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Holy Trinity. 299, 300; and as the sole
rule of doctrine with his countrymen
in Id., 300, 942; remark of St. Seachlin
on St. Patrick's high esteem for them,
320; use of, by St. Columbkille's dis-
ciples and successors, ib.; St. Brigid's
zeal in the circulation of, 321; her
daily use of them, ib.; study of them
by succeeding Irish saints, 322; testi-
fied by Dr. Lanigan, ib., 323 ; instanced
in the cases of SS. Petroc and Carthagh,
and the 50 students from the continent
to the schools of Id. in. St. Senan's
time, ib.; St. Kieran of Saigir's great
love for them, ib., 324; use of them by
Boisil, preceptor of St. Cuthbert, in
his last illness. ib., 325; studied in
Ireland by Agilbert, afterwards bp. of
Paris, 327; similarly by Alfrid, king of
Northubd., ib., 328; St. Gallus's know-
ledge of them a main reason of his
being selected for the bpk. of Con-
stance, 333; Adamnanus "nobly in-
structed" in them, 341; priest Egbert
deeply learned in them, 342; studied
by him and Ceadda in Id., 343; two
Irish teachers, distinguished for their
learning in them, become eminent in
France under the patronage of Char-
lemagne, 350; contrast between their
contents, and the subject matter of Irish
Hagiology in general, 359 seqq.; their
estimation among the Irish of the 8th
century, 364; use of them in the Vul-
gar tongue in V. Bede's time, 370;
studied on the Lord's day in particular
by the old Christians of these islands,
371; commented on by Sedulius, 391;
and by Marianus Scotus, 437; studied
in Id. by Sulgen, bp. of St. David's,
A.D. 1070, ib., 438; gross ignorance of
them prevalent in Id. in the Anglo-
Romish, ages, 597, '8; alleged to have
been translated into Irish by R. Fitz
Ralph, 655; a growing interest in them
evinced by an increased circulation in

Id., A.D. 1559, 752, '3; the translation
of them into Irish commenced, 781;
the printing of them in this tongue
effected, 782; not preached on by the
Irish priests enjoying Church livings,
A.D. 1593, 814; the days when the H.
Scriptures were known and loved in
Id. her brightest and happiest, 925; S.
Columbanus's intimacy with them evi-
denced in his famous letter to P. Bo-
nifice IV., 940 seqq.; papally per-
verted, 1389, &c. &c.

Seachlin, St., his notice of St. Patrick's
Scriptural knowledge, 320.

Sebastian, king of Portugal, his unfor-
tunate expedition against Morocco,
789, 790.

Secular clergy of Id., changes made in
their condition by the Conquest, 557

Secular occupations forbidden to Rome's
priests, A.D. 1614, 895, '9.

Secundinus, or Seachlin, St. See Seach-
lin, sup.

Sedgrave, mayor of Dublin, A.D. 1559,
his idolatry, 750.

Sedulius, the commentator, notice of his
writings, &c., 391-3.

Sees, episcopal, of the ancient Irish
Church, very numerous, 38, 60 '61, 446;
some of them unsettled and migratory
in character, 447, 8; enumeration of
them as settled at Rathbreasail, 452 n.;
all the sees of Id. held by Protestants
in 1621, 901,3; general account of their
origin, &c., 981 seqq; arose out of
monastic foundations, 989; various an-
cient catalogues of them, 993 seqq., to
1005; see also 1114-15, 1140-44,
1153-'9, 1211 segg., 1378 segq.; order
for suppressing the smaller sees of Id.
by Card. Paparo, 616, 7; this treat-
ment applied especially to such as were
situate among the mere Irish, 1179, '80.
See property of Id., its origin, 1062. See
lands, what rents off, 1074.


Segienus, abbot of Hy, St. Cummian's
letter to, 146.

Seminaries, Romish, established beyond
sea in many instances for the Irish, by
foreign powers, &c., 854, 900, 1233,
1356, 1393, &c.

Senan, St., of Inniscatthy, his life, 72;
rebellious conduct attributed to him by
his biographers, 362; his school at In-
niscarra, 323.

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"Seniors of Hy, who, 986.
Senile, tutor of S. Columbanus, instructs
him largely in the H. Scriptures,
251, '2.

Sermon on the Mount, St. Brigid and
her companions converse on, with her
bishop, 321; refd. to by Bp. Staples at
8. Mary's Abbey, 725.

