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Abel and Cain, types of contemplative and active
life, 61

Abridgments, condemned, 433

Abstract qualities, Bacon's view of, 16, 200, 221,
467, 503, note

Abstractions, spurious, 269

Danger of dwelling on, 303

Academics, the, 114

Academy, the later Platonic, 274, 277, 504

Acatalepsia, 114, 274, 277, 299

Acceleration of falling bodies, 506, and note

Accident, discoveries originating in, 112-113, 221,

260, 282, 297, 447, 501, 831

Achelous, 845, 857

Achilles, 89, 838

Acids, effects of, 314

Acosta, quoted, 522

On the Milky Way, 696, note

Acoustics, 455

Acratus, 450, 839

Acroamatic method, 531

Actæon and Pentheus, fable of, 834

Acting, use of, in education, 132, note; 560

Action and contemplation, 135, 564 sq.

Actium, battle of, 611, 773

Adam, 247, 443

Adonis, 55

Admiralty Manual of Scientific Inquiry, 400, and


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Aristotle, philosophy of, disliked by Bacon, 2, 26,

191, 209, 271, 285, 467, 650, 651, 690, 800, 850!
Greatness of, 852

On induction, 15

On analogies, 25, note

On metaphysics, 27

On the sciences, 27, 271

His doctrine of the categories, 27-8

On the soul or spirit, 30, 493, note; 496, note

On nature, 31, 32, 271, 427, note

Authority of, 37, 55, 58, 191, 210, 278, 671
Wisdom and integrity of, 57, 459, 467
Helped by Alexander, 77, 289, 423

His spirit of contradiction, 93, 210, 274, 285, 458

His problems, 99, 467

Compared to the Sultans, 100, 274, 467, 649
On the body, 102, 111, 480

On forms, 111, 443

On the Sophists, 115, 511

On Elenches, 117, 516

On Congruity, 120

On words, 121

On Plato, 532, note

On Democritus, 126, 532 and note

On Sophisms and Elenches, 129

On young men, 134, 146, 563, 575

On contemplative and active life, 135, 564

On virtue, 139, 147, 572, 577

On conversation, 143

On the affections, 144, 574

On custom, 145, 574-5

On bias, 145

Logic of, 178-9

On hasty opinion, 193

On axioms, 196

Attitude of, to sense, 211

On infinite divisibility, 266, nole

Corrupted natural philosophy, 271, 288, 650
Did not consult experience, 271

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His view of induction, 14 sq., 220

His view of science, 15. (See also Scriptures and

His view of his own method, 21, 204, 220, 246,
256-7, 270, 289, 293-5, 297-8, 299, 301
His method useless, 22

Essential character of his philosophy, 24, 33 sq.
Why called utilitarian, 34. (See also Utility)
Thought nature limited, 35

His theology, 36-7, 45

Did not fulfil us own precepts, 37

Expurgates his works for Catholics, 50, note; 53,
61, 63, 68, 75, 76, 84, 110, notes.
Dates of his writings, 184, 213 sq.

Magnitude and impossibility of his scheme, 215
Spedding's plea for it, 388 sq.

Whether disposed to a secret teaching, 220 sq.,
234 sq.

States his aims, 241 sq., 246, 249, 251 sq.
Views of his own originality, 279, 293-4
Did not seek to found a school, 294-5

Did not claim to discover induction, 291, note
Meant his method to cover mental science, 299
His proposed experiments already made, 311,


Anticipated modern theory of heat, 322

Bacon, Francis, continued.

Did not understand the astronomical problem,
345, note; 373, note; 461, note; 675, 706, note
Planned an ingenious experiment as to weight,

Had not seen microscopes, 351, note

Anticipated the Florentine experiment, 362
Partly accepted astrology, 462-4
Ill-informed as to mechanics, etc., 473-7
Called himself a herald, not a combatant, 478
The Sylva Sylvarum his last work, 511, note
Claimed to be fitted chiefly for literature, 606
Extolled by Leibnitz, 643

