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particularly deserving of attention. || Cianchettini dwells on some portions But the whole of the pieces are of a | of the overture to the same opera, nature to prove attractive.

from which that gentleman has pro7. Mr. Valentine's Scotch air may duced a very interesting piano-forte be recommended to players of mo- i lesson, tasteful, brilliant, and yet acderate attainments. Although easy, cessible to a large class of players. it will exhibit their progress very ad- 11. The overture to“ Abou Hasvantageously, and by its attractions san fully partakes of the wild and geensure to them the applause of their nial originality conspicuous in all the auditors.

works of Carl Maria von Weber; 8. The arrangement of Spontini's and Mr. Rimbault's arrangement of beautiful overture to “ La Vestale,” || it, like all his numerous adaptations as a duet for the piano-forte, was well || of this description, is not only well worth the labour which Mr. Harris executed, but particularly exempt appears to have devoted to it. He from executive intricacies... has done full justice to the original, | 12. The ninth book of Hodsoll's and produced a piece which deserves Quadrilles is entirely made up of a prominent place in the repository tunes from the Preciosa, some of of the amateur. Owing to the ra which, as Nos. 2. and 3. suit the ballpidity of the principal movement, room admirably: the case is otherperformers of some expertness will wise with No. 5. The mania of ranbe desirable for both parts.

sacking every opera for quadrilles, 9. 10. Mr. Bochsa's book of the waltzes, &c. is now so universal, that Preciosa includes nearly all the mu- publishers of music are in a manner sic of that dramatic piece, under a compelled to follow the perverted most able and effective arrangement taste of the public. Nothing can be for the four instruments mentioned more injurious to the art, than thus in the title, among which the essen- to profane and vulgarize the compotial parts of the score are so well dis- sitions of the greatest masters. These tributed, that scarcely any of them crippled and spurious plagiarisms; can be considered ad libitum, unless whether they reach our ears before their solos are brought in by either or after the authentic originals, are the harp or piano-forte, for which sure to neutralize and diminish the cases provision has been made by the interest of the latter. adapter. The divertimento of Mr. |


LONDON FASHIONS. MORNING DRESS. || round the top, rose-colour satin be Dress of fine jaconot muslin, or- ing drawn through the centre row, namented with rose-colour satin rib- || and tied behind: on each side of the bon and clear book muslin; the cor- | bust, and nearly meeting at the waist, sage full and rather high, with three is a very full piece of book muslin, small rows of puffed book muslin | drawn at four equal distances with

rose-colour satin, of which a loop or conceals their base. The skirt has bell is formed on the outside of each two rows of a similar trimming, only drawing. Long sleeve, of an easy | larger, and the marguerite is placed fulness, with three drawings towards on the band filling the space which the wrist; at the shoulder four deep | the curve lines of the leaves form; vandykes of book muslin made very | beneath is a broad rouleau. Azure full, and drawn with rose-colour sa-l satin sash. Hat a demi-pelerine of tin on the outside, each point fasten- white crèpe lisse, crossed with silk ed to the sleeve by a rose-colour bow.cord, and a button at each point; the The border of the skirt, about a brim edged with white satin and fine quarter of a yard in depth, is pret narrow blond lace: the crown is en tily composed of very full book mus- marmotte, each ' recess edged with lin, with perpendicular drawings of satin, and a full-blown Provence rose rose-colour satin, terminating with a within ; a bouquet of rose-buds on bow at the top; every other draw-| | each side of the crown. The hair in ing being but half the height of the large curls. Ear-rings of turquoise; intervening one, has a very pleasing broad necklace and bracelets of small effect. Cape or pelerine of the same pearl, and gold beads with ornamaterial as the dress, rounded off | ments of rubies. Gold watch and from the front, where it is fastened chain, with various fancy trinkets. with an oval amethyst brooch, and Long white kid gloves. White satrimmed round with two rouleaus of tin shoes. Rainbow shaded gauze puffed book muslin, rose-colour sa fan. tin being drawn through one. Chip GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON FASHION hat, trimmed with flowers; and rose

