Page images

poses and objects of a Benefit Society. The real pro- Page.
perty of the Corporation is not to exceed £2,000 in
value, nor its personal property the sum of £500,
within which limits it may acquire and hold property
by purchase, donation or otherwise. The By-laws of
the Society are to regulate the admission of new
Members, and other matters relative to the business of
the Society. The present By-laws are continued in
force, and the present Managers in office until it shall
be otherwise provided; with the proviso, that after
the expiration of three months from the passing of
this Act, no By-law passed or to be passed shall be or
remain in force unless approved by the Superior
Court at Quebec, as consistent with this Act and the
purposes of the Corporation, and the laws of Lower


RAIL-ROAD, Montreal and Lachine, and Lake St. Louis and
Province Line Companies, Union of.-Cap. 112.....
An Act to authorize the Union of the Montreal and La-
chine Rail-road Company, and the Lake St. Louis
and Province Line Rail-way Company, and for other
purposes connected with the said Companies.-(Passed
10th August, 1850.)

After reciting the Petitions of the two Companies men-
tioned in the Title, this Act provides that their Di-
rectors may meet and agree upon the terms on which
the union may be effected, and if they so agree may
call meetings of the Stockholders of their respective
Companies, and if they also agree, then the union is
to take effect according to such agreement. Either
the Lake St. Louis and Province Line Rail-way
Company, or the New Company to be formed by its
union with the other Company, may borrow the sum
authorized by Sect. 27 of 10 & 11 V. c. 120; and the
time for making the Rail-way from Caughnawaga to
the Province Line is extended to five years from the
passing of this Act. A clause is added in the usual
form, placing the said Rail-way and all the resources
of the Company at the disposal of the Government
whenever need shall be.

RAIL-ROAD, Montreal and Lachine and Ottawa Grand Junc-
tion. Cap. 113...

An Act to continue and extend the Montreal and Lachine
Rail-road, and to incorporate The St. Lawrence and
Ottawa Grand Junction Rail-road Company.-(Passed
10th August, 1850.)

This Act empowers the Montreal and Lachine Rail-
road Company to extend their Rail-road from Lachine
to Prescott in Upper Canada, and this either in the
direction of St. Anne's, Vaudreuil, Rigaud and towards
Hawkesbury, and thence to Prescott, or in the direction
of Saint Eustache, St. Andrews and Grenville, and
thence to Prescott, as the said Company may find the
one or the other route most favorable; with power to
construct the necessary works and to hold one or more
Steamboats or Vessels to ply on the Ottawa and the
St. Lawrence, or either. The Act contains the usual
provisions as to the making of the survey, the precau-
tions to be taken when roads are crossed, the extent of
land to be taken, the taking of beach lots or lands
covered by the waters of either of the said Rivers, the
conveyance of lands to the Company, the mode of set-
tling by arbitration any difference which may arise
between the Company and any party as to the com-
pensation to be paid, and the mode of securing the Com-
pany in case of supposed incumbrances or defective
title. The Company are empowered to raise among
themselves, or by the admission of new subscribers, a
further sum not exceeding £750,000 currency,in shares
of £12 10s. currency each, with the usual provisions
as to the opening of Subscription Books, (if the money
be raised by the admission of new subscribers,) and
for enabling the Directors to make calls for and reco-
ver instalments on shares, and to forfeit those on
which instalments shall not be paid within a certain
time. The Company may, if they think proper, divide



