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against our Regular proceedings in an orderly way to settel a Gospel minister among us, and then put us to a great deal of trouble and to an extraordinary charge in calling in that Grand Council which set at ye time appointed, and the Rev. Mr. Caleb Chusing (1) was moderator, and our Desenting brethren appeared in Council and objected against some of y Council; and y moderator ask them who they were and they said Mr. Joseph Parsons, Mr. Samuel Parsons and Mr. Fogg: the Moderator ask them what they had against them men; they s they wear akend; and ye Moderator ask them what they had against ye man that was to be ordained as to his life and conversation or his Doctrin, and they eledge nothing; but they said ye Province line would be moved and then they should lose the money that they had expended with us, and they had not a convenient way: The Moderator told them as to y removing y line that could be no bar as to setteling y minister, for if y° lines should be moved then we must petition y Massachusetts Court for a Parrish, and as to a way, their law provids how they should get high ways; so notwithstanding all ye objections and allegations they could make the Rev. Council did not see but ye way was clear to settel a minister among us.

All these molestations, interruptions and oppositions we have met with from our Desenting brethren since we offerd them that vote; yet now they would skreen themselves under that vote, that we are willing they should go off when they have never fullfilld ye conditions of ye vote in any one article; for if our Desenting brethren had agreed with us, we should have had none occasion to have been at so much trouble and at such an extraordinary charge in sending from town to town and from one Parish to another about y° country to call in that Grand Council, for two or three of y° neighbouring ministers would have done our business in y morning before ye ordination.

South Hampton

March y 29, 1745.

[blocks in formation]

Daniel French

Joseph Morrill

Richard Fitts

Moses Richason

Ezekiel Hoyt
Ephraim Carter
Orlando Weed ?
Paul Morrill

Petition in relation to a high-way.

To his Excellency Benning Wentworth Esq. Capt. General and Governour in Chief in and over his Majesty's Province of New Hampsheir in New England, and to the Honourable his Majesties Council And to the Gentlemen of the House of Representatives in General Court assembled:

The Petition of the Town of South Hampton humbly sheweth :

That the Town finding thare was Occasion of a highway from the Meeting-house Southward to a highway which was laid out by Alins bury, accordingly Voted a way should be laid out on the East side of the Parsonage unto Powes River, and throw sundry mens Land unto the said high-way, and the selectmen being met to lay out s way and finding a more convenient way might be had else where made Request to the Town, who Voted, That the former Vote should be reconsidered, and a high way should be laid out across the Parsonage and over the River whare it dos meet the high way which was laid out by Almsbury Direct, and thare it is laid out and Recorded.

Notwithstanding this way is moste for the common good, thare are sum persons who are uneasy because the way first Voted is not laid out and have applyed themselves to the General Sessions of the Peace who have ordered a Committee to lay that way out also; which if Don the Town must make and maintain two ways and two bridges within about twenty five or thirty Rods which will be a very great and useless charge.

Therefore your Petitioners do most humbly apply to this Honourable Court and Pray that a Committee may be appointed to view those ways and to judg which will accommodate moste people and is best for the Towns use in general that it may be established and the other prevented: So shall we as in duty bound ever Pray &c.

South Hampton, April the 8, 1746.

In Council, May 6th 1746.

Read and sent down to the House


Theod' Atkinson, Secy.

for South Hampton.

[NOTE. A hearing was had on the foregoing petition, when-]

In the House of Representatives, May 13, 1746, Voted, that the within Petition be dismissed.

D. Pierce, Clk.

Petition relating to a Province Tax.

To his Excellency Benning Wentworth, Esq' Capt. General And Governor in Chief in and over his Majesties Province of New Hampshire in New England, and to the Honourable his Majesties Council, and to the Gent men of the House of Representatives in General Court assembled:

The Petition of the Select men of South Hampton, humbly sheweth:

That whereas George Jaffrey, Gent. Treasurer and Receiver General for his Majesties Province of New Hampshire, did in the year past send a Precept to the Select men of South Hampton to Raise the sum of Ninety seven Pounds and ten shillings in bills of Credit Emitted by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of said Province passed April ye 11th 1755, Entituled an Act for granting unto his most excellent Majesty the sum of thirty thousand pounds for and towards building a Fort near Crown Pint, and the Select men in the year past omitted the Raising the Sum of Ninety seven pounds and ten shillings which was set Down in the preceipt, by Reason of an oversight or miss under standing, and we the Select men of South Hampton for the present year. Do therefore humbly apply ourselves to this Honourable Court and pray that this Honourable Court would be pleased in your great wisdom and goodness to compassionate our Difficult case and pass an Act to impower and authorize us the present select men to assess the Polls and Estates within said South Hampton lyable to be tax" by Law, and give us a Reasonable time to do it in, so shall we as in Duty bound ever pray, &c. Selectmen for

Dated March the 21

Day, 1757.

