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Xr y 29, 1725. In the House of Representatives.

The within Petition being read: Ordered that the Towns of New Castle, Portsmouth, Hampton & Greenland be notified by the Petitioners to appear on the second day of the sitting of the Spring Sessions next, to shew cause (if any they have) why the Prayer of the Petition may not be granted.

Jas. Jeffry, Clr. AssTM

Another Petition from the same source, 1725.

Whereas we the subscribers did formerly Petition to the Government of this Province to be set off for a Precinct or District, which we humbly conceive was denyed, because it was thought that if the prayer of the Petition were granted, the Great Island could not subsist to maintain a Minister there without the assistance of a great part of the subscribers ;-now to take of that objection, and in order that the Gospel may be continued both at the Island and Sandy Beach, we the subscribers consent that Twenty Pounds annually during the Rev'd Mr. Shurtliff's life, or continuance in the Ministry at the Island, be allow'd as follows: viz. That whereas Little Harbour side with Sandy Beach used to pay near one third part of Mr. Shurtleff's Salary, and there being five persons on Little Harbour side that do not desire to join with us, the Petitioners, viz. Lieut. Jno. Sherburn, Tobias Lear, Jno. Odiorne, James. Randle, and the Widow Wallis who used to pay about six pounds annually towards the minister's Rate, We the subscribers do promise and engage to make that sum Twenty pounds annually as afores";-Provided that we may be cleared from all other Parish Taxes to the several places where we do now belong.

December 14th 1725

In Province of New Hamp

We also will quit of right to the Twelve Pounds paid by the Isle of Shoals.

William Seavey

William Walles

Thomas Rand

Samuel Brackett

John Lock

James Lock

Edward Lock

Benjamin Seavey

Samuel Walles

Joshua Foss

Samuel Berry

Joseph Lock

William Lock

Richard Goss

Nathanael Rand

William Marden

Ezekiel Knowles

Solomon Dowst

Benjamin Seavey, jun

Samuel Rand

Philip Pain

James Fuller

William Gammon

William Seavey, tertius

Jethro Gos8
Amos Rand

Joshua Rand

William Marden jun
William Lock, jr
John Pain

Thoms Rand, jun.

James Shute

William Rand

Zach: Berry

William Berry

Sandy Beach, Petition, Dec. 29, 1725.

James Marden
Saml Dowst
Ebenr Berry
Orem Dowst

Samuel Seavey, jun.
Francis Lock

Jethro Lock
Samuel Lock
Christopher Palmer
John Garland
David Smith
Ebenr Philbrick
Joh Knowles
Stephen Berry
Jonathan Lock
John Lock, jun.
Samuel Seavey
Hezekiah Jenes

Richard Jennes

John Jennes

Nehemiah Berry
Thoms Jennes
Nathl Berry.

Petition from the Parish of Rye, 1729.

To his Excellency William Burnet, Esq' Capt. General & Governor in Chief in & over his Majesties Province of New Hamps in New England & To the Hone the Council & the Honble House of Representatives in General Assembly now setting,

The Humble Petition of the Parish of Rye in New Castle, in the Province of New Hamp

Humbly sheweth:

That whereas this Parish was established by a Special Act of General Assembly Apr. 30, 1726, and near one half of the freeholders & other Inhabitants of the same being Poled off to s Parish from other Towns, a considerable number of which did before belong to Hampton Town, & having no line fixed & settled between s' Parish & Hampton, the s1 Parish are under ill conveniences respecting their Parish affairs, some moving out & Leaving the Burden of Taxes heavier upon the Remnant left, and some others moving in among us & settling in that part of the Parish that did belong to Hampton, which we are not impowered to Levy Taxes upon, nor to obledge to attend military exercises, nor to help in Repairing his Majesties High-ways in this Parish nor to assist in managing our other Parish affairs;-We, labouring under these & many other ill


conveniences, humbly prayeth your Excellency, the Honble the Council & the Hon House of Representatives to make choice of a Committee of indifferent men to fix & settle a Line between us & Hampton Town.


So shall your Hum Petitioners ever Pray, &c.


of sd


Dated at Rye

May 12, 1729.

In th House of Representatives.

Voted, That the hearing this Petition be suspended untill the fourth day of the next Session of the General Assembly and that a Copy of the Petition & this Vote be sent to the Select men of Hampton at charge of the Petitioners.

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In the House of Representatives,

James Jeffry, Cler. AssTM

Voted, That the prayer of the within Petition be so far granted yt a Committee of indifferent p'sons be chosen & goe upon the spot & that a Plot be made and Bro't in to the Ass by s1 Committee of the old P'ish of Hampton, with a Division of the North Hill part, alsoe of the whole P'rish of Rye, and alsoe of that part that belongs to Portsmouth & Greenland that is Powl'd off to Rye;-and make theire Return to the Gen' Assembly next session for further consideration; and that the Petitioners pay the charges.

Xbr ye 13th 1729.

Capt. Joshua Wingate
& Mr John Sanburn }

James Jeffry, Clr. Ass

enters their Dissent agst the above vote.

