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No. 1 of VOL. XII.]


Hac olim meminisse juvabit.—VIRGIL.


The terms of the WEEKLY REGISTER are five dol- sible for gentlemen possessing it to experience any fars per annum, payable in advance.

Complete files of the work, from September, 1811, may be had as follows:

For the 6 years' subscription, up to Sept. 1817, S30 extra supplements to vols. 5, 7, 8 and 9, 4

difficulty in immediately referring to any article
sought for, or to trace any chain of events or things
happening at a particular place, their time and pro-
minent feature being also inserted in the index

$34 Revolutionary speeches, orations, &c.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. If desired bound, an additional charge of 87 Kentucky, 15th February, 1817. Gents per vol. for binding. There are two volumes DEAR SIR-In my letter of the 25th December, in a year. Copies bound, or in sheets, may be obtained at Salem, Boston, Newport, New-York, Al- 1816, I merely adverted to the subject suggested bany, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Rich-by an anonymous correspondent, respecting the mond, Norfolk, Petersburg, Fredericksburg, Lynch-publication of a supplement to contain Revolutionburg, Leesburg, Charleston, Savannah, and New-ary Orations, &c. Since the date of my letter I acOrleans, free of additional cost to the purchaser for cidentally reverted to the communication of your freight, also at Pittsburg, Louisville and Cincinnati, correspondent, and a re-perusal of it gave me strong and soon hereafter at Chilicothe, at a small advance, er impressions than I had at first entertained of its importance, and interest, and essential utility. You partly to meet the extra cost of transportation. ask, "Can the materials be got? Would the publi

an error,

We this day commence the 12th volume of the cation be sufficiently patronized?” and “respectfully WEEKLY REGISTER, with a fixed resolution to perse-solicit answers to these questions from ail the vere in its old and approved plan, with all the in-friends of the REGISTER." As a firm friend to the dustry and care needful to a continuance of the editor and the work, I would respectfully suggest flattering reputation which is now attached to the ny views upon this interesting subject. I advanced work. The editor, always happy in the advice of my opinion in my last letter to you, but my reasong his friends, and willing to correct and acknowledge for that opinion were but faintly, if at all, expressed. That America is one day to be a great, a mighty if properly informed that he has committed one, has had too much experience in his pro- and a powerful nation; that she will make a figure fession, is too well defended by [what he hopes is] upon the page of future history, which will dazzie an honest pride, and has too great a regard for the the eyes and win the admiration of future genera good opinion of his most respectable and still tions; that the track which she is destined to purgrowing list of subscribers, to be diverted from his sue in her political revolution, through the vast Course by the criticisms of fools or falsehoods of system of rations, will be marked by beams of solarkhaves; each of whom have, for a considerable time like effulgence, is not merely the visionary whis past, exerted themselves not a little to injure the of a bewildered imagination, nor the theoretical REGISTER. The ground that he stands upon enables suggestions of a prejudiced mind; but is amply teshim to look down upon such, and laugh at their silli-tified by a retrospection of events, as well as by existing appearances. But, sir, in order to propel her ness or despise their malignity.

There are two subjects to which the editor wishes in that track of splendid illumination, and secure to at this time to draw the attention of his friends-her that character of transcendant greatness, much, the first is, in respect to the proposed publication of and very much, depends upon the present generas a volume, or supplement, of revolutionary speeches, tion. To the snail-paced progress of other nations to erations, &c. the other is the much to be desired refinement in the arts; to fame in arms; to wealth, general index.

grandeur and prosperity, we exhibit a curious and The former has excited great attention. Letters vivid contrast. If we take a restrospective glance at from all quarters are received urging the editor to the early conditions of our country, and view her in attempt the collection-we insert two of them be- the limited space of forty years, rising from the hulaw as specimens of the rest. It is now determined mility of colonial dependence, to the proud and that the attempt shall be made, and those possessed commanding and exalted station that she now holds of papers suitable for the work, are earnestly re- among the nations of the earth, the mind of the requested to forward them immediately-or, at least, publican is struck with the liveliest emotions, and to furnish copies of them. If either of these are de- is immediately prompted to enquire, what will be sired to be returned, they shall be most carefully her situation at the expiration of the next forty handled and faithfully sent back. If this work is years. It is not for me, nor you, nor the most sagaaccomplished at all, the editor expects to complete it in October or November next. It is to be hoped cious mind, to tell-But as it has never yet been asthat the materials will be sufficient to make a vo- certained, that nations have certain fixed limits presented to them, at the end of which, when they ar lume of the usual size. In making out the general index (a work requir-rive, they must retrograde, we are justified in the ing no little share of patience and perseverance) conclusion, that if we are but true to ourselves, wo considerable progress has been made; and it is ex-shall, before many years, behold America answerpected to be completed with the present volume. ing the loftiest expectations of her most partial The arrangement has been adopted after much re-friends, and involving, (if I am allowed the expres fléction; and it is believed that, with a little atten- sion) in a complete national eclipse, all those petty on to its general principles, it will be hardly pos-nations, that now hoot at her grandeur and envy VOL. XM