the road into sections, and allow any persons to Page.
subscribe specially towards any one or more sec-
tions, in which case the money so subscribed shall not
be used for any other section without the consent of
the subscribers, who are not in that case to vote as
Shareholders until that section of the road is com-
pleted, after which they are to have all the rights of
Stockholders, and to participate in the general profits
of the Company. The Company are empowered to
borrow money to the amount of £750,000 currency,
at any rate of interest not exceeding 8 per cent. per
annum, and to hypothecate or pledge their lands, pro-
perty and profits for the payment of the principal and
interest; a form of the debentures to be issued is given,
and the mode of registering the same provided. No de-
benture is to be for a less sum than £100. Power
is given to the Company to make By-laws for the
usual purposes. The provisions of Sections 21, 22,
39, 40, 43, 45, 47, 49, 52, 53, 54 and 58 of 9 V. c. 82,
and of Sect. 23 and 38 of that Act, as amended by 10
& 11 V. c. 63, are extended to the Road to be made
under this Act, and the matters therewith connected,
(in so far as may not be inconsistent with this Act,)
as if repeated in this Act. The provisions so ex-
tended include those obliging the Company to place
their whole resources at the disposal of Government
when so required, and the obligation to submit all
By-laws imposing tolls, to the Governor in Council
for approval before they are to be in force. All Cor-
porations, ecclesiastical or civil, may subscribe for
stock or loan money to the Company. The road must
be commenced within three years, and completed
within ten years from the passing of the Act. When-
ever twenty-five miles of it are ready for use, the
Company may, by a resolution of the Directors, take
the name of The St. Lawrence and Ottawa Grand
Junction Rail-road Company, but such change of
name is not to affect the rights of the Company or of
others with regard to it. If the said Company are
unable to commence the road within three years from
the passing of this Act, a new Company may be formed
for the purpose, and certain persons, and others who
shall become subscribers, are to be incorporated ac-
cordingly, by the name last mentioned, and with the
usual corporate powers, and to such Company the
powers which would otherwise vest under the Act in
the Montreal and Lachine Rail-road Company, will
be in such case transferred. The new Company may
enter into arrangements with the Montreal and La-
chine Rail-road Company, or any other Company
now or hereafter to be chartered for making a Rail-
road in any part of the country between Montreal and
Prescott, for a union with them, or the purchase of
their Rail-road and rights. Such new Company as
aforesaid must commence their road within three years
after the expiration of the right of the Montreal and
Lachine Rail-road Company, and complete the same
within ten years of the same time, or forfeit their
rights. The rights of the Crown are expressly re-
served, as is also the right of the Legislature to amend
this Act.

RAIL-ROAD, Champlain and St. Lawrence, extension of.-
Cap. 114..

An Act to authorize the Company of proprietors of the
Champlain and St. Lawrence Rail-road, to extend the
said road, and for other purposes.(Passed 24th July,

The Company authorized by this Act to extend their
Rail-road, is that incorporated by the Act of Lower
Canada, 2 W. 4. c. 58. The preamble to this Act
recites the petition of the Montreal and Province Line
Junction Rail-way Company, incorporated by 10 &
11 V. c. 121, praying that the rights conferred on them
by that Act, may be transferred to the Company first
mentioned, and the said last mentioned Act, and 12
V. c. 179 amending it, are accordingly repealed. The
first named Company are then empowered to make a
branch from some point on their present Rail-road to


some point on the St. Lawrence opposite or nearly Page.
opposite to the City of Montreal, and a continuation
of their said Rail-road from St. John's to the Province
Line at Rouse's Point, with the usual powers for that
purpose. The Company are empowered to raise
among themselves, or by the admission of new sub-
scribers, a sum not exceeding £185,000, and to bor-
row a further sum of £75,000, if that first mentioned
be not sufficient. The amount of the sums actually
expended by the Company is to be deemed their ca-
pital in calculating the amount of their profits or divi-
dends in whatever way such sum may be raised, pro-
vided the whole capital do not exceed the amount
limited as aforesaid. The usual powers and provi-
sions are then given and made for enabling the Com-
pany to make said branch and continuation, for
enabling them to acquire lands, and for determining
by arbitration the compensation to be paid for lands
or damages in case the Company and any party can-
not agree upon the same.
powered, with the consent of the Governor in Council,
The Company are em-
to use the beaches and lands covered by the waters
of the River, St. Lawrence or Richelieu, and also to
establish a ferry from the terminus of the said branch
opposite Montreal to the said City, and to demand
rates of passage and transport at such ferry, not ex-
ceeding the rates mentioned in detail in the Act. The
provisions of the Act incorporating the Company (2
W. 4. c. 58) and of the Act of Lower Canada 6 W. 4.
c. 6, and the Ordinance 4. V. c. 18, amending the
said 2. W. 4. c. 58, are extended to the branch and
continuation hereby authorized in so far as may not
be inconsistent with this Act.
pleted, the whole Rail-road is to bear the name of the
When they are com-
Champlain and St. Lawrence Rail-road. The rates
of toll to be charged by the Company are on no ac-
count to exceed the rates per mile limited by their
said Act of Incorporation. A special clause is inserted
obliging the Company to place their Rail-road and all
their resources at the disposal of the Government,
when thereunto required, and power is given to the
Crown to assume the possession and property of the
Rail-road and other property of the Company, at any
time, on giving three months' notice and paying the
whole sum then expended, and 20 per cent. in addi-
tion. The branch and continuation are to be com-
pleted within six years after the passing of the Act,
on pain of forfeiture of the charter as to that one which
shall not then be so completed. By-laws regulating
tolls or affecting others than Members or Officers of
the Company, are not to be in force until approved
by the Governor; and the Rail-road is not to be
exempt from the provisions of any general Act res-
pecting Rail-roads.

