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stitution to obtain a fund for the erec- || published in the “ Cork Advertiser" tion of a national gallery in Dublin, l of August 7, 1823, Sir John's noble immediately presented two splendid | contribution of twenty-five pounds in pictures, worth four hundred gui- his letter of September 20th, was neas, to that public-spirited body, as the first money received for the pubthe commencement of a national col-lic subscription. lection in the intended edifice. He In the mean time, Mr. Carey, to had at that very time the pencils of move the Irish capital in favour of five or six of the most eminent Bri- Hogan, had, on the 11th September, tish artists at work on commissions 1823, commenced a series of letters, for his superb Gallery of British published in “ The Patriot,” a DubPaintings in Hill-street, London; and lin newspaper, which was generally it is a signal fact, to his eternal ho- read in all the fashionable circles. nour, that no other British amateur These letters, which were addressed of rank and fortune ever expended to the Royal Irish Institution, and so large a sum on the encouragement | were continued in ,that journal until of native genius as Sir John Fle- the 19th of February, 1824, includming Leicester. His communication ed notices of the principal Irish artand gift to Mr. Hogan operated like ists. But, in the interval, Mr. Ca. a stroke of electricity on some unbe rey had returned to Dublin, and, lievers in Cork, and gave fresh weight prior to his transmission of Hogan's to Mr. Carey's letters in the “ Ad-present to Tabley-House, he subvertiser,” in favour of the young mitted the grand old Head of an self-taught sculptor. The fame of Apostle and the Male Torso, to a Sir John Leicester's refined taste meeting of the Royal Irish Instituand munificence, which had spread tion on the 27th of September, so widely on the Continent, had ne- || 1823, with a motion to grant the sum cessarily reached the capital of Mun- of one hundred pounds from the ster. The sight of the letter and the funds of that public-spirited body, English bank - bill for twenty-five in aid of the intended subscription. pounds in Hogan's hands admitted The members present included some of no doubt. To find that an Eng- of the most distinguished amateurs lish gentleman, who had not an inch in the sister kingdom. Among other of land in Ireland, and had never set talented gentlemen who spoke on his foot in that country, should this occasion, John Gage Davis, Esq. thus manifest so lively an interest for one of the directors, descanted on the encouragement of Irish genius, the excellence of the specimens, with awakened a generous spirit of emu a taste and critical acumen, which lation in many, who had until then | fully evinced his long and successful overlooked the merits of their young | attention to the principles of beauty countryman. But the Irish gentry, || in works of art; and the following in that season of national distress, motions were carried unanimously: could not get in their rents, and the “Resolved,That the grand old Head generalimpoverishment rendered the || and Male Torso, executed by Mr. John wishes of the great majority una- | Hogan, and submitted to this committee yailing. Owing to these obstacles, by Mr. William Carey, are works of although Mr. Carey's first letter was ll great merit, and afford a fair prospect of this artist's rising to a high rank in his | land. On the 20th of November, profession, with due encouragement and 1823, the committee of the Fine Arts persevering industry.

made their report by John Gage Da. " Resolved,—That the sum of one hun- || vis, Esq. their able and public-spidred pounds be appropriated to the purpose

rited chairman; and the two followof sending Mr. John Hogan to study in

ing resolutions were unanimously Italy, in co-operation with the fund now

adopted, and published in their printraising in Cork for that purpose." See “The Patriot,” Sept. 30, 1823, for

ed proceedings: the above and other resolutions in favour

1 “ Your Committee having taken into of Hogan.

consideration the letter of Mr. Carey, and

the dery beautiful specimens of sculpture Sir John Leicester's splendid ex. executed by Mr. Hogan of Cork; a very ample was here nobly followed by young artist, accompanying it, feel great a public-spirited body, which had, pleasure in declaring their conviction, some time before, expended the sum that the decided talent displayed in those of three hundred pounds to obtain works requires only a more expanded the incorporation of the Irish artists cultivation, and a continued perseverin the Royal Hibernian Academy of ance in the path of energetic industry, Painting, Sculpture, and Architec- which has hitherto marked his course, to ture, in Dublin. The power of the

place him perhaps, at no very distant pe. periodical press in drawing the pub

riod, on a distinguished eminence in his lic attention to unfriended genius

profession. Your Committee therefore

recommend the purchase of the speciwas, in this instance, fully evinced;

