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other hand, were the British Cabinet possessed of an idea of our inferiority, it would not be surprising that the result of a negociation would be, to grant us much more by favour than we deserved in justice. Therefore, until we can know the opinion of the British nation, all ulterior proceedings should be suspended. In addition, your Excellency combines your mediation with the armistice, and should a negociation take place, General Elio would continue to hold all the authority of Viceroy, wherewith he is invested by the Junta of Cadiz, even here, where he now occupies; but this would involve a contradiction in principles; Elio, and the illegitimate power from which he derives his authority, would remain triumphant over our rights before the termination of the dispute. The unlimited confidence which the Junta has in the pure intentions of your Excellency, convinces us that you have no other object in view than to unite the political ties which subsist in common betwixt both nations; but your Excellency may rest assured, that if the state of our negociations do not admit us to adhere to them, our friendship towards Great Britain shall not be less firm, nor our consideration of your Excellency. God preserve your Excellency many years. From the Members of the Junta, Buenos Ayres, May 18, 1811.

To his Excellency Lord Strangford, &c.

Buenos Ayres, June 14. This day entered this capital the veteran troops of infantry and dragoons which the kingdom of Chili has sent to us to support the just cause in which we are equally engaged. The General Commandant, at the head of all the regiments, marched out to receive them, at the distance of a quarter of a league from the city; and incorporated with our warlike legions, amidst the acclamations of a numerous population, they were conducted to the great square, in front of the town-hall, in the balconies of which, the Junta and the Members of the Municipality were assembled. There they renewed the most solemn oaths to die with us, should it be necessary, for the destruction of tyranny, and in defence of the imprescriptible rights of our native soil, that our children at least may enjoy the precious gift of liberty. They have come de ermined not to return to their homes without the palm of victory. Let the haughty despot and his followers be filled with terror;

and consider, that if Buenos Ayres alone was at one time able to inflict punishment on much more powerful enemies, his intrigues, his machinations, his miserable power, and his threats are perfectly contemptible when opposed to the united force of America.

Letter from the Conde de Linharez, PortuBuenos Ayres, June 10. guese Minister at Rio Janeiro, to the Junta. Rio Janeiro, April 27, 1811. Most Excellent Senor;-Don Manuel Sarratea, who has just arrived here, delivered to me your letter, which I have laid before the Prince Regent, my master. His Highness has charged me to assure you, that he feels, and is always anxious to maintain with the Junta and people of Buenos Ayres, the same sentiments of friendship and good harmony to which he is bound by the alliance which happily unites him with his Catholic Majesty. Your Excellency knows the good faith and entire impartiality by which his Royal Highness is actuated. You are not ignorant how much he desires the conservation of the Spanish Monarchy, and to secure the eventual rights of his august spouse; your Excellency must therefore naturally suppose how anxious he is to see union and harmony re-established among all parts of the Spanish dominions, and with what pain he has witnessed the commencement of a civil war on the very frontiers of his States. He is of course particularly anxious for its termination, to which he would most willingly contribute by all the means which can be suggested by the friendship and impartiality which he feels for all the subjects of his Christian Majesty. In obedience to the Royal orders which I have received, I feel great satisfaction in making this declaration of the sentiments of his Royal Highness, which I hope will be agreeable to your Excellency. May God preserve, &c. CONDE DE LINHAREZ.

Reply of the Junta.

Most Excellent Senor ;-This Junta has learned, with the greatest satisfaction, the pacific sentiments with which his Royal Highness the Prince Regent is impressed, and his anxious desire to contribute, by all amicable means, to the restoration of that harmony which has been unfortunately interrupted among those who have the honour to be the subjects of the same Monarch. Had the prejudices of the

