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Instances, continued.
Practical, 359
Mathematical, 359

Of the road or rule, or of range or limitation, 359
Of the course, or of the water, 362

Of quantity, or doses of nature, 365
Of strife or predominance, 365
Intimating, 377

Polychrest, or of general use, 377 sq.
Of magic, 385 sq.

Instauration, the Great, Prooemium to, 241
Epistle dedicatory to, 242
Author's preface to, 243

Scheme of, 43, note; 212, 294
Plan of the work, 248

Why published by parts, 402
Instinct and reason, 342

Instruments, physical and mental, 256-7, 259, 267
Intellect, the human, makes its own difficulties,

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Inventors, deification of, 64, 189, 277, 300

Honoured in the Scriptures, 209

Inventory of man's estate, called for, 99, 183, 194
Iphicrates, 828, 873

Iron, heat in, 318, 325, 329, 509

Bulk of, under heat, 322

Effects of heat on, 324, 329 sq.

And magnet, 564

Irregulars, collection of, called for, 428

Isabella of Spain, quoted, 873

Italians, character of, 156

Italy, politics of, 758, 798

Ivy, symbolism of, 452

Ixion, fable of, 98, 474

James I, kindness of, to Bacon, ix.

Passages addressed to, 42, 75, 80, 84, 139, 140,

175, 176, 242, 421, 428, 434, 569, 606, 630
Stories of, 889, 893-4

Quoted, 77, 102, 140, 424, 480, 529, note
On the duty of a king, 569 sq.

On witchcraft, 175

Spedding on, 414, 721, note

James, St., quoted, 158, 424

Jason, the Thessalian, 71, 571, 875

Jesting, antitheta as to, 554

Jesuits, 50, 762

Services of, 63, 209

As educators, 132, note; 559, 560

Jews, and Christians, 724

Job, book of, quoted, 45, 62, 187, 685

Natural philosophy in, 187, 209

Vanity of attempts to found science on, 272

Joculary arts, 108

Jodelle, 525, note

Jonson, Ben, account of Bacon by, 8, note

Joule, experiments of, 322, note; 356, note; 367,


Journals, 85, 436

Judges, 589, 590, 802

Judgment, arts of, 117, 514 sq.

Place of, in logic, 124

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Law, words of, antitheses as to, 557
And force, 613

Bases of, 613 sq.

Proper characters of, 614 sq.

Science and practice of, 626 sq.
Institutes of, needed, 626

Antiquities of, to be studied, 627
Code of, called for, 627

Extra-judicial consultations in, 628

Laws, not written of by statesmen, 166

Of heaven and earth, 168

General view of, 613 sq.

Certainty of, how to secure, 614, 630
Obscurity of, 624

Modes of expounding, 625

Lawyers, limitations of, 47

Talk in bonds, 612

Treatment of law by, 166

Do not push their fortunes, 603
League, doctrine of the, 479 sq.

Leagues, political, 798

Learned men, poorly provided for, 76, 422

In law, answers of, 627

Learning, disparagement of, by politiques, 46

Flourished with arms, 46

Idle objections to, 48
Diseases of, 53, 56

In princes and rulers, 64 sq.

Effect of, on manners, 71

Effect of,on mental troubles, 72

Dominion of over men, 73

Need for a history of, 80, 431

And wisdom, 150

Compared to a hawk, 155

New birth of, 167

Promoted by Protestantism, 209

By the Jesuits, 209

Shipwreck of, on fall of Roman Empire, 278

Three revolutions of, 279, 630

Antitheta as to, 552

See Knowledge

Lectures, legal, 629

Lecturers, in colleges, 76, 423

Legislators, advice to, 166

Leibnitz, quoted, 27, 29, note; 31, 266, note; 304,

note; 351, note; 472, note

Referred to, 335, note; 360, note; 362, note;
481, note

And the atomic theory, 642

On perception and apperception, 497, note

His monadism and Bacon's, 642-3

On Bacon and Descartes, 643

Leicester, Earl of, 889

Leo of Phliuns, 565, note

Lepanto, battle of, 611, 773

Lepidus, 592

Lesbian rule, a, 624

Leucippus, school of, 269, 271, 376, 687

Levant, monarchism in, 52

Use of real characters in, 121

Lever, Bacon unaware of theory of the, 531, note

Levity, supposed motion of, 512 sq.

Liebig, quoted, 372, note

Lies, the love of, 736

Life, Prolongation of, 489

Health of, and length of, 490

Antitheta as to, 348

Light and colour, 197

Transmission of, 360, 363

Not properly inquired into, 497
Form of, 497

See Whiteness

Light (Theory), need for experiments of, 245,
275, 296

Light, human understanding not a dry, 267
Lightning, 311, 317

Like and unlike. See Similarity and Diversity
Limbs, degrees of heat in, 316

Differentiation of, 334

Lime, heat of, 313-4

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Mixed, 477

Matter, theory of, in Bacon's system, 17
Changes in, 267, 307

Indestructibility of, 354, 667, 837, 840

Ancient theories of, 443, 446

Passions of, 462

Appetites of, 466

Primary, 647 sq., 833

Telesius on, 657 sq.

