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Exod. 12.l6. kill it b. the two evenings, Num. 9.43. | Josh. 6. 10. till the day I b. you shout, then shout | Acts 21.11. so shall the Jews b. the man that owneth 13. 9- and ii shall be for a sign to thce.and a memo- 1 Sam. 9. 27. said, b. the servant pass on before us rial A. thine eyes, 16. Deut. 6. 8. | 11. 18. Sam. 2. 26. how long ere b. the people return from 18. 16. they come, and I judge A. one and another Kings 4. 24. slack not riding for me except I 6. thee 26. 33. the vail shall divide A. holy and most holy 5. 13. if the prophet had 6. thee do a great thing Num. 11. 33. while the flesh was *. their teeth 10. 5. we will do all that thou shalt b. us 28. 4. the other lamh offer A. two evenings Jonah 3. 2. preach to it the preaching that I 6. thee Deut. 17. 8. b. blood and blood, 6. plea, A. stroke Zeph. 1. 7. for the Lord hath 6. his guests 33. 12. and he shall dwell b. his shoulders Mat. 14. 28. b. me come to thee on the water Judg. 4. 5. Deborah dwelt b. Ramah and Beth-el 22. 9. as many as ye shall find 6. to the marriage 1 Sam.7.14. there was peace b. Israel and Amorites 23.3. what they b. you observe, that observe and do 2 Sam. 19.35. discern A. good and evil, 1 Kings 3.9. Luke 9. 61. let me first b. them farewell at home 1 Kings 18. SI. how long halt ye b. two opinions? 10. 40. b. her therefore that she help me Prov. 18. 18. the lot partcth b. the mighty 14.12.lest they also b. thee again,and a recompense Jer. 34. 18. they passed b. parts of the calf, 19. Ezek. 34. 17. I judge A. cattle and cattle, 6. rams Hot. 2. 2. and her adulteries from b. her breasts Joel 2. 17. the priests weep *. the porch and altar Zech. 11. 14. break the brotherhood b. Judah Mat. 23. 35. ye slew b. the temple and the altar John 3. 25. a question b. John's disciples and Jews Acts 13. 42. might be preached the sabbath b. Hom. 10. 12. no difference b. the Jew and Greek 1 Ccr.7.34. there is difference b.a wife and a virgin 1 Tim. 2. 5. there is one Mediator b. God and men BETWIXT.

BINDETH. Job 5. 18. he maketh sore and b. up, he woundeth 26. 8. he b. up the waters in his thick clouds 28. 11. he b. the floods from overflowing 30. 18. it b. me about as the collar of my coat 36. 13. hypocrites, they cry not when he . thera Psal. 129. 7. nor he that b. sheaves, his bosom 147. 3. he healeth the broken in heart, and 6. up Prov. 26, 8. as he that b. a stone in a sling, so is he Isa. 30. 26. in day Lord b. up breach of his people BINDING. Gen.37.7.we were b.sheaves in field,my sheaf arose 49. 11. 6. his foal to the vine, and his ass's colt 1 Cor. 10. 27. if any that believe not b. you to a feast Num. 30. 13. every b. oath to afflict the soul John 10. receive him not, nor b. him God speed | Acts 22. 4. 6. and delivering into prisons men

Job 36. 32. not to shine by the cloud that cometh b.
Cant. 1. 13. he shall lie all night b. my breasts
Phil. 1. 23. I am in a strait b. two, having a desire

Lev. 10. 6. b. the burning the Lord hath kindled
Deut. 21. 13. and b. her father and mother a month
Judg. 11. 37. that I may go and A. my virginity, 38.
I\a. 16. 9. I will b. with the weeping of Jazcr
C Car. 12. 21. that I shall 6. many who have sinned
Rev. 18. 9- shall b. her, when they see the smoke

Jer. 4. 31. the daughter of Zion that b. herself
Luke 8. 52. and all wept and b. her, but he said
£3. 27. of women also who b. and lamented him

Signifies, [l] To take care, Prov. 19. 25. [2] To
hate a singular and special regard to, Exod.23.21.
We must beware [1] Of forgetting God, Deut. 6.
12. 8. 11. [2] Of evil thoughts, Deut. 15. 9.
[3] Of things forbidden, Judg. 13. 4, 13. [4] Of
dangers foretold, 2 Kings 6. 9- Job 33. 18. [5] Of
God's wrath, Acts 13. 40. [6] Of false teachers,
Mat. 7- 15. 16. 6, 11. [7] Of men. Mat. 10.17.
[8] Of evil workers, Phil. 3. 2. [g] Of the error
of the Kicked, 2 Pet. 3. 17. [10] Of covetousness,
Luke 12. 15. 20. 46.



