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Of the second principal branch of Learning, namely, Poesy. Division of Poesy into Narrative, Dramatic, and Parabolical. Three examples of Parabolical Poesy are propounded.



Division of Science into Theology and Philosophy. Division of Philosophy into three doctrines; concerning the Deity, concerning Nature, and concerning Man. Constitution of Primary Philosophy as the common mother of all.


Of Natural Theology; and the doctrine concerning Angels and Spirits, which is an appendix of the same.


Division of Natural Philosophy into Speculative and Operative. And that these two ought to be kept separate, both in the intention of the writer and in the body of the treatise.


Division of Speculative doctrine concerning nature, into Physic (special) and Metaphysic. Whereof Physic inquires of the Efficient Cause and the Material; Metaphysic of the Final Cause and the Form. Division of Physic (special) into doctrine concerning the Principles of Things, concerning the Fabric of Things, or the world; and concerning the Variety of Things. Division of the doctrine concerning the Variety of Things into doctrine concerning things concrete, and doctrine concerning things abstract. The division of the doctrine concerning things concrete is referred to the same divisions which Natural History receives. Division of the doctrine concerning things abstract, into doctrine concerning the Configuration of Matter, and the doctrine concerning motions. Two appendices of Speculative Physic: natural problems, and dogmas of the ancient philosophers. Division of Metaphysic into doctrine concerning Form, and doctrine concerning Final Causes.


Division of the operative doctrine concerning Nature into Mechanic and Magic, which correspond to the divisions of the speculative doctrine: Mechanic answering to Physic, Magic to Metaphysic. Purification of the word Magic. Two appendices of the operative doctrine. Inventory of the possessions of man; and Catalogue of Polychrests, or things of general use.


Of the great Appendix of Natural Philosophy, both speculative and operative, namely Mathematics: and that it ought rather to be placed among appendices than among sub. stantive science. Division of Mathematics into Pure and Mixed.


Division of the doctrine concerning Man into Philosophy of Humanity and Philosophy Civil. Division of the Philosophy of Humanity into doctrine concerning the Body of Man, and doctrine concerning the Soul of Man. Constitution of one general doctrine concerning the Nature or the State of Man. Division of the doctrine concerning the State of Man into doctrine concerning the Person of Man, and concerning the League of Mind and Body. Division of the doctrine concerning the Person of Man into doctrine concerning the Miseries of Man, and concerning his Prerogatives. Division of the doctrine concerning the League, into doctrine concerning Indications and concerning Impressions. Assignation of Physiognomy and Interpretation of Natural Dreams to the doctrine concerning Indications.


Division of the doctrine concerning the Body of Man into Medicine, Cosmetic, Athletic, and Voluptuary. Division of Medicine into three offices; viz. the Preservation of Health, the Cure of Diseases, and the Prolongation of Life. And that the last division concerning the prolongation of Life ought to be kept separate from the other two.


Division of Human Philosophy relating to the Soul into doctrine concerning the Breath of Life and doctrine concerning the Sensible or Produced Spirit. Second division of the same Philosophy into doctrine concerning the Substance and Faculties of the Soul, and doctrine concerning the Use and Objects of the Faculties. Two appendices to the doctrine concerning the Faculties of the Soul : doctrine concerning Natural Divination, and doctrine concerning Fascination. Distribution of the faculties of the Sensible Soul into Motion and Sense.


Division of the doctrine concerning the use and objects of the Faculties of the Human Soul into Logic and Ethics. Division of Logic into the arts of Discovering, of Judging, of Retaining, and of Transmitting.


Division of the Art of Discovering into discovery of Arts and discovery of Arguments and that the former of these (which is the most important) is wanting. Division of the art of discovery of Arts into Learned Experience and the New Organon. Description of Learned Experience.


Division of the art of discovery of Arguments into the Promptuary, and Topics. Division of Topics into General and Particular. Example of a Particular Topic, in an inquiry concerning Heavy and Light.


Division of the art of Judging into judgment by Induction and judgment by Syllogism. The first whereof is referred to the New Organon. First division of Judgment by Syllogism into Reduction Direct and Reduction Inverse. Second division of the same into Analytic, and doctrine concerning Detection of Fallacies. Division of the doctrine concerning the detection of fallacies into detection of sophistical fallacies, fallacies of interpretation, and fallacies of false appearances or Idols. Division of Idols into Idols of the Tribe, Idols of the Cave, and Idols of the Market-place. Appendix to the Art of Judging; viz. concerning the Analogy of Demonstrations according to the nature of the subject.