Xbr the 16, 1729. In the House of Representatives,

Voted, That Mr. Speaker Wiggans and Majr Paul Gerrish, Mr. Bartholomew Thing and Majr Nicholas Gillman & Lieut. Wm. Moore of Stratham or any three of them be a Comittee for the ends above mentioned, to make Draught and that the old P'ish of Hampton & that part of Hampton called North Hill be alsoe notified of the time of Running the Lines, and that the Return be made to the Gen' Assembly y third day of the sitting of the next Sessions of the Ass" and all parties then to appeare to make their objection (if any they have) why such Return may not be rec1

In Council, Dec' 17, 1729.

Read & concurred, wil both ye above votes

R. Waldron, Cler. Con.

James Jeffry, Clr. Ass"



Petition from Selectmen of Rye, relating to the effec
violent Storm, 1754.

Province of

New Hampshire

Esq. Governour and Commanie To his Excellency Benning Wentw of New Hampshire, and the Honble the House of Represe Chief, in and over his Majesty's Prov atives for said Province now in General Court siting: Humbly shews-James Marden and Joses Philbrick two the Selectmen of the Parish of Rye in the Province afores (being the major part thereof) in behalf of the said Paris: That on or about the Nineteenth day of June last past the was a Violent Thunder Storm and there fell a very conside able quantity of Rain & Hail which reach'd through the st.. Parish and Damaged all the Inhabitants of the said Pars (three or four familys only excepted) very much by shattering their houses and barns, breaking the glass windos almost the one half thereof through the said parish; shattered the meeting-house and Parish house and Broke the glass thereof, that: one hundred pounds old tenor will not be sufficient to repa the said Meeting and Parish house; Destroy'd almost all the apples in the said Parish, with almost all the English and Icdian corn then and there standing and growing, of one half of the said Inhabitants; By means whereof the said Inhabitants are reduced to Miserable circumstances, with Regard to the fruits of the earth this year, And it will be as much as the said Inhabitants can do (and will be beyond the capacity of many) to repair their buildings and provide sustinence for themselves and cattle this year; and as the said Parish is but a poor place and the said Inhabitants are at considerable charge among themselves over and above the Province Tax, which in itself is very heavy, and considering the circumstances of the said Parish will be insupportable as their dependence is on the fruits of the earth (which are now destroy'd.) Wherefore the said James Marden & Joses Philbrick pray in behalf of the said Parish that your Excellency and Honours will take the case of the said Inhabitants into your wise consideration, and Releive the said Inhabitants by abating the whole or so much of the said Province Tax as your excellency and Honours in your great Wisdom shall think expedient, and your Petitioners in behalf of said Inhabitants as in duty bound shall ever Pray. JAMES MARDen JOSES PHILBRICK.

July 24, 1754.

July 26, 1754.

Province of

New Hamp

In Council, read and ordered to be sent down to the Honble ye Gen! Assembly.

Theod. Atkinson, Sec.

Petition for a Lottery to build a road, 1764.

`o his Excellency Benning Wentworth, Esq' Captain General, Governor and Commander in Chief in & over his Majesty's Province of New Hampshire, the Hon his Majesty's Council & house of Representatives in General Assembly conven'd, this 8th day of May 1764.

The Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Rye, & of the Inhabits of the South West end of Portsmouth; Humbly Sheweth:

That it would not only be very beneficial to them, but to all other Travellers, who pass from Portsm° to Rye, or from Rye to Portsmouth, provided a Road might be had & obtain'd across the woods from or near Mr. Thomas Cotton's Farm in Long Lane so called, to the highway in Rye near to Mr. Wallis Foss's, which would make the travelling from Portsm to Rye or from Rye to Portsmouth much more convenient, as it will save eight miles in travel to & from nearer than the road now goes, as there is no highway from said Rye to Portsmouth except at the North East End or at the South West end of said Rye, both of said highways being at the extream limits of said Parish of Rye, & being five miles distant from each other, which makes it difficult for your petitioners to send their wood &c. to market; which Road if obtain'd they think would be a General Good, & your Petitioners humbly conceive it might be had & obtain'd at the Cost & charge of seven hundred & fifty pounds new Tenor, but that your petitioners are not at present able in & of themselves to purchase said highway altho' so beneficial; Wherefore your petitioners humbly prays your Excellency & Honours, to grant them leave to bring in a Bill for a LOTTERY to enable them to effect the same & to be under such direction & Regulation as you in your great wisdom may think proper, & if any overplus arises thereby, to be disposed of as may be ordered by your Excellency & honours, & your Petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray &c.

Joseph Jenness
Sam Jennes
Joseph Rand
Timothy Berry
Nathanel Jennes
Christ Gold
Jonath" Brown

Job Jennes

Peter Johnson

Joseph Brown

Peter Johnson, jun.

Jonathan Fowl

Elijah Lock

Bickford Lang

Joseph Philbrick
Joseph Lock
Nathan Goss
Benja Garland

Jonathan Lock, jun.
Stephen Marden
Benja Marden

Ruben Motton

Sam' Meservy
Roberd Sanders

Job Foss

Joshua Weeks
Joseph Yeaton

Noah Sevey

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