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posed in mind. Soon after I heard | more respect; he assumed the apmy door unlocked, and having re pearance of contrition for my uneamoved the inner fastenings, the wo siness, but was deaf to all entreaties man brought in my breakfast. I to restore me to my husband. I apagain questioned her as to the cause pealed to him on the ground of my of my detention, but could obtain no situation, but in vain; he said I answer, and I gave up in despair the should be properly provided for, idea of obtaining any information | but should never see you more. from her. She remained in the room “I was beginning to sink into a till I had breakfasted, when she re- deep and settled melancholy, when moved the things; she brought me Providence aided in my deliverance. my dinner, tea, and supper, every || On the night in which I made my esday during my confinement, but ne- cape, a dreadful tempest raged withver spoke, or even exchanged with out, and the violence of the wind me a gesture from which I could carried away part of the roof of my derive consolation.

bed-chamber, and shook the build“ Shortly after breakfast, my door ing to such a degree, as to loosen was again unlocked, and Mr. Plain some of the bars which secured ville entered the room. He made no the window, tearing the casement apology for the violence he had of- from its frame. The rain poured fered, except that he had been im- in torrents; and I rushed to the pelled to it by his passion; and I was aperture, and found that I could reforced to hear his odious protesta-move one or two of the bars. With tions. I need not say that I repelled frantic eagerness I tore them from them with indignation; and he left the walls ; I then took the sheets, me, saying my confinement should and ripping them in slips, tied them be for life, for I should never return together, and drawing my bedstead to the arms of his hated rival. As close to the window, fastened one soon as he was gone, I set about end of the line strongly to it, and searching the apartments to find let the other fall on the outside. I means of escape, but in vain: the could not see whether it reached the door was locked, the windows were a ground, but I was resolved to trust considerable height from the ground, to Providence for deliverance; and and guarded by iron bars; and all getting on the seat of the window, I means of egress were denied. Here | clung to the line, and crept down then I remained upwards of a month; by my hands. Fortunately I reached visited every day by Plainville, who, the ground before I got to the end however, offered me no violence, of my line, and no sooner did I feel but whose sight became daily more myself at liberty, than I darted forodious; and never breathing the fresh ward; and how I was supported, air of heaven, except for about half where I wandered to, or how I reachan hour each day, with the dumbed that hospitable inn where you woman for my attendant, at which found me, I know not. I was uptimes I could also perceive, that a held by that Being who tempers the man was watching me at a short dis- wind to the shorn lamb, and who tance. Towards the latter part of enabled me to brave fatigue, that, my stay, Plainville treated me with under other circumstances, would

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have bowed me to the earth, and en- || a letter from Mr. Plainville, acknowdure all the rigour of a storm wbich, | ledging, in terms of the greatest at any other time, I should have contrition, the enormity of his ofshrunk from encountering. But once fence, and imploring their forgivemore restored to you, my husband, | ness, though, he said, he should neI think not of the past; the future | ver obtain his own. Mrs. Mandenow must, for this dear infant's sake," ville's conduct, he continued, had and she pressed the sleeping Julia | filled him with admiration as well as to her bosom,“ be our care.” love; he had long wished to restore

Their resolutions for the future | her to her husband, but could not were soon taken. Reduced as their bear the idea of exposing himself to income was, they could not live in the ignominy which he knew must town. A friend of Mr. Mason's fall upon him. Her escape, hov. happened at this period to have a ever, filled him with joy; and he little cottage in Wales to dispose of, immediately resolved to quit a counand bither they determined to retire; |try, where he could never more look the colonel, in his own mind, form- for happiness. ing a resolution again to go into ac ll The Plainvilles did not return to tive service the first opportunity England till after Mandeville, with that offered, for the sake of his the living image of his lost Julia, child. He communicated his wish had again visited the metropolis; and to his kind friend, Mr. Mason, who it cannot be wondered at, that the promised to aid his intentions to the colonel felt an aversion to any interutmost of his power. The prema- course with one who had trifled so ture death of his beloved wife, how- severely with his peace. The occurever, prevented him from putting |rences of the evening, however, inthis resolution into practice; for duced him again to see and forgive when looking on his Julia, he felt his “ early friend;" and the next that he could not abandon her to the morning he met him as they had care of strangers; and he never left been used to meet in other days: all her from that period till the arrival conversation on the past was, by of General Mordaunt from India. mutual consent, prohibited ; and the

This was the outline of her fa- union of Julia and young Plainville, ther's melancholy story. We have, which took place shortly after, cehowever, omitted to state, that, be- || mented their restored affection. fore Colonel and Mrs. Mandeville

VV.C. S- D. left London for Wales, they received " York.