RAIL-ROAD, Industry and Rawdon.-Cap. 115.

An Act to incorporate a Company for making a Rail-road
from the Village of Industry to the Township of
Rawdon, in Lower Canada.-(Passed 10th August,

The Rail-road to be made under this Act is a continuation
of that made from the St. Lawrence to Industry Village,
under the Act 10 & 11 Vict. c. 64, and the provisions
of this Act are as nearly as possible a transcript of those
of the said Act. The Road to be made is a short one
from some place at or near Industry Village to some
place in the Village or Township of Rawdon; and for
this purpose, the usual powers are given. The Capital
of the Company is limited to £9,000 divided into shares
of £5 each; and one tenth of the Capital is to be raised
and deposited in one of the Chartered Banks before the
work is commenced. If the said sum be found in-
sufficient, the Company may raise among themselves,
or by the admission of new subscribers, a further sum
not exceeding £4,000: and they are empowered to
borrow a sum not exceeding £8,000 at a rate of interest
not exceeding 6 per cent. per annum, and to secure
the same by hypothec on their property and income.
Power is given to make By-laws for the usual pur-




poses, but all By-laws are to be subject to the approval Page.
of the Governor before they can be in force: the Tolls
must be imposed equally on all parties so as to prevent
monopoly and a clause is inserted binding the
Company to place their whole resources at the
disposal of the Government when thereunto required.
When the profits of the Company exceed £1 per share
(or 20 per cent.) one half the net profits over that rate
is to be paid to the Government. The Crown is
empowered to assume the Rail-road and all the pro-
perty and rights of the Company at any time on giving
three months' notice, and repaying the amount ex-
pended by the Company, with interest from the time
it is expended until the opening of the Rail-road. The
Road must be completed within four years from the
passing of the Act, on pain of forfeiture of the Charter.
Her Majesty's rights are expressly saved, and the
right to amend the Act, and to subject the Company to
any general Rail-road Act is reserved to the Legis-

RAIL-ROAD, Quebec and Richmond.-Cap. 116.....
An Act to incorporate Peter Paterson, Esquire, and others,
under the name of "The Quebec and Richmond Rail-
way Company."-(Passed 24th July, 1850.)

This Act incorporates a Company by the name mentioned
in the Title, for the purpose of making a Rail-road from
some point on the River St. Lawrence as nearly oppo-
site the City of Quebec as may be found desirable, to
River St. Francis in or near the Village of Richmond
in the Township of Shipton, there to connect with The
St. Lawrence and Atlantic Rail-road;..the Company
are also empowered to hold Steam-boats to ply on the
St. Lawrence, from the Terminus of their Rail-road on
the south shore of the St. Lawrence, to the City of
Quebec, or they may ply from the said Terminus to
some other point on the north shore, and make a Rail-
road from such point to the said City. This Act con-
tains the usual enactments for enabling the Company
to make and work the said Rail-road, but the form of
the Act incorporating the St. Lawrence and Atlantic
Rail-road Company (8 V. c. 25) as amended by
later Acts, has been followed rather than that of the
Industry Village Rail-road Act (10 & 11 V. c. 64): the
special provisions however of the last mentioned Act
relative to the conveyance of the Mail, Troops, Police,
&c. are inserted in this Act. The By-laws imposing
Tolls are made subject to the approval of the Governor
in Council, and the Tolls are to be so imposed as to
prevent monopoly; the Company are bound to place
their whole resources at the disposal of the Government
when thereunto required, and they are to be liable to
the provisions of any General Rail-way Act which
may be passed. The usual powers are given for
taking lands, &c., but in case of non-agreement with
the proprietors, &c. the compensation is to be settled
by a Jury, and not by arbitration. The Capital of the
Company is limited to £650,000, in shares of £12 10
each and they may borrow money to the amount of
£150,000, on Debentures bearing interest at a rate not
exceeding 6 per cent. per annum, and secured by hy-
pothec on the Company's property and income. They
may also, if they deem it expedient at any time,
declare shares subcribed for after that time to have
a preference over others as to dividends, to the extent
of 6 per cent. per annum, if there be not enough to pay
such dividend on all shares. The Corporation of the
City of Quebec and other Corporations, Ecclesiastical
or Civil, are empowered to take Stock or to loan money
to the Company; and if the Corporation of Quebec
take Stock or loan money as aforesaid, the Mayor is
to be a Director ex officio.
exceed £1 10, per share (or 12 per cent.) one moiety
Whenever the dividends
of the surplus is to be paid to the Crown, as a tax, pro-
vided the whole dividends on the paid up Stock shall
then have amounted to 10 per cent. per annum thereon
from the time it was so paid up. The Rail-road is to
be completed within ten years from the passing of the
Act, on pain of forfeiture of the Charter. The rights


