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from this place, or a great misfortune || laid her in a glass coffin and placed will befal thee." The girl walked her in the wood, and one of the on till evening, when she came to a dwarfs constantly kept watch beside cottage, wherein dwelt seven dwarfs, the coffin. Here you, O king, found who received her kindly, and waited the damsel. That you obtained her upon her as if she had been their in exchange for a great secret which own child. The huntsman mean- | you communicated to the dwarfs is while resolved to deceive the queen; well known to yourself; and thereso he shot a fawn, and cut out the fore there is an end of the history of tongue and carried it to the queen, the Snow-Maiden. saying, " This is the damsel's tongue," at which the queen heartily rejoiced. Both the king and the student The next time she went up to her were not a little astonished at this glass, she said, “ Mirror, mirror, || history. “ Permit me, o king," said am I not now the most beautiful fe- the student, “ to ask the feather one male in the world?"_“Your majes-question.” But the king said, “ No." ty is very beautiful,” replied the mir -"I know already what you would ror, “but the Snow-Maiden who lives ask," replied the feather; and it imwith the seven dwarfs is seven thou mediately raised itself, and wrote, sand times as beautiful." At this “ The Snow-Maiden has not swalthe queen was excessively exasperat | lowed the apple, otherwise she woului ed, and disguising herself as a pea- be dead; she has it still in her sant, she took a basket of poisoned mouth, and is merely stupified: but apples, and went into the wood to the student has an herb by which the habitation of the seven dwarfs, she may be recovered.” who happened at the time to be all It did not till then occur to the stuout. The queen knocked at the dent, that he had still the grass door, which was opened by the Snow about him by which he had restored Maiden, who did not know her 'ma- himself and the king's son to sight: jesty again, but took her for a coun he instantly drew it forth, and rubtry-woman going about to sell her bed the Snow-Maiden's eyes and fruit. “Will you buy some apples?” | mouth with it. She forthwith opensaid the queen.-" I would,” replied ed her eyes, spat out the apple, and the Snow-Maiden, “ but I have no | money.”—“ You are so pretty, my | The king now proclaimed a grand dear,” rejoined the queen, “ that i wedding, to which he invited a great will give you some.” She then took number of kings and queens, and the fairest looking, but most poison- || among the rest the queen who had ous, of the apples out of her basket, poisoned the Snow-Maiden. The cut it in pieces, and gave it to the queen dressed herself in all her fic Snow-Maiden; but no sooner had nery, went to her glass and said, she put a bit into her mouth, than “ Mirror, mirror, ain I not the most she dropped down as if lifeless. The beautiful female in the world ?"queen joyfully returned home; but “ Your majesty begins to grow old," the seven dwarfs were exceedingly | replied the mirror; "there are magrieved when they could not bring|ny who surpass your majesty in beauthe Snow-Maiden to life again: they ty, but the most beautiful female in

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the world is the Snow-Maiden, to || soon as he had finished, the elder whose wedding your majesty is in- || arose, and went to the same gibbet, vited: she is seven thousand times and waited to see if the ravens would as beautiful as all the beautiful dam- || come to it, thinking within himself, sels put together.” Then the queen: “ If my brother has become a king flew into a vehement passion; she || by means of the ravens, why may not broke her mirror in her rage, and I become an emperor? I am better mounting a cloud, for she was a great than he, and will put out bis eyes enchantress, flew away with it, and again :" for he was of so wicked a was never heard of more.

disposition, that his brother's kindThe nuptials of the student and ness and generosity only incensed inthe Snow-Maiden were attended not stead of softening him. only by kings and queens, but also | He waited long, very long: at last by many poor people who hoped for the three ravens came. “Do you relief from the illustrious personages. know," said one, " that a student As the student was quitting the has lately overheard us, and has church and distributing alms, he re- cheered the distressed kings?”— cognised his brother in one of the “ Yes," rejoined another, we mendicants. He sent for him to the must in future be more cautious to palace, and said, “ Do you remem avoid listeners."-" Look, there is ber putting out my eyes when you one below!" said the third, “ and were the officer of a great nobleman with a bad heart too."_" He must and I only a student? Now I am a die!" cried all three of them, and king while you are a beggar."-"Putfell upon him; and in spite of all the ont my eyes then," rejoined the other defence he could make, they pregruffly.--" No," replied his gentlersently tore him into a thousand piebrother; " I will forgive you, and sup- ces. ply you with money, that you may But the Student and the Snownot perish for want.” The elder bro- Maiden were beloved by all the world, ther then said, “ First tell me how and happy in each other; and if they you became a king.” The younger be not since dead, they are living at related to him his whole history. As ll this day.

