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Motion, continued.
Molecular, 305-6,-note
And heat, 313, 318

Heat, a mode of, 322, 323 sq.
Fanciful theories of, 341

Apparent and real, problem of, not understood

by Bacon, 345, and note; 461, note

Of projectiles, 347

Nineteen modes of, 366 sq., 466 sq.
Celestial, 461, 657, 705, 706, 709
Voluntary, 496

Essential to matter, 651, 667

Mountains, high, free of snow on top, 309
Much and little, inquiry as to, 28, 90, 455
Müller, Max, on mythology, 816 sq.
Muses, the, 854, 857

Music and medicine, 104, 483

And painting, 108, note

Of the spheres, 445, note
And ethics, 455

For masques, 782
Mustapha, 758

Mutianus, his treatment of Antonius, 156
A great politique, 159, 599, 800, 807
Quoted, 741

Mysteries of theology, 204, 209, 456

The more incredible, the more honour in believ-
ing, 631

Explanation of, by reason, 632 sq.

Of nature, 209, 456

Mythology, Bacon's attitude to, 441, note; 815 sq.,
822 sq.

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402, 403

Must be connected with the sciences, 280
Checks superstition and nourishes faith, 286
Nature, meaning of word, in Bacon, 16
In Aristotle, 31

And God, 32-3, 209, 320, 456

And art, 34, 207, 259, 380, 427, 678, 841
The infinity of, 34

Threefold aspect of, 80, 402, 427, 678-9

To be imitated in business, 163

Interpretation of, 115, 189, 249, 258, 262, 264

Original inventions of, not many, 207, 282

Study of, not restrained by true religion, 204,

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Nature, continued.

To be commanded by obeying, 259, 300
Errors of, 336, 402, 427, 678

Conceived as Pan, 442 sq.

Mirror of art, 507

Antitheta as to, 548

Heavenly and earthly, 567

Moves both gradually and by leaps, 688

Allegory of, 442 sq., 821 sq.
Nature in Men, essay on, 782
Navigation, 86

Nebulæ, 688, 698

Necessity, allegory of, 828

Need-fire, 113, note

Needle, the mariner's, 500
Inquiries as to, 507

Negations, effect of, on men, 118

Negotiation, not properly considered, 150

Doctrine of, 581 sq.

Essay on, 795

Nelli, quoted, 319, note
Nemesis, fable of, 844
Nero, 757-8, 869, 870
Nerva, 65

New Atlantis, The, 712 sq.

New Organon, the. See Novum Organum
Nicetas, 683, and note; 684, note
Nicodemus, 633

Night, myth of, 20, 640, 641, 647 sq., 840
Niphus, quoted, 518, note
Nobility, antitheta as to, 546
Essay on, 750

(=aristocracy), numbers of, 771
Noel, Henry, quoted, 884
Novelty, love of, 58, 204, 268
Novum Organum, 259 sq.
Ellis's preface to, 212 sq.
Spedding's notes to that, 232 sq.
Author's preface to, 259 sq.
Plan and purpose of, 212 sq.
Analysis of, 223 sq.

Handles logic, not philosophy, 386

Nox. See Night

Nurses and children, 252
Nutrition, process of, 305

Paracelsus on, 371

Nymphs, the, 442, 446

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Ostentation, 800

Otho, death of, 737

Owen, Prof., criticised, 266, note
On classification, 530, note
Oxford, Lord, 864

Pace, the fool, 864

Paget, Lady, story of, 885

Pain, accompanied by sensation of heat, 315
Experiments as to, 508

Painting, 108, note

Facial, should be punished, 491
Palace, idols of the, 199

Palætiology, meaning of, 28
Pallas, fables of, 448, 753, 832
Pan, fable of, 442 sq., 828 sq.
Pandora, 848, 851

Pantheism, Campanella's, 31
Aristotle's, 31

In Bacon, 31-2
In Telesius, 32

Paper, a singular substance, 337, 338, note
Modes of making, 505

Parables, ancient popularity of, 126, 593

Paracelsus, 101, 103, 173, 383, note; 384, note;
468, 482, 495, 634

On generation from putrefaction, 357, note
On nutrition, 371

His theory of dew, 381, note

His pretensions to magic, 495

His theory of substances, 703, note
School of, has injured divinity, 634
Paradise, 189

Parallels, in phenomena, 333
Parasceve, translation of, 402 sq.

Preface to, by Spedding, 388

Parents and children, essay on, 742

Paris, study of civil law at, 425, note
Parmenides, Bacon on, 37, 95, 271, 470, 644, 653
Philosophy of, 644

Parmenio, 69

Parthenogenesis, 334, note

Particles, real, not atoms, 307

Particulars, in science, 204

Pasiphae, 842

Pasquil, 867

Passions. See Affections

Patricius, referred to, 364, note; 468, 645, 650,

note; 673 sq., 690, and note; 693, 699
Patriotism, 564

Paul, St., quoted, 44, 55, 143, 457, 573, 632, 738,
739, 800

Praised, 750

Paulet, Sir H., 2, 871

Peace, in Bacon's time, 167, 630

Two ways of making, 590

Pedagogy, 559 sq.