Opposed the Copernican system, 364, 375, 461,

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223-4, 263-4

Bain marie, 382, note

Bajazet, 758

Banks, 786

Baranzan, Bacon's letter to, 215, 413

Barentz, voyage of, 310, note

Bark, effluvia of, 314, note
Basilisk, fable of, 140, 570

Baths, in medicine, 107

Beauty, antitheta as to, 546
Bees, Virgil on, 76

Method of, 225, 288

Instinct and skill of, 502, note
Belasio, ciphers by, 637

Berengario, anatomical device by, 486, nole

Berosus, on the moon, 675

Bettenham, Mr., quoted, 885

Bias, quoted, 164, 603, 879, 883

Biography, value of, 82, 84, 433

Bion, 755, 867, 884

Birds and animals, analogies between, 25

Births, monstrous, 336

Blaesus, 132, 560

Bodley, 216, 217

Bodies, motions of, 273, 305

Transmutation of, 302, 304-6

Body, human, mixed nature of, 103, 483

Relation of, to mind, 481

Boemund, 221

Boldness, antitheta as to, 554

Essay on, 748

Books, the most lasting momorials, 73-4
Futility of most, 282

Boole, his Laws of Thought, 335, note
Borgias, the, 99, 263, 598, 865

Boeckh, quoted, 685, note; 686, note
Boscovich theory of 304, note

Bouguer, experiment by, 347, note

Bouilhet, his ed. of Bacon, 16, note; 213, 229 note

His criticism of Bacon, 29

On Bacon's proposed courts, 617, note
Quoted, 686, note

Boussingault, cited, 309, note; 371, note

Brahe, Tycho, Astronomy of, 671, 675, 681, note;
684, note; 685

Brain, Plato's view of, 103
Branch, the golden, 856
Bread, art of making, 282
Briareus, fable of, 89, 793
Bribery, 589, 747

Charges of against Bacon, 4-5, nole

Brisquet, story of, 880

British Association, 400

Brodie, on vivisection, 487, note
Brook, Lord, on Bacon, ro
Bromley, Mr., 86

Browne, Dr., story of, 885-6

Sir T., 809

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On the tides, 364, note

Caesar, Julius, learning of, 43

Eloquence of, 46

Referred to, 49, 68, 140, 195, 479, 611, 767

Traits of, 69-71, 158, 594, 598, 601, 807, 875,
879, 882

Quoted, 78, 154, note; 155, 161, 162, 424, 544,
600-1, 602, 754, 785, 885

Work of, On Analogies, 70, 122, note; 523, and

Darkness at death of, 693

Cain and Abel, 744

Calculuses of inference, 335, note

Calendar-glasses, 318, 328, 355

Calendar of Man's estate, called for, 99, 183, 195

Of doubts, need for, 100, 467

Of falsehoods and popular errors, called for, 467

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Causes, continued.

Kinds of, 302 sq.

Classification of, 359-60

Physical, send men to God and Providence, 472
See Final Causes

Caution, 159, 600

Cave, idols of the, 119, note; 199, 201, 224, 229,

239, 263-4, 268, 517

Plato's allegory of the, 119, 517

Caves, uses of, 378

Celestial bodies, proposed history of, 404, 430, 681
Questions concerning, 682 sq.

Celibacy, 743

Cells, in tissues, 334, note

Celsus, on vivisection, 106, 486

On sects of physicians, 112

On knowledge of causes, 194, 276, 277, note; 501
On care of health, 775

Ceremonies, fortify the imagination, 495

Antitheta as to, 554

Ceremonies and Respects, essay on, 799
Ceres, 442, 447, 829, 855
Certainty in induction, 14

Chamberlain, John, letters of, 440, and note

Chance, inventions made by, 112, 207, 221, 250

282, 292, 297, 447, 501, 831

Chancery, Court of, 619, note

Chaos, myth of, 446, 639 sq., 647 sq., 839 sq.
Character, how disclosed, 597
Charity, 147, 577

Charles, the Hardy, 768

Charles, of Sweden, 870-1
Charles V, quoted, 165, 605

VIII, 263, note; 448

Chart, the human, 377
Chasles, quoted, 275, note

Referred to, 476, note

Chastity, antitheta as to, 549, 743

Chemistry, backward state of, 277

Children and parents, essay on, 742

Chilon, quoted, 874, 883

Chinese, use of real characters by, 121, 282, 521,

522, note

Characters of, for numbers, 275

Exclusiveness of, 720

Chiron, allegory of, 89

Chocolate, use of, in fasting, 729, note

Christ, 64, 66, 105, 170, 482

Quoted, 64, 65, 93, 116, 147, 188, 210, 286, 45),
511, 545, 577, 583, 603, 606, 632, 633

Christianity, 102, 135, 481, 564.

Sometimes turned against science, 205
A great furtherer of science, 205
Drew men to theology, 279
Use of reason in, 632
Chrysippus, 89, 128, 822
Church, early state of, 63
How far inspired, 170
Garment of, 170
Government of, 175, 738
Favourable to learning, 209

Measure of liberty in, 633 sq.

Cicero, letters of, to Atticus, 47, 579, 593

Quoted, 51, 59, 76, 84, 116, 131, 141, 149, 150,

164, 422, 502, 511, 524, 545, 560, 579, 611, 755,

Stories of, 866, 867, 869

On Socrates, 101, 192, 478

Cult of, 54

Referred to, 114, 570, 580, 845

On Cæsar, 140, 543

On Augustus, 162

On eloquence, 192, 193, 511, 535, 789

Cicelo, Quintus, 580, note; 581
Cider-making, 507

Cineas, story of, 880

Cioli, 735

Ciphers, kinds of, 123, 525 sq., 636 sq.
Circe, 483

Circle, demonstration in, 518

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