of the officers not then refiding at their posts, and the reafon for, and


time of their abfence: Whoever fhall be convicted of having, through neglect or defign, omitted the fending fuch returns, fhall be punished according to the nature of his crime by the judgment of a general court-martial,

Art. 64. No futtler fhall be permitted to fell any kind of liquors or victuals, or to keep their houfes or shops open, for the entertainment of foldiers, after nine at night, or before the beating of the reveilles, or upon Sundays, during divine fervice or fermon, on the penalty of being difmiffed from all future futtling.

Art. 65. All officers commanding in the camp, or in any forts, barracks, or garrifons, are hereby required to fee that the perfons permitted to futtle, shall supply the foldiers with good and wholesome provifions at a reasonable price, as they shall be anfwerable for their neglect.

Art. 66. No officers commanding in any camp, garrifons, forts or barracks, fhall either themselves exact exorbitant prices for houfes or ftalls, let out to futtlers, or shall connive at the like exactions in others, nor lay any duty or impofitions upon, or be interested in the fale of fuch victuals, liquors, or other neceffaries of life, which are brought into the camp, garrifon, fort, or barracks, for the use of the foldiers, on the penalty of being discharged from the fervice.

Art. 67. That the General, or Commander in Chief for the time being, fhall have full power of


pardoning, or mitigating any of the punishments ordered to be inflicted, for any of the offences mentioned in the foregoing articles; and every offender convicted as aforefaid, by any regimental courtmartial, may be pardoned, or have his punishment mitigated by the Colonel, or officer commanding the regiment.

Art. 68. When any commiffioned officer shalk happen to die, or be killed in the fervice of the United Colonies, the Major of the regiment, or the officer doing the Major's duty in his abfence, fhallimmediately fecure all his effects, or equipage then in camp or quarters; and fhall before the next regimental court-martial, make an inventory thereof, and forthwith tranfmit to the office of the Secretary of the Congrefs, or Affembly of the province in which the corps is ftationed, or fhall happen to be at the time of the death of fuch officer; to the end, that his executors may, after payment of his debts in quarters, and interment, receive the overplus, if any be, to his or their use.

Art. 69. When any non-commiffioned officer or private foldier shall happen to die, or be killed in the fervice of the United Colonies, the then commanding officer of the troop or company, fhall, in the presence of two other commiffioned officers, take an account of whatever effects he dies poffeffed of, and tranfmit the fame, as in the cafe above pro


vided for, in order that the fame may be fecured for, and paid to their refpective reprefentatives.*

*In CONGRESS, November 7, 1775

Refolved, That the following additions and alterations or amendments, be made in the RULES and REGULATIONS of the Continental Army, viz.

1. All perfons convicted of holding a treacherous correfpondence with, or giving intelligence to the enemy, fhall fuffer death, or fuch other punishment as a general court-martial fhall think proper.

2. All commiffioned officers found guilty by a general courtmartial of any fraud crembezzlement, fhall forfeit all his pay, be ipfo facto cafhired, and deemed unfit for farther service as an


3. All non-commiffioned officers and foldiers convicted before a regimental court-martial of stealing, embezzling or destroy ing ammunition, provifions, tools or any thing belonging to the public ftores, if a non-commiffioned officer, to be reduced to the ranks, and punifhed with wipping, not lefs than fifteen, nor more than thirty-nine lashes, at the difcretion of the courtmartial; if a private foldier, with the fame corporal punish


4. In all cafes where a commiffioned officer is cashiered for cowardice or fraud, it be added in the punishment, that the crime, name, place of abode, and punishment of the delinquent be published in the News-papers, in and about the Camp, and of that Colony from which the offender came or ufually refides: After which it fhall be deemed fcandalous in any officer to affociate with him.

5. Any officer or foldier, who fhall begin, excite, cause, or join in any mutiny or fedition in the regiment, troop, or company to which he belongs, or in any other regiment, troop, or company of the continental forces, either by land or fea, or in any party, poft, detachment, or guard, on any pretence whatfoever, fhall fuffer death or fuch other punishment as a general court-martial fhall direct.

6. Any officer or foldier who fhall defert to the enemy, and afterwards be taken, fhall fuffer death, or fuch other punishment as a general court-martial fhall direct.

7. Whatsoever commiffioned officer fhall be found drunk on his guard, party, or other duty under arms, fhall be cashiered and drummed out of the army with infamy; any non-commiffioned officer or foldier, fo offending, fhall be fentenced to



Ordered, That Mr. Deane, Mr. Cufhing and Mr Hewes, be a Committee to revise them for the prefs, and to get them printed.

be whipt, not less than twenty nor more than thirty-nine lashes, according to the nature of the offence.

8. Whatsoever officer or foldier, placed as centinal, fhall be found fleeping upon his poft, or fhall leave it before he fhall be regularly relieved, if a commiffioned officer, fhall be cafhiered and drummed out of the army with infamy; if a nonmiffioned officer or foldier, fhall be fentenced to be whipped, not less than twenty nor more than thirty-nine lafhes, according to the nature of the offence.

9. No officer or foldier fhall lie out of his quarters or camp, without leave from the commanding officer of the regiment, upon penalty, if any officer, of being mulcted one month's pay for the first offence, and cafhiered for the fecond; if a noncommiffioned officer or foldier, of being confined feven days. on bread and water for the first offence, and the fame punishment and a forfeiture of a week's pay for the fecond

10. Whatsoever officer or foldier fhall mifbehave himself before the enemy, or fhamefully abandon any poft committed to his charge, or fhall fpeak words inducing others to do the like, fhall fuffer death.

11. All public ftores taken in the enemy's camp or magazines, whether of artillery, ammunition, cloathing, or provifions, fhall be fecured for the use of the United Colonies. And all commiffioned officers found guilty by a general court-martial, of embezzling the fame, or any of them, fhall forfeit all his pay, be ipfo facto cafhiered, and deemed unfit for farther fervice as an officer. And all non-commiffioned officers and foldiers, convicted before a regimental court-martial of ftealing or embezzling the fame, if a non-commiffioned officer, shall be reduced to the ranks, and punished with whipping, not less than fifteen, nor more than thirty-nine lafhes, at the difcretion of the court-martial, if a private foldier, with the fame punishment.

12. If any officer or foldier fhall leave his poft or colours, in time of an engagement, to go in fearch of plunder, he fhall, if a commiffioned officer be cafhiered and drummed out of the army with infamy, and forfeit all fhare of plunder; if a noncommiffioned officer or foldier, be whipped, not less than twenty, nor more than thirty-nine lafhes, according to the nature of the offence, and forfeit all share of plunder taken from the


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