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ter the letter that we have just given | In replacing the jewels in their to our readers.

cases, O‘Beirne found at the bottom He found, from the information of the coffer the following letter: of M‘Dermot, that Antoine had been To my Children, ill but two days, and that it was not

The forebodings of my Hortensia till about an hour before his death weretoo just; she has clasped her father to that he fancied himself in danger; her bosom for the last time. Yes, my he had then given to Patrick a small children, the order is arrived to conduct key, saying, that it was the key of a me to prison, and I feel that I shall not treasure of which he was the depo- leave it but for the scaffold. Let it be sitary, and he was proceeding when your consolation that I die happy. I have he lost his speech; and notwithstand preserved all that is dearest to me on ing several efforts to articulate, the earth; I carry with me into eternity the word chêne was the only one intelli

consciousness that I have been faithful gible.

to my God and to my king; and I look Patrick, who understood French

with an humble hope for mercy from my very imperfectly, could form no con

Almighty Judge. I leave in the hands

of my faithful Antoine all that I have jecture from it; but Arthur, who

been able to conceal of the wreck of my immediately recollected that he had

property. I can trust to him to fly to often seen the old man seated under

you with it the first moment that it is the shade of an old oak in the park,

possible for him to do so. Need I tell immediately surmised that the trea

you to reward and cherish that faithful sure, if there was one, was buried servant? Need I tell you, if Providence there; and after digging for a consi permits your return, to recompense those derable time near the root of the who have been faithful to us ? No, my tree, they discovered a coffer nearly children, your hearts want no excitement filled with louis-d'ors, and containing to perform those sweet and sacred duties. also some apparently valuable jewels. My children, your father on his knees

The extravagant joy of M'Der- invokes a blessing on your future days. mot at seeing the treasure could only | His last prayer will be, that you may rebe equalled by his disappointment join him in that world where the wicked when Arthur briefly explained to

cease from troubling and the weary are

cease from troubling. him the reasons which induced him | at rest. Farewell! farewell! to consider it as a sacred deposit.

De MERSANVILLE. He would have assumed his usual Deeply affected with the contents privilege of arguing the matter, but of this letter, O‘Beirne deposited it O‘Beirne took on this occasion a again in the jewel-case, and consitone which he had never before used, dering that the coffer would be safer and his peremptory “ No reply!” | where it had been so long concealed awed Patrick into silence, though it than in any part of the château, he could not prevent his muttering to replaced it in the ground. He rehimself, that he hoped the poor turned in a few days to Paris, from souls that had owned it were better whence he meant in a short time to provided for in heaven, and that proceed to Ireland, in the hope of there could be no roguery, but a arranging his pecuniary affairs. great deal of honesty, in making use l (To be concluded in our next.). of a God-send to pay one's debts.

which he had ne u No reply. I than in any P


THE TURKEY OF ALENCON. Some days previously to the battle | sure a good Frenchman and a loyal of Ivry, Henry IV. of France arrived subject, and well off in circumstances at Alençon incognito with a few of for one of his class." his suite. He alighted at the house “ Well, madam,” said the king, of an officer who was a partizan of “ let him come: it is better to have his: this officer was not at home, | a dull supper than no supper at all. and his wife, who was unacquainted Let your obstinate neighbour be inwith the person of Henry, received | vited; we must bear with him for the the party courteously as a military sake of his good cheer." chief and friends of her husband. || Thetownsman being informed that Towards evening the king perceived his conditions were accepted, soon her countenance changed from cheer arrived in his holiday suit, and with fulness to an expression of vexation || him the fat turkey. While the supand anxiety. “What is the matter, per was preparing, he made himself madam?" said he." If I thought very agreeable, relating with much my visit were unwelcome or trouble- ease and drollery the little gossip some to you, I would endeavour to || and scandalous anecdotes of the relieve you: as the night wears on town; in short, he amused the king your gaiety changes to gravity; speak so well, that, although he was dying freely, and be assured I have no in- of hunger, he was not impatient for tention to cause you trouble.”_"Sir, the appearance of supper. When said the lady, “ I will candidly ex- it came, the good man lost no time plain to you the cause of my embar either in eating or talking, but conrassment. This is Thursday; if you tinued to do both with vigour. The were acquainted with this town you | king laughed heartily, and the more would be aware of the difficulty of the gentlemen laughed, the greater, collecting provisions such as I would || said the self-invited guest, was his willingly set before you for supper. own delight. I have sent all round the place, and | When his majesty rose from table, have absolutely been unable to pro- his merry companion suddenly fell at cure a dish: only one of my neigh his feet. “ Pardon, sire!" he said, bours can assist me; he owns that “ pardon me; this has been the haphe has a turkey in his kitchen, but piest day of my life. I saw and rerefuses to let me have it at any price, || cognised your majesty as you entered unless on condition that he is per- | the town. I said nothing, however, mitted to partake of the supper. I not even to the lady of this house, am quite in despair; the obstinate when I found she was ignorant of creature refuses all my offers, still your majesty's rank. I have, by my insisting on the only condition I can- obstinate refusal of my turkey, the not expect you will submit to, for he only dish to be procured, obtained is a mere vulgar mechanic; and this for myself the greatest honour, that is the true cause of my vexation." of presuming to endeavour to amuse