Sermons of S. Columbanus to his monks,

288; two spacimens of them in full,

Severus, bp. of Treves, assists Germanus

in extripating Pelagianism from Bri-
tain, 115.

Sfentopulcher, count of Moravia, P.
John VIII.'s letter to, on divine wor-
ship, qd., 965, '8.

Shaxton, bp. of Salisbury, assists in con-
secrating G. Browne, 682.

Sheehy's, the, of Kerry, their bloody
feud with the family of bp. Fitzmau-
rice, 1216.

Sheyn, Mw., bp. of Cork, burns the
image of St. Dominick there, 1216.
Shrewsbury Castle fortified against Hen-
ry I., 1029.

Shrewsbury, the earl of, A.D., 1447, holds
the Trim whisker parlt., 664.
Seymour, Jane, Act for the succession
of her issue, 692 n.

Sidney, Sir H., his proceedings against
O'Neill, 766; Articles of Religion,
published by his authority, 770; visits
Youghal to hear the complaints of
Desmond and Ormond, 776; his letter
on the state of the Irish Church, 782

seqq.; patronises the plan for a Dub-
lin University, 810; his description of
the wretched state of the Irish Church,
(pp. 783, 4,) confirmed by the poet
Spenser, 813.

Sidney, Sir Philip, gets Caradoc's Chro-
nicle of Wales, printed, 1021.
Sidonius, or Sedna, companion of S. Vir-
gilius, 345.

Sigberet, king of E. Angles, patronises
S. Furseus, 336.

Sigebert, king of Austratia, 259,

Silence, its use among the old monks,


Simnel, L., his rebellion highly patron-
ised in Id., and its end, 666; more par-
ticular account of some of its circum-
stances, 1101 seqq.; his origin, &c.,
1102; coronation in Dublin, and ulti-
mate defeat, 1103.

Simon, St., supposed preacher in Bri-
tain, 109.

Simon, Friar, an Anglican Franciscan,
maintains publicly the innocence of
killing Irishmen, 1130.

Simony, prevalent among the French in
the time of St. Columbanus, 276, 292;
among the Irish of the 9th cent., 387;
charged on them in the 11th century,
424; condemned in the Synod of Kells,
485, 1043, 1424; successfully practised
in Id. by J. Penciail, pope's legate,
1053; charged on the Irish clergy in
A.D. 1593, 814.

Sins, remission of, See Remission.
Sirinus, editor of Fleming's Collectanea,
his attempt to pervert a pissage in the
famous letter of S. Columbanus to P.
Bonifice IV. exposed, 307 n.
Sitric, Norwegian prince, builds Water-
ford, 389.

Sitric, king of Dublin, A.D. 1038, founds
Christ Church Cathedral, 421.

Six Articles, the Statute of the, 1429.
Six towns of Ballynascreen, 929, 1063 n.
Skiddy, bp. of Cork, his resignation,

1216; the motives which led to this
act, unknown, 1222.

Skryne, Church of, Co. Meath, most pro-
bably not founded by St. Columba, 77;
reduced from a bishopric to a rural
deanry, 617.

Slane, ravaged by the Danes, 382, '3;
formerly a bp's. see, 617.
Slaves, their redemption practised by S.
Aidan, as a good work of Christian
charity, 239; the traffic in them be-
tween the English and Irish con-
demned in the Synod of Armagh, (A.D.
1172,) 501, '2; some notes on the
transactions connected with this sy-
nod, 1442, '3.

Sleidan's (J.) Commentary, qd., 715 n.
Sletty, ancient episcopal see, 55; the seat
for a time of the chief see of Leinster,
448 n.; see 996.

Smerwick, (Co. Kerry,) Jas. Fitzmau-
rice arrives in, with rebel forces, 790, 2;
700 Spaniards and Italians arriving in,
are all put to death by the English,
798; see also 1270.

Smiling during divine service, punish-
ment of, in the rule of St. Columba-
nus, 286.

Smith, Thos., mayor of Dublin, lays the

foundation of a University there, 812.
Soissons, kingdom of, 259.

Soldiers, of Q. Elizabeth in Ireland, beg-
garly oppressors, 768.

Song of Solomon, the, St. Columbanus's
interest in studying, 292.