of the Crown are specially saved. The other provi- Page.
sions are similar to those in former Rail-road Acts
now in force. The Acts relating to the St. Lawrence
and Atlantic Rail-road being those generally followed,
as above mentioned.

RAIL-ROAD, Quebec and St. Andrew's.-Cap. 117..

An Act to incorporate the Quebec and St. Andrew's
Rail-road Company.-(Passed 10th August, 1850.)
This Act incorporates a Company by the name mentioned
in the Title, for the purpose of making a Rail-road from
some point on the River St. Lawrence, in the County
of Dorchester, to some point on the Line between Ca-
nada and New Brunswick, there to connect with the
Rail-road from St. Andrew's, in New Brunswick: and
to hold Steam-boats to ply from their Terminus on the
St. Lawrence to the City of Quebec. The Act con-
tains the usual enactments for enabling the Company
to make the said Rail-road. The enactments of the
Act are taken generally from that incorporating the
St. Lawrence and Atlantic Rail-road Company, or that
incorporating the St. Lawrence and Industry Village
Rail-road Company: the special provisions of the last
mentioned Act, as to the conveyance of the Mail,
Troops, Police, &c.. being inserted. The By-laws
imposing Tolls are subject to the approval of the Go-
vernor in Council, and the Tolls are to be so imposed
as to prevent monopoly; the Company are bound to
place their whole resources at the disposal of the
Government when thereunto required, and they are to
be liable to the provisions of any General Rail-way Act
which may be passed. The usual powers are given
for taking lands, &c., and in case of non-agreement
with the proprietors, the compensation is to be settled
by arbitration, under arbitration clauses similar to those
of the Industry Village Rail-road Act. The Capital of
the Company is limited to £750,000 currency, in shares
of £25 each, on which ten per cent. is to be paid at the
time of subscribing. The Directors may pay interest
at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum on the sums
actually paid in, until the Rail-road shall be completed
and opened. The Rail-road is not to be commenced
until five thousand shares are subscribed for, and the
10 per cent. paid thereon. Whatever be the rate of
dividends or profits of the Company, the Crown may
at any time after the end of twenty-one years, acquire
the Rail-road and property of the Company on pay-
ment of twenty-five years purchase of the profits of
the Company for the then last seven years; but if the
rate of profits shall have been less than 15 per cent.
then the Company may require that the sum to be paid
be fixed by arbitration, if they think 25 years purchase
insufficient, nor is the right of purchase to be exercised
if a Scale of Tolls and charges revised by the Gover-
nor in Council be then in force. The Company are
empowered to form a junction with any other Rail-road
within their limits. The Rail-road is to be completed
within fifteen years from the passing of the Act, on pain
of forfeiture of the Charter. The other provisions are
similar to those in former Rail-road Acts now in force.
Those of the two Acts first referred to being generally
followed, as above mentioned.
RAIL-ROAD, St. Lawrence and Atlantic.-Cap. 118.......
An Act further to amend the Act to incorporate the St.
Lawrence and Atlantic Rail-road Company, and other
Acts relative to the said Company, and to extend the
powers of the said Company.-(Passed 24th July,

