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gant as that paid to Miss Wilkinson; || superior vocalist of the three, but and I am sorry that the daughter of not in the ratio by which she was my old friend should have been so paid. The same may be said of Maill advised as to demand a remunera- demoiselle Garcia and Madame Ca. tion so disproportioned to her merits.radori; though their demands were I am afraid it will injure her very moderate compared to what are made materially with the public.

by some of their countrymen and Reginald. It certainly was a most countrywomen on the purse of hoinjudicious step; but I am not ex-nest but gullible John Bull. actly certain that Miss Vilkinson Mr. Mathews. The musical prowas to blame in the affair; I rather fession is now respected and esthink not, but that the negociation teemed; but if these exactions are was managed, by others. At all continued, it must in time fall into events, she evinced a sense of what disrepute. They will, I believe, cure was due to public opinion by present themselves eventually. In the highing the charities with 20 guineas; l est quarter they are opposed with none of the other performers giving that delicacy which marks every aca farthing. Miss Travis and Miss tion of our truly British king. It is Goodall, I understand, are to receive always the custom, when any of the something more than the stipulated eminent singers are engaged at his sum; and so they ought. Modest Majesty's concerts, to give them doumerit should not go unrewarded, ble the sum for which they attend and be beaten out of the field by ar- those of less exalted personages. OR rogant, and frequently unfounded, a recent occasion, however, only half pretension.

as much again was given them, as it Mr. Montague. We hear frequent was found that the sum they demandcomplaints of the exorbitant de- ed would render the former plan injumands made by singers: yet the only dicious even for royal munificence to mode that can repress their insolence practise. The Duke of Devonshire is not adopted; that is, by steadily also has expressed his opinion on refusing to comply with their exac- this subject in no unintelligible way. tions. The English public, from the Reginald. I believe the Italian highest to the lowest class, should singers are the most to blame; they set their faces against the extrava- set the example of making exorbitant gant impositions, and the haughty || claims; and I do not blame our own overbearing conduct of a few indi countrymen and countrywomen, their viduals, who have secured to them- equals in talent, their superiors in selves álınost a monopoly of patron- every thing else, for imitating them, age, and contrive to keep all who when they see the facility with which are likely to compete with them in their demands are granted. the public favour in the back ground. Mrs. Primrose. After all, I think For Miss Stephens I feel a very high the professors of music are not made respect: yet why should she receive more of now than they were in the 200 guineas, when Miss Goodall and olden time. Miss Travis were content with such ll “ Jo days of yore how fortunately fared

|| The minstrel! wandering on from ball to comparatively small sums? The

ball, “ Charming Kitty” is certainly the Baronial court or royal, cheered with gifts

their faces ago and the haughcount

Munificent, and love and ladies' praise: ,, could never offend the inclinations of one
Now meeting on his road an armed kuight; l of that sex, which by his principles he
Now resting with a pilgrim by the side
Of a clear brook: beneath an abbey's roof

was bound to protect and cherish. CliOne evening somptaously lodged; the next

valry bung out the heart-stirring hope, Humbly in a religious hospital,

that beauty was the reward of bravery. Or with some merry outlaws of the wood, A valiant but landless knight was often Or haply shrowded in a hermit's cell. | hailed by the whole martial fraternity of Him, sleeping or awake, the robber spared ;

|| his country as worthy the hand of a noHe walked, protected from the sword of war

ble heiress, and the king could not in By virtue of that sacred instrument, His harp, suspended at the traveller's side;

every case bestow her on some minion of His dear companion wheresoe'er he went, his court. Woman was sustained in her Opeping from laod to land an easy way proud elevation by the virtues which chiBy melody and by the charm of verse.”

valry required of her; and man paid Reginald. A fine passage from homage to her mind as well as to her Wordsworth's “ Excursion," and beauty. She was not the mere subject quoted by Charles Mills in his “ His- of pleasure, taken up or thrown aside as tory of Chivalry;" a book, by the passion or caprice suggested, but being bye, for which the ladies in Great the fountain of honour, her image was Britain ought to yote him some splen- always blended with the fairest visions did memorial of their gratitude.

of his fancy; and the respectful considerMiss Rosina. Why so ?

ation which she therefore met with, shewReginald. Why so! Has he not

ed she was not an unworthy awarder of exalted your sex far beyond what

fame. Fixed by the gallant warriors of

chivalry in a nobler station than that any sober writer of history ever did before? Has he not been lavish of

which had been assigned to her by the

polite nations of antiquity, all the graceencomium and praise? Has he not,

ful qualities of her nature blossomed in short, made it one of the chief

into beauty, and the chastening influence duties of a knight to hight for his of feminine gentleness and tenderness lady-love? And does he not seem to was, for the first time in his history, exhave become enamoured even of chi

perienced by man. valry itself, for the beneficial influ

Miss Primrose. A beautiful pasence it bad on the fate of woman,

an, sage certainly; and pray do you dare lovely woman?