AND DRESS. colour crèpe lisse gauze veil. Le- It is from Brighton, Cheltenham, mon - colour gloves, and morocco &c. that we must now draw our reshoes.

portof the state of fashionable dress;

|| and, as is generally the case at this CHILD'S DRESS.

season, our fair leaders of the ton Dark green Highland plaid dress; seem disposed to allow a little respite rose-colour tartan stockings; High- to the inventions of their marchandes land cap and feathers.

des modes: nevertheless, there are

still some novelties to be found, and EVENING DRESS.

these we hasten to lay before our Azure crèpe lisse dress, over a fair readers. Silk pelisses have somewhite satin slip; the corsage rather what increased in favour, but are long and full, and arranged in small not yet so much in estimation as regular perpendicular plaits, of a mo- i pelisse gowns of gros de Naples, and derate height, and finished at the top cambric or jaconot muslin rédingote with a pale azure satin band. The gowns. There is a good deal of sleeve short and full, with three sa- variety. both in the trimmings and tin bands extending downwards from the forms of these latter: some of the shoulder ; at each end is a satin them are cut round the bottom and marguerite, and in the centre an or- up the front in large dents de loup; nament composed of six satin leaves, these dents are very richly embroi. three on each side of the band which dered; and those of the front, which

wrap a good deal over, fasten on | French style, are very general in carthe left side with small buttons. The riage dress; but our fashionables have corsage is en blouse, but is scarcely | them in lace instead of clear muslin, seen, because the pelerine ornament and they vary in form from the French ed with a triple fall of embroidered ones. We have just seen a canezon dents reaches nearly to the waist. composed of white net; the back full; Long full sleeve, the fulness confin- | the bust ornamented with three folds ed by three bands in the shape of on each side of the bosom; a shaded dents; there are two to form each | ribbon is passed through each of band, the points of which meet in these folds, which forms three bows, the middle of the arm: a single fall one at the throat, one in the centre of work finishes the sleeve at the of the bosom, and one at the waist. wrist. Some of these dresses are There are no sleeves to the canezon, also made with three broad tucks but a full fall of broad lace round up one side of the front and round the upper part of the arm-hole forms the skirt: large silk pelerine tucked an epaulette, and a double row of to correspond; and full sleeve, sim- lace goes round the throat. The ply confined by a band at the wrist. fichu pelerines are larger than those Others have no trimming round the worn in France, and are generally of skirt, but are ornamented up the a very rich description; the ends are front with bouillonné of clear muslin, mostly rounded, but we have seen in the form of a broken cone: the some pointed in the handkerchief pelerine is richly embroidered; and style: they are worn with gros de the sleeve finished by lettings-in of Naples or shaded barèges gowns, work, either horizontally or in a spi | The corsages of dinner gowns are ral direction. A lace or gossamer now frequently ornamented with a shawl or scarf, or else one of silk drapery en fichu; it is of lace or tulle barèges, is, as our French neigh- let in on the shoulder, and crossing bours would say, the rigueur with a on the bosom: this ornament is pardress of this sort.

ticularly becoming to belles of a slenCapotes begin to decline in fa- der form. If the corsage is plain, vour; the few now worn are of gros puffings of tulle or tuckers à l'enfant de Naples shaded in stripes: the are adopted. Short sleeves are the most fashionable are of various shades most in request; but long ones, much of green: they still remain the same ornamented with bouillonné or crères size. Transparent bonnets are still | either of satin or of a transparent seen, but they are not so general as material, are also in favour. Gowns those of gros de Naples. British continue to be very much trimmed in Leghorn is also in estimation, though the drapery style up one side: somenot so much so as it deserves; for it times the trimming reaches only half fully equals, and in many instances way; at others it goes to the waist. surpasses, the foreign article. Very Some, gowns are also ornamented in fine white straw is also a good deal the sultana style with a trimming, in request for walking dress; the hats which goes round the bottom and up or bonnets composed of it are mostly each side of the front, being very trimmed with shaded ribbon only. much rounded at each corner. The

Canezons and pelerines, in the materials for trimmings continue the

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