The main Act amended by this Act is 8. V. c. 25, which
has already been amended by 9 V. c. 79,-10 & 11 V.
c. 65, and 12 V. c. 176. The amendments made
relate to matters of detail. The Mayor of Montreal is
made a Director and eligible as President of the Com-
pany so long as the Corporation of that City shall hold
£25,000 Stock in the Company. The Quorum of
Directors is reduced to five. The Directors are em-
powered to sell on such terms as they may think pro-
per, any forfeited or unsubscribed for shares, or to
pledge the same for moneys borrowed by the Company:



the Certificate of the Treasurer is made evidence of Page.
the non-payment of calls. The Vice-President is em-
powered to act in the absence of the President, and
the cases in which the latter shall be deemed absent
are defined. The Company are empowered to detain
and sell goods on which their dues are not paid; and
are exempted from any obligation to carry Gunpowder,
Lucifer Matches, and other dangerous articles. The
mode of proving the acquisition of Shares by descent
and otherwise than by formal transfer is established;
and the proceedings in cases where shares or profits
may be seized in the Company's hands are regulated.
The Company are empowered to enter into all agree-
ments requisite for enabling them to obtain the gua-
rantee of the Provincial Government under 12 V. c. 29,
and they are exempted from the obligation to keep
guards at crossings of Roads, provided they erect at
such places the Sign-board required of other Rail-
Road Companies.

RAIL-ROAD, Great Western.-Cap. 129......

An Act to empower Municipal Corporations to subscribe
for Stock of the Great Western Rail-road Company,
or otherwise to aid in completing that undertaking.-
(Passed 24th July, 1850.)

This Act empowers the Municipal Corporation of the
City of Hamilton, or any other Municipal Corporation
in the Province, to subscribe for Stock of the said
Company or to loan money to the Company, or to gua-
rantee or become security for any loan to the Company,
or to indorse or guarantee its Debentures, provided the
consent of a majority of the qualified Electors of the
Municipality be first obtained at a Meeting specially
called for that purpose. The Municipal authorities
are invested with full power to levy upon the Inhabi-
tants all sums requisite to enable them to discharge
any obligation contracted by them under this Act: and
the Mayor or other Head of any Municipality holding
Shares in the Stock of the said Company to the
amount of £25,000 is to be ex officio a Director of the
Company with the same powers as other Directors.
RAIL-ROAD, Great Western.-Cap. 130...

An Act to empower the Great Western Rail-road Com-
pany to make a Branch Road to the Town of Galt.-
(Passed 10th August, 1850.)

The said Company are by this Act empowered to con-
struct a Branch from such point on their Rail-road as
may be found most suitable to the Town of Galt, in the
County of Halton; and a clause is added declaring
that nothing in the Act incorporating the Company, or
in any Act amending it, shall be construed to prevent
the Rail-road from being carried across any navigable
River, provided no unnecessary obstruction be caused to
the navigation thereof.



RAIL-ROAD, Toronto, Simcoe and Lake Huron.-Cap. 131.. 1653
An Act to amend the Act intituled, "An Act to incor-
porate the Toronto, Simcoe and Lake Huron Union
Rail-road Company."-(Passed 10th August, 1850.)
By this Act the name of the Company is altered to "The
Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Union Rail-road Company,"
and they are empowered to construct their Rail-road
from any point on Lake Ontario, west of the Township
of Darlington, in the County of York (which limits
will include the City of Toronto) to any point on the
southerly shore of Lake Huron, touching at the Town
of Barrie, or at some point on Lake Simcoe. Five
Directors are made a Quorum.

See also-Toronto, City of.
RAIL-ROAD, Bytown and Prescott.-Cap. 132...
An Act for the incorporation of a Company to construct
a Rail-road between Bytown and Prescott.-(Passed
10th August, 1850.)

This Act incorporates a Company to construct a Rail-road
from some place or places on the River Ottawa, at or
near Bytown, to some place or places on the River St.
Lawrence at or near Prescott, with power to hold Steam-
boats and Vessels to ply on the waters of either River
to any place not more than twelve miles distant from
either Terminus. The form of the Industry Village