Division of the Art of Retaining into the doctrine concerning the Helps of Memory and the doctrine concerning Memory itself. Division of the doctrine concerning Memory itself into Prenotion and Emblem.


Division of the art of Transmitting into the doctrine concerning the Organ of Discourse, the doctrine concerning the Method of Discourse, and the doctrine concerning the Illustration of Discourse. Division of the doctrine concerning the organ of discourse into the doctrine concerning the Notations of Things, concerning Speech, and concerning Writing. Whereof the two first constitute Grammar and are divisions of it. Division of the doctrine concerning the notations of things into Hieroglyphics, and Real Characters. Second division of Grammar into Literary and Philosophic. Reference of Poesy in respect of metre to the doctrine concerning Speech. Reference of the doctrine concerning ciphers to the doctrine concerning Writing.


The doctrine concerning the Method of Discourse is made a substantive and principal part of the art of transmitting; and is named Wisdom of Transmission. Different kinds of method are enumerated, with a note of their advantages and disadvantages.


Of the foundations and office of the doctrine concerning Illustration of Discourse, or Rhetoric. Three appendices of Rhetoric, which relate only to the Promptuary; Colours of Good and Evil, both simple and comparative; Antitheses of things; Lesser Forms of Speeches.


Two general appendices of the Art of Transmission; Critical and Pedagogical.



Division of Moral Knowledge into the Exemplar or Platform of Good, and the Georgics or Culture of the Mind. Division of the Platform of Good into Simple and Comparative Good. Division of Simple Good into Individual Good, and Good of Communion.


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Division of Individual or Self-Good into Active and Passive Good. Division of Passive Good into Conservative and Perfective Good. Division of the Good of Communion into General and Respective Duties.


Division of the doctrine concerning the Culture of the Mind into the doctrine concerning the Characters of Minds, the Affections, and the Remedies or Cures. Appendix of this same doctrine, touching the Congruity between the Good of the Mind and the Good of the Body.


Division of Civil Knowledge into the doctrine concerning Conversation, Negotiation, and Empire or State Government.


Divison of the doctrine concerning Negotiation into the doctrine concerning Scattered Occasions and the doctrine concerning Advancement in Life. Example of the doctrine concerning Scattered Occasions from some of the Proverbs of Solomon. Precepts concerning Advancement in Life.


The divisions of the doctrine concerning Empire or Government are omitted ;-An Introduction only is made to two Deficients; namely, the doctrine concerning the Extension of the Bounds of Empire, and the doctrine concerning Universal Justice, or the Fountains of Law.


The divisions of Inspired Divinity are omitted;-Introduction only is made to three Deficients; namely, the doctrine concerning the Legitimate Use of the Human Reason in Divine Subjects; the doctrine concerning the Degrees of Unity in the Kingdom of God; and the Emanations of the Scriptures.



Book II.1


It might seem to have more convenience, excellent King, though it come often otherwise to pass, that those who are fruitful in their generations, and have as it were the foresight of immortality in their descendants, should likewise be more careful than other men of the good estate of future times, to which they know they must transmit these their dearest pledges. Queen Elizabeth, rather a sojourner in the world than an inhabitant, in respect of her unmarried life, was an ornament to her own times and prospered them in many ways. But to your Majesty (whom God in His goodness has already blessed with so much royal issue, worthy to continue and represent you for ever, and whose youthful and fruitful bed still promises more 3) it is proper and convenient not only to shed a lustre (as you do) on your own age, but also to extend your care to those things which all memory may preserve and which are in their nature eternal. Amongst which (if affection for learning transport me not) there is not any more noble or more worthy than the further endowment of the world with sound and fruitful knowledge. For how long shall we let a few received authors stand up like Hercules' columns, beyond which there shall be no sailing or discovery in science, when we have so bright and benign a star as your Majesty to conduct and prosper us?