He sent for one of the cheered the warheard us,

THE QUEEN OF THE FAIRIES Tar late Duchess of A , tak- || her grace was soon at the cottage: ing a solitary ride in her carriage, she happened to wear a green silk observed a neat cottage, with a smil. hat and pelisse, both superbly ornaing garden behind its turf walls, and mented with spangled gold lace and wished to form some acquaintance tassels. The door of a Highland dowith people whose habits bespoke micile is continually open; and this them of a superior order. Her grace custom occasioned a little girl, about pulled the check-string, and alighted twelve years old, to see the resplenfrom her chariot, desiring the ser-dent figure examining her father's vants to take it round by the high garden. The unexpected apparition way, and wait her coming at a cer- of such beauty, such brilliant finery, tain place. Crossing a small inoor, and in the colour peculiar to the se

stillness innce, join-noodle, and ass

the terr had fall her er

cret powers of the Tomhans, filled how the poor cottage maiden had al. the young maiden with awe and as- most become deranged by affright. tonishment. She was the only hu- Her grace sent for the sufferer to man being in the house, and spinning ber, and her parents and sister, reat the big wheel, had lightened her hearsed every movement she had task by chanting an invocation to made, and assured them they need the fairies. This circumstance, join- no longer fear to touch the crowned to profound stillness in a lonely piece; which it seemed they had dedell, excited her imagination, and posited in a running stream, with a prepared her to feel all the terrors stone upon it, taken from a reputed of superstitious credulity. She had fairy mountlet. “ The crown-piece," hardly power to make an escape into said her grace, “is the king's coin, the pantry, whence she beheld the and will prove not only harmless but fairy queen advance into the place useful, if innocently and wisely exshe had evacuated, and after peering pended." Her grace's words being into every corner, adroitly set the translated into Gaelic for the benefit big wheel in motion with unprece of her hearers, the girlacknowledged, dented velocity. Through an aper that when told how the wool was ture in the pantry-door the girl wit- | twisted, her horrors were indescribnessed her carded wool twisted up able, as she had no doubt the queen with wondrous expedition; which of the fairies intended it as a token operation being completed, a green of high displeasure, and was conpurse was produced, filled with gold vinced that the seeming large piece and silver. The supposed chieftain- of money appended to the wheel was ess of the Tomhans taking from a spell fraught with evil. “And I," thence a crown-piece, tied it in a answered the duchess, “ left the few handkerchief she had laid on the ta- | shillings to compensate for the wool ble, and fixed it to a spoke of the spoiled by my awkward industry." wheel. Having looked at a watch, Her grace gave presents to the girl, that sparkled like the stars in a frosty and to the parents and sister, telling horizon, the dread yet lovely vision them her little gifts were destined to disappeared.

| remind them, that no opportunity The poor child remained in the should be omitted for convincing pantry in a state bordering on dis- others, that the alarm caused by her traction. Her father and sister found intrusion at their cottage had no conher bereaved of sense or motion; cern with fairies, or with any superand when she could speak and re- natural appearance. It is believed collect the cause of her terrors, the the honest cottagers were faithful to exaggeration consequent upon dis- their promise; but the story had tempered fancy, described all she spread too far to be effectually consaw in a manner that spread alarm tradicted; and to this day it is adin her own family and through all the || duced in support of the notion, that neighbourhood, till the Duchess of fairies sometimes make their presence A- appeared at church in the visible. very dress ascribed to the fairy queen.

B. G. Some of the gentry told her grace



IPSWICH. Nothing has conferred a brighter liberality to indulge her taste for lilustre on the English name, than the terature: consequently she a second high intellectual attainments possess time entered the conjugal state, and ed by many of the female sex in this became the wife of John Cobbold, country; and among such as have i. Esq. of the Cliff Brewery, in Ipsbeen eminent for talent, true genius, wich, who was a widower with four. and varied endowments, few of the teen children. Placed in the bosom present age have been more distin. of this numerous family, and indulg guished than the subject of the fol- ed in the means of gratifying her lowing biographical notice.

