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was held. The officers of the Society were re-elected, except that Hon. Richard Yates was elected third vice president of the Society, and Hon. Andrew Russel, of Jacksonville, was made a member of the board of directors in place of Mr. Yates; and as a director of the Society in the place of Dr. M. H. Chamberlin, who has removed to California, and resigned, Mr. Walter Colyer, of Albion, was elected.

The annual address was delivered Wednesday evening by Colonel Carr, president of the Society. It was an able and impressive address, the title of which was "Illinois."

On Thursday evening at the close of the exercises a most delightful reception was given to all of the assembled associations by the Chicago Historical Society.

The associations are greatly indebted to the citizens of Evanston for many courtesies and delightful entertainment. Particular mention must be made of the mayor and his wife Hon. and Mrs. Jos. E. Paden, Prof. J. A. James, Mr. H. J. Patten, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Dawes, Mr. J. Seymour Currey, and Miss Mary B. Lindsay, and in Chicago of the untiring courtesy and many kindnesses of the officers of the Chicago Historical Society, President Thos. Dent, Dr. Otto L. Schmidt, Miss McIlvaine, Miss Jenkins and many others.

The joint meeting of associations interested in the same lines of historical work was a most interesting one and was well attended by representative workers from the states and societies associated. The attendance of persons other than the special workers mentioned was not as large as was desired but the weather was very warm, unusually so for May, and the fact that the meeting was held during the closing days of the General Assembly, before which many bills of interest to members. of the Society were pending, furnished good reasons for the absence of many of the usual attendants upon the sessions of the Society.


The Illinois State Historical Society held a very interesting and largely attended meeting on April 14, 1911, in the old Supreme Court room in the Capitol building at Springfield, in commemoration of the semi-centennial anniversary of the fall of Fort Sumter, the real opening of the Civil War.

Gen. Smith D. Atkins, of Freeport, told of the part taken by northern Illinois in the great struggle. His address was a most valuable contribution to Illinois history. General Atkins had been a participant in many of the historic events of which he spoke. His address was an admirable one.

The address of Mr. Eugene F. Baldwin, of Peoria, was entitled, "The Slave Empire," and it was of thrilling interest. Mr. Baldwin traced the causes of the war and gave the social and economic reasons which led to it.

The address of Col. Bluford Wilson, of Springfield, on the part taken by southern Illinois in the war, was full of valuable information and

statistics and was a revelation to most of the audience as to the great service to the State and the Union of that part of the State of Illinois known as "Egypt."

In the evening Judge Marcus Kavanagh, of Chicago, delivered an able address on the Civil War in America. This address was one of the most eloquent and scholarly addresses which the Historical Society has been privileged to hear. These addresses are published in this volume.

One of the interesting parts of the program was the singing of old war songs by the audience, led by a quartette of ladies from the Woman's Relief Corps, with Mrs. G. Clinton Smith as leader. Some of these ladies had sung these songs during the days of the war. A register book was kept and old soldiers were asked to register and nearly fifty of the veterans signed it. Their autographs will be kept as a part of the records of the meeting.


The Board of Directors of the Illinois State Historical Society met Tuesday, Jan. 24, 1911, at 10:00 a. m., in the office of the Secretary of the Society. There were present: Messrs. Carr, Greene, Schmidt, Meese, Burnham, Page, Carpenter and Mrs. Weber.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Letters were read from several directors, who were unable to be present.

The question of going to Evanston for the annual meeting was discussed. Professor Greene offered a motion that the meeting be held at Evanston. Mr. Meese was called on, and spoke in regard to it and favored Evanston. Captain Burnham said on account of legislative matters he thought that it would be better to be in Springfield, and possibly adjourn to Evanston. Professor Greene spoke in favor of one or the other place, not sessions in two places. Mr. Carpenter said he was in favor of having the business meeting in Springfield, and offered a resolution on the subject along this line. Dr. Schmidt spoke on the subject and was followed with remarks by Professor Greene, Captain Burnham and Professor Page. Mr. Meese spoke on the entertainment of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association by members of the Illinois State Historical Society, saying Mr. Dawes would like to entertain in the name of the Illinois State Society. Dr. Schmidt suggested having the business meeting of the Illinois State Historical Society at the Chicago Historical Society rooms, and then going by automobile to Evanston. Captain Burnham here made a few remarks.

Dr. Schmidt spoke of a special meeting to be held in Springfield in April, in commemoration of the breaking out of the Civil War. An informal general discussion followed, during which several members of the board made brief remarks.

Professor Greene withdrew his original motion, and Professor Page withdrew his second. Mr. Meese offered the following resolution on the subject, which was carried:

Resolved, That this Society accepts the invitation of the Mississippi Valley Historical Society and the Evanston Historical Society to meet with them in Evanston and Chicago, May 17-20, 1911, and that such meeting be our regular annual meeting; and, be it further

Resolved, That this Society hold a special meeting at Springfield on April 14, on call of President.

This motion was carried.

Mr. Meese offered a motion that the President and Secretary of the Society be ex officio members in addition to a committee of five to arrange for the April meeting. Motion was carried.

The matter of the Program Committee was discussed.

Mr. Meese spoke of a new building and what is necessary to secure legislative sanction and appropriation. A general discussion followed. The Secretary was asked to see if the Governor would receive the directors, and she reported that the Governor was engaged but would telephone as soon as he could receive the board.

The Secretary reported the death of W. H. Collins of Quincy, a director of the Society. Professor Greene moved that the Secretary be appointed to prepare suitable memorial to Mr. Collins, and that it be reported as part of the minutes of this meeting at the annual meeting. Professor Greene moved and Mr. Meese seconded the motion that the vacancy on the Board of Directors caused by the death of Mr. Collins be filled by appointment of Chas. H. Rammelkamp of Illinois College, Jacksonville. Motion carried.

Mention was made of the matter of the Lincoln Way suggested by the Governor in his message, and the board noted with pleasure the recommendation of the Governor.

There being no further business, the board adjourned.


The Board of Directors of the Illinois State Historical Society met in a committee room of the Chicago Historical building at 12:00 o'clock noon on Thursday, May 18, 1911.

There were present Messrs. Carr, Schmidt, Burnham, Carpenter, Cunningham, Page, Clinton and Mrs. Weber.

The newly elected officers took their places and Colonel Carr was reelected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Society. On motion of Capt. J. H. Burnham, Jessie Palmer Weber was re-elected Secretary and Treasurer of the Society with a salary at the same rate as the past year, $600.00 per annum.

It was suggested that a special committee on special meetings of the Board of Directors or of the Society be appointed. After some discussion, Captain Burnham moved and it was seconded by Judge Cunningham and carried, that the Secretary be given full power to act in the matter of special meetings. The Secretary said that she would accept this appointment with the understanding that it meant that when in her judgment a special meeting was desirable that she be empowered to call the attention of the Board of Directors to the matter in question and call such a meeting if in the opinion of the officers and directors such a meeting was advisable.

The present plan of the Quarterly Journal of the Society was considered. The Secretary said that this style is very expensive. After discussion it was ordered that this style be continued for the present.

The board moved that the Secretary make special efforts to induce members of the Society to pay their annual dues promptly, and in cases after due notice has been given of such intention the Secretary be authorized to discontinue sending publications to persons who have not paid their dues.

The Board of Directors then adjourned to accept the invitation of Prof. J. A. James and others to attend a luncheon at the Hotel Virginia.

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