1 Sam. 9. 13. and afterwards they eat that be b.
2 Sam. 16. 11. let him curse, for the Lord hath b.
Mat.1.24. then Joseph did as the angel had 6. him
22.3. and sent to call them that were 6. to wedding
4. tell them who are 6. I have prepared my dinner
8. but they who were b, were not worthy
Luke 7. 39. when the Pharisee who had b. him saw it
14. 7. he put forth a parable to those who were b.
8. when thou artó, lest a more honourable man beh.
10, when thou art b. go and sit in the lowest room
24. none of those men b. shall taste of my supper

1 Sam. 22. 14. goeth at thy b. and is honourable
2 John 11. he that 6. him God speed, is partaker

Rom.11. 23. if they b. not still in unbelief, be grafted

2 Sam. 3. 31. king David himself followed the b.
Luke 7. 14. he came and touched the b. and said

Luke 16.6. take thy b. and write, 50. 7. take thy b.

Psal. 42.7. all thy b. are gone over me, Jonah 2.3.


Signifies, [1] A fowl, small or large, Jam. 3. 7.
[2] Cyrus, who came swiftly from Persia ta
destroy Babylon, Isa. 46. 11. [3] The Chal-
deans, or other neighbours that persecuted and
afflicted the Jews, Jer. 12. 9. [4] The polluted
and corrupt inhabitants of Babylon, Rev. 18. 2.
Gen. 7. 14. every b. of every sort went into the ark
Lev.14.52. shall cleanse the house with the living &.
Job 41. 5. wilt thou play with him as with a 3. ?
Psal. 11.1. to my soul, flee as a b. to your mountain
124. 7. our soul is escaped as a b. out of the snare vain the net is spread in sight of any ¿.
6. 5. and as a b. from the hand of the fowler a b. hasteth to the snare, knows not the b. by wandering, so the curse causeless a b.that wandereth from her nest, so a man
Eccl. 10. 20. the b. of the air shall tell the matter
12. 4. he shall rise up at the voice of the 3.
Isa. 16. 2. as a wandering b. cast out of her nest
46. 11. calling a ravenous b. from the east
Jer. 12. 9. my heritage is to me as a speckled 8.
Lam. 3. 52. mine enemies chased me like a b.
Hos. 9. 11. their glory shall fly away like a 8.
11. 11. they shall tremble as a 8. out of Egypt
Amos 3. 5. can a &. fall where no gin is for him'
Rev. 18. 2. a cage of every unclean and hateful §.

Gen. 15. 10. but the b. divided he not
40. 17. the b. did eat them out of the basket

Signifies, [1] To tie up, or fasten together, Gen.
37. 7. Deut. 14. 25. [2] To bind with chains,
Mark 5. 3. Acts 12. 6. [3] To keep fast, or
sure, Prov. 3. 3. 6. 21. [4] To engage by
cow, or promise, Num. 30. 2, 9, 13. [5] To 19. the b. shall eat thy flesh from off thee
confirm, or ratify, Mat. 16. 19. [6] Judiciously Lev.14.4. priest shall command to take two b. alive
to declare, or pronounce a person's sins unpar- Deut. 14. 11. of all clean b. ye shall eat
doned, according to the directions of God's word, 2 Sam. 21. 10. suffered not the b. to rest by day
and to inflict any church censure upon him for Psal. 104. 17. where the b. make their nests
the same, Mat. 16. 19. | 18. 18. [7] To distress, 148. 10. praise the Lord, ye b. of wing
or trouble, Luke 13. 16. [8] To restrain, Job Eccl. 9. 12. as 6. that are caught in the snare
28. 11. [9] To be under a marriage tie, or ob- Cant. 2. 12. the time of the singing of b. is come
ligation to perform the duties incumbent on a b.flying, so will Lord defend Jerusalem'
person in that relation, Rom. 7. 2. 1 Cor. 7. 4. 25. and all the b. of the heaven were fled
39. [10] Powerfully to persuade, influence, or Jer. 5. 27. as a cage full of b. so are their houses
constrain, Acts 20. 22.
12. 4. the beasts are consumed and the b.
9. the b. round about are against her, come ye
Ezek. 39. 4. I will give thee to the ravenous .
Dan. 4. 33. his nails were grown like 6. claws
Mat. 8. 20. the b. of the air have nests, Lake 9. 58.
13. 32. the b. lodge in the branches thereof
Rom. 1. 23. into an image like to b. and beasts
1 Cor. 15. 39. another of fishes, another of 6.
Jam. 3.7. every kind of beasts and b. is tamed

