Page images

His refer

parliamentary agitation of the

same year,

sent, and will justify as much as is here set down. He further saith that the fryer told them that the parliament ence to the was coming, and that it was a thing invented on purpose to cozen them and to bring them from their religion, and earnestly exhorted them not to be led thereby, but stand fast and join together and that God was on their side; and that there was certain money imposed for the expences of men gone into England for the cause of religion and the charges of the knights of the shire, four pence on every couple. He exhorted them to pay it willingly and speedily, as it was God's business they went about. He told them that the cattle which they had given him was for the maintenance of fryers beyond the seas, and that the pope would be highly pleased with the gifts they bestowed to so godly purposes. And further saith that he vehemently exhorted them not to be afraid of any thing, for Tyrone was coming, therefore willed them to be merry and of good courage; and for the English, they were to have no rule or power over them, but for two years. And further said, that he found by his reading in books at Rome, a prophecy that the English should surcease their rule in Ireland when a bridge was built over the river at Liffer, and that the king of Spain had eighteen thousand men in arms, ready to come over, whereof Tyrone should be the chief; and that he would come within a year and a quarter, and land at four ports in Ireland, the names whereof this examinant hath forgotten, and would overthrow the English; and have Ireland to himself. This deponent saith, that the money 4d. a couple, is gathered by the sheriffs bailiffs in the county of Fermanagh. All these speeches were uttered by the said fryer Tirlaugh McCrodden openly in his sermon, and that Connor Roe McGuire

and promises of aid for

rebels from beyond seas.

A prophecy to help the


As mentioned at pp. 881, '2, sup.

and Bryan McCoghonett McGwyre were present from the first to the last.



"11 October, anno 1613, he preached the like again." sermon.


ful impos

This worthy, friar M'Crodden, will be found Value of the again briefly noticed in Art. LXVI. inf. If we made by estimate the "200 cows and garrons" at the this successvery moderate value of £5 each, of our present tor. money, it will appear that no less a sum than £1000 was collected on this occasion, from this one congregation of the people of Fermanagh, towards "the maintenance of fryers beyond the seas;" -a pretty considerable sum certainly for such a time, such an object, and such contributors, independently of the "4d. a couple," which was levied on the same people, at the same time, for kindred uses.

No. LXV.


(From the MS. E. 3. 15. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin.)

Of the con

Some very interesting information relative to tents of the the circumstances and statistics of the modern document Irish branch of the Church of Rome, in Ireland A.D. 1613.

here cited.

Its date and authorship.

Note of

culars con

nected with

the narrative subjoined.

and abroad, at the period of the flight of the Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnel, and subsequently, is preserved in the MS. above specified, in a paper bearing the following superscription:

"Of the 24th of June, 1613.

"A declarac'on of some thinges proper for the tyme made by Thomas Fitz Edmond Fitzgerald Franciscan frier.

"The like to this is by me sent to the Lo: of Rochester to be imparted to the king's matie."

[Fitz Gerald seems to have been apprehended some parti- and in custody of the government when he put forward this document, as he speaks of certain, who (through envy, as he supposed,) "brought me," says he, "to this passe wherein I am now p'sonner depending of youre most clement mercy." The paper seems like a confession made when his keepers were desirous to extort information from him about the state of Romish affairs in Ireland, &c. This Fitz Gerald had, as he tells us, gone abroad in 1607, (having the Lord Deputy's license for leaving the realm, and also some commendatory letters from David Kearney, titular archbp. of Cashel, &c.,) to France, and thence to Louvain. He returned

• Vid. p. 1320 sup.

to Ireland, it seems, before 1610, as the marginal dates in his tract indicate. The first extract here given contains his account of O'Neill's reception in foreign parts after his flight.]


and mode of

"I had alsoe bretherin friends and coosins beyond H. O'Neill's seas wich in theire l'tres to me dispaired of O'NEALE's reception at attempts. He was uppon his first comming to Brussles, after his kindly intertayned and colloured his flight with the zeale flight from of religion vntyll the kings royall matie informed by l'tres Ireland. the Archdugur of his rebellious attempt, whereuppon the Archdugur commaunded the fugitivs away, but by l'tres out of Spaine they were called backe againe. At leinght it was thought fitt to the Spaniard being uppon conclusion of peace with the Hollandors and uppon banishinge of the Moores and smelling the French king's designments, to content his gracious Matie by tourning the said Tyrone and his associats out of his dominions Comming to Rome being at first much graced the Pope His arrival allowed to such as lived of his trayne and company and at Rome. to himselfe howse, bred, and wine, and the kinge of life there. Spayne certaine penc'ons of monny by the moneth, the Said Tyrone fell first at Rome to debate with PEETER His interLUMBARD primate of Ardmagh concearning the tempor- course with all land of that Sea, and after discoursed howe unwilling P.Lombard. he was to have any of the Englishe commanders in the His jea Irishe regiment, whereupon many were displaced, which lousy of the wrought in many great iealousie and discontent and unwil- English lingness to further his p'tencions: halfe a yeare after his and its suite grew coulde with the Spainiards, and could get no in- effects. tertaynment for his gentlemen, but to tourne them from Italy to serve in the Irishe regimt. The Pope alsoe excusing himselfe with the feare of France and Venesions p'mising a succour only of a million of Crownes as I was "gentlecrediably informed. TYRONE then hart broken sollicited men"


His idle

obliged to work for

their bread.

cessful ap


the nascent

the Duke of Florence wch seemed in the first to like the motion but at leinght excused himselfe. The Spaniard then grewe jealouse w'th Tyrone for his proffer made to His unsuc- the said Duke seekinge to bringe neere their nose vnto plications to Ireland soe powerfull and so ambic'ous a man as the foreign Great Duke is indeede, after theise things being dead [i. e. done] TYRONE obtayned from the Pope's Hollines He gets two the creac'on of two Archbps: thone FLORENCE CONNERY archbishops borne in O'Rourcke's countrey was consecrated Archbp: created for of Tuaim, and the other Doctor OWEN M'C MAHOWNA Romish es- borne in the North was created Archbp: of Dublin, The tablishment first he ymployed vnto Spaine and the last vnto Flanders in Ireland; to sollicitt his suite, Whereas yet they effected nothing but of late an increase of Tyrone is penc'on to 500 Crownes a moneth. The Primate and he being of late reconsiled the one to the other as one that came from thence of late tould me, despayring of all other assistances plotted to have foure Bps: more consecrated, and yt they should goe from Bp: to Bp: throughout Italy France, Hollanders and Spayne to see what they would contribute for the restoring of this land to the Romane Churche, but as yet these Bps: are not consecrated only I understood yt the Primate is come to Madrid and has obtayned lisence for Tyrone to come downe from Italy to courte. But there is notwithstanding noe hope of his suite." [Why, Fitzgerald then proceeds to shew, his object being partly to prove that there was no danger of a new rebellion at that time.]

and employs them to beg aid for him abroad.

Their success being small, the consecration of Four others is projected.

Number &c.

of persons

A little further on in the same paper commences the "Relac'on of the Ecclesiasticall state in common and in p'ticuller," as follows:

"Concearninge the Ecclesiasticall state wee are in the kingdome manny sorts that the one dependeth not of

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