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VIEWS OF COUNTRY SEATS. HACKWOOD-PARK, NEAR BASINGSTOKT, THE SEAT OF LORD BOLTON. Hackwood is a contraction of || view of the mansion which we preHawking Wood, the original name sent to our readers. The south of this place. It was the sporting | front was executed by the present retreat and occasional residence of nobleman from designs by Lewis the Pawlet family and their nu- Wyatt, Esq. The rooms are spamerous relatives, when Basing-House cious and magnificent, and peculiarly was demolished in 1645, after a long adapted for comfort as well as disand remarkable resistance. A lodge play. In the saloon is a superb piece was then built for the residence of of carving by Gibbons. The family John the fifth Marquis of Winches- portraits are numerous: one of the ter. Charles's son, first Duke of first Marquis of Winchester, on paBolton, erected a splendid mansion nel, ob. 1572; a full-length one of in 1688; considerable alterations and John fifth Marquis, ob. 1674; Ho. improvements have been since added. nora, daughter of Richard Earl of The present carriage front on the St. Albans, who aided in the defence north side is adorned in the centre of Basing-House, and who also wrote with a noble Ionic portico, ascended an account of the siege; Charles by a flight of steps, and bearing in the third Duke of Bolton, ob. 1754: tympanum of the pediment the arms also portraits of William III. and and supporters of the family. An George I. presented by the respecequestrian statue of George I.mount- tive monarchs to this noble family. ed on a lofty pedestal, and presented | There are likewise two fine views of by that monarch to the family, stands the Colosseum and of ruins at Rome, at a small distance in front. It is this by Pannini.

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The pleasure-grounds are exten-, wood is wild and luxuriant in ap. sive and beautiful, particularly on pearance. In its centre is a space the south. Within these few years of about four acres, called the Amgreat improvements have been and | phitheatre, bounded by elms closely are still in progress, under the di- planted, extending their branches rection of the present Lady Bolton, inwardly over the sides and ends of whose taste in landscape-gardening the area, at the upper end of which is generally admired, and striking- are the ruins of a rotunda. The ly manifested in these grounds. The park is well stocked with deer.

BROADLANDS, NEAR ROMSEY, THE SEAT OF LORD VISCOUNT PALMERSTON. This mansion, which combines in ,, (as we have been informed) by the a very eminent degree simplicity with late viscount, reflect great credit grandeur, was built by Henry Tem- | upon that nobleman; they are fine ple, second Viscount Palmerston, || specimens of the perfection of art. from designs by the celebrated Lance- || Among the paintings, the most relot Brown. It rises two stories in markable are, The Descent from the height; in the centre is a superb por Cross, by Dominichino; the Last tico of the Ionic order, remarkable | Communion of St. Francis, Rubens; for the regularity of its proportions, Briseis forced from Achilles, G. ascended by a noble flight of steps. Hamilton; the Prodigal Son, GuerThe windows in front are eighteen in cino; the Children in the Wood, Sir number, nine to each story: those J. Reynolds; the Iron - Foundry, of the under or principal story are | Wright of Derby; several fine heads embellished with architraves and pe- by Vandyke, Caracci, Rembrandt, diments. The edifice itself is sur- | Gerard Douw; with landscapes by mounted with a bold cornice with Claude Lorraine, Salvator Rosa, N. medallions; it is constructed of white Poussin, Wouvermans, and Ruysbrick and adornments of stone. dael. There is also an admirable

The situation of this mansion is sea piece by Loutlerbourg, and anpeculiarly interesting. An abund- other with ruins by Claude. Among ance of wood and water contributes the statues, the principal are, those to its beauty. It rises in the midst of Cupid, Ceres, Hygeia, and Melof an extensive and beautiful park, | pomene. There are also finely exeand stands on the east bank of the cuted heads of Juno, Africa, Diana, river Test, which flows gracefully at of a Female Faun, and of a Muse. its foot. The stone bridge at Rom- The present proprietor of Broadsey over the river, seen from the lands is Henry John Temple, third park, presents a pleasing object in Viscount Palmerston, representative the distance.

for the University of Cambridge, a The interior of Broadlands-House | privy counsellor, and secretary at evinces a high and cultivated taste war. throughout all its arrangements. The Broadlands estate was for The statues and pictures collected '' nearly two hundred years the seat

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and residence of the St. Barbe fa- i Romsey in commemoration of them. mily. There are several curious Sir John St. Barbe, Bart. died at monuments in the abbey church at || Broadlands 7th September, 1723..

A SOLDIER'S REVENGE. Tue decree of the French Con- , all extremely attached to their first vention, that one-third of the officers lieutenant: they had joined unaniof the army should be named by the mously in recommending him to the government was very ill received by Convention for the vacant company, the troops, who saw in it a new in- | which, to say the truth, he well inefringement on that liberty which they rited by the services he had rendered had bought at the expense of so his country; services of which his many crimes; and what rendered the scars presented abundant testimomeasure still more disgusting to them nials. The officers espoused his was, that the officers thus named, cause with more than common eagerwho were generally the minions of ness; and it was determined nem. some great man, were in most cases con. to make unusually short work very unfit for the situation which fa- with the new intruder. vour, not merit, had procured them. | La Croix presented himself at the It was indeed no unusual thing to colonel's house, wholly unsuspicious see a beardless boy, one of the half- of the persecution which awaited monkey and half-tiger class, so com- || him. That officer had need of all mon in those days, put over the head his prejudices against the new-comer of one whose numerous scars ought to enable him to persist in the resoto have entitled him to the rank thus lution he had formed of receiving unjustly wrested from him.

him very coldly. He was a nobleThose intruders were, however, looking youth of about twenty-two, mostly made to pay dearly for their whose handsome manly countenance elevation ; every means, fair and foul, was rendered extremely prepossessbeing used by the other officers to ing by a blended expression of frankdisgust them with their situation, ness, bravery, and benevolence. He and compel them to abandon it. If, il presented bimself to his colonel with as was generally the case, they were a mixture of modesty and self-respect men of courage, they were soon pro- | in his air which shook for a moment voked into a duel, and this usually that gentleman's resolution; but the settled the matter one way or other; 1 entrance of the other officers, who for if they had the good luck to kill had heard of the arrival of the newtheir antagonist, they were suffered comer, and who all on some pretence to remain in peace afterwards. or other flocked in to behold him,

It was during this epoch that recalled it to his mind. Charles la Croix, a young man of “ I hope, sir,” cried he in an augood family, was named to the cap- stere tone, “ you will pay proper attaincy of a regiment stationed intention to the duties of your comProvence. His appointment was pe- || mand; and that you will not attempt culiarly disagreeable to the officers to introduce into my regiment the of that regiment, because they were vices of Paris."-": Colonel,” replied


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