Sorbonne Propositions, the, on the
"pope's deposing power," qd., 1411,


Spaniards, the, confederate with Rome in
designs on Id. against England, 765,
Shane O'Neill's application for their
aid, 768; the king of, employs J. Men-
doza as his agent in Id., 776; possible
cause of the jealousy of the Spainards
and Irish, 788 n.; their aid to Jas.
Fitzmaurice, 792; their superiority to

their Irish confederates in respect for
sacred things, 797; their support of H.
O'Neill's rebellion, by M. de Oviedo,
M. Cerda, &c., 827; their disgust at
the Irish, 834; their forces under
d'Aquila arrrive in Kinsale, 841; and
additional supplies in Castlehaven, 842;
3000 permitted to go home after the
defeat at Kinsale, 843; fresh aid from
their country promised to the Irish re-
cusants, A.D. 1605, 856; exertions of
the Spanish monarch to support Ro-
manism in Id., 900; his liberality for
this end, 910, &c. &c.; the conquest
of Spain by the Saracens noticed, 935;
documents connected with the aid ren-
dered by its kings to the rebel cause
in Id., 1288, 92, 95, 1326, '47, &c. &c.
Spelman, Sir H., his favourable judgment
of S. Patrick's writings, 53.

Spenser, the poet, his description of the
Geraldine famine, 801, '2; obtains a
grant of lands at Kilcoleman, Co.
Cork, ib.; his view of ths state of Id.,
813-'16; see 1300.

Spiritualities of a see, what, 620.
Spondanus, H., his continuation of Ba-
ronius, qd., 715 n.

Sponsors in baptism, required by the
Synod of Cashel, 516.

Staff of Jesns, burned in Dublin at the
Refn., 1194.

Stage plays, used by Bp. Bale to com-
municate religious instruction, 738.
Stanihurst, Rd., his notion of the early
titular bps. of Id., 912, '13; his account
of the "martyrdom" of Bps. Creagh
and Hurley noticed, 1368.

Staples, bp. of Meath, his recommenda-
tion of the use of the kingly title, with
regard to Id., by the English mo-
narchs, 703; consecrates Dowdall abp.
of Armagh, 714; his reforming pro-
pensities, 716; and support of the li-
turgy in English, 721 n., 722; joins Sir
J. Crofts in the conference with Abp.

Dowdall, &c., 723; his deprivation and
death, 740.

State papers, the, qd. 699. Vid. Irish.
Stationers' Company, large sale of Bibles

for, in Id., per J. Dale, A.D. 1559, 752.
Statute of Kilkenny. See Kilkenny.
Statutes of the realm qd., 1310.
Staveley's History of Churches in Eng-
land refd. to, 593.

Stephen, the Presbyter, called also Æddi,
his Life of Wilfrid qd., 149, 182, '4,
&c.; his singing lessons in Northum-
bria, 208; his account of the consecra-
tion of the first church at Ripon, 212;
and of the persecution of Wilfrid, 223.
Stephen, king of Engd., 482.

Stephens, A., Esq., his edn. of the Irish
Book of Common Prayer qd., 1416.
Stepmothers, the ancient Irish accused of
marrying, 1088.

Stillingfleet, Bp., Antiquities of the Bri-
tish Churches qd., 16, 109.

Stillorgan Church, named after St. Cuth-
bert, &c., 244.

Stinace, River, (in Switzerland,) St. Gal-
lus settles on the, 332.
Stoke, battle of, 1103.

Stokesly, bp. of London, persecutes John
Bale, 731.

St. Leger, Sir A., lord deputy of Id.,
holds the "kingly title" parlt. in Dub-
lin, 703, '4; procures Dowdall's ap-
pointment to the primacy, 713; re-
ceives orders from Edwd. VI. for the
introduction of the liturgy in English,
719, 720; threatened with a


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Strigul. See Strongbow.
Strongbow, Rd., (the common name of
Richd. de Clare, earl of Pembroke, and
also of Strigul or Chepstow,) engaged
to aid in the invasion of Id., 496;
comes over in person, 498; marries
Eva, daughter of Dermod Mac Mo-
rogh, ib.; recalled by K. Henry II.,
but afterwards permitted to remain in
Id., 502, '3; his death, and monument
in Dublin, 548; his foundation of the
priory of Kilmainham, 567; notice of
his doings connected with the Inva-
sion, marriage, associates, submission
to Henry II., &c., from the Welsh
Chronicle, 1039.

Strongbow, Wm., his death, (A.D. 1116,)

Strygul, or Strygill, or Strigill, Gilbert
Strongbow, earl of, obtains a grant of
lands in Wales from Henry L., 1034;
excites the king to undertake an expe-
dition against the Welsh, ib., 1035.
Strype's works, qd., 742; extract from his
Life of Abp. Parker, 748 seqq.

