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in future to think of nothing but en- , to enjoy the remainder of his days joying myself.”

among his old friends. As he was Alas! the phantom of enjoyment really a worthy fellow, they were very seemed always to fly before poor Pe- glad to see him again; but as soon ter! He found himself completely out as the first bustle of welcoming him of his element in a gay and fashiona back was over, he found himself alble watering-place. The society to most as much alone in his town-house which he had been accustomed, grave, as he had been in his country one. quiet men of business like himself, He had always, while he lived among was not to be found there; and though them, been too much occupied with his wealth procured him a ready | business to make very close connecintroduction into genteel company, tions; his friends consequently visithe saw himself shunned or neglected | ed him but seldom, and thus the by all, except some charitable dam greatest part of his time remained a sels, who thought it might be possi burthen upon his hands, which he ble to convert him into a husband, did not know what to do with; for and some needy adventurers, who he had no mental resources. Thus fancied their attentions might have he lounges away life in a manner as the effect of transferring a little mo unpleasant to himself as it is unproney from his pocket to their own.fitable to others; secretly regretting Both parties soon found their mis those days in which, though overtake, and Peter was left to his own whelmed with the cares of business, resources. “There is nothing after he was nevertheless happy, because all,” said he, “ like London; a man | he looked forward to the enjoyment can always find society there that of a felicity which he now finds is will suit him." To London accord l, unattainable. ingly he came, and settled himself,

N. NEVERMOVES. with a declaration, that he was come !!


A TALE OF THE OLDIN TIME. Tur other day, after having made || narrates, on the authority of our an· a comfortable dinner on turtle-soup, | cient chronicler, Geoffrey of Mondeviled biscuit, &c. with the appen- | mouth, the means by which Hengist dages of tart and cheese, and washed | the Saxon succeeded in moulding the whole down with a bumper or the uxorious Vortigern to his purtwo of generous old port to the health poses, it brought to my recollection of the king, and to the prosperity of certain traditions which, I underchurch and state, I threw myself back stand, have been handed down from in my easy chair, and after half an | that remote period in a family claimhour's dosema siesta, as a Spaniard || ing their descent from one of the would callit-I drew old father Rapin persons who figure in the tale of the from my shelf; and the book falling olden times, which I here subjoin. ' open just at that identical part where The two brothers, Hengist and the garrulous but impartial historian Horsa, arrived in this kingilom about

the reward ofcouch, where

before him;

the year 449, to assist Vortigern, || weapon, to bring him to the earth. king of the Britons, in his contests Frantic with rage, the Pict flew upon with the Picts and Scots: With his prostrate foe, when Adelfrid them came the young and adven-pierced him to the heart, and he fella turous Adelfrid, the heir of a Saxon corpse by the side of the Saxon chief. noble, a thane of large possessions, The victory won, Hengist was prowho had followed the banners of fuse in thanks to his preserver; and the brothers with a powerful body in several other battles they fought of retainers, for love of Rowena, the side by side, the cool and more temfair niece, or, according to some, the pered valour of the chief operating daughter, of Hengist. The damsel as a check upon the impetuous and smiled upon his honest passion, and ardent courage of the young warrior. he anticipated, with all the ardour Foremost in every danger, and sucof youth, the blissful moment when cessful in every undertaking, Fortune he should return to his “ fair-eyed seemed expressly to favour Adelfrid; maid,” lay his trophies at her feet, and after the toils of the day, he and claim her hand as the reward of would throw himself upon his rude his prowess.

couch, where visions of love and The Saxons were scarcely landed Rowena fitted before him; little before they were led to battle: the dreaming that ambition was contrivenemies of Vortigern had penetrated ing a plan to cheat him of that reto the centre of his kingdom, and ward to which he looked forward as his new allies marched against them. the greatest blessing he could possess The Picts and Scots had been used on earth, and one which was only to a mode of warfare which could to be equalled by the joys of Val. rather be called skirmishing than halla, where, at the feast of the gods, fighting. They began the attack he would quaff celestial liquor from with darts, which they launched at the skulls of his enemies. their enemies, and generally with Hengist, being reinforced by the great effect. The Saxons, however, arrival of a fresh body of Saxons, received them unmoved, and having and having contracted a strict alliwithstood this onset, they advanced ance with Vortigern, began to form to a close encounter, as was their schemes of dominion, and to enterusual custom. The Picts did not tain plans of permanent aggrandizemuch relish this sort of work, and ment, rather incompatible with his were quickly routed. Some few, character as a friend to the British however, fought well; amongst them, monarch. He had early fathomed a gigantic chief singled out Hengist, the character of that weak and cre. and with an upraised club would soon dulous prince, and finding that he have put an end to all his ambitious was much given to voluptuousness, hopes with his life, had not Adelfrid, he, in the words of honest old Rao just in time to break the force of the pin," lays a snare which, he thinks, blow, struck at the savage, and se- the monarch can hardly escape fallvered the sinews of his arm: the ing into." With his last reinforceclub fell on Hengist's shoulder with ments, his son Escu, and his niece, a weakened force; yet it was suffi- or daughter, Rowena-by the bye, cient, added to the weight of the this very circumstance of her journey