Gen. 24. 6. b. that thou bring not my son thither
Exod. 23. 21. b. of him and obey his voice
Deut. 6. 12. then b. lest thou forget the Lord, 8.11.
15.9. b. there be not a wicked thought in thy heart:
Judg. 13. 4. b. I pray thee, and drink no wine, 13.
2 Sam. 18. 12. b. that none touch the young mant
2 Kings 6.9.saying b.that thou pass not such a place They bind heavy burdens on men, Mat. 23. 4.
Job 36. 18. b. lest he take thee away with his stroke They impose many strict injunctions, over and
Prov. 19. 25. smite a scorner, and the simple will b. above what the law requires, and severely exact
Isa. 36. 18. b. lest Hezekiah persuade you, saying] obedience thereto from others.
Mat. 7. 15. b. of false prophets || 10. 17. b. of men Erod. 28. 28. they shall *. the brcast-platc by rings
16. 6. take heed and b. of the leaven of the Phari-Num. 30. 2. if a man swear an oath to *. his soul
sees, 11. Mark 8. 15. Luke 12. 1. Deut. 6. Q. thou shalt b. them for a sign on thy hand
Mark 12. 38. b. of the scribes, Luke 20. 46. 14. 25. shalt *. up the money, and go to the place
Luke 12. 15. take heed and 5. of covetousness Josh. 2. 18. thou shalt *. this line in the window
Acts 13. 40. b. lest that come which is spoken Judg. 15. 10. to *. Samson are we come up
Phil.3.2. b.of dogs, b.of evil workers, b.of concision
Col. 2. 8. b. lest any man spoil you thro' philosophy
2 Pet. 3. 17. b. lest ye also, being led away with


12. they said, we are come down to *. thee 13. no, but we will *. thee fast, and deliver thee 16. 5. that we may *. Samson to afflict him [error Job 31. 36. I will *. it as a crown to me Acts 8. 9. Simon b. the people of Samaria, 11. 34. 17. shall even he that hatcth right b.? Gal. 3. 1. O foolish Galatians, who hath b. you? BEWRAY. Isa.16.3.hide the outcasts,b.not him that wandereth BEWRAYETH.

Prov. 27. 16. the ointment of his right hand b. itself
29. 24. he heareth cursing, and 6. it not
Mat. 26. 73. thou art one of them, thy speech b. thee

Num. 22. 18. Balaam said, I cannot go b. the word
of the Lord my God, to do less or more, 24. 13.
Deut. 30. 13. nor is it b. the sea, that shouldest say
1 Sam. 20. 22. the arrows b. thee, 36. 37.
2 Sam. 10. 16. 6. the river, 1 Kings 14. 15. 1 Chron.
19. 16. Ezra 4. 17, 20. | 6. 6, 8. 7. 21, 25.
Neh. 2.7, 9. Isa. 7. 20. 18. 1. Zeph. 3. 10.
2 Chr. 20. 2. multitude from 6. the sea, Jer. 25. 22.
Mark. 6. 51. they were amazed b. measure, 7. 37.
2 Cor. 8. 3. and 8. their power they were willing
10. 14. for we stretch not b. our measure
Gal. 1. 13. b. measure I persecuted the church of G.
1 Thess.4.6.that no man go b, and defraud his brother
Signifies, [1] To invite, Mat. 22. 9. Luke 14. 12.
[2] To command, Mat. 14. 28. [3] To wish,
John 10. [4] To sanctify, or prepare, Zeph.1.7.