mens for 25l. ; and regret that a consideand Mr. Carey's exertions were thus

ration of the probable demands on the far successful, but he did not stop | Society during the ensuing year should there. Mr. Hogan, whose letters limit their report to so inadequate a rewere replete with sincere acknow- muneration. ledgments, had sent up to Dublin “ Your Committee feel it their duty to five of his anatomical studies, chiefly | add their expression of the deep sense hands, arms, legs, and feet, cut in they entertain of the zealous and liberal pine-wood, with an anxious hope exertions of Mr. Carey to draw forth from that his advocate would accept them obscurity, and place before the public, as a token of his gratitude. Mr. Ca- the merits of so promising an artist." rey again expressed his admiration of Sir John Leicester, on receiving these extraordinary performances, the Male Torso and grand old Head but thankfully declined accepting of an Apostle at Tabley-House, was any present from the young artist, so struck by the taste and good feeling conceiving that these early perform- displayed in those attempts, that, ances might be turned to account in with that generous promptitude which contributing to send the young sculp- has ever distinguished his patronage tor to Italy. With this view he sub- of genius, he immediately wrote to mitted them, with a letter earnestly Mr. Carey, and authorized him to soliciting their aid to the subscrip- give Mr. Hogan a commission to extion for Hogan, to the liberality of ecute, at Rome, a female figure in the Royal Dublin Society for the En- marble for Tabley-House, as soon as couragement of the Arts, Sciences, he should conceive himself qualified Agriculture, and Manufactures of Ire- | by his studies there for so arduous

. Dubing Condo

an undertaking. Ata general meet- ings is well worth a traveller's noing of the Royal Cork Society of tice. All the important facts and Arts, the members, to express their dates in this statementare given from high sense of Sir John Leicester's the authority of the Cork and Dubsingular liberality, elected him an ho- | lin newspapers; but the preceding norary member of their patriotic in- list of names is from the private comstitution, and accompanied their vote mnunication of a gentleman who wrote with an eloquent address to that dis- | them down from recollection: the list tinguished patron of the arts. The may therefore be unintentionally imRoyal Irish Institution had elected perfect, where so many were active; Sir John an honorary member of but the writer pledged himself that their body, with a public expression there was not a name wilfully omitted. of their esteem and respect, some It is pleasant to confer praise where months before.

it is justly due; and, where the pubAmong those who, on the appear lic payment of the debt has a tenance of Mr. Carey's letters in the dency to excite a noble emulation in “ Cork Advertiser,” and “ Dublin the minds of others, omission bePatriot," were anxious in forwarding comes an injustice to the individual the subscription, Wm. Crawford and and a detriment to society. Thomas Morgan, Esqrs.; - Beech- On the 14th of Nov. 1823, the er, Member of Parliament for Mal- subscription having then amounted low; Colonel Roach of Trabolgan, to 2501. Hogan left Cork for Dublin, Viscount Ennismore, and the Right where he took leave of his advocate, Rev. Dr. Murphy, the Roman Ca- Mr. Carey, with warm protestations tholic bishop, were foremost. Among of unchangeable gratitude, and emthe active promoters of the good barked for Liverpool on his way to work in Dublin were, Robert Hamil || Rome. In London he found, at Sir ton, Esq. of Verville, one of the John Fleming Leicester's house in most zealous friends of the fine arts Hill-street, letters of recommendain Ireland; John Cash, Esq. of Rut- tion to Sir Thomas Lawrence, the land-square, in his early time an ama- President of the Royal Academy, teur painter of no ordinary proficien- and to Chantrey, the unrivalled sculpcy; Wilcocks Huband, Esq. an ama tor of the domestic style. From the teur engraver, whose masterly etch former he obtained a letter of introings and Essay on Taste are mutual duction to the Duchess of Devonillustrations, which entitle his name | shire, then at Rome. If there be and works to honourable record; | any public testimony more flattering John Gage Davis, Esq. an amateur, than another, it is that which is paid familiar with the best works of the to a young man of genius by his old schools; H.C. Sirr, J. C. Graves, I country, in the form of a public subJ. Rogers, Henry Manning, Esqrs. scription, with the hope of enabling distinguished for the taste of their se him to enter the lists of fame, and to lect cabinets; W. J. Moore, Esq. contest for the palm of glory with the Rutland-square; the Rev.J. P.Grif- illustrious of every age and nation. fith; the Rev. J. C. Seymour; and Hogan had the good fortune, by arathe Hon. and Rev. John Pomeroy, I pid change of circumstances, through whose splendid collection of paint the powerful influence of the press, to receive this honourable testimony | tract from one of his letters, dated from his own country. He entered 26th March, 1825, will best explain Rome with the written and printed his situation: “ My circumstances approbation of the Royal Cork So-not permitting me to take a study, or ciety, of the Royal Irish Institution, even to purchase the necessaries reof the Royal Dublin Society, of the quisite for modelling, I am confined first amateur in Europe, Sir Johnsolely to sketching and drawing in Fleming Leicester, and with the re- the different galleries and academies commendation of Sir Thomas Law- in Rome. This perhaps is not so rence, the President of the Royal essential to a sculptor as to a paintAcademy of London. But unfortu-er, neither is it the course taken by nately her Grace of Devonshire died the sculptors at Rome; a study beonly a few days before Hogan arriv- ing the first object of their research, ed in that city. He had a letter from in which they can compose and moMr. Carey to General Cockburn (of del from the life, a model being to Dublin), who had left Rome for Pa-be had here on very reasonable terms, ris just before the self-taught sculp- compared with what is paid for motor went to wait upon him. Mr. Ho- dels in London and other places. gan was thus a stranger, unacquaint The rent is the main point, as the ed with the Italian language, and Romans never let a studio to an artwithout a patron, in a foreign state. ist without his first paying a year's He has since enthusiastically applied rent in hand, and holding the same himself to his studies as far as his for a certain time." It is earnestly limited means have enabled him to to be hoped, that this publication will avail himself of his residence in the reach the eyes of the Royal Cork capital of the fine arts; but, if pos- Society, and Royal Irish Institution, sible to extend the confined funds of and induce them to perfect their pathe public subscription to three tronage of Hogan, by a second subyears, his means of present support scription for that noble purpose. . are so narrowed as to prevent him