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her growing prosperity-Great orators and great ry of men and things as faithfully as it is yet in the statesmen, have been the pride of every country, power of the American people to record the history and the boast of every age, that have been so for of their nation's birth and parentage. I question, tunate as to produce them. In republics, like ours, too, whether any age or nation has produced more they are, in a great measure, the props of the politi- men of equal worth, or who might serve as more cal fabric. Our country is yet in her teens:-But perfect specimens of patriotic virtue, than our own, young as she is, she has produced her orators, her upon that occasion. It would be criminal to nesages, her heroes, statesmen and philosophers, glect the duty that the proposition of your plan now which would do honor to any nation. If England enjoins upon you-posterity will ask the record of is proud of her Chathams, her Foxes, and her She-this age, and wonder that the immediate successors ridans, America can boast of a Henry, a Hamilton, of the people of '76 should have so degenerated in an Ames--and it must gladden the heart of every forty years as to forget to estimate the importance lover of his country, when he views the many splen- of that period, and the virtues of those who stamp. did constellations that bespangle our present poli-ed its character. I do not believe that the age will tical hemisphere. To keep alive the flame of li- continue to risk the imputation. We have abroad berty, we must be careful to keep alive the senti amongst our people a more truly American, and less ments and principles that inspired the bosoms of of a foreign feeling, than we ever could boast of, our fathers, and urged them to put on the armor of since my maturity. A bold and faithful assertion of resistance to curb tyranny and arrest oppression.-this feeling, such as H. Niles has never failed to There never was a more favorable juncture, for in- express with true republican freedom and simplistilling those sentiments, than the present-as your city, has contributed to establish for his publicacorrespondent well observes, "the moment and option a character that must be the most grateful reportunity may pass and not immediately return-ward for his application-I feel proud to believe the events of the late war, have imparted a glow of that I know him well enough to know how much he national feeling, for every thing republican." Characterized, then, as is the editor of the Week-requires that he should use all possible means to esteems the public sentiment, and this sentiment ly Register, for a strict and steady devotion to the accomplish the proposed undertaking. The mateprinciples of republicanism, and promulgating them rials lie scattered in libraries of private citizens, or as he does, through the medium of a widely cir- are preserved as sacred relicts of departed friends culating paper, uninfluenced by the malignant mo-Call them forth and promise them a station in tives of party zeal, there is no one better qualified history and in literature, and you will find that they to arrange the materials for such a work, as the one will be liberally lent for the purpose. I do not in question, and there is no one more highly de-know that fortune has bequeathed me any that will serving of the credit that would result from it, than be worthy of the collection; but if I find one, I himself. The medium of conveyance too, would shall feel it a duty that I owe posterity to give it be no small consideration. The Register, from its to you." vast comprehensiveness and unbounded utility, is destined to survive the short-lived productions of the day; and as it already contains records of the lives and achievments of the brave and great, of those, (as I have had occasion before to remark) ing "the message of the president transmitting the who have fought for their country, of those who have correspondence between the United States and gloriously died for her, and of those who still live Spain, relative to the subjects in controversy beto defend her, when occasion demands it-I think tween the two nations," complying with the resolu it essential, that in it should be recorded the effution of the senate of the 20th instant. sions of those, whose tongues spoke the eloquence mination, and do not consider them of that importof patriotism, and gave LIFE to those atchievments We have given these documents an entire exawhich have exalted the honor of the republic, and indeed of sufficient interest to induce us to derange rendered the names of our heroes "immortal in the week's business to give them a place in this ant character we were led to expect of them; nor story." That the materials can be procured, admits not, I paper-but they shall be inserted in course. The, presume, of any doubt; and respecting encourage; the National Intelligencer of Tuesday last, may safollowing brief remarks on the correspondence from ment, I should suppose a very adequate idea could be formed, from the support other supplements tisfy the general curiosity for the present. have received. If a sufficient number of revolution-selves into three chapters. ary speeches and orations cannot be obtained, why "The documents appear naturally to divide themnot connect to what you can obtain, the most im-cond in the order of publication, and arranged unportant and useful of the great men of our day? The first series in chronological order, but se

the end of the 12th vol.