into Britain with his son renders it | ence; and at the very moment when most probable that she was the lat- she swore eternal fidelity to Adelter-had arrived; and although he frid, Rowena was internally revolvwas perfectly aware of his engage ing by what arts she could best ments to Adelfrid, and also could throw her chains around the king of not but recollect, that the youth was | Britain, and make him her slave. the saviour of his life, he resolved. The hour of feasting approached, to make Rowena the chief instru- | always an important one to the Saxment of his designs upon Vortigern, ons, who loved the pleasures of the whom he invited to visit him at a table, and frequently indulged in fort he had built in Lincolnshire, them to most unseemly lengths. Vorunder the pretence, that the lands tigern was placed in a chair of state bestowed upon him by the king in at the upper end of the large table, the Isle of Thanet were at too great around which were ranged the Bria distance from the part of the coun- tish and Saxon chiefs; those of high try where his services were required. and commanding rank filling the seats Vortigern readily accepted the invi- of honour above the salt, whilst the tation; and whilst the visitor arrived more humble personages took their with all the pomp and splendour of a places promiscuously below. Rowking, his host received him with all | ena did not sit down; she, like anthose marks of respect due both to other Hebe ministering to the gods, his rank and to the character in hovered about the social board in which he stood as Hengist's bene- such a way as to attract the notice factor.

of Vortigern, who gazed upon her A rich and splendid banquet, with impassioned eyes, and thought splendid at least for those times, was he never saw any thing half so beauprepared, at which the young and tiful in mortal form. At a sign from beautiful Rowena was ordered to be || Hengist, Rowena filled a cup with present. All the Saxon chiefs were | wine, and kneeling at the feet of the invited, and amongst others, Adel- king, addressed him in the Saxon frid, who attended the summons language, saying, Liever Kyning, with a heavy heart. A presentiment | wass heil! that is, Lord King, your of approaching ill weighed down his health! The silver sounds stole like spirits, and deprived him of his usual sweet music into the ears of the encareless hilarity and joyful anima- raptured Vortigern, though spoken tion: yet he could not imagine any in an unknown tongue. He was at probable mischance, for he had seen a loss to know what she said, or how Rowena, and she had renewed to him to answer, till told by his interpreter; those vows of love they had pledged' when he replied, Drinck heil; that to each other in their own distantis, Do yourself drink the health. land. From that quarter, however,. The maiden put the cup to her lips, the shaft which wounded Adelfrid's, and then gave it to the king with an peace was to be sped. This maiden, air at once so graceful and dignified, seduced by the splendid prospects that it completed the monarch's enwhich her father(for so I shall call him) thralment, who, taking the cup, set before her eyes, had agreed to quaffed off the wine, and gallantly second his schemes with all her influ- rising, imprinted a kiss on the cheek

of his beauteous cup-bearer. She || The latter removed one of these difimmediately withdrew, leaving Vor- ficulties by divorcing his wife, and tigern desperately enamoured of her the other by guaranteeing to Rowena charms.

the free exercise of her religion; but This scene had been beheld by the most efficacious part of his conAdelfrid with agonizing sensations : | duct in silencing the pretended scruhe rushed after the treacherous dam- ples of Hengist, was the making sel, who, however, immediately re- over to him and Horsa in sovereigntired to her room; to which, not ty the province of Kent, in addition having acquired sufficient firmness to the Isle of Thanet and the posto receive those reproaches her con sessions in Lincolnshire, which he science told her were so well deserv- had before conferred upon them. ed, she refused to admit him. He As soon as this latter point was setleft the fort in a state approaching to tled, ihe Saxon princes became as insanity, vowing to be revenged on eager for the conclusion of the marHengist, on Vortigern, and on all riage as they had before been averse, who had combined to thwart his ho- and every other preliminary was nest passion; at length, exhausted speedily adjusted. by his feelings, he threw hinself on But what became of Adelfrid ? the ground, and insensibility for a This chief was not of a temper to time put a period to his sufferings. submit tamely to that which he con

