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ary instructions, contains excellent, gressively propounded: we also meet directions and rules with regard to with some sensible remarks on accomposition, bowing, fingering, the em- paniment, ornaments, harmonies, &c.; ployment of the thumb, &c. The in short, the book, as far as we exercises and lessons, whether sin- || are able to judge, appears to us to gle, or in the shape of duettinos, are present the most complete and satisnumerous and pertinent; introduced, factory code of instruction for the as they are, in different parts of the violoncello now extant. work, to illustrate the doctrines pro


ween the

front. The sleeves hoef drops or car


DINNER DRESS. Dress of plain jaconot muslin; || Dress of pink gros de Naples; the corsage full at the back, and or- | the corsage made low, and slashed pamented in front with insertion-perpendicularly, to admit of white work, which proceeds outwardly from gros de Naples puffings. Long the shoulder to nearly the centre of sleeve, moderately large, except the the waist, inclosing four rows of very |top, which is of white gros de Nadelicate work, placed transversely be- || ples, exceedingly full, and confined tween the muslin, and meeting in by five bands of pink gros de Na

Il ples, and finished with a row of pearl and full, with three rows of inser- | drops or campanettes; the remainder tion-work near the wrist. The skirt of the sleeve has five rows of white has three broad rows of insertion- gros de Naples let in downwards, lace-work, of an elegant and novel and four bracelet bands equidistant; pattern. Ceinture of garter-blue rib- || that at the wrist confining the glove, bon, with a silver buckle in front. the sleeve not extending over the White crèpe lisse cap, of a circular hand. The front of the dress is oror dome shape; the crown irradiat namented by oval puffs of white gros ing from the top in large flutes, which de Naples, gradually increasing in are edged with small blue satin pip- size as they descend; a campanette ing, and contain each a half-blown or small pearl bell is attached to the rose, or a rose-colour gauze bow; outside of each; and on each side of beneath is a drawn head-piece and this trimming is a satin cord supportborder of folded crèpe lisse, inter- | ing pink oval puffs, with pearl bells spersed with blue and rose-colour pendant by the cord, and pearl beads gauze ribbon corresponding to the fastening the other end: this trimbow at the top: lappet strings of the ming flows off circularly from the same material as the cap. Broad front, and is continued round the gold bracelets and plain gold ear-dress, above a wreath similarly formrings. Silk barège shawl; yellowed, but with puffs on each side the gloves and shoes.

cord, with alternate leaves, of white Vol. VI. No. XXXII.

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gros de Naples; wadded hem be- || nished by a satin cord at the edge -neath white crèpe lisse tucker, con- of the scollops; but we have seen fined in folds by several gold sliders. one where the bottom of the dress The hair, as usurl, arranged in large was trimmed with a ruche disposed in curls, but tastefully disposed among || waves, and the pelerine was also bows of blue satin. Necklace and bordered with a light ruche, which ear-rings of pearl, turquoise, and had a very pretty effect. gold. White kid gloves and white Muslin capotes begin to decline satin shoes.

in favour, but silk ones are very much

worn; they have rather decreased in GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON FASHION | size. Fine straw hats are also in reAND DRESS.

quest for the promenade: the crowns Promenade dress is now more ge- | are moderately high; the brims wide neral in muslin than silk; and gowns, and deep in front, but extremely of the pelisse form are greatly in fa- || shallow behind. They are trimmed vour, particularly for the early part in a variety of ways, some with flowof the day: one of these, which ap- ers only, others with a mixture of pears to us of a novel and becoming || gauze ribbon and flowers, and some form, is composed of cambric muslin; | with knots of satin, of two striking the bottom of the skirt is trimmed colours, arranged in the form of a - with an intermixture of tucks and half-wreath, with a white rose placed -Waves in open-work; the corsage between each: the lappets always

has a little fulness at the bottom of fasten on the inside.. -the waist in front, and the back is full One of the most striking novelties from the shoulder to the waist; it in carriage dress is a high gown falls sufficiently low upon the shoul- i composed of shaded barège: it is der to give expansion to the chest. made high to the throat, and fastens The pelerine is of the cottage form, | behind; it is ornamented up the front and consists of two falls, one a good with crescent puffs irregularly placed, deal deeper than the other; they are and edged with cords of satin, to scolloped, and finished with an edg correspond in colour with the shades ing in open-work, as is also a double of the barège. The puffs forma collar rounded in front. The sleeve pyramid to the waist, and the ends is of the demi-gigot shape, and fi- wind through them in a sort of netnished by an open-work ruffle. work, which produces a striking ef· Silk high gowns, though not so | fect. The corsage is decorated with much in favour, are, however, still bias folds of barège, in the shape of fashionable, and, like those of mus- | a fan, from the waist to the shoulder, Jin, are mostly worn with a transpa each fold being marked by a cord. rent scarf or light barège shawi, || Full sleeve, the fulness confined toand, in some instances, with a pele-wards the wrist by three pointed ríne of the same material only. We bands, edged with satin cords, which have seen some of these pelerines of button in the middle of the arm, a new form, rounded behind, and of where they are very broad. This a moderate size, but long in front, dress has no collar; a collarette, comand with pointed ends. In general i posed of a mixture of blond and sathey are scolloped all round, and fi-| tin ribbon to correspond with the

shades of the barègé, is worn in- | towards the left ear, where they are stead.