Job 38.31.canst *. the sweet influences of Pleiades?
39. 10. canst thou *. the unicorn with his band?
40. 13. hide them, and A. their faces in secret
41. 5. wilt thou b. Leviathan for thy maidens?
Psal. lOi 22. to b. his princes at his pleasure
118. 27. v. the sacrifice with cords to the altar
149. 6. to *. their kings with chains and nobles
Prov. 3. 3. *. them about thy neck, write them
6. 21. *. them continually upon thine heart
7.3.*. them on thy fingers, write them on thy heart
Isa. 8. 16. b. up the testimony, seal the law
49- 18. and h. them on thee as a bride doth
61. 1. he hath sent me to *. up the broken-hearted
Ezek. 34. 16. I will *. up what was broken
Dan. 3. 20. he commanded most mighty men to *.
Hot. 6. 1. he hath smitten us, and will *. us up
10. 10. when they *. themselves in two furrows
Mic. 1. 13. *. the chariot to the swift beast
Mat. 12. 29. except he first *. the strong man,
and then he will spoil his house, Mark 3. 27.
13. 30. *. the tares in bundles to burn them
16. 19. whatsoever thou shalt *. on earth, 18. 18.
22. 13. *. him hand and foot, take and cast him
23. 4. *. heavy burdens grievous to be borne
Mark 5. 3. no man could *. him with chains
Acts 9. 14. authority to b. all that call on thy name
12. 8. angel said, gird thyself, A. 00 thy sandals

Is [1] Natural, Exod. 28. 10. [2] Abortive, or untimely, Job 3. 16. Psal. 58. 8. Eccl. 6. 3. [3] Supernatural, as was the birth of Christ. Mat. 1 18. Luke 1. 14. [4] Figurative, for heavy an guish and distress, 2 Kings 19. 3. Isa. 37. 3. [5] For deliverance at nand, Isa. 66.9. [6] For a natural state in sin, Ezek. 16. 3. [7] For regeneration, Tit. 3. 5. [8] For earnest desire for the good of souls, Gal. 4. 19.

The children are come to the birth, 2 Kings 19. 3. We have begun a happy reformation, but are hindered by this insolent Assyrian, from bringing it to perfection.

Thy birth is of the land of Canaan; Esek. 16. 3.
Thy root whence thou didst spring, the rock whence
thou wast cut, the place where thou grewest up.
the company and commerce thou didst use, all were
of the land of Canaan; thy original is no better
than the worst of nations, thou hast their vicious
nature, manners, and practices, and art as vile
and obnoxious to my curse as they are.

2 Kings 19. 3. children are come to the b. Isa. 37.3.
Job 3. 16. as an hidden untimely b. I had not been
Psal. 58. 8. let them pass like the untimely b.
Eccl. 6. 3. an untimely b. is better than he
7. 1. day of death is better than day of one's ¿.
Isa. 66. 9. shall I bring to the b. not cause to bring
Ezek. 16. 3. thy b. and nativity is of Canaan
Hos. 9. 11. glory of Ephraim shall fly from the .
Mat. 1. 18. the 6. of Jesus Christ was on this wise
Luke 1. 14. and many shall rejoice at his b.
John 9. 1. he saw a man who was blind from his &.
Gal. 4. 19. my children, of whom I travail in 6.

Ret. 12.8, and she cried, travailing in b. and passed
Gen.40.20.the third day, which was Pharaoh's b.-d.
Mat. 14.6. when Herod's b.-d. was kept, Mark 6.21.

Gen. 25.31. Jacob said, sell me this day thy b.-right
33. and he sware, and sold his b.-right to Jacob
34. thus Esau despised his b.-right
27.36. took away my b.-right, and now my blessing
43. 33. sat, the first-born according to his b.-right
1 Chron. 5. i. Reuben's 6.-r.given to sons of Joseph
Heb. 12, 16. Esau for one morsel sold his b.-right

Signifes, [1] Spiritual overseers that have the charge of wals, to instruct and rule them by the word, 1 Tim. 3. 1,2. Acts 20. 28. [2] Christ himself,

1 Pet. 2. 25.

Phil all saints at Philippi, with &.and deacons 1 T. 3.1. if a man desire the office of a b.

a. then must be blameless, Tit. 1. 7.