In the fort the night was spent in sidered as at once a gross wrong and joyous revelry. Rowena appeared | an insufferable indignity. Pride preno more; but Hengist marked with vented him from reproaching Roweager eyes the anxious glances of ena with her breach of faith; but he Vortigern, which were continually openly avowed his defiance of Hendirected towards the entrance, in gist, and withdrew himself and troops hopes of once more seeing the fair from his command. A secret and object who had enslaved his affec- faithful emissary brought him inteltions. Forgetful of what was due ligence of the proceedings between to his queen and the mother of his Hengist and Vortigern; and as soon children, he left his host in a tumult as the cession of Kent to the former of passion, all his thoughts being was resolved upon, Adelfrid, with from that period directed to no other his brave band, took the route for object than how to obtain possession that country, to concert measures to of the beautiful Saxon. . baffle, if possible, the execution of

Many obstacles were artfully thrown this part of the treaty entered into in the way by Hengist and Horsa between the two parties.

. to the accomplishment of this favour- | Gorongus, a British chief, then ite purpose of Vortigern's; but these ruled over Kent, under Vortigern; impediments made him only more and the object of the king and Heneager to carry it into effect. The gist was to dispossess him of his godifference of religion, his former | vernment, without affording him time marriage, and various other things, for remonstrance or resistance. In were assigned by the artful Saxons this they succeeded: Hengist's Saxas reasons why the wish of the Bri- ons, with Vortigern's orders as their tish king could not be complied with. | authority, had a day's march advance of Adelfrid and his band; so || not loud but deep," were breathed that, when the latter reached the on the destroyer of their liberties. frontiers of Kent, he met the dis- || Such being the disposition of the placed governor, with his family and || influential persons among the Bria few faithful followers, who were not tons, Gorongus and Adelfrid found to be driven from their old master | no difficulty in forming a party by the frowns of Fortune, “ wending against Vortigern. They cast their his weary way" he scarcely knew or eyes upon a prince of Roman exeared whither. In good time Adel traction, descended indeed from one frid encountered him, to kindle in of those ephemeral emperors who his breast the spark of patriotism, were elected by the army to flutter and-fan it to a flame. Together the a few hours in the blaze of royalty, chiefs concerted measures, not mere- and then were seen no more; who, ly to drive the Saxons back to their | at this period, was residing with Alnative land, but also to dispossess | droen, the king of Armorica. GoronVortigern of that throne which he | gus and Adelfrid were dispatched to had disgraced by his pusillanimity invite this prince over to Britain, and and meanness, in first shrinking from to give him every assurance of the meeting his enemies in the field, and most effective and zealous support; then in truckling to the demands and they set out on their mission made upon him by those whom he with gay hearts and high hopes of had hired to fight his battles. The ultimate success. They found Amalliance between Gorongus and Adel-brosius not at all averse to accept the frid was cemented by the union of invitation; nor was his friendly prothe latter with Helena, Gorongus's tector, Aldroen, disinclined to assist daughter, a female who quickly caus him. Active preparations were imed him to forget the inconstancy of mediately made; and a few months Rowena.

after, Ambrosius landed in Britain at Whilst the two discontented chiefs the head of 10,000 men. were concerting measures to deprive | Whilst these measures were in Vortigern of his kingly dignity, the progress, Vortimer, the eldest son union of that prince and Rowena of Vortigern, had also formed a partook place. It was marked with no ty against his father, most unnatural plaudits, except from the Saxons conduct in a son, and wholly indewho were present; it was hailed with fensible; for he should have endeano emotions of joy, except from those voured to divert his sire from pursuwho profited by it to fix themselves ing measures disgraceful to himself in the most fertile part of the island. and detrimental to his country, and The Britons viewed it as the mark not have turned them to his own adof their sovereign's degradation; and vantage. However, his schemes were none of them attended the altar to so well laid, and so secretly carried witness the nuptial ceremony, none on, that Vortigern was deprived of of them came forward to recognise his power, and compelled to admit Rowena as their queen. On the con his son ostensibly to a share in his trary, deep discontent took posses authority, but really to the exercise sion of all their hearts; and “curses, of the whole of the sovereign's func

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