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upon him, blush, and give a signifi-, the noble and delicate manner in cant look to the old man. The blush, which you have rendered me the the look, revealed her secret. “ I greatest service; but I can owe that shall seek no farther,” said he in service only to a wife. You must English, approaching her, “ I see then marry me, or take back your my benefactress.”

money." Poor Stephanie, almost sinking be- I need not tell my readers which tween delight and confusion, strove alternative was most agreeable to very awkwardly to affect ignorance Stephanie. Travers found that in of his meaning; but Travers' eyes taking his bride from a shop he had were now open.

not disgraced his family, since her " There is one way to convince birth is much superior to his; and me," said he: “ let my old friend though the late act of indemnity here conduct me to the person who will not restore to her the possessions gave him the packet, which I will l of her ancestors, yet it will put her swear he brought me."-" Indeed, in possession of a sufficient sum to sir," stammered Antoine, " you de- repair the losses which Travers has ceive yourself."-" That's enough, sustained by play. you shall hear from me to-morrow," They were married, and would said Travers to Stephanie ; and he have set off for England immediately; . hastened away to consider how he but it was about that time that the should settle his accounts with the act of indemnity was brought forward young shopkeeper.

in the Chamber of Deputies. They He was not long in making up his awaited its result in Paris, and as mind. The service she had rendered they have still some time to remain him revived his early flame, and gra- in France for the fulfilment of the titude got the better of pride. In- necessary formalities, they resolved stead of writing her a long elaborate to pass it in the environs of the meletter full of thanks and gratitude, tropolis. Chance led them to their and mille autres choses in the French present pretty habitation, where I style, he settled the matter like a true hope to enjoy their society as long as John Bull. " My heart is yours," || they shall remain in our village. wrote he; “ you have gained it by

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HIGHLANDERS. The first dark-visaged individual scendants, who, by intermixture with who came from the East Indies to European blood, have lost many the Highlands of Scotland occasioned shades of the original sable; and the horrors and affright in numberless Gael never entertained an idea that instances: for the Moors who ac- any thing in human form was quite companied the knights of the Holy black, except the arch-enemy of Wars, returning to the father-land, mankind. It is scarcely more than were commonly supposed to be in fifty years since the sons of the mouncomplexion like the modern race of tains were convinced that whole tribes gipsies and tinkers, their reputed de- of men and women were of that hue

which their imaginations attributed || less worshipper to make his orisons to Satan.

unmolested. The men took shelter One young Gentoo-boy, sold to a in the first alehouse they found open Highland gentleman by his mother li in the town of Dunbarton, and at in the dreadful famine during Lord that time the alehouses keep vigils Clive's Indian career, was the un- till morning. The adventure made conscious cause of dispersing a dozen some noise, and on inquiry, it appearHighlanders, who, in the strife ofed that the Gentoo lad, having obmen, would have kept their ground served a beautiful white cow in one to the last gasp; but, as they said of the droves, waited till his master themselves, “ It was not for the arm was asleep, glided out of the inn to of flesh to fight the devil!" The the spot where she lay, and yielding gentleman, who was attended by the to the ineffaceable impressions reOriental stripling, soon after he cameceived in childhood, rendered her back to his native country, was de religious homage. The youth was sirous of seeing the great cattle || not quite six feet in height, though market at Dunbarton. He took up fear magnified his person. His mashis lodgings at the nearest inn on the ter bought the white cow, to gratify night preceding the market. All his piety, and his faithful services the parks in the vicinity were filled deserved indulgence. with droves, while their drivers held watch over them. About midnight A widow, whose courage and fora figure, which the Highlanders fan- titude had sustained trials of more cied to be of gigantic stature, came than common severity, was overpow. slowly towards the gate of the in-ered by the sight of an African Neclosure, and vaulted over, as a stag, gro. When her husband died she when pursued, bounds across a ditch. I was left with a numerous family of The Gael, supposing the stranger young children, and after all debts to be a cattle-stealer, came forward, were paid, she had but a few pounds keeping under the shade of a hedge, of a reversion to feed and clothe a that they might take the thief and his helpless group during the winter; accomplices by surprise, and knock when all that were able to herd their pistols out of their hands, be- a few cattle or sheep in the summer fore they could discharge them. Each, and autumn, must return to the faarmed with a stout bludgeon, came therless home, as their services would onward, manfully resolved to defend not be wanted. The widow was adthe property intrusted to them, when, vised to take her eldest daughter, a terrible to behold! they saw a human | girl twelve years old, and to cross a figure all over black, making strange high Grampian hill to Athol, for the gestures, bowingits head to the earth, purpose of bringing back as much creeping on its hands and knees, flax as both could carry; and several rolling on the grass, throwing up its farmers' wives, charitable and indusarms, as if it would pull down the trious, promised to purchase her skies, and at length prostrating itself merchandise. It was now the end before a white cow. Every man of November: the widow, fearing that shifted for himself, leaving the harm- | her own girl could not bear up against Vol. VI. No, XXXVI.