Rail-road Act is followed very closely, and the clauses Page.
for the conveyance of the Mail, Troops, Police, &c. are
inserted. By-laws imposing Tolls or affecting others
than the Company and their Officers, are made subject
to the approval of the Governor, and the Tolls are to be
so imposed as to prevent monopoly; the Company are
bound to place their Rail-road and all their resources
at the disposal of the Government when thereunto re-
quired, and they are not to be exempt from the operation
of any general Rail-road Act. The usual powers are
given for making the said Rail-road and Works, and in
case of dispute the amount of compensation for land
taken or damages done, is to be settled by arbitration
under the usual provisions. The Company may use the
Beaches of the said Rivers, doing no damage to the
navigation. The Capital of the Company is limited to
£150,000, divided into shares of £10 each, with power
however to increase it by a further sum not exceeding
£100,000, in case the sum first named should be
insufficient. But the Company may borrow such
sums as they may deem expedient at any rate of
interest not exceeding eight per cent. and pledge their
property and income as security; they may issue
Debentures for any money so borrowed, for sums not less
than £25 each, and may sell the same at any price or
discount they may think proper. The Municipal Cor-
poration of any place thro3 or in the immediate vicinity
of which the Rail-road is to pass, may subscribe for
Stock, provided a majority of the assessed inhabitants
shall have previously given their consent at a Meeting
to be called for that purpose. The rights of the Crown
are expressly saved. The Rail-road must be com-
pleted within ten years from the passing of the Act,
on pain of forfeiture of the Charter.

ROAD, Guelph and Dundas Company.-Cap. 133.....
An Act to amend the Act intituled, "An Act to incorpo-
rate certain persons as "The Guelph and Dundas Road
Company." (Passed 10th August, 1850.)
After reciting that the Municipal Councils of the United
Counties of Wentworth and Halton, and of the County
of Waterloo, have become the sole shareholders of the
stock of the Guelph and Dundas Road, and that the
capital allowed by the Act 10 & 11 V. c. 88, is insuf-
ficient, this Act increases the capital stock to £22,900,
in shares of £5 each, and substitutes for the Board of
Directors mentioned in the said Act, a Board of eight
Commissioners, four to be appointed by each of the
said Municipal Councils, but of whom the Warden of
the Municipality shall be one; the said Wardens
being alternately, each for one year, Chairmen of the
Board. The Commissioners are to hold their office
for such term as the Municipal Council shall by By-
law appoint, but may be removed by such Councils.
Five are to make a quorum. The Commissioners

are to have the powers vested in the Directors by the
said Act.

ROAD, Vaughan, Company.-Cap. 134...

An Act to incorporate certain persons under the name
of "The Vaughan Road Company."-(Passed 10th Au-
gust, 1850.)

After reciting that by the Act 9 V. c. 88, certain persons
were incorporated as The Albion Road Company,
with power to make a road known as the Albion
Road, with power to make a Branch Road known as
the Vaughan Road, for making which stock might
be expressly subscribed, which has been done, and the
said Vaughan Road exceeds in length and importance
the main road to Albion; and that both the Albion
Road Company and the subscribers for the Vaughan
Road have petitioned that the latter may be consti-
tuted a distinct Company and Corporation by the name
of The Vaughan Road Company, with like powers as
are by the said Act conferred upon the Albion Road
Company; this Act provides accordingly for the in-
corporation of such separate Company, with such
powers as aforesaid. The capital of the Vaughan
Road Company is to be £10,000, in shares of £5 each,
with power to increase it by a further sum of £5,000



if they shall within five years think proper to extend Page.
their Road to Lloyd Town or Bolton Mills. When
the whole profits of the Company exceed ten per cent.
per annum, the remainder is to form a sinking fund
to purchase the road for the public, and accounts are
to be rendered to the Legislature by the Company.
The Government may assume the road by paying the
sum expended and fifteen per cent. in addition, less
any sum paid off by the sinking fund aforesaid; and
at the end of fifty years (if not before) the road is to
vest in the Crown, unless it be otherwise provided by
the Legislature.

REGISTRY ACT, Montreal.-Cap. 93....

An Act to extend the period limited for certain purposes
in the Montreal Registry Act.-(Passed 24th July,

The period limited by the Act 12 V. c. 121, as that within
which the registration of certain instruments may be
efficiently made, and during which no advantage shall
be taken of errors committed by the former Registrar
(Edward Dowling) or his Deputy, is extended to the
end of twelve months from the passing of the Act.
This period is further extended twelve months by 14
and 15 Vict. c. 68, sect. 5.

REGISTRATION, County of Huntingdon, divided for.-Cap.

An Act to divide the County of Huntingdon into two
Districts for the registration of Deeds.-(Passed 24th
July, 1850.)

The two Districts are described by their boundaries.
The present Registrar is to be, by virtue of the Act,
the Registrar of one of the Districts, and a new Regis-
trar is to be appointed for the other.

