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July 1, 1825.


VIEWS OF COUNTRY SEATS, SALTKAM, DEVONSHIRE, THE SEAT OF THE EARL 'Or MORLEY. Among the numerous elegant re- || A Virgin and Child.-Sassoferalo. sidences which the county of Devon Landscape and Figures. presents to notice, none possesses

Storm at Sea.- Vandervelde. greater attractions than Saltram.

View near Tivoli.-G. Poussin. Much expense has been incurred by

Banditti.-Salvator Rosa.

Interior of Cottage, with Peasants.its noble owner to improve the build- ||

D. Teniers. ing; and although the exterior is not

A Conversation Piece.A. Palemides. remarkable for architectural embel

Landscape and Ruins.-F. Milo. lishment, yet the interior is most su

A ditto with Figures.-D. Dalens. perb, and contains numerous choice

Daphne pursued by Apollo.- Franworks of art. The pictures amount to Icesco Albano. nearly three hundred, and during the Landscape, with Travellers halting at summer season afford a pleasing ex- | a Blacksmith's Shop.--P. Wourermans. hibition to the numerous visitors of The Incredulity of St. Thomas.-Gethis charming spot. To enumerate | rard Hoel. them on the present occasion would | St. Anthony and Christ. — Antonio far exceed the limits of our work, Caracci. but the following are considered as

View of the Doge's Palace at Venice. the most attractive:

Canaletti. St. Faith.-Guido.

A Negro's Head, fine.-Rubens. Peasants playing at Cards.-Lingle- |

St. John and Christ.—Mengs. back.

A Holy Family.-F. Baroccio. Galatea surrounded by Nymphs.-- ||

Two Views in Venice.-Canaletti. Dominichino.

Three Female Figures.--Rubens. Vol. VI. No. XXXI.


The Bolingbroke Family.- Vundyke. , lightful; but to remedy the inconveSiege of Maestricht.–Vander Meulen. nience and delay which has hitherto

A Group of Figures the size of life, taken place by crossing the fly-bridge, -P. Veronese.

a new bridge is now constructing, Adoration of the Shepherds.-- Carlo!

hlo and will be a great improvement. Dolce.

The grounds round the mansion Figures, with Goats and Sheep.- Ber

abound with a variety of charming ghcm. Group of Sheep.-Cuyp.

prospects: indeed, few places posUlysses discovering Achilles. - A.

sess so great a diversity of landscape Kauffman.

and mossy woods; and their beauty Hector taking leave of Andromache. is considerably improved by their Ditto.

proximity to Mount Edgecumbe and Assumption of the Virgin.-Lorenzo Plymouth Sound, where numerous Sabburini.

masts of vessels are continually in. Portrait of Oliver Cromwell.--D. Beck. tervening at the opening spaces of

There are also some fine Portraits by the plantations in the park. The Sir Joshua Reynolds.

principal entrance to Saltram is The situation of Saltram is one of through an elegant lodge, about four the most delightful in England; the miles from Plymouth, which unites house is built on the eastern banks with a small steep bridge, over which of the Laira, and which, at high the mail-road to Exeter is formed. tide, is navigable for vessels of con- The ancient seat of the Parkers, siderable tonnage. The approach the ancestors of the present nobleto the house, after passing the flying || man, called Boringdon-House, is now bridge (which is sheltered by some gone much to decay, but is extremefine trees, whose shady branches ly interesting, and has been engravrender it in summer - time a mosted for Britton's " Architectural Ancharming promenade), is truly de-" tiquities.”


THE SEAT OF CHARLES LEWIS, ESQ. Tms is one of the most ancient interest the antiquary. Approachseats in the county of Monmouth, | ing the mansion is an ancient casteland is most charmingly situated on lated gateway, embellished with the the southern banks of the Severn, arms of the family; and nearly adcommanding a most extensive pro- | joining it is the church, a small low spectover the counties of Gloucester i structure, almost surrounded by trees. and Somerset. St. Pierre derives its In the front of the church are two name from a small parish about three very curious sepulchral stones, which miles from Chepstow, and has consi- were accidentally found by some laderable claim to notice: althoughbourers about the year 1764. Enthe original character of the building | gravings of both have been publishhas been greatly altered by an in- ed in the “ Archæologia" and " Gencongruous mixture of modern win- tleman's Magazine.” Froin the indows, in place of the ancient Gothic scription on one of them, it appears ones, yet here are many objects to to have been erected to the memory

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