hardship like herself, made a deep || richer classes sent her meal and pospeculation with funds so slender; tatoes as a donation; and, in short, she ventured to engage a neighbour with various helps, added to her own to go with her to the south, trusting earnings, and the wages of her elder to the kind efforts of her friends to children in the following summer, secure customers for the flax they she was able to pay for a horse, so could not take themselves.

much in ready cash, and so much In passing over the Grampian, aby credit from the owner. She obstorm of snow fell so thick, that the tained constant employment in taking travellers were in danger of losing wood to Inverness from an extensive their way, or falling over precipices, and valuable forest belonging to the since they could not see half a yard | | great chief of the clan Grant. The around them. They sat down close ever-benevolent Sir James Grant to several sheep. The snow in- | gave orders, that the most necessitous creased; the sheep pressed nearer of his people should have preference and nearer, and this perhaps saved as wood-carriers. The widow actheir lives, or at least prevented their cordingly had frequent employment, limbs from being frost-bitten. Be- and when not called upon for that fore many hours elapsed, the com- occupation, she went occasionally for panions in misfortune were covered goods for the village-merchants. Her with a high snow-wreath, and re-brother-in-law had a pair of horses, mained ten days in that condition and was accustomed to travel with They had a little meal and a few her. In hot weather they made their onions, which, as they had small journeys by night. inclination for food, sufficed until One summer morning they sat down eightand forty hours before they were to rest near the house of an acquaintextricated from their confinement. ance. He was just up, and came to They were greatly fatigued by striv- | ask their news. The wayworn wi. ing against the storm before they dow fell asleep. While she slept, a sat down, and now their limbs were black servant belonging to a gentlebenumbed for want of motion, and man who lived near joined in the their strength was so exhausted that conversation. The woman opened they attempted in vain to burst their her eyes; but on seeing the black ice-bound prison. When the wea- | face and hands of the person next ther had settled to frost, some shep- to her she fainted away. The Neherds, searching for strayed focks, gro and his acquaintance were gone came near. The women heard their before her brother-in-law called her tread on the crackling ice, and made to resume their travel. She rea desperate exertion to cry out. They covered a little, and with much diffiwere carried to the nearest house, culty reached a house nearer to her and soon recovered.

own. There she became so ill, that The profit made by the sale of she could no longer conceal it, nor her flax, which the shepherds hu- the cause of her disorder. She said, manely carried for her two days' jour- that having been two nights without ney, enabled the widow to buy a few rest, sleep had the mastery when merchant-goods, and all the neigh- she relaxed in exertion; but a dreadbours were her customers. The ful clap of thunder awoke her, and

Satan, blacker than the hearse that, let her examine his feet, and bade carried the laird's little son to the her try if his head had any excrescence tomb, was sitting beside her. She more than her own. She rememcertainly saw his cloven feet, and had bered the noise which she imagined an indistinct recollection of his horns. I to be thunder. It was sheep dashing While she gave this account, the from a cot hard by to regale on the honest Negro darkened a narrow dewy grass. If the Negro had not passage leading to the room to which come in so opportunely, the widow her hostess took her to rest. Seeing would have firmly believed she had all the family shake hands with him, I seen the devil, and heard him anher alarm subsided, and the widow nounced by thunder. was convinced he was no evil spi

B. G. rit. He pulled off his stockings to

DOMESTIC RECIPES. INDIAN CURE FOR THE EAR-ACHE. || generally drops off. If the first ap