|| terminated by a very full bouquet of Carriage head-dresses are various, damask roses. The brim of this and in general becoming. We select bonnet is 'more close and shallow two novelties as particularly worthy than they have been lately worn; it of the attention of our fair subscri- | is cut in scollops, and the scollops bers. One of these is composed of filled with blond net. blond net and white satin : the crown | A new full-cdress trimming, which is much higher on the right side is much admired, is composed of silthan the left; three crèves of blond ver gauze and white satin; the latter net are inserted in the top of it, cach | forms a deep rouleau at the bottom, finished by a narrow quilling of blond: || from which small rouleaus of gauze the brim is formed of blond net, di- | issue in a bias direction, each termi, vided into compartments by very sınall nating in a rosette of the same mate. white satin rouleaus, and finished at rial, with a brilliant silver heart. We the edge by a fall of very beautiful have seen also some dresses ornablond lace: a garland of the scarcest mented with wreaths of white satin exotics is placed so as partly to fall shells, three deep. This is a novel over the left side of the crown: the and simple style of trimming, and lappets are blond. The other bon has a very tasteful effect. net is composed of the palest rose- Fashionable colours are, lilac of a coloured satin; the crown ornament- reddish hue, grass-green, pale blue, ed in a most tasteful style with dra- || canary-colour, and various shades of peries of blond lace, which nearly || lavender, rose-colour, and gray. cover it; they are brought in a point il


Paris, July 18. | rouleaus arranged in a scroll pattern, My dear Sophia,

and a good many are trimmed with White and coloured muslins | flounces. The bodies are either en are at present the rage in promenade | blouse or en garbe, and sleeves still dress. Silk is but little seen. Co. excessively wide. Pelerines are so loured dresses are of cambric; the universally adopted, that one sees ground is plain blue, lilac, or yellow; hardly any other sort of out-door cothey are trimmed with flounces, print- vering; sometimes indeed a lace or ed in a deeper colour in a wreath of barège scarf is tied round the throat, flowers, and above each flounce is a but rarely. Some pelerines are of wreath printed in the dress to cor- the same material as the dress: the respond. These gowns are always newest are square, and have four made en blouse, but the sleeve, in-folds all round; these folds are formstead of ending 'às formerly at the ed into compartments by rows of butwrist; falls over the hand..

tons placed perpendicularly at reguThere is a good deal of variety in | lar distances; the collar falls over, the manner in which white gowns and is finished by two folds marked are made; soine round dresses are with buttons to correspond with the finished by deep tucks, others have | pelerine. Clear muslin pelerines, richly embroidered, and consisting || leau, and finished with a curtain-vail in general of two falls and a collar, of blond: a full tuft of marabouts is are also much in favour: lace ones placed on one side of the crown, some are less worn than they have lately of which fall negligently over the been.

brim. Bolivar hats of white and Cambric rédingotes, the bodies of coloured satin are very numerous : which are disposed in small perpen- these have the brim large before and dicular plaits, are very fashionable: behind, and narrow at the sides; the sleeve, extremely wide to the they are adorned with a profusion of elbow, is confined from thence to curled feathers, either white or the the wrist by bands of open-work; and colour of the hat. the end, finished by a broader band Flowers and ribbons are a good of work, falls a little over the hand: | deal used in the trimming of fullthe dress wraps over to the left side, | dress gowns. Several are striped and is finished round the bottom of with broad ribbon. These gowns the skirt and up the right side with are trimmed at bottom with bouillonthree tucks and a row of open-work. né, to which one end of the ribbon The trimming of the pelerine cor- is attached by a bouquet of flowers: responds with that of the skirt. these stripes, which at the bottom

Crape, silk, and rice - straw are are very much apart, nearly meet at the materials most in favour for pro- the waist. Another and a very elemenade bonnets. Leghorn is also gant style of trimming is composed fashionable, but only when it is of an of a double row of bouillonné formextravagant price. The demi-pele-ed by satin points, which are edged rine form still continues in favour. || with a very narrow blond: a broad Some of these hats are trimmed with | ribbon goes up the front of the dress, an intermixture of ostrich and mara- and another slopes down on each bout feathers, but flowers are much | side, at some distance from it, each more in favour. Jessamine, violets terminating in a bouquet of damask of Parma, honeysuckle, roses of a roses, immediately above the points. hundred leaves, clove-pinks, lilac, and The favourite style of head-dress wild roses, are the flowers most in for those ladies who partially cover favour. We see also the blossoms their hair is a coëffure en chiffon; of various fruits; and some merveil which has a gay but rather whimsileuses mingle with the bouquets of calappearance: it is a piece of shaded flowerswhich adorn their hats branch- gauze, arranged among the hair so es of ripe raspberries or currants. as to resemble in some degree a tur

Silk and crape bonnets are now ban; bows of hair appear partially made something smaller than last escaping from it on the right side month; a good many are still finish- | near the crown, and a full plume ed at the edge of the brim with of feathers falls over from the left. blond, but it is not quite so much in Some ladies add to this a bandeau request. Several silk bonnets are of jewels, brought low upon the ornamented with a satin rouleau forehead. There were many headround the top of the crown, from dresses of this kind, and trimmings which a fall of blond depends; the such as I have just described, at the brim is also edged with a satin rou- Duke of Northumberland's grand

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