REGISTRATION, County of Rimouski, divided for.-Cap. 109.
An Act to explain and amend the Act dividing the
County of Rimouski into two Districts for the Regis-
tration of Deeds.-(Passed 10th August, 1850.)
The Act amended is 12 V. c. 128, and the amendment
consists in defining more strictly the boundaries of
the first District, and declaring that the second includes
all that part of the County which is not included in
the first. These provisions are to have effect as if
contained in the original Act.

RIVER DUCHESNE, improvement of.-Cap. 111..

An Act to extend the period for the election of Commis-
sioners under the Act for the improvement of the
River Duchêsne.-(Passed 24th July, 1850.)
The sole effect of this Act is to prolong the period during
which Commissioners may be elected under 12 V. c.
155, for eighteen months from the passing of this
Act. See, however, 14 and 15 Vict. c. 29.


SAGUENAY, Second Municipality in.-Cap. 107......
An Act to authorize the Inhabitant Householders holding
land in the new Settlements on the borders of the
Saguenay, forming the second Municipal divison of
that County, to establish a Municipal Council therein,
and for other purposes.-(Passed 24th July, 1850.)
The Inhabitant Householders of the Tract mentioned in
the Title being bond fide settlers on their lands, but
not having obtained Titles to the said lands from the
Government, the effect of this Act is to confer on them
the enjoyment of their Municipal and Political rights
as if such Titles had actually issued, and for this pur-
pose they are empowered to vote at Municipal and
School elections, and at elections of Members of the
Legislative Assembly, without having the freehold pro-
perty qualification required in other electors; and they
are also relieved from the property qualification
required in Justices of the Peace, and in the Parti-
tioners for the establishment of a Court for the summary
Trial of Small Causes. The rights of the Crown are
specially saved.

SAVINGS Bank, Montreal and Provident.-Cap. 98......
An Act to provide for the appointment of Commissioners
to inquire into the affairs and management of the







Montreal Provident and Savings Bank.-(Passed 10th Page.
August, 1850.)

This Act provides that full inquiry shall be made into the
causes which led to the failure of the Institution
mentioned in the Title, and to its inability to meet the
just claims of those who have deposited money in it:
for this purpose three Commissioners are to be ap-
pointed by the Governor for the purpose of making the
said inquiry and reporting to him, with full power to
call before them and examine on oath all persons
being or having been Officers of the Institution, and
others, and of compelling their attendance and the
production of books and papers in their custody;
except that no person is bound to answer any question
which might make him liable to a criminal prose-
cution. Two Commissioners may act.
SILVERTHORN, Dam across River Thames.-Cap. 90.

An Act to authorize Aaron Silverthorn and Newman
Silverthorn, their heirs or assigns, to erect a Dam
across the River Thames (Pussed 10th August, 1850.)
The parties mentioned in the Title are empowered to
build a Dam across the River Thames, at Kerby's Point,
in the Gore of Camden, in the United Counties of
Essex and Kent, observing the precautions and method
of construction provided in the Act, so as not to obsruct
the passage of rafts or the ascent of fish. The Act
may be repealed if the public interest should require it.
ST. HYACINTHE, Incorporation of.-Cap. 105....

An Act to provide more fully for the incorporation of
Village of St. Hyacinthe.-(Passed 10th August, 1850.)
This Act provides more elaborately for the incorporation
of the Village of St. Hyacinthe than the general
Municipal Act for Lower Canada, (10 & 11 V.
c. 7) under which only it was previously incor-
porated. The order and general purport of the
enactments are as follows: The Corporation is
established with the usual corporate powers. The
limits of the Town are defined; and it is divided into
four wards, the limits of each of which are also defined;
for three of the said wards, two Councillors are to be
elected, and one for the fourth, so that the whole num-
ber will be seven; they are to retire alternately from
office, so that no Councillor will remain in office more
than two years. They are to be elected by the male
freeholders of the place having real property therein
to the amount of twenty shillings, yearly value, and
the male householders paying a rent of not less than
five pounds yearly. The usual provisions are made
for holding the first and other elections, polling the
votes, &c. The Councillors elect the Mayor from
among themselves. Neither the Mayor nor the Coun-
cillors are to have any Salary or Emolument. Persons
elected Councillors and refusing to serve, are subject
to a fine of £5. The rates which the Council may
impose in any one year are limited to a penny in the
pound on the assessed value of all taxable property in
the Town, which value they are to cause to be asses-
sed as soon as possible after the passing of this Act,
and once in every three years afterwards. The pro-
perty subject to taxation is,-all real property not spe-
cially exempted, horses, cows and horned cattle, and
carriages, on each kind of which a fixed value is placed
by the Act: and the Stock in trade of Merchants and
Shopkeepers to the extent of one farthing in the pound
on the assessed value thereof; and the Seigniors are
to be liable to a tax of one fortieth of their receipts;
and untaxed males over 21 to an annual rate of from
2s. 6d. to 5s. The property of Her Majesty and other
public property is exempted from taxation. Special
enactments are made as to the appointment (by the
Council) of the assessors and the mode in which their
duties are to be performed. Power is given to the
Council to make By-laws for the usual purposes: in-
cluding the power to impose special rates not exceed-
ing a penny in the pound yearly, on persons exercising
certain callings, and of fixing the price and weight of
bread. No By-law is to impose a penalty exceeding
five pounds, and provision is made for recovering such