To return then to the matter in hand: let us now review and consider with ourselves what has hitherto been done by kings and others for the increase and advancement of learning, and what has been left undone; and let us discuss the question solidly and distinctly, in a style active and masculine, without digressing or dilating. We may begin then by assuming (which will not be disputed) that all the greatest and most difficult works are overcome either by amplitude of reward, or by prudence and soundness of direction, or by conjunction of labours; whereof the first stimulates endeavour, the second removes uncertainty and error, and the third supplies the frailty of man. But of these three, prudence and soundness of direction,-that is, the pointing out and setting forth of the straight and ready way to the thing which is to be done,-must be placed first. For the cripple in the right way (as the saying is) outstrips the runner in the wrong. And Solomon observes, most aptly to the point in question, that "if the iron be blunt it requireth more strength, but wisdom is that which prevaileth "4; signifying that the prudent choice of the mean is more effectual for the purpose than either the enforcement or the accumulation of endeavours. This I am induced to say, for that (not derogating from the honour of those who have been in any way deservers towards the state of learning) I observe nevertheless that most of their works and acts have had in view rather their own magnificence and memory than the progress and advancement of learning, and have rather augmented the number of learned men than raised and rectified the sciences themselves.

1 For the first book (which relates to the Dignity of Learning), see the "Advancement of Learning" above, pp. 43-74. The Latin differs so little from the English in that book, that a translation would be little else than a reprint. And the eight remaining books of the De Augmentis Scientiarum, considered as a treatise on the Divisions of the Sciences, are complete in themselves.-J. S.

2 Here the first part of the Instauratio Magna, the Partitiones Scientiarum, properly begins; the nine following pages being the preface.-J. S.

3 This passage, being transferred from the Advancement of Learning, must be considered of course as written in 1605.-J. S. 4 Eccles. x. 10.

The works or acts which pertain to the advancement of learning are conversant about three objects; the places of learning, the books of learning, and the persons of the learned. For as water, whether it be the dew of Heaven or the springs of the earth, easily scatters and loses itself in the ground, except it be collected into some receptacle where it may by union and consort comfort and sustain itself (and for that cause the industry of man has devised aqueducts, cisterns, and pools, and likewise beautified them with various ornaments, for magnificence and state as well as for use and necessity); so this excellent liquor of knowledge, whether it descend from divine inspiration or spring from human sense, would soon perish and vanish into oblivion, if it were not preserved in books, traditions, and conferences; and especially in places appointed for such matters, as universities, colleges, and schools, where it may have both a fixed habitation and means and opportunity of increasing and collecting itself.

And first, the works which concern the places of learning are four; buildings, endowments with revenues, grants of franchises and privileges, and institutions and ordinances of government; all tending (for the most part) to retirement and quietness of life, and a release from cares and trouble; like the stations which Virgil prescribes for the hiving of honey bees.

Principio sedes apibus statioque petenda,
Quo neque sit ventis aditus, etc.5

The principal works touching books are two; first, libraries, which are as the shrines wherein all the relics of the ancient saints full of true virtue are preserved. Secondly, new editions of authors, with more correct impressions, more faithful translations, more profitable commentaries, more diligent annotations, and the like.

The works pertaining to the persons of the learned (besides the advancement and countenancing of them in general) are likewise two. The remuneration and designation of lecturers in arts already extant and invented; and the remuneration and appointment of writers and inquirers concerning those parts of learning not yet sufficiently laboured or prosecuted.

These are summarily the works and acts wherein the merits of many excellent princes and other illustrious personages towards learning have been manifested. As for the particular commemoration of any one who has deserved well of literature, I call to mind what Cicero said when, on his return from exile, he gave general thanks; "It is hard to remember all, ungrateful to pass by any" 6. Let us rather (after the advice of Scripture) look forward to that part of the race which is still to be run, than look back to that which has been passed.

First therefore, among so many noble foundations of colleges in Europe, I find it strange that they are all dedicated to professions, and none left free to the study of arts and sciences at large. For if men judge that learning should be referred to use and action, they judge well; but it is easy in this to fall into the error pointed at in the ancient fable; in which the other parts of the body found fault with the stomach, because it neither performed the office of motion as the limbs do, nor of sense, as the head does; but yet notwithstanding it is the stomach which digests and distributes the aliment to all the rest. So if any man think that Philosophy and Universality are idle and unprofitable studies, he does not consider that all arts and professions are from thence supplied with sap and strength. And this I take to be a great cause, which has so long hindered the more flourishing progress of learning; because these fundamental knowledges have been studied but in passage, and not drunk deeper of. For if you will have a tree bear more fruit than it has used to do, it is not anything you can do to the boughs, but it is the stirring of the earth, and putting richer mould about the roots, that must work it. Neither is it to be forgotten that this dedication of colleges and societies to the use only of professory learning has not only 5 Virg. Georg. iv. 8. :-First for thy bees a quiet station find,

And lodge them under covert of the wind.

6 Cicero, Post Red. c. 12.

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