Relations with Spain.

We have a pamphlet of nearly 80 pages contain

I am very much pleased with the suggestion respondence between Mr. secretary MONROE and der letter B, comprises a continuation of the corconcerning the publication of subscribers' names at the Spanish minister, the first part of which, it will The following is from one of the editor's plain, solid their last session, and was then the subject of much be recollected, was communicated to congress at friends-written with haste and amidst the bustle of public and private remark. a very extensive business. He will be surprised to see it published-but it contains some valuable hints in that of publication (under the letter C.) compriThe second series, in the order of time, but last on a subject that we have now much at heart. "MY FRIEND-I feel much interested in your ex-minister in Spain (Mr. ERVING,) and the Spanish ses the discussion and correspondence between our cellent plan respecting revolutionary speeches, orations, &c. It must be interesting, for it belongs to a period next to the heart of every man who feels, or reflects, what a blessing it is to be an American. Perseverance will ensure more success than you calculate upon. The proud monuments of the an- of publication, and first also in importance as shewThe third serics as to date, but first in the order çient republics have failed to perpetuate the memo-ling the actual posture of our relations with Spain

minister of foreign affairs, which terminated in a
transfer of the negociation to Washington by the
Spanish government, on the ground of alleged want
of time to enter into it a Madrid.

Comprises the recent correspondence between Mr. men of being Cow-boys? of being as often in the Secretary MONROE and DON LUIS DE ONTS, in conse- enemy's camp, as in our own? Did he know the quence of the transfer of negociations by the Spa- facts? If he did, he must have seen them steal; he nish government to this place. From this corres. must have seen them in the enemy's camp! But he pondence, which appears to have terminated no does not pretend this. What then is the evidence longer ago than on Friday last, it appears that the of these facts? At most, hearsay—which might inSpanish minister, though he has his powers from his deed be true-but it might also, be, as in fact it government to treat, has, after all, no instructions. was, false? This evidence was assuredly too loose, Thus, then, the matter rests. The discussion is for the charge he advanced-against men whose serunreasonably delayed, not to say evaded, of our ex-vice had certainly been important; and who, absent, isting differences with Spain; and every thing re- were not in a condition to justify themselves. The specting them is in suspense. We do not discover colonel is a christian.-Did he here observe the those features of hostility, on the whole view of the golden rule? - The colonel has his enemies: how case, which report had taught us to expect; but it would he feel, if the community should judge of is quite clear, from the general aspect of these do- his character, by their calumnies? cuments, that our relations with Spain are far from being in a satisfactory state.


The utmost that can be said in palliation of col. Tallmadge's conduct, is, that he believed what he said to be true. He believed them to be Cow.boy plunderers, because he heard so! He believed they would have permitted Andre to proceed, if he had had more to give them, because Andre said he was of that opinion! Upon such grounds the colonel employed the weight of his character, and the aut thority of his place, to consign to infy the three men who had saved West-Point and the army!

Van Wart, Paulding and Williams The following full, clear and coNCLUSIVE vindication of the three patriotic mititia-men, who arrested maj. ANDRE, against the charges of col. Tallmadge, in the house of representatives of the United States, is copied from the New-York Courier of the 17th ult. We do not regret that what was never before doubted| There is not a court of justice in christendom which would not spurn such evidence. There can by the public is now unquestionably proved; but are sorry that a man like col. Tallmadge should have so therefore be no fear that it will be received by a committed himself, while we rejoice in his discomfi- grateful people. And although we are filly perture—IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A LASTING SUBJECT OF suaded that nothing has appeared to put the accused REGRET, INDEED, IF HE HAD SUCCEEDED IN ANNI-on their defence, yet we proceed gratuitously, to lay before our readers, such conclusive testimony FREEDOM—AN INCIDENT TENDING, MORE THAN ANY as will satisfy the whole world. OTHER WE KNOW OF, TO RAISE UP A NATIONAL CHARACTER, AND TO GIVE TO THE PEOPLE THE COMMON PEOPLE, A JUST ESTIMATE OF THEMSELVES. Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge, a member of the house of representatives of the United States, in a speech which he lately delivered in that body, ventured to ascribe to the celebrated captors of Andre, As to the second point, whether the captors of a character the most infamous and detestable; and Andre would have released him for a very large to their conduct on that occasion, motives the most bribe, provided he could immediately have paid it, sordid and odious. He accused those men of be. that is a circumstance which could be known only ing as often in the camp of the enemies of their by themselves.And Mr. Van Wart expressly denies country, as in our own; of being men, destitutue the imputation in the annexed affidavit.