Spanish Government permitted them calmly to attend to our rights, and had not the former depositaries of the royal authority in this part of America been resolved to act contrary to the evidence of facts, by disseminating every where doubts and errors, our loyalty would have been much more confirmed, and even the remains of civil discord would have disappeared from among us. But, unfortunately, guided the most of them, by personal views, they introduced the deadly germs of division, which, though put down in the greater part of this viceroyalty, is still committing ravages in the province of Paraguay, and within the walls of Monte Video.-The public papers will have informed your Excellency of the just and undeniable ground on which, without prejudice to our allegiance to Ferdinand VII, we have founded our right to resume the management of our own affairs. As to the dissentions more immediately in your vicinity, it is equally notorious that the object of the military expedition to Paraguay was no other than to place the inhabitants of that province, confined to an angle of the kingdom, in a situation to deliberate on the means of saving the State from the subversion which threatened it. But they chose rather to listen to the suggestions of ill-designing men, who were interested in their errors, than to the wise counsel of their brothers. Hence it happened that hostilities took place. But the Junta, whose first object was to spare the blood of their Countrymen, viewed these disasters with horror, and ordered all hostilities to cease, leaving to time the work of undeceiving the Paraguayans. With regard to the affairs of Monte Video, the Junta of Cadiz were so inconsiderate as to place at the head of affairs Don F. Xavier Elio, with the respectable title of Viceroy. This audacious man, whose instinct for destruction is notorious, since his arrival in these parts, has not ceased to treat us as rebels-to denounce against us the vengeance of the law-to blockade our ports-to make preparations to reduce us by force and, in fine, to irritate the inhabitants of the Eastern district by the sacrifices which he exacts, and the miseries to which he reduced them. The inhabitants being placed in this cruel situation, prudence obliged them to resort to violent measures; they rose in a mass, and demanded assistance from this capital. The Junta would have been criminally indifferent to the distresses

of their neighbours, had they not sent them aid. They therefore, dispatched some troops, who have in part arrested the current of these misfortunes.-The Junta have thought proper to explain to your Excellency the motives of their separation from Spain, and to give a brief exposition of the most recent events. They trust that his Royal Highness the Prince Regent will be enabled to judge from this statement, that neither the ultramarine Spaniards, nor Elio, nor his followers the Europeans in Monte Video, are entitled in any degree to his protection, in prejudice to our just cause.-Upon the whole, the Junta will never lose sight of the considerations with which they ought to be impressed as subjects of their king. They wish the happy moment to be accelerated, when we shall see Ferdinand VII. restored to the throne of his ancestors, and when all of us, reconciled, shall labour in concert in supporting without alteration the rights of the crown. Doubtless the powerful influence of the Prince Regent, your master, might smooth the difficulties in the way of such an event. But considering that by the general wish of the people, it has been thought necessary to convoke their Representatives for the purpose of discussing those difficult questions which have been excited by the passing occurrences, and for securing the interests of the nation, it is the opinion of this Junta, that without the consent of that Congress, it would be premature to enter into any measures of negociation with Spain. The same obstacles are not opposed to our reconciliation with the city of Monte Video. The consanguinity of its inhabitants, the vicinity of their territory, and their intimate relations with this metropolis, all concur in exciting a desire for our reunion. The Junta will therefore receive any proposition that may be made to them through the medium of his Royal Highness, but will not compromise the interests which have been entrusted to them.--God preserve, &c.

Buenos Ayres, May 16, 1811.
To his Excellency the Conde de Linharez.

Buenos Ayres, June 26,

Our army at present consists of 22,000 warriors, the flower of the provinces, without including the Indians, who voluntarily join the service, and chiefly convey the artillery and baggage. They are not all, to be sure, armed with muskets, but a considerable part of them are. Our cavalry

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Nothing is more important to the great objects which this Junta promotes, than to see the moment arrive when the provinces shall be represented in a Congress which shall commence its weighty deliberations. And, as notwithstanding the repeated invitations, which have been issued for the purpose of hastening the arrival of a day which will be the most remarkable in the future annals of America, a number of the deputies of which that august assembly is to be composed have not yet arrived, the Junta, therefore, on account of its pressing importance to the State, have resolved that the National Congress shall commence its sittings about the end of November in the present year. In consequence, the Government requires you to accelerate the mission of your representatives, and that one at least be elected for each of the cities in your districts; with this understanding, that should unforeseen difficulties prevent you from carrying the measure into effect within the time prefixed, supplementary Deputies will be appointed, till they arrive who are legitimately invested with powers from their constituents. -This Resolution is communicated to you, that you may with zeal and love for the cause of your country, take all necessary measures for hastening the assemblage of the said Representatives in this city.