to differ from Mr. Mills ? Chivalry, says he, saved her from be- 1 Reginald. l! Oh, no! tout au ing altogether oppressed into slavery and a

contraire, mademoiselle. Mr. Mills degradation under the tyranny of feudal

is not more deeply imbued than myism. That odious system endeavoured

self with the love of chivalry and to bring under its sway even the very affections of the heart; for not only no wo

the love of woman. I deem the first man of rank and estate could marry with

to have been the grace and ornament out the consent of her sovereign, but in

of the times in which it prevailed; some countries she was obliged to accept

and women to be the dear dispensers a husband at his nomination, unless for a of joy and happiness below. I often large pecuniary payment he restored to wish that I had been born ere “ the her the privileges of her sex. By pre- || days of chivalry were no more;” serving woman in her noble state of mo- there is something so noble, so aniral dignity, chivalry prevented the harsh || mating, so enchanting, in the picture exercise of feudal rights. A sovereign which has always been presented to who prided himself on his knighthood my mind's eye when I have thought

subjectWald. Not a whiti the dignity Small estate, for hen the poor

of the times of other years, that I || by music.and conversation to her amusehave longed to realize the pleasing ment, and to form part of her state retivision, to banish from the world all | nue; and while there was no loss of digour base and sordid passions, and to inity in this description of service, the revive chivalry as it was in its best

practice being universal and of immedays, when “Christianity was deeply

morial antiquity, feelings of humility ininfused into all its institutions and

sensibly entered the mind, and a kind principles; and it not only spread

consideration for those of harder for

tunes softened the severity of feudal abroad order and grace, but strung

pride. Thus a condescending deportthe tone of morals to actions of vir

ment to inferiors was a duty which their tue."

moral instructors enforced. It was reMr. Montague. Mr. Mills has

presented to them by the pleasing image done much to remove many preju- ||

of the sparrow-hawk, which, when called dices that existed, and to correct in gentle accents, would come and many erroneous opinions that were

on her hand; but if, instead of being entertained relative to chivalry and courteous, she were rude and cruel, he its times; but I think he treats the would remain on the rock's pinnacle heedsubject with too much enthusiasm. less of her calls. Courtesy from persons

Reginald. Not a whit! not a whit! of superior consideration was the fair He has certainly tinged the dignity right of people of gentle birth though of of history with the splendour of ro- small estate, for gentility was always to mance; but he has not violated the

be respected; and to the poor man or wotruth; he has maintained his veraci

man it ought to be shewn, because it gives

pleasure to them, and reflects honour on ty, though he has painted in bright

those who bestow it. A lady once in and glowing colours the knights and

company of knights and ladies took off dames of old. What a winning crea

her hood, and humbled herself courture must one of these fair damsels

teously unto a mechanic. One of her have been! Let us see what our au

friends exclaimed in astonishment, “Why, thor says of her education and pur- l noble dame, you have taken off your suits.

hood to a tailor!”-“ Yes," she replied; If we fancy the knight of chivalry as and I would rather have doffed it to yaliant, noble-minded, and gentle, our him than to a gentleman;" and her courimagination pictures to our minds the

| teous friends reputed that she had done lady of his love in colours equally fair

righit well.. and pleasing. But we must not lose her

Then the ladies of the chivalric individuality in general expressions of

times sung and accompanied themadmiration, for she had a distinct and peculiar character, which from the cir

selves upon the harp; nor were the cumstances of her life can be accurately

graver sciences neglected. They traced. The maiden of gentle birth was,

were also instructed in medicine, that like her brother, educated in the castle

they might be enabled to nurse those of some knight or baron, her father's

who periled their lives in their defriend, and many of her duties were

fence. And though there is somethose of personal attendance. As the

thing repellent to the ideas of moyoung candidate for chivalric honours | dern refinement in a lady's attendcarved at table, handed the wines, and ing the couch of a wounded knight, made the beds of his lord, so his sister's and dressing his wounds, yet it is care was to dress her lady, to contribute il pleasing to contemplate that affec

tionate attention they displayed by duties of a skilful and vigilant commandthe bedside of the sick, that tender || er. She animated her little band by her care with which they administered to exhortations and munificence; she roused those who were disabled by the ac

the brave into heroism, and shamed the cidents of chance or war, or by the

timid into courage by the firmness of her visitations of disease, from pursuing

bearing. When the warlike engines of their active avocations. A woman

the besiegers hurled stones against the by a sick-bed is like a ministering

battlements, she, as in scorn, ordered

one of the female attendants to wipe off angel, sent by kind heaven in pity to

the dust with a handkerchief; and when south our pain, and blunt the thorn

the Earl of Salisbury commanded the of keen and bitter anguish.

enormous machine called the sow to be Mr. Montague. But the dames of

advanced to the foot of the walls, she chivalry were sometimes inclined to

scoffingly cried out, “ Beware, Montabe viragoes, as well as the humble,

gue! thy sow is about to farrow;" and ingentle, kind, and considerate crea

stantly by her command a huge fragment tures Mr. Mills describes them. of rock was discharged from the battle

