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wires and screws by the young self- 1 tage of himself and his master, extaught artist hinself; the joints have pired in March 1820, when he was all their motions, and the symmetry in the twentieth year of his age. His of the whole is admirable. The ap- first work after this was a figure of plication of the term beauty to this | Minerva, as large as life, carved in performance may possibly appear pine-timber, for an assurance-office somewhat strange; but considered as in the South Mall. The boldness a piece of imitation, perhaps no self- and taste of this attracted much attaught artist of his age ever executed tention. He was next employed in a more perfect and beautiful speci- the arduous task of executing momen in osteology. Yet this fine proof dels in clay from the noble figure of of well-directed study and mechani- Antinous, the Emperor Adrian's fa. cal ingenuity, as well as of genius, vourite, and from Canova's prettily was the performance of an appren imagined Venus. Many eminent tice in the long winter-nights after sculptors have copied the Antinous, his daily work for his master. If but no one has ever reached the perthe choice of such a subject, which fection of the original. The majescomprehends the only sure founda- tic simplicity of this admirable figure tion of excellence in the highest de- is of a distinct class and principle partment of the arts, be not an indi- from the fanciful elegance which cation of a lofty aim in his profes- forms the grace of Canova's concepsion, it is at least a proof that he tion. The one is an eternal truth; had discrimination enough to advance the other the alluring offspring of a in the right road to the attainment classical imagination, following the of well-merited distinction. | imitative fashion of the time, and im· This skeleton was finished in Fe- pressed with its light and voluptuous bruary 1820. He also copied in beauty. In these difficult tasks Hostone, about the same time, in his gan displayed the germs of an ele. over-hours, the following pieces: A vated genius. His copies are not Cow, from a sinall plaster cast, after | free from some blemishes to gratify the antique in the Cork Academy, the eye of heartless criticism; but this copy is in the possession of Ma- they possess sufficient excellence to jor Chudleigh; a colossal head of excite the wonder and hope of those Minerva, which remained in the pos- || who view them with the eyes of true session of Mr. Deane; and a Silenus taste and liberal science. His pay supported by Satyrs, after a small was only twenty shillings per week cast in bas-relief from the antique. || while at work on these copies. The The last is not an elaborately finished casts from his models were set up in performance; it is little more than the niches on the great staircase in blocked in, with a bold disposition the house of James Morgan, Esq. of the general action, and a fine un on the South Terrace, and the moulds derstanding of the forms: the style || were destroyed. is excellent, and, as far as it goes, is . In 1820 and 1821, Dr. Woodroffe, replete with the spirit of the origi- || an eminent surgeon, with commenda

ble public spirit, devoteda consideraHis apprenticeship, which had | ble portion of his time and talents to proved so much to the mutual advan. Il advance the interests of the fine arts