Buenos Aires, June 26, 1811.

rank of officer, and every hostage, who, after having given his parole, shall violate it, shall, if he be retaken, be considered and treated as a soldier with respect to pay and rations, and shut up in a citadel, fort, or castle.-Prisoners of war having the rank of officers and hostages, who shall not enjoy the favour granted by the first article of the present decree, shall be kept in the depôts, and shall not travel but under the escort of the armed force. If they escape on the road, or from a depôt, and be retaken, they shall be confined in a citadel, fort, or castle.-Prisoners of war who have not the rank of officers, and who escape either on the road, or from a depôt, from the battalion of the establishment, or from the houses of private persons, where they may have been placed, shall, in case they are retaken, be confined in a citadel, fort, or castle.

FRANCE.-Address to the Emperor from La Lippe and from the Ionian Isles, together with his Imperial Majesty's AnswersParis, 19th Aug. 1811.

Yesterday, and Sunday the 18th, before Mass, the Emperor, surrounded by the Princes, grand Dignitaries, the Ministers, the grand Eagles of the Legion of Honour, &c. received in the Hall of the Throne a deputation from the department of La Lippe, and another from the Ionian Isles. The Duc de Looz, President of the deputation from La Lippe, presented the following address:

SIRE; The deputies of the department of La Lippe, authorised by the clemency of your Imperial Majesty to deposit at the foot of your throne the most respectful expressions of the submission and gratitude of a people newly united to your Empire, amidst the imposing spectacle of the gran

FRANCE. Decree relative to Prisoners of deur and of the power of the first Mo

War. Aug. 5, 1811.

Prisoners of war, having the rank of officers, as well as hostages, shall enjoy the favour of proceeding freely and without escort to the place assigned for them, and to reside there, without being detained, after their having given their parole not to depart from the road marked out for them, nor from the place of their residence. Every prisoner of war having the

narch of the universe, feel themselves encouraged by the thought that they speak in the name of the descendants of those ancient Germans, whose valour long balanced the fortune of the Roman eagles, and who have been always remarked for the uprightness and loyalty of their character, and for a steady attachment to their sovereigns and their laws.

(To be continued.)

Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent Garden :-Sold also by J. BUDD, Pall-Mall,

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Towards the end of last week a Council having been held, and an Order relative to American commerce having been agreed upon, it was, by these who merely knew that some order of this kind was about to come forth, taken for granted, that it contained a prohibition against future imports from the American States into this country, by way of retaliation for the American non-importation act. There needed no more. The busy slaves of the press, who endeavour even to anticipate the acts of government, be they what they may, with their approbation, lost not a moment. This "measure of "retaliation," as they called it, was then an instance of perfect wisdom in your Royal Highness's ministers: it was a measure become absolutely necessary to our safety as well as our honour; and, indeed, if it had not been adopted, we are told, that the ministers would have been highly criminal. Alas! It was all a mistake: there was no such measure adopted: and, oh most scandalous to relate! These same writers discovered, all in a moment, that it would have been premature to adopt such a measure at present!

I have mentioned this fact with a view of putting your Royal Highness upon your guard against the parasites of the press, who (though it may be a bold assertion to make) are the worst of para sites, even in England. Hang them "scurvy jades, they would have done no "less if Cæsar had murdered their mo"thers," said Casca of the strumpets of Rome, who affected to weep, when Cæsar fainted, and who shouted when he came

[Price 1s.


to again. And, be your Royal Highness well assured, that these same writers would have applauded your ministers, if, instead of an Order in Council to prohibit the importation of American produce, they had issued an order to strip the skin over the ears of the Roman Catholics, or to do any other thing, however tyrannical, however monstrous, it might have been.


Suffer yourself not, then, Sir, to be persuaded to act, in any case, from what is presented to you in the writings of these parasites. Reflect, Sir, upon the past. During the whole of the last twenty years, these same writers have praised all the measures of the government. these measures were, according to them, the fruit of consummate wisdom. Yet, these measures have, at last, produced a state of things exactly the contrary of what was wished for and expected. All the measures which have led to the victories and conquests of France, that have led to her exaltation, that have produced all that we now behold in our own situation, the paper-money not excepted; all these measures have received, in their turn, the unqualified approbation of the parasites of the press. To know and bear in mind this fact, will be, I am certain, sufficient to guard your Royal Highness against forming your opinion of measures from what may be said of them by this tribe of time-serving writers, who have been one of the principal causes of that state of things in Europe, which is, even with themselves, the burden of incessant and unavailing lamentation. Buonaparté ! "The Corsican Tyrant"! The " towering "despot," Buonaparté! Alas! Sir, the fault is none of his, and all the abuse bestowed upon him should go in another direction. The fault is in those, who contrived and who encouraged the war against the Republicans of France; and, amongst them, there are in all the world none to equal the parasites of the English press.