1 Pet. 2, 25. now returned to the 8. of your souls BISHOPRIC.

Acts 1. 20. and his &. let another take


Piel. 32.9. whose mouth must be held in with b.
Jam. 3. 3. behold we put &. in the horses' mouths

Num. 21. 6. Lord sent fiery serpents, they b. people
dimos 5. 19. leaned on a wall, and a serpent 6. him

Eccl. 10.8. breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall b.him
11. the serpent will . without enchantment
Jer 8.17. I will send serpents, and they shall b. you
9. 3. I will command serpent, and he shall b.
Mic. 3. 5. the prophets that . with the teeth
Hab. 2.7. shall they not rise up that shall b. thee?
Gal. 5. 15. but if ye b. and devour one another

Gen. 49. 17. Dan an adder, that b. the horse-heels
Prat, 23, 32. at the last it . like a serpent

N. 21. 8. every one that is 8. when he looks on
9. came to pass, that if a serpent had b. any man

Gra. 27. 34. Esau cried with an exceeding b. cry Led. 1. 14. the Egyptians made their lives b. 12. 8. with &. herbs shall ye eat it, Num. 9. 11. 15. 23. not drink of the waters, for they were b. Dr. 32. 24. shall be devoured with b. destruction 3. are grapes of gall, their clusters are 6. Judg. 18.25. lest fellows b. of soul run on thee Ruth 1. † 20. call me not Naomi, but ¿. 1 Sam. 1. +10. Hannah was b. of soul and prayed 22. 42. every one b. of soul gathered to him 30. +6. spake of stoning, the peoples' soul was 3. 1 Sam 17.48. father's men be mighty, and b. of soul King 4.427. let her alone, her soul is b. in her 14. 6. Lord saw affliction of Israel that it was b. Erh.4.1.Mordecai criedwith a loudvoice and b.cry Ja 3.15. terrify it, as those who have a b. day 20, and why is life given to the b. in soul? 13, 26. thou writest . things against me 23. 2. even to-day is my complaint 6.

the Almighty who hath made my soul ¿. Pial. 64. 3. to shoot their arrows, even b. words Pros. 5. 4. but her end is 6. as wormwood

7.7. to the hungry soul every b. thing is sweet 31.+5. give wine to those that are 6. of soul Led. 7. 26. I find more b. than death the woman La. 5. 20. that put &. for sweet, and sweet for b. 22. + 4. look from me, I will be 6. in weeping 9. strong drink shall be b. to them that drink Jer 2. 19 it is an evil thing and b. that thou 4. 18. this is thy wickedness, because it is b. 6. 26. make most 6. lamentation as for a son 31. 15. a voice was heard in Ramah, b. weeping Luk. 3. + 14. Spirit took me away, and I went 6. 31. shall weep for thee with 6. wailing Amos 8. 10. and the end thereof, as a b. day Had. 1. 6. Chaldeans, that b. and hasty nation

3. 19. love your wives, be not 6. against them Jam. 3. 14. if ye have b. euvying and strife Ar. 8. 11. men died of waters because made b. 19. 9. eat it up, and it shall make thy belly b. 20. as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was b. BITTER-WATER.

Fm. 5. 18. the water that causeth the curse Jan. 3. 11, doth a fountain send sweet w. and b.? BITTERLY.

Judy. 5. 23. curse ye b. the inhabitants thereof ats 1. 20. the Almighty hath dealt 6. with me 22. 4. look away from me, I will weep b. 337. the ambassadors of peace shall weep b. Lock. 27. 30, the pilots of Tyre shall cry b. 12. 14. Ephraim provoked him most 6. 1. 14. the mighty man shall cry b. Mat. 6. 75. Peter went out, wept b. Lake 22. 62. BITTERN.