Pedants, 50

Pedarii, 244

Pegasus, fable of, 448, 825

Pendulum, experiments with, 346, note

Penelope, fable of, 443, 821

Pentheus, fable of, 834-5

Perception, universal, 496

Perfumes, 197, 359, 730
Transmission of, 360
Variations in, 364

Periander, 522

Pericles, 598, 867

Peripatetics, 321, note; 322, 496, note; 663, 665,

667, 840, 850

See Aristotle

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Phenomena, all, to be recorded, 251

Philip of Macedon, 66, 193, 297, note; 448,866, 870

II, of Macedon, 758

Ovid, quoted, 446, 484, 499, 536, 539, 545, 555, Philocrates and Demosthenes, 148, 297

580, 591, 593

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Human, 89, 101, 108, 280, 453, 478, 630

Primitive, 454, 459

Corruptions of, 59

Proper end and direction of, 60
Ministry of, 79

Divisions of, 89

Of the ancients, 100

Should not be a profession, 136, 566
Moral, handmaid to religion, 146
More difficult than policy, 149

Withheld the ancients from science, 279
True business of, 288
Object of, threefold, 453
Phocion, obstinacy of, 47

Quoted, 278, 537, 867, 881
Phonetic spelling, 525, sq.
Phonetics, 522, note; 524
Phormio, 139, 569
Phosphorescence, 312

Physicians, judged by the event, 104, 483

Backwardness of, 207

Attend to the mind, 481

Interested in other arts, 484

Should take more pains, 484

Physics, in Bacon's system, 19, 93, 459

Analysis of, 94, 95

Impediments to, 96

Definition of, 307, 459

Threefold division of, 460

Natural inquiries should begin in, 307

Peripatetic, 321, 374, note

Appendices of, 467

Improperly subordinated to metaphysic and

logic, 476

Physiognomy, 102, 480

Pilate, 736

Pindar, on good fortune, 144, 573

On Hiero, 479

On silence, 579

Piso, 766

Pius V, 47

Place, Great, essay on, 747

Placets of God, the, 169, 633

Planetary orbits, à priori fallacies as to, 269

Planets, supposed heat of, 316, 703 sq.
Distances of, 407

Seasons of, etc., 464

Motions of, 681 sq., 709

Plantations, essay on, 776

Plants, heat of, 308

Platform (=plan) of good, 134, 563

Of Nature, 200

Plato, Bacon's view of, 26, 37, 94–6, 191, 211, 272,

470, 523, 650, 651

Quoted, 42, 51, 52, 112, 116, 332, 501, 804, 873,


His allegory of the cave, 119, 517

On ideas, 94

Dionysius on, 26, 56, 276

His theology, 94, 211, 288

His physiology, 103

On rhetoric, 128, 535

On virtue, 128, 535

On definition, 197

Mingled his philosophy with superstition, 21, 272

Plato, continued.

On respiration, 348, note
On matter, 443

On final cause, 471
Plautianus, 767

Plautus, quoted, 143, 573, 593, 785
Playfair and Joule on crystals, 367, note
Playfere, Bacon's letter to, 237, note
As a translator, 416
Pleasure, physical and mental, 73
Arts of, 108, 492

Pliny the Younger, 66
Quoted, 147, 577, 801
The Elder, quoted, 296
Humboldt on, 428, note
Disparaged, 679, 681
Plutarch, 100, 468
Quoted, 755, 893
On the moon, 665

Pluto, helmet of, 448 sq., 833, 855
Plutus, 778

Poets, foibles of, 160, 600
Poesy, 79, 88, 453, 525
Defined, 87, III, 439

Not deficient, 89, 442, 525

Denounced by a Christian Father, 736

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Rational (=sophistical) school, 270-1
Rawley, Dr., Life of Bacon by, 1-15
Remarks by, 216, 710, 712, 808, 810
Referred to, 734, 808, 859 sq.
Raymund Lully, 127, 533
Realism in Bacon's system, 22

In the schools, 496, note

Reason, disturbances of, 127

Use of, in religion, 169, 170, 632 sq.
Better use of, to be aimed at, 249, 251
And imagination, 499