penalty, and also the amount of any taxes in arrears, Page.
for which real property may be sold when such arrears
amount to six years. The Council is to have the
power of deciding contested election cases, and may
expel or fine members for misbehaviour. The Coun-
cil may borrow money, but to an amount not exceeding
five hundred pounds, for the purpose of erecting,
Markets, &c. Power is given to acquire property for
that and like purposes. The Act L. C. 10 & 11 G. 4, c.
42, establishing a Market at St. Hyacinthe, is repealed.
The Council are to have the sole power of granting
Certificates for Licenses to keep Houses of Public
Entertainment within the Town.

ST. JEAN Baptiste Society, Quebec.-Cap. 126

An Act to amend an Act intituled, "An Act to incorpo-
ratę La Société St. Jean Baptiste de la Cité de Qué-
bec.-(Passed 24th July, 1850.)

The Act amended is 12 V. c. 148. The 3d and 7th
sections of the said Act are repealed; and the Officers
of the Society are hereafter to be, a President, Assis-
tant President, Six Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, an
Assistant Treasurer and three Sub-Treasurers, a Re-
cording Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, a Marshal,
an Assistant Marshal and six under Secretaries, and
such other Officers as the Corporation may think it
necessary to appoint; and the affairs of the Corpora-
tion are to be managed by a Committee of Manage-
ment consisting of the said Officers and fifteen asso-
ciate Members, to be elected annually, at a general
meeting to be called in a certain manner. The actual
Officers are confirmed in office until others are elected
in their stead.

ST. JOHN'S Academy.-Cap. 124...
An Act to incorporate the St. John's Academy.-(Passed
10th August, 1850.)

This Act is in the usual form adopted in many instances
for the incorporation of like institutions in Lower
Canada. Five Gentlemen resident in the Parish of
St. John, and the Rector (Curé) of the same are incor-
porated with the usual powers by the name of The
St. John's Academy; the real property they may hold
is limited to the value of £600 a year, the income
from which is to be devoted strictly to educational
purposes, including the construction and maintenance
of proper buildings. The members named in the
Act are to serve for five years certain, and longer
if they please; but when vacancies occur they are
to be filled by members to be elected by the remaining
members according to the By-laws of the Corporation.
ST. PATRICK'S Church, Quebec.-Cap. 125..

An Act to facilitate the recovery of sums due for rent
of Pews in St. Patrick's Church, Quebec.-(Passed
10th August, 1850.)

The sole object of this Act is to enable the Committee
of Management of the said Church, to sue for and
recover in the name of the Church, sums due for the
rent of pews therein; and to facilitate the proceedings
in any suits to be brought by them by providing that
it shall not be necessary to allege or prove certain
special matters relative to the appointment of the
Members of the Committee, &c.


TAVERN Licenses in Montreal.-Cap. 94...

An Act to appropriate the moneys arising from duties
on Tavern Licenses in the County and City of Mont-
real, towards defraying the cost of the New Court
House to be erected in the City of Montreal.-(Passed
10th August, 1850.)

After reciting the necessity of providing more ample
funds for defraying the cost of the Court House to be
erected in Montreal, under 12 V. c. 112, this Act
appropriates for that purpose all moneys arising from
the duties on Tavern Licenses arising in the City and
County of Montreal, and directs the manner in which
they shall be paid and accounted for.

TELEGRAPH, British N. A. Electric.-Cap. 119...

An Act to extend the period for completing the Tele-




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