14.23. make it a possession for the &. 34. 11. Zá, 2. 14. the 3. shall lodge in the upper lintels


Signifies, [l] Tha/ which is opposed lo sweetness, Exod. 15. 23. [2] Deep sorrow end heaviness of spirit, Job 7. 11. Prov. 14. 10. [3] A thing most pernicious, or that produces dreadful effects, 2 Sam. 2. 26. [4] Violent inward displeasure against others, Eph. 4.31. [5] Great impiety, Acts 8. 23.

The gall of bitterness. Acts 8. 23. In a state most offensive and distasteful to Hod; under the power of corruption, hypocrisy, and ambition. A root of bitterness, Heb. 12. 15. Any scandalous sin, dangerous error, or schism, tending to draw persons to apostasy, the end whereof will be bitter. Gen. 26. + 35. which were A. of spirit to Isaac Exod, 15. 23 the name of it was called A. Ruth 1. t 13. I have much b. for your sake 1 Ham. 1. 10. Hannah was in A. of soul and prayed 15. 32. sorely the A. of death is past

2 Sam. 2. 26. the sword will be A. in the latter end Job 7. 11. 1 will complain in the A. of my soul 9. 18. to take my breath, but fillcth mc with b. 10. 1. 1 will speak in the A. of my soul 21. 25. another dieth in the A. of his soul Prov. 14. 10. the heart knoweth his own A. 17- 25. a foolish son is A. to her that bare him Isa. 38. 15. go softly all my life in A. of my soul 17. behold, for peace I had great A. Lam. 1. 4. her virgins are afflicted, and she is in A. 3. 15. he hath filled me with A. he hath made Kick. 3. 14. Spirit took me away, and I went in A. 21. 6. and with A. sigh before their eyes 27. 31. they shall weep for thee with A. Mos. 12. + 14. Ephraim provoked him with A. Zech. 12. 10. be in A. for him as one that is in A. for Acts 8. S3. I perceive thou art in the gall of A. Hom. 3. 14. whose mouth is full of cursing and A. Eph. 4. 31. let all A. be put away from you lleb. 12. 15. lest any root of A. springing up


Signifies, The colour so called, which is opposite to white. Mat. 5. 36.

1 Cor. 1. 8. that ye may be 6. in the day of the Lord Phil. 2. 15. that ye may be b. and harmless 3. 6. touching the righteousness of the law 6. 1 Thess. 5. 23. spirit, soul, and body, preserved b. 1 Tim. 3. 2. a bishop then must be b. Tit. 1. 7. 10. use the office of a deacon, being found 6. 5. 7. give in charge, that they may be b. Tit. 1. 6. if any be 6. the husband of one wife 2 Pet. 3. 14. ye may be found without spot and Z. BLASPHEME

Signifies, [1] To speak evil of God, Rom. 2. 21. Tit. 2. 5. [2] To rail against and deny the work of the Holy Spirit out of malice, Mat.

12. 31.

2 Sam.12. 14. occasion the enemies of the Lord to b. 1 Kings 21. 10. thou didst &. God and the king, 13. Psal. 74. 10. shall the enemy b. thy name for ever' Mark 3. 28. wherewith soever they shall b.

29. but he that shall 6. against the Holy Ghost Acts 26. 11. and I compelled them to 6. 1 Tim. 1. 20. that they may learn not to b. Jum. 2. 7. do not they b. that worthy name Rev. 13. 6. to b. his name and his tabernacle BLASPHEMED.

Lev. 24. 11. the Israelitish woman's son b. 2 Kings 19. 6. with which are sereason of the king of Assyria have b. me, 22. Isa. 37. 6, 23. Psal. 74. 18. the foolish people have 6. thy name Isa. 52. 5. my name continually every day is . 65. 7. have burnt incense, and b. me on the hills Ezek. 20. 27. in this your fathers have b. me Acts 18. 6. when they opposed themselves and b. Rom. 2. 24. for the name of God is 6. through you 1 Tim. 6. 1. name of God and his doctrine be not 6. Tit. 2. 5. that the word of God be not b. Rev. 16. 9. men were scorched with heat, and b. 11. b. the God of heaven because of their pains 21. men b. God because of the plague of hail BLASPHEMEST, ETH. Lev. 24. 16. whoso b. the Lord, be put to death Psal. 44. 16. for the voice of him that b. Mat. 9. 3. certain of the scribes said, this man?. John 10. 36. whom the Father sanctifieth, thou . BLASPHEMING, Acts 13. 45.