n'a sınall plork Academy.. they possess


in his native country, by giving pub- || study of anatomy under an able prolic lectures on anatomy at the fessor of surgery, a painter or sculpgreat room of the Royal Cork Aca- || tor is no more than a purblind strugdemy, in which the students draw gler in his profession; he is a stamfrom the magnificent set of plaster mering orator incapable of an articucasts after the antique, so graciously late pronunciation, whose meaning presented by his Majesty to that in may be vaguely guessed, but is rarestitution. The money collected by ly, if ever, sufficiently defined. Anaadmission - tickets, during the two tomical science may be truly consiseasons, amounted to about 2001. dered the eyes, life-blood, body, and which sum was applied to paying a soul of an artist. If the value of a part of the rent for the building ap- public good can only be justly estipropriated to the Cork Academy. mated by the loss and disadvantage Dr. Woodroffe gave Hogan an in- sustained by those who stand in need vitation to attend his lectures at the of it for their advancement, I may Academy, &c.; also a free adinission | truly aver, that the lectures of Surto his anatomical lectures and dissec- geon Woodroffe afforded an incalcutions at his own house, for the ad- || lable benefit to Hogan and the other vancement of surgical students. The students in the Royal Cork Society young sculptor eagerly applied him- of Arts. self to these inestimable studies. In It is recorded in that very tasteful the course of nearly three years, he and interesting work, “ The Peak acquired a thorough knowledge of Scenery,” by its eloquent author, that the structure of the human frame, | Chantrey, now the first sculptor of of the form and use of the bones the age, did not, amidst all the splenand muscles, and of their relations, did patronage of England, receive, dependencies, and external appear- in upwards of six years of his outset, ance, in all the varieties of action as many pounds by his professional and repose. At this period, he exe-exertions. As this extraordinary cuted in wood several anatomical public neglect is a proof how very studies of feet, arms, legs, and hands, few are ready to take notice of an as large as life, stripped of the upper artist in his outset, and as Proctor, integuments, and displaying the mus esteemed the British Phidias by cles and tendons: for these he found | West and the Royal Academicians, no purchaser; but having copied in perished of starvation in the British stone the cast of a well-known ana- | capital, through the neglect of the tomical figure, by Michael Angelo, Il periodical press and the want of emhis copy was purchased by Mr. John|ployment, it may be fairly supposed, Lecky, an intelligent and liberal mem- from the early infancy of the fine ber of the Society of Friends. With arts in Cork, that Hogan had to enthe light of science to guide his counter the severest discouragements practice, Hogan's views of art were in his outset. Excepting his models enlarged, and he takes a pride in of the Antinous and Canova's Venus speaking of his obligations to Dr. in 1820, on which he was employed Woodroffe. Without a thorough through the liberality of Mr. Morunderstanding of the human figure, gan, merely to keep his hand in pracwhich can only be acquired by the | tice, and for which he was paid at the rate of only twenty shillings per favour. His own expressive words week, we have no record of any in one of his letters are, " I feel parother commission or work by him ticularly indebted to the Right Rev. in that year; and there is every rea- Dr. Murphy for his kind and effecson to believe the statement, that he tual encouragement.” The introducwas, like Proctor and Chantrey in tion of the fine arts was so recent, England, for months without employ- and there was so little, or rather there ment. There were many at that time being no employment for a sculptor who blamed him for not having stuck in Cork, if it had not been for these to the trade of a carpenter, It was works in the North Chapel, even the even probable that he would have unbending spirit of this young enbeen necessitated to abandon sculp- thusiast must have sunk into deture altogether, but that, late in the spondence. year 1821, he was employed by the In 1822, after having finished his Right Rev. Dr. Murphy, the Roman embellishments for the altar of the Catholic Bishop of Cork, to enıbel- North Chapel, and also a Triumph of lish the altar of the North Chapel in Silenus, consisting of fifteen figures, that city, which had been repaired as an ornament for a sideboard, Hoafter having suffered considerably gan was again without a commission by an accidental fire. This was aor any employment. He had set the joyful redemption for Hogan, al- price of fifteen pounds upon the" Trithough neither the limited circum- umph of Silenus," and having refused stances of the bishop, after his ex- | to accept of seven pounds as paypenses in rebuilding the ruined parts ment, it remained on his hands, with of the chapel, nor the very inadequate no other chance of raising a few value set upon the labours of an art-pounds upon it, excepting by a rafist in that city, admitted a hope of fle. In this deplorable state of disany remuneration beyond the wages couragement an accident produced a of an ordinary mechanic.

sudden revolution in his favour, and In the complete dearth of employ- rendered him an object of patronage, ment, Hogan attached the highest and an honour to himself and to his importance to a commission which country. enabled him to appear in a public (To be concluded in our next.) edifice as a candidate for professional ||


No. VIII. WHEN we were assembled as usual story is well told, the incidents are in the studly of the vicar, Miss Prim- interesting, and the language, for the rose, as soon as I entered the room, most part, is highly poetical. Yet I attacked me as follows:

think you awarded it 'but “ faint · I think, Reginald, you did not, praise." when we last had the pleasure of see- Reginald. I said it was not equal ing you, do Miss Landon justice. I to “ The Improvisatrice;" and I still have read " The Troubadour,” and think so. That it is, however, a poreally deem it a beautiful poem: the li em of great merit, containing many splendid passages, I readily allow. || what is your opinion of Miss LanOne has just occurred to me, which don as a poetess? I know you have is really beautiful: it is the setting read her productions, and I know out of the hero, and a train of gal too your good taste and just discrilant knights, upon a warlike expedi mination well qualify you to protion, from the castle of his lady love, nounce an opinion. who was watching their departure Miss R. Primrose. Really, Regifrom the battlements:

nald, you have learned to flatter; and “Dark was the shade of that old tower let me tell you, that is a practice In the gray light of morning's hour;

which ill becomes you, and will not And cold and pale the maiden leant Over the beavy battlement,

please me. Nay, I see you are going And look'd upon the armed show,

" to protest” you do no such thing: That burrying throng'd the court below; | but I hate protestations. So I will With her white robe and long bright hair,

tell you candidly, that I know few A golden veil fiung on the air, Like Peace prepared from earth to fly,

female writers whom I prefer to Miss Yet pausing, ere she wing'd on high, Landon; that I think her shorter In pity for the rage and crime

poems are, generally speaking, betThat forced her to some fairer clime.

ter than her long ones; and that When suddenly her pale cheek buru'd, For Raymond's eye to hers was turud;

some of the happiest effusions of her But like a meteor past its flame,

Muse are in the last volume of that She was too sad for maiden shame.

beautiful work, “ The Forget-MeShe heard the heavy drawbridge fall, And Raymond rode the first of all;

Not,” which you forwarded to me, in a . But when he came to the green height pretty green morocco case, neat and Which hid the castle from his sight,

elegant as the volume it contained, With useless spur and slackened reiu,

when you were last year in town. He was the laggard of the train.

