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CUM fui sine Te, non fui: quia nihil fui.

· . .

Et ideo cæcus eram surdus et insensibilis; quia nec bonum discernebam, nec malum fugiebam. . . Vae mihi! vulneraverunt me et non dolui: traxerunt me et non sensi; quia nihil eram quia sine vita eram Domine Lux mea, inimici mei de me fecerunt quaecumque voluerunt; percusserunt, nudaverunt, polluerunt, corruperunt, vulneraverunt et occiderunt me; quia recessi a Te, et factus sum nihil sine Te. Heu Domine, Vita mea qui fecisti me, Lux mea quae direxisti me, Defensor vitae meae, miserere mei et resuscita me. Domine, Deus meus, spes mea, virtus mea, fortitudo mea, consolatio mea, in die tribulationis meae, respice inimicos meos, et eripe me; fugiant a facie tua qui oderunt Te, et ego vivam in Te, per Te.





RUE life within me was not,
When I was far from Thee;
My soul benumbed and blinded,
Slept listlessly in me.

My foes! they drew me downward,
Yet strange, I did not grieve.
Ah me! my soul was wounded,
Yet I did not perceive.

True life within me was not,

For I was far from Thee;

Sins were the foes that thralled me,
And took their will of me.

They stripped me bare, despoiling,
Defiling, piercing me;

They buffeted and slew me,

For I was far from Thee.

My Lord! my Life, my Buckler,
My solace in my woes,
My God, my Hope, my Courage,
O save me from my foes.

Rise! let them flee before Thee,
They hate both Thee and me;
Drive them as smoke is driven,
Then I will live in Thee.


Ipsi enim Domine consideraverunt me, et videntes me, sine Te, despexerunt me. Diviserunt sibi vestimenta virtutum quibus ornaveras me; fecerunt sibi viam, viam per me, sub pedibus suis conculcaverunt me; faecibus peccatorum polluerunt templum sanctum Tuum, posuerunt me desolatum et mærore confectum. Ibam post eos cæcus nudus et illaqueatus funibus peccatorum. Cæcus eram Cæcitatem desiderabam. Vinctus eram, vincula non horrebam. Adhaeream ergo tibi, Verbum! ut conserves me; quia ubi a Te recessi, perii in me.





Convertere, Israel, ad Dominum Deum.

ENIAMUS poenitentes
Coram Domino dolentes;
Ille clemens non negabit,
Nec lugentes improbabit.

Ventos evocat furentes,
Fluctus et mollit tumentes;
Et si valet castigare
Dextra, valet et sanare.

Nox regnavit dolorosa,
Dies autem ceu formosa
Deus veniet; surgemus
Gestientes et canemus.

They took the robe that clothed me,
Nor was it mine but Thine;
Under their feet they trod me,
Foul spoilers of Thy shrine.

A blinded slave they bound me,
I followed in their train,
Naked where'er they drew me,

I hugged and dragged my chain.

O Word divine! for shelter
I come, I cleave to Thee;
For whensoe'er I leave Thee,
Life dies away in me.

ANSELM, born A.D. 1033.


Return unto the Lord thy God.

OME, let us to the Lord our God

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With contrite hearts return ;

Our God is gracious, nor will leave
The desolate to mourn.

His voice commands the tempest forth,

And stills the stormy wave;
And, though His arm be strong to smite,
'Tis also strong to save.

Long hath the night of sorrow reign'd;
The dawn shall bring us light;

God shall appear, and we shall rise
With gladness in His sight.

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