TAKE about the size of a walnut of plication does not succeed, repeat it raw fresh lean mutton; burn it on a || in a week, from time to time, till it red-hot iron plate till reduced nearly removes the excrescence; but this is to a cinder; put this cinder into a very seldom requisite. clean rag, then squeeze out the moisture upon a silver teaspoon, heated in SALUBRIOUS PROPERTIES OF THE boiling water, and well dried, before

STRAWBERRY. you drop into it the expressed juice | Every friend to the fair will be of the mutton, which is to be put in- glad to diffuse the knowledge of a to the ear of the patient as hot as it pleasant dentifrice, and infallible can be endured. This remedy has sweetener of the breath. The combeen known to prove efficacious af-mon strawberry, in a ripe state, when ter laudanum has failed to afford re rubbed upon the teeth and gums, has lief.

these most agreeable influences, and

becomes more efficacious if eaten TO REMOVE WARTS. || freely. The celebrated Linneus curCut an apple, ripe, butof acid qua- ed himself of gout by persevering in lity; rub it over the wart for a few a regimen of strawberries. minutes, and in a few days the wart

THE VETERAN'S REWARD. If the French Revolution has pre- state of the times compelled them to sented to us horrors till then unex- regard as enemies; and these acts of ampled, it must be owned also to have generous devotion were not uncomfurnished us with some striking traits mon even among the military, who, by of humanity and magnanimity. Ma their profession and the horrors they ny persons of both parties volunta witnessed, might be supposed less rily risked their lives to preserve susceptible than others of the soft those of people, whom the unhappy I feelings of compassion.

During the civil war, in a skirmish | Delmont was still silent: in fact, that had taken place between the his mind was occupied between the republicans and the Chouans, seve- || desire of saving the prisoner and the ral of the latter were made prisoners. || difficulty, or rather the impossibility, When the troop halted to take some which he found of doing it. Durefreshment, they stopped in a plain plessis, believing that he had no innear a spring, and forming a circle, tention to grant his request, became placed the prisoners in the midst still more urgent: “In the name of of it. Their captain, a very young God! in the name of all that is dear man, who had but lately attained the to you!- "-"Say no more," cried command, seated himself at some the other abruptly; " the commission distance upon the trunk of a tree, is a very disagreeable one, but still I and taking some provisions from his will not refuse it." Taking the miknapsack, began to refresh himself. niature as he spoke, he put it into He perceived one of the prisoners his pocket; and added, " Will you speak to his lieutenant, and directly eat a mouthful of something, and afterwards advance towards him. take a drop of brandy? it will reDelmont remarked, as this unfortu- | fresh you." nate man drew near, that he had no “I cannot swallow," replied Duother clothing than his shirt and trow-plessis;“a fever consumes me, and I sers, which were in rags and cover-am impatient to reach our destinaed with blood, and that a linen band- tion, that I may escape from my miage, also stained with blood, covered sery." These words made Delmont his forehead and his left eye. shudder. He looked earnestly in the

The sight of so much misery sen- | face of the speaker, and disfigured sibly touched the heart of the young as it was with dust, sweat, and blood, officer; and he was still more moved there was something in the features when the prisoner said to him, “ M. so noble and touching, that he could le Commandant, I have saved the not help resolving to risk every thing miniature of my wife: will you, when || in order to save him. “ Listen to I shall be no more, have the charity | me attentively,” cried he: “ I will to remit it to my mother, Madame give you a chance, which, if well maDuplessis, at Lamballe? My wife and naged, may preserve your life. Say children reside with her.” Too much that you came to tell me you could moved to reply to this touching re- not continue to march, and I have quest, Delmont gazed upon him in refused you any assistance. Go back, silence; and he added, in a tone of and complain of my cruelty to the more pressing entreaty," In the name same officer who has allowed you to of heaven, do not refuse me! If you come and speak to me, and try to act do, they must always suffer from their so that he may solicit me to leave you ignorance of my fate; for it is my in-behind with an escort, to wait for a tention to conceal my name from the voiture de requisition. I will take court-martial. Thus they will have care that the men who will guard no means of ascertaining what has you shall be drunkards; make them become of me; but if they receivedrunk, recover your energy and es. the portrait, they will be certain that || cape." I would have parted with it only at “Ah, my God! if it were possithe hour of death."

"ble? But you forget I must have

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