In returning, now, to the affair of the American frigate and the Little Belt, the first thing would be to ascertain, which vessel fired the first shot. The Commanders M

on both sides deny having fired first; and, if their words are thus at variance, the decisions of Courts of Inquiry will do little in the way of settling the point. This fact, therefore, appears to me not capable of being decided. There is no court wherein to try it. We do not acknowledge a court in America, and the Americans do not acknowledge a court here. Each government believes its own officer, or its own courts of inquiry; and, if the belief of the American government is opposed to what ours believe, there is no decision but by an appeal to arms. But, there is a much better way of settling the matter; and that is to say no more about it, which may be done without any stain upon the honour of either party. And this is the more desirable, if the supposed attack upon the Little Belt can possibly be made, in some general settlement of disputes, to form a sett-off against the affair of the Chesapeake.

Yet, may it please your Royal Highness, there is a view of this matter which it is very necessary for you to take, and which will never be taken by any of the political parasites in this country. We are accustomed to speak of this supposed attack upon the Little Belt, as if it had taken place out at sea, and as if there had been no alledged provocation ever given to the American ships of war. But, Sir, the Americans alledge, that the Little Belt was found in their waters; that she was one of a squadron that formed a sort of blockade of their coast; that this squadron stopped, rummaged, and insulted their merchantmen; and, that in many cases, it seized and carried away their own people out of their own ships within sight of their own shores. The way for us to judge of the feelings that such acts were calculated to inspire in the bosoms of the Americans, is, to make the case our own for a moment; to suppose an American squadron off our coast, stopping, rummaging and insulting our colliers, and, in many cases, taking away their sailors to serve them; to be exposed to the loss of life in that service; and, at the very least, to be taken from their calling and their families and friends.

Your Royal Highness would, I trust, risk even your life rather than suffer this with impunity; and you would, I am sure, look upon your people as unworthy of existence, if they were not ready to bleed

in such a cause. Your Royal Highness sees, I am fully persuaded, but one side of the question, with regard to America. The venal prints present you with publications made by the enemies of the men at present in power in America; that is to say, by the opposition of that country. But, the fact is, that all parties agree in their complaints against our seizure of their seamen, with instances of which their public prints abound. This is a thing so completely without a parallel, that one can hardly bring oneself to look upon it as a reality. For an American vessel to meet a packet between Cork and Bristol and take out some of her sailors and carry them away to the East or West Indies to die or be killed, is something so monstrous that one cannot bring ourself to feel as if it were real. Yet, this is no more than what the Americans complain of; and, if there be good ground, or only slight ground; if there be any ground at all, for such complaint, the affair between the American Frigate and the Little Belt is by no means a matter to be wondered at. I beg your Royal Highness to consider how many families in the American States have been made unhappy by the impressment of American seamen; how many parents have been thus deprived of their sons, wives of their husbands, and children of their fathers; and, when you have so considered, you will not, I am sure, be surprized at the exultation that appears to have been felt in America at the result of the affair with the Little Belt.

As a specimen of the complaints of individuals upon this score, I here insert a letter from an unfortunate impressed American, which letter I take from the New York Public Advertiser of the 31st of July,

" Port Royal, Jamaica, 30 June, 1811. "Mr. Snowden, I hope you will be so "good as to publish these few lines.—I, "Edwin Bouldin, was impressed out of the "barque Columbus,. of Elizabeth City,

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Captain Traftor, and carried on board "his Britannic majesty's brig Rhodian, in Montego Bay, commanded by capt. Mobary-He told me my protection "was of no consequence, he would have "me whether or not. I was born in Bal"timore and served my time with Messrs. "Smith and Buchanan. I hope my "friends will do something for me to get "my clearance, for I do not like to serve "any other country but my own, which I "am willing to serve. I am now captain

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