Prov. New Hamp

In Council March 231 1757.

RICH COLLINS South Hampton.

Read & ordered to be sent down to the Honbl House.

Theodore Atkinson. Secy.

Province of In the House of Representatives, March 23, 1757. This New Hamp' Petition being read

Voted, That the Prayer thereof be granted & that the petitioners have Liberty to bring in a Bill accordingly.

In Council, March 23a, 1757.

Andrew Clarkson, Clerk.

Read & concurrd.

Theo. Atkinson, Sec.

Petition from sundry inhabitants of South Hampton to be
annexed to Newtown.

Province of
New Hamp'S
To his Excellency the Governor, the honorable his Majesties
Council & House of Representatives for the Province afore-
said in General Court Assembled:

South Hampton, July 14, 1768.

We subscribers Inhabitants of South Hampton do humbly request that we and our Estates may be annexed to Newtown for the Reasons following, viz.

We were originally of the Almsbury District which is now called Newtown:

We can attend public worship there with more ease, the way to it being much better & the place of worship nearer; some of us live within half a mile of Newtown Meeting House & four Miles from our own.

The most of us do constantly attend public worship at Newtown and enjoy special religious privileges there but are denied the satisfaction of paying our money where we have our favors, and to those to whom it seems of right due, and the mortification of paying it to such as do us no good.

We are ill accommodated in regard to schooling for our children. Newtown School we have no right to: South Hampton is so distant that we cannot send to it; indeed Southhampton hath in some instances left our proportion of the School money to our own disposal, but the sum is so small that it will not maintain a School long enough to be of any considerable benefit, & even while it does support a school among us we live so scattered & at such a distance from one another that the School cannot be so placed as to well accommodate us all

at once.

Our condition is really in our account Very unhappy ;-we therefore humbly beg that your Excellency & Honors would take it under your consideration and grant such relief as in your wisdom you shall think proper.

Jonathan Currier, 1 M. north.

Samuel Kimball

Phillip Currier

Challis Currier

Thomas Currier

Nathan Currier

Charles Coolens

James Currier

Aaron Sargent, sou. 1-2 mile.
Sarah Currier

[ocr errors]

Province of

In the House of Representatives Jany 12th 1770 The within Petition being read & considered

Voted, That the Petitioners be heard on this Petition on Thursday the twenty-fifth Day of January instant, if the General Assembly be then sitting, and if not then on the second day of their sitting next after, and that the Petitioners at their own cost serve the Selectmen of

South Hampton with a Copy of this Petition & order that they may shew cause why the prayer thereof should not be granted.

In Council, Jany 12, 1770.

Read & concurred.

Geo. King, D. Sec.

M. Weare, Clk.

Province of In the House of Representatives March 22d 1770.

The Parties being heard on this Petition and the Petitioners requesting that a Committee may be appointed to view the circumstances of the Petitioners at the cost of the s Petitioners:

Voted, That Capt. John Giddings & Doctor Ebenezer Thompson be a Committee of this House to join with such as the Hon Council shall appoint to make enquiry respecting the circumstances of the Petitioners and make report to the General Assembly as soon as may be-the cost of the Committee to be paid by the Petitioners.

In Council, March 23d 1770.

M. Weare, Clk. Read & concurred & the Honbl Daniel Pierce Esq' added on part of the Board.

Geo. King, D. Sec3.

Pursuant to the foregoing appointment we the Subscribers have view'd the situation of the Petitioners, heard & consider'd what the Parties concern'd thought fit to offer relative to the Premises:

And although we think that some of the Petitioners might be better accommodated by being annexed to Newtown, yet really think their difficulties not greater than what usually happens in almost every town: And their being so annexed would (as we conceive) increase the difficulties occasioned by the former liberty of Polling in said Towns, which we now think need redress: Therefore we beg leave to recommend the dismissing said Petition. Witness our hands at Portsmouth the 21st of December, 1770.

In Council, Dec. 21st 1770.

D. Peirce
John Giddinge
Eben' Thompson.

In pursuance of the above report it is ordered that this Petition be dismissed.

Geo. King, D. Secy.

Petition for settling the line between South Hampton and

Province of New Hampsh



To his Excellency John Wentworth, Esq' Captain General, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Province of New Hampshire, the Honourable his Majesty's Council and house of Representatives in General Assembly convened. The Petition of us the Subscribers being a Committee chosen for the Town of South Hampton, Most humbly sheweth:

That the said Town of South Hampton suffer great incon

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