“ Is this man a pleasant fellow ?" you for a short meal.” By this time said Henry." He is considered as the lady also was at the king's feet. the wit of the place: he is to be ll Henry, with his wonted good na. ture, endeavoured to raise them, but the nobleness of my sentiments." the man continued kneeling. “I will “ Well, my friend, and if I were to not rise,” said he,“ till your majesty grant the patent, what arms would has listened to me."-"Well, speak,” | you have?"-" My turkey, sire; it said the king.-" Sire," continued has procured me the greatest honour the supplicant with a solemn air, I could ever enjoy. I would take " the glory of my king has ever been my turkey for my arms.”—“ Ventre dear to me, and I cannot think with- Saint Gris!" exclaimed the monout grief that it has been tarnished arch," thou shalt be a gentleman, and by the admission of so low a person thou shalt bear for arms thy turkey as myself at bis table, and I see but in pale!" The new-made gentleman one way of remedying the evil."-- was either rich enough, or subse“What is that?" asked Henry." It quently acquired sufficient, to puris to grant me letters patent of nobi- | chase a seigneurie, on which was lity.”—“ Letters of nobility to thee!" erected a château by his descend

" Why not, sire? Though I was ants in his name, which he would not formerly a mechanic, I am a French- change. His posterity still possess man. I have the heart of a French- the domain, and their arms are still man, and I may deserve nobility by the turkey in pale.