Dr. Primrose. Delivered like an They paused upon the steep ascent, And spear and shield and breast-plate sent oracle, my dear Rosina. A light, as if the rising day

Basil Firedrake. Our chaplain Upon a mirror flash'd its ray.

never spoke more to the purpose; They pass on; Eva only sees A chance plume waving in the brecze,

not even when he had stimulated his And then can see no more-but borne eloquence by an extra glass of grog, Upon the echo came the liorn:

of which, to do his reverence justice, At last nor sight nor sound declare

he very sparingly partook. Aught of what passed that morning there. Sweet sang the birds, light swept the breeze,

Reginald. Come, gentlemen, here's And play'd the sun-light o'er the trees,

Miss Landon's health and the laAnd roll’d the river's depths of blue

dies shall pledge us. Quiet as they were wont to do;

Having drunk this toast with all And Eva felt as if of all Her heart were sole memorial.”

its honours, Counsellor. Eitherside · This is a redeeming passage; even

| drew from the capacious pockets of if there were more tame and inani

his riding-coat, which a servant had mate ones in the volume, it would brought into the room at his order, confer upon it a high character. three very neat-looking volumes, and There are, however, really but few of laying them upon the table, he obthe former description; and if Miss served, that he had derived more Landon's fame be not increased, it i

amusement from their perusal, than will not be obscured by "The Trou

he had from any work which had badour.” By the bye, Miss Rosina, | fallen in his way for some months.

thy. I have readdle fault gainsay Nadies applaud

Mr. Mathews. What are the vo- || retiring modesty, that brightest gem lumes about, friend Eitherside? in the female character, invests them,

Counsellor. They are entitled, and I will willingly leave you the “ Forty Years in the World, or beauties of other climes to revel with Sketches and Tales of a Soldier's at pleasure; convinced that, as a comLife;" and though the style is some-panion to man, as the sharer of his what inflated in parts, they are joys, the soother of his sorrows, the fraught with interest, and well calcu. partner of his cares, my own dear lated to beguile the passing hour, country-women exceed those of all when old father Time is inclined to the world beside. There's my gauntgo limping on his way.

let (throwing a glove of Miss PrimMr. Apathy. I have read them; rose's on the carpet), let who will and with, as you say, some little fault gainsay me take it up if he dare. in the diction, which is not very hap- The ladies applauded this little py in general when the author aims sally of their champion; the gentle. at being sentimental, I fully accord men protested they did not intend in the praise you have awarded. The to disparage the ladies of England description of the manners and cus- | when they praised those of “another toms of India are particularly happy. clime;" and the conversation again

Captain Primrose. Dear India, | turned on Captain Wallace's book, how oft have I ranged thy sunny from which our friend Apathy read groves, inhaled thy delicious per- the following sketch of the arrival of fumes, and caught the warm sighs the Marquis and Marchioness of of thy dark-eyed maids, as they | Hastings at Calcutta: gazed upon the stranger with looks

The mornings and evenings are deof innocence and love! The Hin- | lightful in Calcutta after the monsoon. doo girls are amongst the most fas- | This crisis of nature cools the fever of cinating objects of the creation: the atmosphere; and as the healthful “ Oh! they bave looks and tones that dart blood plays through the veins of a conAn instant sunshine through the heart; valescent, so does the renovated air flow As if the soul that minute caught

cheerfully towards the source of light. Some treasure it through life had sought;

On one of these fine mornings (14th o As if the very lips and eyes

of October, 1813), the pale tinge of Predestined to have all our sighs,

day, peeping from the east, revealed a And never be forgot again, Sparkled and spoke before us then!” congregated human mass, anxious to

witness the landing of the Marquis of Basil Firedrake. And give me

Hastings at Champal Ghaut. A fine mi, the West-Indian ladies, those dear

litary line was formed from the river to creatures, whose soul is love, and

the front entrance of the Governmentwho seein so entirely to rely on you

House; and the native battalions, interfor countenance and protection, that

mixed with the Europeans, formed an man is exalted in his own opinion interesting sight. There were crowds of by the confidence they repose in Hindoos and Mahometans; the river him.

was covered with decorated ships, barReginald. And give me the beau | ges, and boats ; and as far as the roving ties of my own native land; give me eye could reach, the roads were throngEnglish women, encircled with all | ed with carriages. the nameless charms with which their At length the guns of Fort William

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