It is applied, [1] To the church, whose outward beauty is often eclipsed by reason of infirmities, scandals, reproaches, and persecutions, Cant. 1. spoken of Paul, contradicting and . 5. [2] To the Jews, whose countenance changed BLASPHEMER, S. and turned black, like persons ready to be Acts 19. 37. which are not b. of your goddess strangled, being struck with terror at the ap 1 Tim. 1. 13. who was before a b. and a persecutor proach of God's judgments, Joel 2. 6. Nah. 2.2 Tim. 3. 2. in the last days men shall be ¿. 10. [3] To hell, the place of extreme darkness, horror, and misery, Jude 13.

Lev. 13. 31. and that there is no b. hair in it 37. and there is 6. hair grown up therein

1 Kings 18. 45. the heaven was b. with clouds Job 30. 30. my skin is 6. upon me, my bones burnt Prov. 7. 9. in the evening, in the 6. and dark night Cant.1.5. I am b. but comely, O daughters of Jerus. 6. look not upon me, because I am 6. 5. 11. his locks are bushy and b. as a raven Jer. 4. 28. for this the heavens shall be b. 8. 21. for the hurt of my people I am hurt, I am 6. 14. 2. the gates thereof languish, they are 6. Lam. 5. 10. our skin was b. like an oven Ezek. 31. +15. I caused Lebanon to be b. for him Zech. 6. 2. in the second chariot b. horses

6. b. horses go forth into the north country Mal. 3. † 14. what profit that we walked in b.? Mat. 5. 36. canst not make one hair white or b. Rev. 6. 5. and I beheld, and lo a b. horse

12. the sun became b, as sackcloth of hair
Lam. 4. 8. their visage is b. than a coal.

Job 6. 16. which are 6, by reason of the ice

Job 3. 5. let the b. of the day terrify it
Isa. 50. 3. I clothe the heavens with b.
Lam. 4. +8. their visage is darker than 8.
Joel 2. 6. all faces shall gather b. Nah. 2. 10.
Heb. 12. 18. ye are not come to b. and darkness
Jude 13. to whom is reserved 6. of darkness


Judg. 3. 22. the haft also went in after the b.
Job 31.22. then let my arm fall from my shoulder-b.
Mat.13.26. whom the b. was sprung up, Alark 4. 28.

Exod. 9. 9. a boil breaking forth with . 10.

Gen. 43. 9. then let me bear the b. for ever, 44, 32.
2 Cor. 8. 20. avoiding that no man should b. us
Eph. 1. 4. holy and without b. before him in love


2 Kings lQ. 3. this day is a day of A. Jsn. 37- 3. Mat. 12. 31. all manner of A. shall be forgiven, but

A. against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven 20. 65. he hath spoken A. behold, now ye have heard his A. Mark 14. 61. Mark 7- 22. out of the heart of men proceed A. John 10. 33. we stone thee not, but for A. Col. 3. H. but now ye also put off malice, b. Rev. 2. 9. I know A. of them that say they are Jews 13. 1. and upon his heads is the name of A. 6. and he opened his mouth in A. against God BLASPHEMIES.

Eiei, 35. 12. know that I have heard all thy A.
Mat, 15. 19. out of the heart proceed thefts, A.
Mark 2. 7. why doth this man thus speak A.?
3. 88. and A. wherewith they shall blaspheme
Luke 5. 21. who is this which speaketh A. t
Rev. 13. 5. was a mruth given him speaking A.
Acts 6. 11. we have heard him speak A. words
13. this mau ceaseth not to speak A. words
Luic 22. 65. many other things A. spake they
Signifies, [1] Wind and frosts that immediately
follow rain, and are very destructive to /'nut*,
Gen. 41. 6. 1 Kings 8. 37. [2] A blowing in
horns, Josh. 6. 5, [3] God"s anger and power,
Exod. 15. 8. 2 Sam. 22. l6. Job 4. 9- [4]
A violent, tvddcn, and terrible stroke sent by
God upon the wicked, 2 Kings 19. 7. [5] The
furious temptations of men end the devil, Isa.