And first, as to these men being Cow-boys. Their neighbors would be, of all others, most likely to Know the fact, if it were so; and the annexed cer tificate from men, aged and venerable, will show that they were not even suspected. But the oath of Mr. Van Wart is decisive.

not only of patriotism, but of common honesty and The only possible question that can remain is, honor; of belonging to that detestable gang usual-whether the witness is worthy of credit. To this ly known by the name of Cowboys. He charged point, we bring men who have known him from his them, in effect, therefore, with being the vilest of infancy; men, whose venerable hairs are silvered by thieves and robbers; and in doing so, represented age: they speak to us from the verge of the grave; general Washington and the congress as bestowing and they unite in the declaration that no man is the public praise and the public bounty upon wretch more entitled to be believed, than Isaac Van Wart. es, utterly base and contemptible, from mere mo

The nature of the case does not admit of testimo

Issac Van Wart's Affidavit.

tives of policy. There was in this attempt, an in-ny more prcise, perfect and conclusive. The refu trepidity worthy of a better cause; but at the same tation is solemnly sworn to, and by a man who, in time a rashness which he will never cease to re- moral and religious deportment during a long life, pent. Col. Tallmadge has endeavored to tear the has had no superior. fairest leaf from our history, and to deprive the yeomanry of our country of a theme in which they glo- Isaac Van Wart, of the town of Mount Pleasant, ried, and of an example, whose influence is not less in the county of Westchester, being duly sworn, extensive and important, than was that of the im- doth depose and say, that he is one of three persons, mortal William Tell. If he has done so, when who arrested major Andre during the American rethere was the least possibility that he might be involutionary war, and conducted him to the Amerierror; he could never upon reflection justify him- can camp. That he, this deponent, together with self. But if he has done so upon slight, upon ve- David Williams and John Paulding, had secreted ry slight grounds; not from his own knowledge, but themselves at the side of the highway, for the purfrom the calumnies of the envious, and the mere pose of detecting any persons coming from, or havsuspicions of an enemy, he has incurred a respon-ing unlawful intercourse with the enemy, being be sibility, which he must meet: a responsibility from tween the two armies; a service not uncommon in which the personal respect with which he may have those times. That this deponent and his companions been heretofore regarded, ought not to protect him, were armed with muskets; and upon seeing major nor general coincidence of political opinion to re-Andre approach the place where they were conceallease him. ed, they rose and presented their muskets at him,

Upon what grounds did the colonel accuse these and required him to stop, which he did. He then

are not now resident among us, but that Isaac Van
Wart is a respectable freeholder of the town of
Mount Pleasant, that we are well acquainted with
him, and we do not hesitate to declare our belief
that there is not an individual in the county of
Westchester, acquainted with Issac Van Wart, who
would hesitate to describe him as a man of a sober,
moral, industrious and religious life-as a man whose
integrity is as unimpeachable as his veracity is un-
doubted. In these respects no man in the county of
Westchester is his superior.

JONATHAN G. TOMPKINS, aged 81 years.
JACOB PURDY, aged 77 years.
JOHN ODELL, aged 60 years.
JOHN BOYCE, aged 72 years.
J. REQUA, aged 57 years.

