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Goffs Town which renders their associating together for publick worship more convenient—

That your Petitioners have had some supply of preaching from the Presbytery to which we are connected and expect more from time to time, and soon to be in a Capacity (through Providential Smiles) to build a meeting House, and settle a Minister of their own persuasion.

May it therefore please your Excellency & Honours impartially to consider the Premises, and by your authority to enact that your Petitioners may be a distinct Society Cloath'd with Parish powers that so they may be in a Legal Capacity of Levying Parish Charges, and your Petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray &c

Dated at Goffstown,

November 24 1771.

William Madole

[blocks in formation]

Tho' Kennedy
Robart Kennedy
Samuel Kennedy
Wilam Mcferson
John Moferson
James Moor
William Dunlap
John Butterfield

George Cunningham
James Barr, Jr.
Antipas Dodge
Joseph Kennedy
David McClure
Jn° Little
Daniel Allen
Silas Walker
David Currier
Alexander McCay

Petition of the Inhabitants of Goffstown, 1772, relating to town disputes.

To His Excellency John Wentworth Esq Capt. Gen' Gov. & Commander in Cheef in and over His Majestys Province of New Hampshire, & Vice admiral of the same. The honble His Majestys Council & House of Representatives for said Province to be conven'd at Portsm° in said Province on Tuesday the 19th day of May Current.

We the Subscribers Inhabitants of Goffestown in the County of Hillsboro' in said province, humbly Complains

That the Inhabitants of said Goffes Town at their last annual march meeting having some disputing on the business of the Day, after which the Select men published who were Legal

Voters, according to the Law of said province, after which the Votes were bro't in for a Moderator, The Votes were 25

for the honble Sam' Blodget Esq & 26 for Alex Gilchrist, on which said Mr Blodget said one John Pattie was not a legal Voter, (who had voted for said Gilchrists being Moderator) the select men said he was, but Mr Blodget insisted he was not, & that his Vote should be thrown out, wch was done. Then the Votes stood 25 for one & 25 for the other, after which Mr Blodget pulled a power of Attorney out of his pocket, & read it, given by one Job Rowell (who is since dead) to his son Jonathan Rowell a minor & who had never been rated, Impowering said Jonathan to Vote at said meeting & Mr Blodget insisted That said Jon had a Legal Right to vote in Said Meeting by virtue of said power which said Jon did & voted for Mr Blodget to be Moderator, wch turned the vote in Mr Blodgets favour & that said Pattie was not allowed to Vote, & the said Jonathan's voting & Pattie being deprived, caused different men to be chose Town Officers, than would have been, by which Means we humbly conceive we are much injured and deprived of our just & Legal Rights, Wherefore we your Complainants & petitioners humbly prays your Excelley & Honours to take our Case into your Consideration & grant us such relief as in your great wisdom shall seem meet, & your petition" as in Duty bound shall ever pray

Dated at Goffe's Town the 18th day of May, AD. 1772.

David Currier
George Hadley
Alex' Gilchrist
John Little
Thos Miller
Daniel Marr
James Marr
James Moor
James Barr
Ja Barr, Jr
Alex' McCay
Samuel Kennedy
Thomas Kennedy
Phineas Hadley
George Cunningham
Robert Kennedy
George Addison
Joseph Kennedy

Matt Kennedy

In Council May 21st 1772.

John Dinsmoor
Sam Mcfarland
Robert Speer
Will Dunlap
Thomas Shirla
Antipas Dodge
John Clogston
Daniel Allen
Silas Walker
John Butterfield
Ja Fearson

Dan McFarland
William Fearson
James Ferson
John Orr

David McClue

John Dunlap
Asa Patie

William Madole

Read & order'd to be sent down to the honble Assembly

Geo King, Dy Secry.

May 22d 1772. In the house of Representatives- Upon Reading

this Petition

Voted that the pet's be heard on the said petition on the first Tues

day in June next & that they serve the said Mr Blodget & the former select men with the copy of said petition & order of Court thereon. Wm Parker, Cler.

In Council Eodem die,
Read & Concurrd.

Theodore Atkinson, Secry-
Copy Ex

Theodore Atkinson Secry. May 30th 1772. We the Subscribers bein present an saw Mr Jn° Pattey Rase his name which was granted at his Request.

Thomas Saltmarsh
Jonathan Martain

Province of

New Hampr
County of

A town meeting called.

The freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Goffs Town Qualified as the Law Directs, are hereby notified to meet at the meeting hous in s Town on Hillsborough Wednesday the fourteenth Day of this Instant January, at one oclock afternoon, then and there to act on the following artickles

Ist To Choose a moderator

2dly To see if the Town will chuse one or more meet Persons to be Conjoynt with Capt James Karr one of the Selectmen of this Town, to make answer agreeable to a citation from his Excelency the Governor and Council and house of Representatives to a petition of a number of the Inhabitants of this Town, who are praying His Excellency the Governour and Council and house of Representatives to sett them off in a Distinct Parish, by themselves, and that the person or persons chosen as above be Impowered to transact any Other matter wherein the Town is concerned at the General Court

3dly To see if the Town will raise any Monies to defray the charges arising in attending the General Court and how much

4thly To Chuse a Committee to Sash and glass the Meeting house 5thly To Chuse a committee to settle the accounts with Sam" Blodget Esq and see whether the Town will allow him Intrest for the moneys Due to him

6thly To see if the Town Excuse Capt Alexander Todd from paying Rates to the Minister he being a Presbyterian

Dated at Goffstown January 1st 1772
To Sam Richards, Constable,

James Karr
Alex' Todd


Pursuant to the within warrant I have warned all the persons within named to meet at time and place.

Goffs town January 15, 1772

A true Coppy of Record,

Sam Richards, Constable

Attest pr. Alexdr Walker-Town Clerk.

Proceedings at a town meeting.

At a meeting Legally warned and held at the meeting house in Goffes Town on Wednesday the 14 Day of January 1772,

Votted Samuel Blodget Esq Moderator,

Votted That Sam" Blodget Esq. and Sam' Richards be a committee conjoynt with Capt James Karr one of the select men to make answer to the citation from his Excelency the Governour and Council and hous of Representatives to a petition of a number of the inhabitants of this Town who are praying his Excelency the Honble his Majestys Court and house of Representatives to set them of a parish by themselves and that they are Impowered to transact any other matter Concearning the Town of Goffes Town

Votted Twelve Pounds Law full money be raised to Defray the charges arising in attending the Generall Court

Votted To Chuse a committee to sash and glase the meeting house Votted That this said commitee consist of three men


Capt Joseph Little

Thos Saltmarsh
Aaron Wells


be said Commitee

Votted That there be a commitee to settle with Sam" Blodget Esq Votted. That said commitee consist of three men.


Benjamin Stevens
Samuell Richards
Capt Joseph Little.

be said Commitee

Votted That Sam Blodget Esq Shall be allowed Intrest for his money

Votted That the meeting be Dismissed

A true Copy of Record

Attest Pr. Alex Walker Town Clerk,

Petition for an emission of paper money.

The Honourable Senate and House of Representatives of the State of New Hampshire to be Conven'd on the first Wednesday in September 1786.

The Petition of the free holders and other Inhabitants of Goffs-Town

Humbly Sheweth—

That we your Hon's Petitioners, perceiving the declining condition of our Country and of this our State of New Hampshire in particular the Stagnation of Trade and Commerce amongst us as well as the slow progress of Agriculture and Mechanichism, together with the additional Calamity of an enormous debt incurred by the late unhappy War;

Prevails with us your Honours Petitioners to present you, with these our Grievances as we apprehend they proceed Intirely from the Scarcity of Cash amongst us through the want of which we cannot discharge either our publick or private debts-Conduct Trade or Commerce, Neither can the needy purchase the necessary articles of Sustainance-As we presume every thinking person who has the care of the Welfare of his

Country at heart, plainly discerns the several causes from whence these our grieviances proceeded, as also the many Glaring and impending Calamities that are likely to ensue them (unless timeously remedied) we think it needless therefore to point them out to your Honours:

But to redress our Grieviances we would humbly pray your Honours forthwith to emitt a Quantity of paper Currency sufficient to discharge this States Domestic debt for which the subjects are oppress'd by paying the Interest, and to be a Circulating Medium of Trade within this state-Let said Currency be put into Circulation by establishing it a Lawful tender in payment for all Contracts of a publick or private nature within this state-likewise by redeeming this States Securities for Domestick Debts, of every Kind and description:

And by requiring the possessors of these Securities immediately after the publication of said Currency to come and receive their principal, and all such possessors who shall not appear within three Months and receive their pay, shall forfeit their Interest, and those who shall not appear in twelve months, and receive their pay to forfeit their principal & Interest, And that it may Circulate the better we reccommend it to be made without Interest, And in such Bills as may be Easier changed for the benefit of Trade:

And furthermore we would reccommend to your Honours, that every method possible be taken by the Legislative Authority for preventing its depreciation and Counterfeiting by suitable punishments-let the punishment of Counterfeiting be death without respect of persons and also their accomplices, and Exorbitant extortioners, and those who would refuse to take it in pay for debts, or contracts of any kind, within this State, be punished by forfeiting the debt or article exposed for sale-The method by which this Currency shall be redeem'd, and the time when, we refer to your Honours wisdom or some future Assembly to determine, Knowing that Time will Solve what we cant foresee, and as we dont think that either debtor or Creditor can be in any wise Injured by this our Plan, but on the contrary much benefited, we therefore desire to harmonize with our fellow Subjects of this State in their similar proposals.

Hoping this our Remonstrance will meet your Honours kind reception, we solace ourselves in the prospect of the future happiness which shall accrue from. your Honours Compliance -wishing that the blessings of Heavens may always Rest upon your Honours just Resolutions, your Honours Petitioners shall for ever pray.

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