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to as

The Commander-in-Chief having ordered semble a court-martial on

next, the

instant, on

board Her Majesty's ship, to try, of ——, on the charges exhibited against him, and enclosed in your letter of the instant; and it being intended that I shall officiate as Judge-Advocate upon the occasion, I have to request that you will be pleased to furnish me with a list of the witnesses you wish to call in support of the charges, in order that they may be duly summoned to attend the Court.

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The Commander-in-Chief having directed a court-martial to assemble on board Her Majesty's ship


next, the

instant, and try you on certain charges which he enclosed in a

exhibited against you by letter to Vice-Admiral

[blocks in formation]

In acquainting you therewith, I transmit for your information copies of the charges and letter referred to, and request you will furnish me with the names of such persons as you may be desirous of calling as witnesses in your behalf, in order that they may be duly summoned to attend the Court.

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You are desired to attend a court-martial, ordered to be held on board Her Majesty's ship, on morning next, the instant, at 9 o'clock precisely, for the trial on charges exhibited against him by


of disobedience of orders, and contempt to his superior

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Warrant to the Captain of the Ship to which the Prisoner belongs for carrying the Sentence of Death into Exe

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Whereas at a court-martial held on board Her Majesty's


on the



ship president thereof, a sentence was passed to the effect following; viz. "The Court, in pursuance of an order from," &c. (here insert the sentence.)

And whereas upon receiving the said sentence, and the minutes of the court-martial, I have thought fit to approve the same by virtue of the power and authority in me vested, you are hereby required and directed to see the said sentence carried into execution on

next, the instant, or the first favourable day afterwards (Sunday excepted), between the hours of 8 and 11 o'clock in the forenoon, by causing the said to be hanged by the neck at the fore-yard arm of Her Majesty's ship under your command, until he is dead, accordingly; and for so doing this shall be your warrant.


Given under my hand and seal on board Her
Majesty's ship


the day of



(Signature of the Commander-in-Chief.)

Captain of Her Majesty's ship

By command of the Commander-in-Chief.


C. D., Secretary.


Order to the Provost Marshal to attend at the Execution


of the Sentence.



Having ordered the sentence of the court-martial on the prisoner in your charge, to be put in execution instant, or the first favourable day

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next, the

afterwards (Sunday excepted):

You are hereby required and directed to attend with him on board Her Majesty's ship for that purpose, whenever the signal shall be made, and follow such orders as you may receive from Captain for your guidance

in this matter.

Given &c.

(Signature of the Commander-in-Chief.)




By command, &c.

C. D., Secretary.


Order to the Captain of the Ship to which the Prisoner belongs to make the Signal for the Boats of the Squadron to attend at the Execution.

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You will receive herewith a warrant for carrying into execution the sentence of death passed by a court-martial


of Her Majesty's ship —,

and having

ordered a lieutenant with a boat manned and armed to be sent from each of Her Majesty's ships and vessels at this anchorage to attend and assist in carrying the same into execution, when the signal shall be made on board the -, you are hereby required and directed to make the proper signal at o'clock in the morning of



instant, and to order the lieutenants in command of the boats to send some men out of each to assist in the execution of the sentence.


Given, &c.

(Signature of the Commander-in-Chief.)


Captain of Her Majesty's Ship

By command, &c.

C. D., Secretary.


General Memorandum to the respective Commanding Officers to send Boats manned and armed to attend at the Execution.


General Memorandum.

H. M. S.



Having ordered the sentence of death, passed by a

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hours of 8 and 11 o'clock in the forenoon, it is my direction that you send a lieutenant in a boat, manned and

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