WILLIAM PAULDING, aged 81 years.
JOHN REQUA, aged 54 years.
ARCHER READ, aged 64 years.
GEORGE COMB, aged 72 years.
GILBERT DEAN, aged 70 years.
JONATHAN ODELL, aged 87 years.
CORNELES VANT TASSEL, aged 71 years.
THOMAS BOYCE, aged 71 years.
TUNIS LINT, aged 71 years.
JACOBUS DYCKMAN, agad 68 years.


asked them whether they belonged to his party?ther certify, that the said Paulding and Williams and then they asked him which was his party? to which he replied, the lower party.-Upon which they, deeming a little stratagem, under such cirottmstances, not only justifiable, but necessary, gave him to understand that they were of his party; upon which he joyfully declared himself to be a British officer, and told them, that he had been out upon very particular business. Having ascertained thus much, this deponent and his companions undeceived him as to their characters, declaring themselves to be Americans, and that he must consider himself their prisoner. Upon this, with seeming unconcern, he said he had a pass from general Arnold, which he exhibited, and then insisted on their permitting him to proceed. But they told him that as he had confessed himself to be a British officer, thay deemed it to be their duty to convey him to the American camp; and then took him into a wood, a short distance from the highway, in order to guard against being surprised by parties of the enemy, who were frequently reconnoitering in that neighborhood. That when they had him in the wood, they proceeded to search him, for the purpose of asrtaining who and what he was, and found inside of his stockings and boots next to his bare feet, papers, which satisfied them, that he was a spy. Major Andre now showed them his gold watch, and remarked that it was evidence of his being a gentleman, and also promised to make them any reward they might name, if they would But permit him to proceed, which they refused. He The preceding refutation of the charges of colonel then told them, that if they doubted the fulfilment Tallmadge was sufficient, perhaps, to put the of his promise, they might conceal him in some subject at rest without the annexed statement secret place, and keep him there, until they could affecting major Andre himself. He is dead, and send to New York, and receive their reward. And his faults ought to be forgotten. But as the reputhis deponent expressly declares, that every offer tation he obtained (far beyond his deserts), has made by major Andre to them was promptly and been brought forward to destroy that of other resolutely refused. And for himself he solemnly men, his equals, at least, in honor and honestydeciars that he had not, and he does most sincerely we feel it right to insert the following, from the believe that Paulding and Williams had not, any Philadelphia True American of Saturday last. intention of plundering their prisoner; nor did they MR. STILES,-As colonel Tallmadge's attempt in confer with each other, or even hesitate, whether the house of representatives to deprive Van Wart they should accept his promises, but on the con- and his companions of the credit usually bestowed trary they were, in the opinion of this deponent, on them for the arrest of major Andre, has excited governed, like himself, by a deep interest in the considerably,public attention, perhaps the following cause of the country, and a strong sense of duty. anecdote, which is derived from the most undoubted And this deponent further says, that he never visited authority, may not be uninteresting. Andre was in the British camp, nor does he believer or suspect Philadelphia with the English army, and was quarthat either Paulding or Williams ever did, except tered at the house of Dr. Franklin, in which the that Paulding was once before Andre's capture, and doctor's furniture and very valuable library had once afterwards, made a prisoner by the British, as been left. When the British were preparing to evathis deponent has been informed and believes. And cuate the city, M. de Simetere, who was an intimate this deponent for himself expressly denies that he friend of Andre, called to take leave, and found ever held any unlawful traffic or any intercourse him busily engaged in packing up and placing whatever with the enemy. And, appealing solemnly amongst his own baggage, a number of the most vato that omniscient Being, at whose tribunal he must luable books belonging to Dr Franklin. Shocked soon appear, he doth expressly declare that all and surprised at the procedure, he told him, in accusations, charging him therewith, are utterly order that he might be influenced by the highly ISAAC VAN WART. honorable conduct of gen. Kniphausen, who had Sworn this 28th day of January, 1817, before been quartered at gen. Cadwallader's house, that that Jacob Radcliff.


officer sent for the agent of the latter, gave him an inventory which he had caused his steward to make We the subscribers, inhabitants of the county of out on his first taking possession; told him he Westchester, do certify, that during the revolu- would find every thing in proper order, even to tionary war we were well acquainted with Isaac some bottles of wine in the cellar, and paid him rent Van Wart, David Williams, and John Paulding, who for the time he occupied it. Not so with Andre, arrested major Andre; and that at no time during he quietly carried off his plunder. I have often the revolutionary war, was any suspicion ever thought his character owes many of the beams whica entertained by their neighbors or acquaintances

that they or either of them held any undue inter

*Simetere waa a native of Genoa, who had settled course with the enemy. On the contrary, they in Philadelphia, and was the person who laid the were universally esteemed, and taken to be ardent foundation of the valuable museum now belonging and faithful in the cause of the country. We fur. to Mr. Peale.

play round it to the fascination of Miss. Seward's verse and description, of which he was by no means worthy, though there can be no doubt but he was a gallant soldier and in some respects an honest


Legislature of South-Carolina.