Sum of, eternal, 666

Matthew, Sir Tobie, on Bacon, 9, note

Bacon's friendship for, 39, 735

Measures, in verse, 123

Mechanical arts, slight progress of, 207, 259

Said to be progressing, 243

Wealth of, 282

Mechanics, 473

Medicine, art of, 103 sq., 482 sq., 483 sq.

Deficiencies of, 105, 107

Experimental, 107

Effects of, on nature, 172
Development of, 194, 276
Function of, threefold, 484
Schools of, 488, note
Suggestions as to, 508
Medicines, 107, 385, 487-8
Medusa, fable of, 448, 825-6

Megalotti, quoted, 362

Melanchthon, on the soul, 496, note

Melloni, cited, 309, note

Memnon, fable of, 838 sq.

Memory, 120, 518 sq.

Little enquired of, 121, 519
Investigation of, 331 sq.
Art of, 508, 518

Helps to, 518 sq.

Menander, quoted, 149, 577
Mendoza, 867-8

Menenius Agrippa, 441
Menstrua, 384

Mercury, fable of, 825

The planet, motions of, 684, note; 689
Mersenne and Bacon, 38, 225, 311, note

On light and heat, 311, note

Metals, heat in, 314, 317

Resemblances and diversities in, 383

Supposed generation of, 384

Metaphors, uses of, 69

Metaphysics, Bacon's conception of, 19, 93,

95 sq., 307, 458 sq., 469 sq.

Metellus, 70

Meteors, 311

Proposed history of, 404, 430
Meteorology, 400

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Motion, continued.
Molecular, 305-6,-note
And heat, 313, 318

Heat, a mode of, 322, 323 sq.
Fanciful theories of, 341

Apparent and real, problem of, not understood
by Bacon, 345, and note; 461, note

Of projectiles, 347

Nineteen modes of, 366 sq., 466 sq.
Celestial, 461, 657, 705, 706, 709
Voluntary, 496

Essential to matter, 651, 667

Mountains, high, free of snow on top, 309
Much and little, inquiry as to, 28, 90, 455
Müller, Max, on mythology, 816 sq.
Muses, the, 854, 857

Music and medicine, 104, 483

And painting, 108, note

Of the spheres, 445, note

And ethics, 455

For masques, 782

Mustapha, 758

Mutianus, his treatment of Antonius, 156
A great politique, 159, 599, 800, 807
Quoted, 741

Mysteries of theology, 204, 209, 456

The more incredible, the more honour in believ-
ing, 631

Explanation of, by reason, 632 sq.

Of nature, 209, 456

Mythology, Bacon's attitude to, 441, note; 815 sq.,
822 sq.

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402, 403

Must be connected with the sciences, 280
Checks superstition and nourishes faith, 286
Nature, meaning of word, in Bacon, 16
In Aristotle, 31

And God, 32-3, 209, 320, 456

And art, 34, 207, 259, 380, 427, 678, 841
The infinity of, 34

Threefold aspect of, 80, 402, 427, 678-9

To be imitated in business, 163

Interpretation of, 115, 189, 249, 258, 262, 264
Original inventions of, not many, 207, 282

Study of, not restrained by true religion, 204,

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Rational (=sophistical) school, 270-1
Rawley, Dr., Life of Bacon by, 1-15
Remarks by, 216, 710, 712, 808, 810
Referred to, 734, 808, 859 sq.
Raymund Lully, 127, 533
Realism in Bacon's system, 22

In the schools, 496, note
Reason, disturbances of, 127

Use of, in religion, 169, 170, 632 sq.
Better use of, to be aimed at, 249, 251
And imagination, 499

Little used for invention, 502

Religion not grounded on, 631, 632
Rebellions, 175, 819

Redemption, 174

Reflection, of sun's rays, 310, 347
Refraction, 35

Refrigeration, 510

See Congelation

Regiomontanus, 780

Reid, Col., his theory of storms, 399

Religion, and reason, 169, 499

And knowledge, 186, 204

Blind zeal in, a hindrance to science, 208, 20

210, 272, 285-6

Mode of appeal to the mind, 499

Depends on revelation, 169, 631, 632

Essay on unity in, 738

Effects of difference in, 835

See Divinity, Theology, and Mysteries

Religions, vicissitudes of, 805

Remoras, effect of, 96, 471

Reporters, legal, 625

Reputation, antitheses as to, 548

Resemblances, 334

Respiration, on mountain tops, 310

Responsa prudentum, in law, 627-8, note
Rest, in Nature, 684, 705

Revelation, 453

Alone can give knowledge of the rational sou

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