E.S.C. from renting a studio for composing London, Aug. 14, 1825. and modelling after the life. An ex- |

. THE FASTIDIOUS LOVER. Before George Herbert had at- | never marry. He had, on the one tained the age of twenty-five he was hand, a horror of your remarkably set down by most of his acquaint-clever and accomplished fair-ones, ance as an old bachelor in embryo. who make a parade of their knowHe was allowed to be handsome, ac. ledge and talents; and, on the other, complished, and extremely well in- | he could not bear those pretty triformed: but his attentions to the la flers who, trusting to their personal dies never went beyond the bounds charms, and to a few showy accomof common politeness; and he was plishments, never trouble themselves known to barbour some odd notions about the cultivation of their minds. respecting women, which made it It seemed to this fastidious mortal, more than probable that he would that women, generally speaking, were divided into these two classes; and until then he had never been inclinaccordingly he behaved to them with ed to place much confidence in her a cold politeness, which drew upon judgment. Then, however, he listhim at last the nickname of the In- ened to her with great attention, sensible. .

i and was convinced that it was perNevertheless, in spite of his fasti- fectly correct. How he acquired diousness, Herbert was any thing but this conviction in his first interview an insensible; in fact, he had too | with Mrs. Clermont it is not easy to much sensibility; and, in a spirit of say, for she did not speak a dozen romance, which, if pardonable, is at words; but certain it is, that from least very imprudent, he had drawn that moment he was convinced that in his mind a picture of female ex- he had found his paragon. He paid cellence, which he hoped one day to court to her with the utmost assidumeet with in real life, and to which ity, and, in short, in a few weeks it he was very willing, when he did was evident to all his acquaintance, meet with it, to surrender his liberty. that the Insensible was become as

This rara avis of Herbert's ima- true an inamorato as ever “ penned gination was to possess an agreeable a sonnet to his mistress' eyebrow.” person, a sweet temper, and a culti- His sister observed the progress vated intellect; wit, at least in a cer- of his attachment with pleasure; tain degree; and accomplishments, passionately fond of her brother, it not mechanically acquired, butspring. had long been her first wish to see ing from real taste and talent. Above him happily married. She rallied all the rest, she was to be gifted with him on his increasing penchant for that to him indispensable charm, a the widow, shook her head incresoft feminine reserve, which would dulously when he talked first of adveil her tastes and acquirements from miration and then of friendship; and, the eyes of all, save the happy pos- finally, with that true esprit de corps sessor of so much perfection. so delightful in the lovely sex, grave

As this last quality is not, it must ly promised to plead his cause with be confessed, very common in our her friend, at the very moment that days, it is rather more wonderful that she had reason to believe the fair George should have at last met with widow was as much smitten as himprecisely the sort of charmer his self. fancy had pictured, than that he did The gentle advocate's task was an not do it sooner. He was nearly easy one. Mrs. Clermont's consent twenty-nine when he became ac- was modestly but frankly given; the quainted with Mrs. Clermont, a widow | nuptial day was fixed, and Herbert of twenty-four, of good family, but had repeated to himself a thousand very slender fortune. He first saw times, that one month more and he her in company with his only sister, || should be the happiest of earthly of whom she had been the boarding- beings, when in a moment he saw school friend, and who lavished upon this bright future vanish like a deher the warmest encomiums.

lightful dream, and he awoke to the Mrs. Vincent, George's sister, was terrible certainty of irremediable a lively good-natured rattle; her bro- | misery. ther was extremely fond of her, but One day on paying a visit to his

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