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THE Seventh Annual Congress of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, held in Edinburgh during the second week of October, proved the most successful the Society has ever held; and it was felt by many that the occasion should not be allowed to pass without an attempt to embody in a permanent form—and one that should, from its price, be accessible to the great body of working people—a record of its proceedings. The necessity of bringing the book within such limits as should admit of its being sold at a cheap rate, has rendered the abridgment of many excellent papers and interesting discussions imperative; but in all cases those subjects which have an importance for the many, rather than an attraction for the few, have had priority of claim, and have been preserved at considerable length. The addresses of the Presidents of Departments, it was intended, should in all


cases be printed in full; but it is to be regretted that an inadvertent omission, not noticed until the matter had been stereotyped, occurs in the address of Professor Christison; which omission, however, is supplied in an Appendix. It is further cause of regret that the exigencies of space compelled the exclusion of reports of the proceedings at those pleasant evening meetings in connexion with the Congress.

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