OF THE CLAN MUNRO. Fergus CEIMUNAICH of the rush- || north they were all-powerful. But ing steps, the young lord of Bade- Fergus had no heart to exchange noch, was famed for supereminence with the lofty Mirabella, the ladyin personal beauty, strength, agility, heiress of Bothwell. A lovely unand indomitable valour. The impe- | adorned maid in a deep glen of the tuosity of his onset in battle obtained | Highlands had gained the entire and for him the cognomen of Ceimunaich, irrevocable hold of his affections. or the rushing steps; and thence Passing through a remote and hilly originated the surname of Cumming. district in the end of autumn, FerHis father purposed to ally him with gus and his followers were bewilderthe only offspring of Earl Bothwell, ed by a snow-storm, and after many who had declared she would bestow | wanderings, all the party, except herself and a large dower upon the their young chief, sunk down in" the handsomest knight that should bear sleep that knows no rising dawn.". away the prize of chivalry in a tourna- Fergus exerted all his skill, humament to be held at Stirling. At this nity, and fortitude to rouse his atperiod there were seven and thirty tendants from this fatal repose; but lords of the redoubtable clan of the vital spark was soon extinct, and which the lord of Badenoch was the could not be relumed. In dreary sohigh leader and head, and all were litude, and half blinded by drifting intent upon the alliance with Earl snows, the noble youth pursued his Bothwell, to extend the influence of way, uncertain whither it tended. the tribes far southward, as in the Long had he defied the tempestuous: darkness ere the flickering of a dis- | in the cottage, watching for some fatant light afforded some direction, vourable crisis to regain his rights; and he reached the lowly abode of a but an hour propitious to this restochief, who had been deprived by in- ration never shone on his failing age. sidious arts and by violence of his His constitution of body and mind own castle and the surrounding lands. had been impaired by severe warRuagarach was from early youth a | fare and frequent wounds; "the soldier of the cross, and during se- sinewsof his strength were consumed veral years was reported to be among in the burning East;" and Bragela, the slain “ on the burning sands of the orphan of his brother, was "the Palestine.” The next heir took pos- | light of his dark and helpless years." session, in despite of the youngest She wedded his son, the high-minded brother of Ruagarach. The usurper | Maoin, the able and firm of hand became formidable in spraiths, or in- and heart; the expert, the mighty cursions upon the Lowland proprie- hunter of the forests. Calamity still tors. He bore away many cattle and pursued the race of Ruagarach, and, other spoils; and having assembled according to the narrow prejudices under his command a large body of of the times, his countrymen regarddesperate men, his neighbours were ed each visitation of woe as an evicompelled to court his favour and dence of the divine wrath for giving protection. Ruagarach reappeared, the “ faith of marriage” to a daughbut had no means to enforce a resti- ter of stranger lands. In our day tution of his rights: his only son was many chiefs have chosen a bride from born of a fair maid of Albion, or the south, and those ladies have England, and his most attached kins- been beloved and revered by the men and vassals were estranged whenGael; so happily blended are now they found he had married a daugh- the feelings and interests of the three ter of " the flat ignoble south." His kingdoms that compose the “ better brother had fallen in defence of his part” of the British empire. inheritance; all the race of his father Loaded with sorrow and infirmiwas apparently extinct, except one ties, “ Ruagarach was mingled with girl, who was unborn when her mo- the ghosts of his fathers on highther was widowed “ by the hand of soaring clouds of the north.” His the usurper.” The lady recognised | family place of interment “ rose in her brother-in-law, committed her piles on the islet of wood-skirted child to his care, and in a few weeks waters." Bragela, with her five sons breathed her last sigh in the arms of and her only daughter, attended the filial tenderness. The usurper had obsequies, “ to shed over the cairn assigned to her a humble dwelling, of Ruagarach the tears of swimming which, for the sake of her unborn hearts." A land - storm “ heaved babe, she accepted; and there Bra- |and foamed the deep bosom of the gela, as a lovely flower expanding in Lochan;" the boat that ferried Brathe desert, grew and bloomed into | gela and her offspring was overset. early womanhood, when Ruagarach || Maoin leaped from the yawl, where and his son came to claim the chief-he sat by the corpse of his father, tainry of their mighty fathers. The and plunged into the waves to aid soldier of bright renown remained his spouse and children: he could save only Shilas, “ Shilas, a beam at every step Maoin sunk deeper in of beauty, mild as the first blush of the snow. He came not with the eastern skies in a summer morn, approach of evening, and Shilas in and artless as the dove of a lonely alarm sent her damsels to gather the tower," Shilas was all that upheld neighbours in search of her father. the heart of Maoin; but when Fer- All were at a wedding five miles disgus Ceimunaich took shelter beneath tant, and thither the damsels, hied, the lowly roof of the far-descended trusting their master was not in dangchief, the noble heart of Maoin was er, and glad of a pretext to join in "in the last chill of death.” Trained the dance. While for them the by his father to feats of arms, Maoin “ hours floated in mirth," Maoin, was a hero in the most exalted sense feeble and “ sick even to death,' of the word. Wrongfully divested waded through an ocean of snows. of fortune and feudal power, he Shilas stood at the door, listening maintained intrinsic dignity. His impatient for a sound of his approach. prowess in defending his own pro- | The snow-drift beating in her face perty, and in helping the feeble, struck concealed his figure as he advanced. insurmountable terror into the free- | Her ear caught the motion of his booters by whom he was encompass- | struggling feet. She bounded to ed; none dared to invade his little meet him; her supporting arm conAlock, and they “ all sought the grasp || ducted him half way to the blaze she of his mighty hand.” If his high had kept up on his “ hearth of soul could have stooped to “deeds peace" awaiting his return: he sunk of rapine, his cattle might have co- | from her trembling hold-made an vered a thousand hills;" but he pre- effort to speak-his tongue was moferred hardship and poverty to ac- tionless. He raised his glazed eyes, quisitions " that must stain the re- || fixed their last look on his daughter, nown of his far-descended fathers;" | and expired. What words can exand with the" lofty soul of a chief,” | press her agony of grief as she bent he lived honoured, though obscure. over the lifeless form of her only At the commencement of a snow- parent? Hours elapsed before tears storm, Maoin hastened to the assist-| relieved her loaded soul; but inured ance of his aged faithful goatherd; I to adversity, to exertion, and selfbut the “ flaky tempest” had raged | command, and placing her hopes on on the bills before it spread to the the “rock of ages high above sun, valley, and the goatherd ventured moon, or stars," she seated herself too far in collecting the flock. Ma. | beside the corse in that calm resigoin called to him on every side, shout- | nation which is yet compatible with ing aloud the name of his servant. a poignant feeling of all earthly beThe dull echoes, half suppressed by reavement. When Fergus entered, wreathing drift, only replied. The her attention had a salutary excitagoatherd lay beside a cave of the tion. Her cares revived the fainting cliffs; and long and painfully search- stranger, and in sympathy with the ing the trackless wild, the chief found lovely mourner, Fergus lost all sense and attempted to carry him to his of his own disaster. The sun rode home. Tedious was the way, and on the southern sky before the neigh

Vol. VI. No. XXXI.

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