Stuart family, the accession of, to the
throne of England, popular in Id., and
why, 848.

Stuart's Armagh qd., 772, 1226, et pas-


Stukely, Thos., his origin, motives to re-
bellion, &c., 788; takes the command
of the rebel force despatched from
Rome to Id., via Spain, 789; falls by
the hand of the Moors, 790; his papal
titles, 791.

Sub-deacons, the office of, explained for
the Irish by Gille, 443.

Succath, original name of St. Patrick,


Succession, episcopal, of the see of Ar-
magh, irregularity in, for several gene-
rations, 465-7; of the Irish Church
uninterrupted at the Reformation, 761,
'2, 3, 1070, 74, 1209; of the Romish
titular episcopate in Id., its character,

886, 1228, 1376, 7, 1432, 3; of the
Irish Church, independent of that in
England, 1419.

Succession, Acts of, passed in the Irish
parlt. of 28th Henry VIII., 683, '7,
692 n., 1191, 2.

"Successors of the apostles," who, 942 n.
Suevi, the, St. Columbanus labours
among, 268; also St. Gallus, 334.
Suggawn, or Sugan, Earl. See Des-
mond, James.

Sulgen, or Sulien, bp. of St. David's, his
educational visit to Id., and fame for
wisdom and learning, 437-439, 1029.
Sulpicius Severus, his lunar cycle used
by the early Irish Christians in de-
termining the time for their Easter,

Sunday. See Lord's day. Henry VIII.
proclaimed king of Id. on, 704.
Superstitions, early appearance of, in the
Saxon Church, 214; in the monastic
body, 236; among the ancient Ir.
Christians, 352 seqq.; in prayer to the
dead, 356; in penance, 362; in the
conduct exhibited by Paternus and
Marianus Scotus, 436; in SS. Mala-
chy and Bernard, 480, '1; in connec-
tion with the H. Communion, as no-
ticed by Bp. Bale, A.D. 1553, 732.
Supremacy of the pope of Rome, St. Pa-
trick's view of, 52; not acknowledged
by the ancient British bps., 132, 4, '9
seqq.; nor by the Irish, ib., et passim;
not even by the Romanising Irish of
the 7th cent., 165 seqq.; nor by the
Saxon disciples of the Irish in Eng-
land, 221; views of St. Columbanus
on, 291, 305 seqq.; the Irish for seven
centuries independent of, 367; intro-
duced into England by the wars of the
Saxons and Normans, and into Id. by
those of the Danes, 419; Gillebert's
exertions to promote its reception in
Id., 441, 3, 4; unknown theretofore
by Primate Celsus, 445; advanced by

English primates, ib.; established in
Id. by the influence of Henry II., 499,
538, 9; its non-reception by the old
Irish gains them the contempt and ha-
tred of the English, 527, 555-7; and
formed a pretended or supposed cause
for the Invasion, ib.; origin and gra-
dual extension of the supremacy
throughout Id, 579-'81; feelings of
different classes in Id. in regard to it
at the commencement of the 16th
cent.. 668-676; not the more popular
for its patronage by English enemies,
671; their effective aid in promoting
it, 677; suppressed under Henry
VIII. in Engd., 678; as unfounded
on the Word of God, ib., 679; Abp.
Cromer's maintenance of, 680; a com-
mission appointed for its suppression
in Id., 682; the object carried out in
parlt., 683 seqq.; and with some faci-
lity, 687; Abp. Browne's zeal against
the papal supremacy, 696; its condem-
nation in the form of the beads, 698;
missionary preaching of the said abp.
against the doctrine, 700; its renun-
ciation by divers Irish lords and no-
bles, 702, '3-'9, '11; its extent as op-
posed by James I., 858, 861; case of
R. Lalor, tried for promoting it in Id.,
ib.; the Irish Church's title to her
property not affected by its introduc-
tion or abolition, 1069; whether re-
cognised in Id. or not before A.D.
1172, unknown to P. Alexander III.,
1090; first exercise of it in an appoint-
ment to the Ir. primacy, 1108; its ef-
fect in excluding the native Irish from
ecclesiastical preferments, ib.; (see
647, '8;) advanced by Albert of Co-
logne, 1109; universally prevalent in
Id. in A.D. 1367, 1140 seqq.; renounced
by various Ir. chiefs in their indenture
with Henry VIII, 1207; its non-re-
ception in Id. in primitive times illus
trated, 1249, 50; its extension to tem-

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