Little used for invention, 502

Religion not grounded on, 631, 632
Rebellions, 175, 819

Redemption, 174

Reflection, of sun's rays, 310, 347
Refraction, 35

Refrigeration, 510

See Congelation

Regiomontanus, 780

Reid, Col., his theory of storms, 399

Religion, and reason, 169, 499

And knowledge, 186, 204

Blind zeal in, a hindrance to science, 208, 20

210, 272, 285-6

Mode of appeal to the mind, 499

Depends on revelation, 169, 631, 632

Essay on unity in, 738

Effects of difference in, 835

See Divinity, Theology, and Mysteries

Religions, vicissitudes of, 805

Remoras, effect of, 96, 471

Reporters, legal, 625

Reputation, antitheses as to, 548

Resemblances, 334

Respiration, on mountain tops, 310

Responsa prudentum, in law, 627-8, note

Rest, in Nature, 684, 705

Revelation, 453

Alone can give knowledge of the rational sou

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Sacrifice, on altar of Jupiter, 310
St. Elmo's fire, 312

St. Hilaire, 291, note; 728, note
Salisbury, Earl of, 821
Sallust, on Kings, 144

On Pompey, 162, 601
Salomon. See Solomon
Salt, effect of, in freezing, 508
Salts, nature of, 703
Salvation, doctrine of, 564
Samuel, book of, quoted, 175
Sanchez, on length of life, 489
Satire, serious, proposed, 571
Saturn, fable of, 836 sq.
Saturn, the planet, 316
Motions of, 706

Satyrion, the herb, 407

Satyrs and Sileni, fable of, 446

Saxony, Duke of, 480

Savile, Sir H., 559, note; 870, 879

Scale, doctrine of, 95, 290, 458, 470
Sceptics, the, 114, 253, 256, 504, 565

Schoolmen, misrepresentation of, 29, note
Foibles of, 55-6
Aristotelianism of, 209

Have abandoned experience, 271
Bad definers, 366

On creation, 641

Crushed the sciences, 279

Given to subtleties, 296

Science, Bacon's view of, 15 sq.

Natural divisions of, 93

Sciences, instauration of, Bacon's hope for, 36,

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| Sensation, limitations of, 250, 267, 274
Conceivable variations of, 333

Sense and the sensible, 115, 245, 246, 247, 250, 264,
267, 274, 299, 327, 484, 496 sq.

Conceivable number of new senses, 333

Induction from the non-sensible to the sensible,

350, 352, 353-5, 356, note; 357 sq.

Doctrine of, referred to that of the soul, 492

Separation of bodies,

Septimius Severus, 165, 605, 737, 767, 787

Sermons, British, 173

Servants, 151, 583, 585, 588

Sesa, Duke of, 867

Seven Wise Men, the, 279, 874
Severinus, 101, 468

Sexes, differentiation of, 333-4

Sextus Empiricus, on astrology, 463, note
.Shadows, inquiry as to, 509

Shakspere, mistake of, made by Bacon, 146, note
575, note

Plays of, probably not seen by Bacon, 441, nole
And Bacon, literary parallels of, 791-2

Sibylline books, the, 161, 541, 762

Sidney, Sir Henry, 868

Sight and hearing, 361 sq., 363 sq.
Signs, language of, 121

Sociological, 275-8

Silence, antitheta as to, 552
Silk, invention of, 292

Temperature of, 312

Silver, whiteness of, 329, note

Similarity and diversity, 28, 90, 268, 335, 456

Simonides, quoted, 883

Simple natures, knowledge of, 296
Generation of, 304

Primary axioms concerning, 305
Conception of, 320

Simulation and Dissimulation, essay on, 741

Singer, Mr., his edition of the Essays, 734
Sins, varieties of, 175, 572

Siphon, theory of, 513, note

Sirens, fable of the, 857

Sirius, supposed heat of, 316, 659
Sisyphus, 166

Sixtus Quintus, Pope, story of, 870

Skulls, 334, note

Slavery, advantages of, in the ancient world, 610


Sleep, fable of the gates of, 148

Sloth, 589

Smell and taste, 332

Phenomena of, 370

Smoke, 349

Snow, on mountain tops, 310

Action of, 315, 319

Soap-bubbles, 330

Society, duty to, 139, 564

Knowledge as to good of, 141, 571

Socrates, the charge against, 46
Commemoration of, 49

Plato on, 52, 880

Cicero on, 192, 478

Scepticism of, 60, 114, 504

Quoted, 81, 103, 429, 883

On virtue, 135

On felicity, 138, 568▾

Referred to, 187, 279, 516, 800

Solar system, motion of, 373, note; 461, 657, 705

706, 709

Solids and liquids, 314

Solomon, quoted, 43, 44, 50, 75, 79, 96, 104, 133,
140, 150, 156, 189, 300, 421, 425, 435, 562, 567,
570, 595, 740, 742, 778, 799, 802, 804

Quoted in error, 543, note

Learning of, 62, 187, 209

Aphorisms of, 151 sq., 582 sq.

Solomon's House, Bacon's vision of, 710, 727 sq.

Solon, quoted, 51, 162, 608, 771, 872, 883
Solyman, anecdote of, 522, note

Sophisms, 129

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