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or seven dead gold chains of an al- | laces are composed entirely of gold most fairy texture; they formed links chains, with broad steel clasps. of about two inches long, and be- Fashionable colours are, various tween each was a brilliant steel star. shades of brown, marone, lavender, The bracelets worn with these neck- || citron, rose, and slate colours.

into favour, and a plume oft side, falls overlined


Paris, Nov. 18. a very full knot of shaded ribbon of My dear Sopia,

mingled jonquille and claret colour ; Revingotes and mantles have, | a broad band of twisted ribbon passsince my last, come much into favour, ll es round the bottom of the crown, particularly the former; they are as and a plume of jonquille marabouts, yet made in gros de Naples only. I placed on the left side, falls over the The bodies, tight to the shape round | top of the crown. The brim is lined the upper part of the bust, have a with jonquille; but nearly half of it is little fulness towards the bottom of covered with a very broad shaded the waist. The sleeves are still en ribbon, laid on in full flutings: the gigot; and pelerines are as much in strings correspond. favour as ever. The rédingote al. The other bonnet is composed of ways wraps considerably to the right black velvet and shaded satin; the side, and is trimmed either with a velvet is laid on the crown in full broad band of fur, or three rouleaus folds, between which the satin anof satin disposed in light waves; the pears. The brim is of velvet only, latter are most in favour, furs not but the inside is decorated with being as yet very general.

bands of shaded satin, placed in a Promenade gowns are either of bias direction on each side of the gros de Naples, Merino of a new brim, and one laid straight in the description, or shaded chintz: the middle; these terminate just inside of first is the most worn. The corsage the briin, with small cockades of saof most promenade gowns is of the tin. The ornaments of the crown are demi-blouse form, and they, as well also cockades; one is placed near the as the rédingotes, are constantly worn top on the right, and the other near with pelerines. Flounces still con- the bottom on the left side. tinue the favourite trimming.

A new material for half-dress is Bonnets as yet continue mostly of called tissu de Merinos ; it is a sort the demi-saison kind; the favourite of woollen gauze as thin as barèges, colours for them are, Pomona green, | but differs considerably from it in apslate-colour, pale brown, and migno | pearance. Bombasine is also anonette. There is no variety in the ther favourite material for half dress. shape; all are of a large size. They The French say, that they have now .continue to be trimmed pretty much brought it to great perfection: it is, as last month, with the exception of however, very inferior to that manutwo novelties, which I shall try to de factured in England. scribe to you.

The trimming of half-dress gowns One is composed of jonquille gros consists either of rows of coquilles, de Naples, ornamented on each side or else of demi - lozenges laid upon of the crown with a drapery of the one another, so as to form a row of same material, beneath which is seen folds, ending in points; there are ge

nerally three rows of each of these || scription are those worked by ladies trimmings. The bodies, cut high themselves; they consist of gold over the bosom, and low in the back bands of various breadths, on which of the neck, are either made with wreaths of leaves, flowers, shells, and out trimming, or have two or three other fancy patterns, are embroidernarrow rouleaus of satin placed neared in Roman pearls. The bracelets each other round the top of the are frequently made to correspond bust. We see only long sleeves in with the gown. half dress; they are still en gigot, Some ball dresses, composed of and have I think increased in width. white crape, are trimmed with artiIn some instances they are transpa ficial flowers in a new style: the rent: when that is the case they are gown is made an extraordinary length, always white, and are generally sur and is looped up all round, about mounted by a mancheron in the shape half a quarter of a yard higher than of a wing.

the slip, by a wreath of flowers, The envelopes used by our fair fa- which, partially appearing among the shionables, either for paying morn- bouillonné formed by the crape, have ing visits, or going to the morning a very pretty effect. exhibitions, are still of a very light Dress bats are now made with nature: a shaded crape scarf, or one very large brims: one of the prettiof black or white lace tied round the est that I have seen was a mixture throat, or else a fichu pelerine with of satin and blond net; the brim was very long ends, of the same materi- entirely composed of the latter maal as the dress, and bordered either terial, spotted with small gold stars; with a ruche or a row of blond lace. the crown was formed of blond puffs,

Caps and turbans are both fa- spotted to correspond with the brim, shionable in half dress, the former let in between plain bands of satin: particularly so: the caul is made al- it was ornamented with a superb most flat to the head, and the bor- esprit, at the base of which was an der, which is very narrow at the ears, agraffe of diamonds. becomes gradually wider, so as to be Bloud caps are much in favour in extremely broad over the forehead; full dress; they are always of a small it stands up round the upper part of size, and have lappets, which are nethe face, and forms the exact shape ver tied. Some have a border of of a tiara: a garland of roses, placed blond lace, formed into puffs round on the forehead beneath the border, the face by rose-buds; others, instead passes under it outside the caul of a border, have a wreath of flowround the back of the head. ers. A good many of these caps

Figured silks and satins are coming are adorned with feathers; there are much into favour in full dress. Shad- | generally two ostrich feathers, one ed barèges, gauze, and crape are white and the other coloured, which also worn. Some gowns are trimmed fall towards the back of the head, with blond flounces, others have and a single marabout droops in the wreaths of satin leaves disposed in contrary direction into the neck. I various ways, and many are adorned see, that in speaking of mantles in with embroidery. Some of the most promenade dress, I have forgot to fashionable trimmings of this last de- say, that they differ in nothing from

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