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"A note of Archbushoppes and Bushoppes of Ireland consecrated and Authorised by the Pope.

"A note of Bushoppes appointed by the Sea of Rome for this Realme of Ireland.

"PETER LOMBARD borne in Waterforde, Primate of Ardmagh, nowe resident in Rome, and releveed by the Pope his hollines.

"DAVID KEARNAY borne in Cassell, Archbushoppe of Cassell, now resident in the county of Tipperary and is releeved by vicar generall of the Province of Mounster by the privie tyethes of his Bushoppricke, and by a stocke of his owne which he brought from beyond the seas, being formerly a rich Chanon of Lille in Flanders.

"OWEN MAC MAHOWNE borne in Ulster Archbushoppe of Dublin nowe resident in Lovaine and has a stipend montely from the archduke of Austria.


FLORENCE CONNERY borne in Connaught Archbushoppe of Tuaime has his reliefe montelie from the king of Spaine, being resident in his Courte.

"CONNOGHOR O'MULRIAN borne in the county of Crosse* Bushoppe of Killalowe, resident is Lisbone lives by a penc'on from the kinge of Spaine from the Archbushoppe of that cittye.


Elected Busshoppes but not as yet consecrated.

"DAVID ROTH elected of Ossery, resident thereaboute is releeved from friend to friend, and by his office of prothonotarieshippe, and privie tyethes.

"HUGH CONGILL ellected of Durie lives in a frierie in Lovaine, a reader of devinitie.

"RICHARD ARTHURE ellected of Limericke resident there and is releeved by speciall friends and kinsemen of his owne, and by privie tyethes.

* i.e. Tipperary, so called from Holy Cross Abbey.

"THOMAS WALSH ellected of Waterford and is there releeved by his friends and by a stipend he receaves for ministering sacraments and preaching to the p'rish of the Cathedrall Church.

"JAMES WALSH ellected of Fearnes lives by privy tyethes and by the helpes of his friends.

"JAMES PLUNCKETT ellected of Killmore lives by privie tyethes and his function.

"THOMAS CRAH ellected of Artfeart and lives by preaching only the Gosple.

"THOMAS DEIS ellected of Meath, and lives in Parrish, president of Colledge of Fortet, and has a pension from a Lord Abbot.

"The ordinarie priests doe live commonly by minis- How the tringe Sacraments, receaving from ev'ry howse in theire priests were supported; p'ishes 12d. or at the moste 2s. besids ij s for ev'ry marriadge, and 12d when the women are churched, and are farr richer then the prelats and preachers whose privie tyethes can scarce releeve them w'thout privat Almes.

"The Jesuits doe live by preaching the Gosple upp and and how downe the countries and by privie tyethes out of the the Jesuits, suppressed Abbayes of the Realme and dispencing in matrimoniall causes, and by vsing many extraordinary facultyes they have from the Pope as hallowing of Churches, Alters, Callices, absolvinge from irregularities, &c.

"The vicar generall they live by privie tyethes from The "Vitheir dioceses, and have some yearly helpe from the cars-genep'ishe priests, and fines for any abuse committed by any

of their flocks.


"The poore Friars doe live only by begginge of Corne the mendimuttons and such other almes.

cant friars.

"The Colledges beyondes are now and then releeved and the Colby almes collected uppon the Soundayes in the Cities and leges beuppon any great meetings by the direction of the Vicar yond seas. generalls.

Some notice

dents in

"As for the p'ticuller remembrance of such as are beof the stu- yond the seas in the Colledges I doe not well call to mynd but for the Lo: they have none of their children, saving the Lo of Trimlestowne he had one in my tyme in the Colledge of Doway.

them, and

their way of living.

The Bi

There are hundredes in the Colledges whose names I sawe the last lent from Waterford, Limerick, Clonmell, Corck, Gallway, Kilkeny, and Drogheda, and from the countryes abroad throughout the Realme and I am sure yt. thereis noe worthy gent. in all the realme nor m'chant but have there somme of theire neerest kinsemen, but what in the p'ticuller is sent unto them is the porc'on there fathers doe leave them, and some collections that yearely is taken upp for them, and with this they live togeather w'th c'taine pensions that is allowed unto the Colledges by the kinge and princs in whose dominions they are.

"But as for the Bushoppes, Jesuits, friars they reshops, how ceaved not a penny from out of this land, but are reprovided for. leeved by the bountie of the princes throughout Christendome where they dwell, and by the prelates of the Cloysters wherein they receive theire orders.


List of Romanist priests in

[Then on the same fol. (11, p. 1, med.) commences the following document, referring to an Waterford, earlier date, and yet, it would seem, properly assignable to a later one, as "Doctor White" appears now not as "vicar generall," but "bishop,"

and their

several abodes.

of Waterford; unless bishop stand for titular bishop elect.]

"June 1610.

"The names of such priests as are resident in Waterford and the houses they lodge in.

"Priests iesuytts &c.

Waterford and in whose houses lodged.

"1. Doctor WHITE Bp. of Waterford:

[Followed by the names of 29 others, entered in like form, and including mostly those given in the former list for Waterford (mentioned at p. 1352 sup.)]

[On the same fol. 11. p. 2. med. commences]

"A note of the names of the priests Similar lists Semynaryes friers and Jesuits, toge- for Kilther with their Relievers and mayn- kenny city, tayners in the cittye of Kilkeny, vizt.

"Imprimis one DAVID ROCHE, titular bushopp of Osserye, keepeth for the most p'te with his brother EDWARD ROCH merchant (when he is in the citty) and when he is abroad, with the Ld Viscount MOUNTGARRETT at Balline.

"It'm Doctor WHITE a sedicious priest when he resorteth to the citty, keepeth with his brother in lawe, HENRY SHEE, Esq. now Maior of the citty.

and for the county of Kilkenny.

[Then follow the names of 15 others, entered similarly, the common priests having Sr. mostly prefixed to their names. The ninth entry in the list is as follows:-]

"It'm SR. LAWRENCE REINAGHAN supposed generall vicar from the Pope, keepeth in the said citty saying open Masse and is releeved especially by Mr. THOMAS ARCHER FITZ WALTER, and hath an annual stipend from the said citty."

[After the above immediately follows, f. 12, p. 2-]

"A note of the names of such priests Semynaryes. friars and Jesuitts, togeather with their releevers and maintayners as are in the county of Kilkenny.

"IMPRIMIS one DAVID KEARNEY a titular archbushopp of Cassell keepeth for the most p'te at the upper Court with LUCAS SHEA, Esq."

[Then follow the names of about 34 others, with similar notes of their abodes, &c.; of which the following are specimens, ending with that which occurs last in this list.]

"Item Sr. RICHARD MARUB, priest keepeth with Mr. JAMES BUTLER gent. brother to the Lo: MOUNTGARRETT, alsoe he maintayneth one Sr. MAT

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