benevolent spirit, the Cliff became Mrs. Cobbold was born in Wat- the home of her dearest affections, ling-street, London, in 1767, and the residence of taste, and the scene was the daughter of Mr. Robert of hospitality. Here it was, in a siKnipe of Liverpool. At a very early | tuation so congenial to her feelings, period of life she discovered consi- that her talents and her domestic virderable talent, which she cultivated tues had ample scope for expansion; with unremitting industry, and soon and here that her native genius more attracted the notice of many cele- fully developed its varied and de brated literary characters. Her taste lightful powers. In the course of a for poetry was intuitive; and in 1787 few years she herself became the she ventured to appear before the mother of six sons, the third and world as an authoress, by the publi fourth of whom she lost in their cation of “ Six Narrative Poems," youth, and of an only daughter, who dedicated by permission to Sir Joshua died in her infancy. It may readily Reynolds, which work was very fa- be supposed, that in so large a family, vourably received. In 1790, she was with such various and contending inunited to William Clarke, Esq. a terests, the management of the whole portman of the borough and comp-was no easy task: yet she took a pleatroller of the customs of Ipswich, sure and no little pride in the direcand became a widow within six months tion and guidance of every departof her marriage. In the following ment of it. The varied nature of year she published a romance, in two her employments at this period, Mrs. volumes, entitled “ The Sword, or Cobbold, in one of her poetical episFather Bertrand's History of his own tles to a friend, thus most characterTimes, from the original manuscript.” | istically describes: It was not to be expected that a wo A botanist one day, or grave antiquarian; man possessed of such amiable qua- |

Next morning a sempstress or abecedarian;

|| Now making a frock, and now marring a lities of the heart, and gifted with so

picture; many attractions of the mind, should Next conning a deep philosophical lecture; long remain a widow, or should affect || At night at the play, or assisting to kill any undue delicacy on her hand be

The time of the idlers at whist or quadrille:

în cares or amusements still taking a part, ing soon again solicited by a person | Though science and friendship are nearest fully competent to appreciate her my heart." merits, and of sufficient wealth and || To young persons her manner was

most kind and encouraging; she even who is now so justly admired as an allowed for the prejudices and defi. actress and public singer,) is a proof ciences of education, and nothing af- of this. Struck with the precocity forded her higher gratification than of this young lady's talents, and more imparting advice or instruction. In particularly with her taste for music, some instances, indeed, she may be she undertook the culture of her abialmost regarded as a public benefac- lities, and ultimately prepared her tress: hier patronage and introduction for that walk in life which she is now of Miss Goward* (a native of Ipswich, pursuing with such honourable dis* This deserving young lady made a

tinction. In 1800, Mrs. Cobbold most successful debûl before that dread-1

published a burlesque poem, called ed tribunal, a London audience, at the

" The Mince-Pie," a playful, goada English Opera-House, on the 2d of Jaly

humoured, and facetious trifle, ridilast, and played with great echde the ope

culing the splendid and truly magniratic character of Rosina, and afterwards ficent publication of “ The SoveLitle Pickle in “ The Spoiled Child,” | reign," by Mr. Pybus. with a hornpipe; thus exhibiting the ta- | In 1803, with her usual liberality lents of a serious and comic songstress, of spirit and benevolence of heart, a grave and lively actress, and a dancer. she exerted her pen and interest in Her voice is full, smooth, and highly mu- behalf of a worthy but humble in: sical; her taste good; and her scientific dividual, who had been introduced acquirements very considerable: but the rich and mellow tones of her voice. its | Her Muttering wing essay'ı, returns to rest, compass and clearness, the masterly and

Trembling and panting, on the well-known

nest: easy style of her execution, and the ge- l There cherish'd, with renew'd and strengthneral pleasantry of her manners, consti

eu'd wing tiited those peculiarities that, in spite of Again she takes her fight, and tries to sing; her youthfulness and excessive timidity, | Then seeks the skies;-on ether dares to secured for her a most flattering recep


Visits each clime; improves each tender tion in both characters.

note: On her appearance a short time since | But still returns, with gratitude and love, on the boards of the Ipswich theatre, her To wake the echoes of her native grove. kind patroness, Mrs. Cobbold, furnished | Though not like Philomel's my song be her with the following beautiful and ap

heard, propriate address, which she delivered at Can you not fancy me that trembling bird, the close of the opera, with much energy

| Who, having tried my early song and light,

Seek on the shelteriug nest again to light; and feeling:

To meet those fostering smiles, for ever dear, Should I attempt, in dlanguage, to reveal And grow in strength from growing kindness The force, the tenderness of all I feel,

here? The mix'd emotions utterance would subdue, And tears be all that I could give to you!

If through that kindness, it be mine to claim, Yet something I would say ;-would fain

Ou persevering wing, the heights of fame; express

Should I again to these loved scenes belong. Such thoughts as grateful hearts alone can

| Matured in mind and perfected in song, guess :

Oh! with what transport would that song be To speak their powers I feel my own unable;

given, Allow me theu to temper them with fable.

In notes of grateful praise to you and hea

veu! The new-ledged Nightingale, when first she leaves

Hope waves me op, presenting to my view The thorn on which a parent's bosow leaves, Such blissful hour-till then-adieu! adieu!

Vol. VI. No. XXXIII.

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