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2. When it is guilty of an open denial of justice.

3. When its award is proved to have been obtained by fraud or corruption.

4. And when the terms of the award are equivocal.

5. Some authorities add that the decision may also be disregarded if it is absolutely contrary to the rules of justice or International Law.

38. The cost of maintaining the tribunal shall be borne pro ratâ by the States concurring in its organisation. The cost of any particular reference to Arbitration shall be borne by the contending parties in equal shares; unless the award includes the payment of costs.

39. A permanent tribunal, besides hearing and deciding judicially matters in difference, should be empowered, at the instance of any two or more nations, to express an extrajudicial opinion on any question of law or interpretation of Treaties, with the object of preventing differences arising in the future.

40. It should also be ready, in view of conferences or congresses of Sovereigns and Statesmen, to suggest modifications and alterations with reference to International Law on points of difference which remain unsettled, and on which conflict of opinion may exist.

2. Lorsque la teneur de la sentence est absolument contraire aux règles de la justice;

3. Lorsque la sentence a été obtenue par fraude ou corruption;

4. Lorsque les termes de la sentence sont équivoques;

5. Selon quelques autorités : lorsque la sentence est absolument contraire aux règles de justice ou de droit international.

38. Chacun des Etats contractants contribuera, dans des proportions à déterminer, aux frais du tribunal. Les frais de chaque procédure seront supportés par chacune des nations litigantes, par parts égales, à moins que le jugement ne comprenne le paiement des frais.

39. Outre le devoir de trancher par voie juridique les litiges qui lui sont soumis, le tribunal aura celui d'exprimer, sur la demande de deux ou plusieurs nations, son opinion sur des questions de droit ou sur l'interprétation de traités, en vue de prévenir des litiges dans l'avenir.

40. Il devra aussi se préparer à faire des propositions aux conférences ou congrès de souverains et d'hommes d'Etat, pour des modifications aux lois internationales sur des points qui n'ont pas encore été réglés, et sur lesquels les opinions different.



Prepared by the Special Committee of the International Law Association, appointed in London 10th October, 1893, and revised by the Conference at Brussels, 1st and 2nd October, 1895.

1. Unless it be intended that all possible differences between the nations, parties to the Treaty, are to be referred to Arbitration, the class of differences to be referred must be defined.

2. If the Agreement for Arbitration does not specify the number and names of the Arbitrators, the Tribunal of Arbitration shall be constituted according to rules prescribed by that Agreement or by another Convention.

3. If the Tribunal is to be specially constituted, the place of meeting must be fixed. This should be outside the territories of the parties to the controversy.

4. If the Tribunal consists of more than two members, provision should be made for the decision of all questions by a majority of the Arbitrators; but the dissentient members should have the right of recording their dissent.

5. Each party should be required to appoint an agent to repre sent it in all matters connected with the Arbitration.

6. The Treaty should provide that if doubts arise as to whether a given subject of controversy be comprised among those agreed upon as subjects of Arbitration in it, and if one of the parties require the doubt to be settled by Arbitration, the other party must submit to such Arbitration, but may require that the judgment be limited to the admissibility of the demand for Arbitration.

7. Unless the Treaty otherwise provide, the procedure should be by case, counter-case, and printed argument, each delivered by both parties simultaneously at a fixed date, with final oral argument. The periods of time allowed for the delivery of cases, counter-cases, and printed arguments should be fixed by the Treaty, but the Tribunal should have the power of extending the time. The Tribunal itself should fix the time for hearing the oral argument.


Etablie par un Comité Spécial de l'Association de Droit International constitué à Londres le 10me Octobre 1893, revisées par le Congrès de Bruxelles le 1 et 2 Octobre 1895.


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1. La nature des contestations qui seront soumises à l'arbitrage, devra être déterminée, à moins toutefois qu'il ne soit convenu entre les nations, parties au traité, que toute contestation, quelle qu'elle soit, surgissant entre elles, relèvera du tribunal arbitral.

2. A défaut de désignation, dans le compromis, du nombre et des noms des arbitres, le tribunal arbitral sera composé selon les prescriptions du compromis ou d'une autre convention.

3. Si un tribunal spécial doit être constitué, le lieu de sa réunion sera fixé en dehors du territoire des nations en cause.

4. Au cas où le tribunal comprendrait plus de deux membres, des dispositions spéciales devront être prises pour que la décision de toutes les questions soient tranchées à la majorité des arbitres. Mais la minorité aura le droit de faire consigner son dissentiment.

5. Chaque partie sera invitée à désigner un mandataire la représenter pour tout ce qui pourrait toucher à l'arbitrage.


6. Au cas où un doute s'élèverait sur le point de savoir si tel sujet donné de contestation est compris parmi ceux soumis à l'arbitrage, et où l'une des parties demanderait que ce doute fût tranché par arbitrage, le traité prévoira que l'autre partie devra accepter le dit arbitrage, sauf le droit pour elle de réclamer que le jugement à intervenir soit restreint à la recevabilité de cette demande d'arbitrage.


7. A moins de disposition contraire dans le traité, la procédure consistera en un exposé de la demande, une réponse et des mémoires imprimés produits par les deux parties, concuremment, à la date déterminée; elle se terminera par un débat oral. délai pour produire la demande, la réponse et les mémoires imprimés sera fixé par le traité, mais le tribunal aura le pouvoir de proroger le délai. Le tribunal lui-même fixera la date du débat oral.

8. Either party should be entitled to require production of any document in the possession or under the control of the other party, which in the opinion of the Tribunal is relevant to a question in dispute, and to the production of which there is, in its opinion, no sufficient objection.

9. Neither party should be entitled to put in evidence documents (hereinafter called "domestic documents") which, having existed, or purporting to have existed, before the difference arose, were in possession of or known by one party or its predecessors in title, and not communicated to the other party or its predecessors in title before the difference arose.

10. Solemn written statements made by a witness before a public officer should be admissible in evidence as proof of relevant facts, subject to the right hereinafter mentioned of crossexamining the witness. The value of such statements would be for the Tribunal to determine.

11. Either party should be entitled to require the other to produce, for oral examination before the Tribunal at the hearing, any witness making on behalf of that other party such a statement as is mentioned in Article 10, whether the witness be amenable to the jurisdiction of the other party or not. When a witness cannot be produced before the Tribunal, the Tribunal may commission the judicial authorities exercising jurisdiction over the place of the witness's domicile to hold the necessary cross-examination. If it is found impossible to procure the attendance of the witness for cross-examination, it shall be open to the Tribunal to reject his


12. Irrelevant evidence, domestic documents, and the statements of witnesses not produced for oral examination though required, may, on the application of the party against which they are adduced, be expunged by the Tribunal; and the Tribunal, on a like application, should be at liberty to direct the reprinting of any volume of case, counter-case, printed argument, or appendix, in which the same should appear or be discussed.

13. The decision should be embodied in a written award in duplicate, made and delivered to the agents within a specified time from the close of the hearing. Interlocutory judgments or orders need not be published, but shall be notified to the agents of the parties.

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