Reginald. Out upon your grace ments, and it dashed the engine to pieless tongue! Viragoes? No! they ces. Many of the men who were about were brave spirits, adorning private it were killed, and those who crawled life by their virtues; and when ne from the ruin on their bands and knees cessity called, putting on the stern were deridingly called by the Scots, Monwarrior, and leading gallant knights tague's pigs. Foiled in his attempts, he to battle in the full confidence of

endeavoured to gain the castle by trea. victory. Mr. Mills's book contains chery: he bribed the person who had the some beautiful anecdotes of the chi

care of the gates to leave them open; but valry of the ladies. I will read you

the man, faithful to his duty, as well as to

his pecuniary interest, disclosed the whole one.

transaction to the countess. Salisbury In the beginning of the year 1938,

himself headed the party who were to William de Montague, Earl of Salisbury,

enter; finding the gates open, he was adby command of the Earl of Arundel, the

vancing, when John Copeland, one of his leader of the army of Edward III. laid

attendants, hastily passing before him, siege to the castle of Dunbar, the chief

the portcullis was let down, and Copepost which the Scots possessed on the

land, mistaken for his lord, remained a eastern coast of their country. The cas

prisoner. The countess, who from a tle stood upon a reef of rocks, which

high tower was observing the event, cri. were almost girdled by the sea, and such

ed out to Salisbury with her wonted huparts of it as could be attacked were for

mour, “ Farewell, Montague! I intended tified with great skill. The Earl of

that you should have supped with us, and March, its lord, was absent when Salis

assisted in defending this fortress against bury commenced the siege, but the de

the English.” fence lacked not his presence. His wife

The English turned the siege into a was there, and while to the vulgar spi

blockade, but still without success. The rits of the time she was known, from the

gallantry of the countess was supported unwonted darkness of her hair and eyes,

by some favourable circumstances, and as Black Agnes, the chivalric sons of 1

finally the Earl of Salisbury consented to Scotland joyfully beheld a leader in the

a cessation of hostilities, and he abanhigh-spirited daughter of the illustrious

is doned the place. Thomas Ranulph, Earl of Moray. The Countess of March performed all the Mrs. Primrose. You must leave

those volumes with me, Reginald. I where peasants dance upon the festive day,

He wounds the breast unseen, and soars - am something of an enthusiast in

away. the cause of chivalry, and anticipate || In wildest haunts he melts the savage mind, much pleasure in the perusal. Wounds in the parties of the most refined; By this time our hour of parting

Spares not the innocent nor beauteous fair,

But often sends his strongest arrows there. had arrived; good-nights were inter

Those he has wounded in the fragrant bowers changed, and each wended his way | Now rest in peace, their graves bedew'd with to his own domicile, hoping to meet

flow'rs; again.

| While those they died for feel no sorrow


The only tears are those which daisies weep. Elmwood HALL.

But may there none who figured at the ball,

Conceal the wound, fade, and untimely fall! I had closed my letter, when a lit- But on this night should any hearts be joined, tle volume was placed in my hands, May such through life know bappiness

refin'd; which, as the production of a young

And when they with fantastic dresses part, man in humble life, with few oppor- Beneath may each one find a virtuous heart, tunities of improvement, I think me In which, when worldly care the passions try, rits notice. It is a poem on the sub

May love ivcrease till death dissolve the tie! ject of the late Yorkshire Musical | The following is his opinion of the Festival, written by John Nicholson, choral powers of his countrymen. of Craven in Yorkshire, " the Rum- He is perfectly correct as to the sublesmoor Poet,” as he is termed by l periority of the Yorkshire choristers his neighbours. I can send only a over those of any other county. short specimen of this production; || When Yorkshire's choral sons their pow'rs but I assure you, it is well worthy

unite, attention, as the production of an ori- || Their tones astonish, and their powers de

light; ginal, self-taught mind.

Healthful and strong, their voices may defy The following is an elegant com- In strength all singers else beneath the sky. pliment John pays to the ladies: Yes, when they sung the song which Israel Like gardens in full bloom, the ladies' heads, When on the ocean's shore their harps they

sung, When Flora lightly on the roses treads. All flowers that deck the vale, or crown the ! Lost were the viol's trills, the organ's strain;

strung, bil,

The chorus bursts, “ The Lord shall crer Were imitated there with finest skill;

reign!” But lovelier far the beauteous ladies' eyes, as

“ Por ever and for ever be shall reign!” Than flowers and feathers of the richest dies.

Re-echoes through each vaulted arch again; His description of the effects of || And as the strains increase, still more and

more love possesses great merit:

We seem transported to the distant shore, For such a sly aspiring boy is Love,

Where Moses, Israel's bard, composed the lle haunts the ball-room, palace, and the

song, grove.

And oceau's wave the chorus rolled along.


No. IV.

(Concluded from p. 135.) Poor aunt Micky very soon found, || The pangs, however, which she enfrom the vulgarity of aunt Drowzier, dured in acknowledging this are hardthat her house was no home for her. Il ly to be expressed; for although she

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