The journals of the legislature, on the bill to incorporate the Winyaw and Wando canal company, which grants great chartered rights to the persons petitioning, presents us with the two following protests, one from a member of each house:

The following protest was made, and ordered to be entered on the journals of the bouse, viz.

Whereas, I conceive every grant of power. which gives privileges and exemptions to any inan, or set of men, which is denied to the citizens generally, dangerous, and in direct violation of the spirit of the constitution--and whereas, the Winyaw and Wando company, is incorporate in perpetuity, and exempt forever from taxation, by a vote of this house; I hereby enter and reserve my protest, in solemn form, upon the journals of this house, grounded upon the following objectionable features in the said bill:

1st. An unlimited power to acquire and hold personal and real estate, thereby creating a monied aristocracy; an aristocracy the most dangerous to the liberties of a free government.

2d. The grant of an exclusive right of steam navigation, to the said company, for ten years after the said canal intended to be made, is completed: which exclusion is a monopoly, and against the spirit of the government.

3d. A perpetual exemption from taxation, and a power to levy upon the citizens, the unusually high interest of twenty-five per


[blocks in formation]

4th. A grant of these privileges and exemptions, iu perpetuity,
thereby rendering the creature of legislative creation, for ever in-
dependent of its creator, and destroying that responsibility which Total amount of tonnage on which du-
ought to exist in the premises.

JOHN L. WILSON, of Winyaw. The following protest was made, and ordered to be entered on the journals of the senate, viz.

Whereas monopolies and perpetual charters, granting exclusive privileges to any body of persons, are hostile to the true interests of any government, and are more especially repugnant to the principles of a republic, unless subject, in some measure, to the controling power of the state:

I do, therefore, solemnly protest against that part of the act, incorporating the Winyaw and Wando canal company, which deprives the state of the right to tax the property of the said company, until the members of the same shall, from the profits of their establishment, receive the amount of their capital, and the annual interest of fourteen per cent. on the same.

First. Because the said exemption amounts, in effect, to a perpetual exemption from taxation; and the clause deprives the state of the controling power that they ought to have retained over a company, who will hold under its control, the inland navigation of a considerable part of the state of South Carolina.

Secondly. Because, as there is no limitation to the amount of the capital of this company, a privilege is given, by which property, to an unlimited amount, may be holden by individuals, without the state possessing the right, when it may be deemed just and expe dient to impose on such property, a part of the burdens of the CHAPMAN LEVY. country.

ties were collected

The registered tonnage being correct-
ed for the year 1815, according to
the mode prescribed for the govern.
ment of the collectors of the several
districts, as stated in the communi-
cation made to congress the 27th
February, 1802, and in conformity
with the intimation contained in the
register's letter of the 7th Decem-
ber, 1811, may be considered nearly
the true amount of that description
of tonnage

The enrolled and licensed tonnage is
stated at the amount upon which
the annual duty was collected in
1815, on that description of tonnage,
and may be considered as nearly
the true amount

Fishing vessels the same.

The district tonnage of the United

States is stated at

475,665 43

38,167 57 1,368,127 78

694,754 39

374,836 13

33,222 69 1,102,813 26

12,221 45

1,115,034 71

854,291 74

374,836 13 33,222 69

1,262,353 61

District tonnage of the United States. Letter from the secretary of the treasury, transmitting the annual statement of the district tonnage of the United States, on the 31st December, 1815; with an explanatory letter from the register of Of the enrolled and licensed tonnage amounting, the treasury.-January 17, 1817. Read and or-as before stated, to 475,665 44 tons there was emdered to lie upon the table. ployed in the whale fishery 1,229 92 tons. Treasury Department, January 16th, 1817. I beg leave to subjoin a statement, marked A, of SIR,-I have the honor to transmit the annual the tonnage for the year 1815, compared with the statement of the tonnage of the United States, on amount thereof as exhibited in the preceding an the 31st day of December, 1815; with a letter from the register explanatory of the same.

I have the honor to be, with the highest respect, sir, your most obedient servant,


The honorable the speaker,

House of representatives.

TREASURY Department, Register's office, January 9th, 1817. SIR-I have the honor to transmit the annual statement to the 31st December, 1815, of the district tonnage of the United States.

The registered tonnage, as corrected at this office, for the year 1815, is stated at

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Tons. 95ths.

Hon. Wm. H. Crawford,

854,294 74

Secretary of the treasury.

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