No. IX. Some months ago, a pretty house || ers. The day after their arrival, I at a little distance from our village, I received a visit from Madame Montwhich had been a considerable time Orgueil, who came, she said, to tell untenanted, was let; a circumstance me that we had got English neighwe knew nothing about till it was bours. “ Indeed! what is their taken possession of by the new own- | name?"_" Travers."_" But that

proves nothing, for you know it is į did not pay visits to any body, had a very common name here."-"Oh! called upon them, but to no effect. I don't judge by the name. No, no, These John Bulls had not even the I have proof positive: they ordered complaisance to tell a civil lie. Inbeef-steaks yesterday; and after that, | stead of saying “ Not at home," the can any one doubt that they must be answer was, they received no visits. English?"

Still there was a resource; some inWithout attempting to argue the telligence might be gained from their point, I began to speak of something old man-servant, or their bonne. But else; but this did not suit the inten- no, both of these were as provokingtion of my visitor, whose errand Ily mysterious as their employers, and soon found was to make use of me our whole sum of intelligence amountfor the purpose of ascertaining whe-ed only to this, that Mr. Travers was ther the new-comers were visitable. | English, and Mrs. 1'ravers French In France it is the stranger who pays by extraction, and that they were the first visit; but she knew that the best people in the world. Our this is not the English custom; and patricians, finding that there was no as she concluded I should follow the more to be learned, determined to usages of my own country, she was pass a charitable judgment, and it desirous of learning, as soon as she was voted nem. con. that these good could, from me, whether these good people felt their own inferiority, and people were really comme il faut. therefore modestly declined the hoNow you must know, my dear read-nour of mixing with their superiors, er, that these words have a very dif- who applauded their humility, and ferent signification in France from left them to pursue their avocations the translation which we precise Eng- | as they pleased. lish would give of them. If you are! Recent circumstances have, howrich, correct in appearance, and if, ever, very much changed this faabove all the rest, your political ) vourable disposition of our village principles do not clash with theirs, 1 gentry. A chance meeting has brought you are quite comme il faut with a | about an intimacy between Mr. TraFrenchman or Frenchwoman. Anvers and the curé, and through the English woman requires something medium of that worthy man we are more; but as I scorned to acknow- also become acquainted. This has ledge that circumspection could ever

could ever excited. in the highest de

excited, in the highest degree, the be necessary between English peo- ire of our two grandes dames, who ple, I said nothing of my intention see in them no longer modest and of taking time to consider whether humble people, but insolent upstarts, should visit them or not; and having who unite in themselves what each some business in Paris, went thither considers as most worthy of reprobaon the following day, leaving her to tion. Mademoiselle Mont-Orgueil is find out all about them as she could. certain that they are people of no

My absence was prolonged for birth, and Madame D'Agneau is nearly three weeks. On my return equally sure they must have little or I found that curiosity had conquer- no fortune. The first declares, that ed etiquette; for several of the neigh- they can be little better than savages, bours, finding that the new-comers i since they have no notion of eti.

quette; and indeed her cicisbeo, of suit would be hopeless; and, as his whom I have formerly made honour- | pride revolted from a union with a able mention, denounces them as person in her station, he endeavoured worse, because they will not suffer to put her out of his head, and by themselves to be instructed; and the || degrees dropped his visits, which at latter protests, that they are people first were very frequent, to the shop of no breeding, which is evinced by || in which she was. their utter ignorance of the art of However, though the fair Stegood eating, the very first principles phanie had womanly pride enough of which she declares they appear to conceal it, he had made a deep utterly unacquainted with. All these impression on her heart. Circumanimadversions do not disturb the stances had thrown her into a situatranquillity of the good couple, who || tion for which neither birth nor eduappear quite happy in the enjoyment cation had fitted her. She could of their rural retreat, the society of not help feeling her own superiority the curé and myself, and the pleasure to those who surrounded her; and of liberally assisting their poor neigh- it is not wonderful that a man formed bours.

| to captivate should have won her afBut who, after all, are they? me- fections. Young, ardent, and rothinks I hear the reader exclaim. mantic, she cherished her passion, Why, truly, their history is a little though conscious of its hopelessness, romance, and I am going to relate with all the enthusiasm of her sex it without any further preamble. The and country. husband is a young Englishman, who Some time had elapsed without came about three years since into her seeing him, when one day she possession of a moderate fortune : observed him pass, and at the same the first use he made of it was to instant a gentleman, who was in the come and see the French metropolis. shop, said to another, " Ah! there Chancing to accompany some English goes the young Englishman who was ladies to a shop where fancy articles so finely pigeoned the other night." are sold in the Palais Royal, he was A conversation followed, from which struck with the beauty and graceful Stephanie learned, that he frequented carriage of a young person who acted a gaming-house at no great distance, as bookkeeper. Surprised at hear- and from his penchant for play was ing her speak English fluently and in the high road to ruin. with the purest accent, he inquired What intelligence for the tender if she was a native of the country; Stephanie! Hardly could she conceal and learned that she was French by the shock it gave her; she had heard extraction, but born in London, where so much of the terrible effects of she had lived till she was twelve years gaming, that her imagination repreold. On pretence of her being more sented him to her incessantly reduced than half his countrywoman, Travers to the most abject distress, perhaps did what he could to form an ac even expiring by his own hand. She quaintance with her, but without suc felt that to bear this cruel suspense cess. She repelled all his advances was impossible, and fortunately she with a modest propriety, which soon found a method of putting an end to made him sensible that a criminal | it.

see the Eade of it ortune : /obs seeing

She had an old and faithful friend, | Antoine fulfilled his mission so well, the attached servant of her grand- | that he had vanished before Travers father and of her father. He had could open the different foldings in lived with the latter in all his changes which the notes were wrapped, to of fortune, and when his death re- give the old man time to make his duced his orphan girl to a situation escape. I can neither paint the asfar below her birth, her sorrows were tonishment of the Englishman, nor sharpened by being forced to part the enthusiastic gratitude he felt for with the venerable Antoine. It was the service rendered him. He had to him that she applied to trace the materially injured his fortune, but steps of Travers. He respected her not entirely ruined himself. A little too much to inquire into her inotives, property still remained, which, luckily but he carefully complied with her for him, he could not alienate. He wishes, and in a very short time had sent to England to try to raise brought her intelligence that he was upon it the sum necessary to pay his an inmate of St. Pelagie, at the suit | debts, when Stephanie's letter gave of some troublesome tradespeople, him at once the means of releasing whose accounts he had left unset || himself from durance. tled, that he might pay his debts of His first step was to pay his debts; honour.

his next care to take all possible With this news, and the agreeable means to discover his benefactor. addition, that there was no doubt of He framed an advertisement expreshis being completely ruined, Antoine sive of his gratitude, and of his depresented himself one morning to sire to return the sum advanced, Stephanie. “ And his debts,” cried which he inserted repeatedly in the she trembling, “ to what do they Petites Affiches and in Galignani's amount?"_" Oh! to very near four | English paper in vain. He looked thousand francs!" -" Heaven be with the greatest attention at every praised!"_" Heaven be praised!" | old man that he saw; but all to no said Antoine to bimself; "now what | purpose. Some months passed, and can make mademoiselle, kind and he was about to give up the matter good as she is, so glad of this poor and to leave Paris, when, in passing soul's misfortune?"

the Pont Royal, his eye fell upon The old man little thought that Antoine, who, the moment he saw her joy proceeded from knowing that him, quickened his pace, with an she had it in her power to liberate evident design to avoid him. him. She possessed five thousand Travers instantly recollected him, francs; it was a sacred hoard kept and the care which the other took to for the last extremity. And what avoid him convinced him that he extremity could ever touch her so was not mistaken. Determined then nearly as this? The sum would give to penetrate the mystery, he followhim liberty and a temporary support. | ed, but cautiously and at a distance, Without a moment's hesitation she in till he saw him go into the shop closed it in a blank cover, which she where Stephanie lived. He entered charged the faithful Antoine to de. it at the moment that Antoine was in liver into his own hand, with a strict earnest conversation with her. He injunction to leave him instantly. perceived Stephanie cast her eyes

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