25. 4.

Exod. 15. 8. with A. of thy nostrils the waters were Josh. 6. 5. when they make a long A. with horns 2 Sam. 22. 16. at rebuke of the Lord, at the A. of the breath of his nostrils, Psal. 18. 15. 2 Kingsig.7. I'll send a A. on Sennacherib, Isa.37-7. Job 4. 9. by the A. of God they perish Isa. £5. 4. when the A. of the terrible is as a storm BLASTED.

Gen. 41- 6. thin ears A. with the east wind, 23. 27. 2 Cor. 6. 3. no offence, that the ministry be not b.2 Kings 19. 26. as corn A. before grown, Isa. 37. 27. Cal. 2. 11. withstood him, because he was to be b.


Gen. 44. 10. he shall be my servant, ye shall be b.
Josh. 2. 17. we will be 6. of this thine oath
Judg. 15. 3. now shall I be more b. than Philistines
Mat. 12. 5. the priests profane sabbath, and are ¿.
Luke 1. 6. walking in ordinances of the Lord b.


Dent. 28. 22. the Lord shall smite thee with A.
1 Kings 8. 37. if there be A. mildew, 2 CArvn. 6. 28.
Amos 4. 9. I have smitten you with A. and mildew
Hag. 2. 17. I smote you with A. and mildew

Mark 1, 45. he began to b. abroad the matter


Judg. 5. 16. abodest in sheepfolds to hear b. of flocks 1 Sam. 15. 14. what meaneth this b. of the sheep? BLEMISH.

Exod. iC. 5. Iamb shall be without A. a male of first year, Lev. 9. 3. | 14. 10. | 23. 12. Num. 6. 14. 29* *• take a young bullock and two rams without

b. Lev. 5. 15, 18. \ 6. 6. \ 9. 2. Exek. 46. 4. Lev.1.3. offer a male without b. 10. | 4.23. | 22.19. 3. 1.whether male or female without b. Q. 4.3.a bullock without b. Dent. 1~. 1. Esek. 45.18. 28. he shall bring a kid, a female without A. St. 17. he that hath h. shall not approach, 21. 23. 22. 20. but whatsoever hath a b. that shall ye not

offer, it shall not be acceptable, Deut.15. 21. 21. in peace offering and free-will offering nc A. 24. 19. if a man cause a b. in his neighbour 20, as he hath caused a A. in a man, so shall it be Num. 19. 2. they bring a red heifer without b. 29. 2. one bullock, one ram, seven lambs without 6, S Sam. 14. 25. there was no A. in Absalom Dan. 1. 4. children in whom was DO A. Eph. 5. 27. that it should be holy and without d. 1 Pet. 1. 19. as of a lamb without b. and spot BLEMISHES.

liv. 22. 25. b. in them, they shall not be accepted £ Pet. 2. 13. spots they are and b. sporting


with the miseries of others, do relieve them
according to their ability, Mat. 5. 7* [10] Such
as love and labour for peace among all that ere
at odds, whether with God, with themselves, or
one with another. Mat. 5. 9- [11] Such as are
sincere, whose hearts and course of life agree
with their profession, Psal. I19. 1. [12] Such
at do not associate themselves with the wicked,
nor follow their evil instigations or examples, their father, and doth not b. their mother
Psal. 1. 1. [14] Such whose transgressions are Isa. 65. 16. shall ¿. himself in the God of truth
forgiven, whose sin is pardoned, Psal. 32. 1. Jer. 4. 2. the nations shall b. themselves in him
[14] Such as do not censure or condemn a person Mat. 5. 44. b. them that curse you, Luke 6. 28.
under sickness or affliction, as if he was wicked or Rom. 12. 14. b. those persecute you, b. and curse not
hated of God,but pity and relieve him, Psal. 41. 1.1 Cor. 4. 12. being reviled we b. being persecuted
BLESS, God being agent.
14. 16. else when shalt thou 6. with the spirit

2 Sam. 8. 10. Toi sent Jonun his son to A. David
21.3. that ye may A. the inheritance of tne Lord
1 Kings 1. 47. servants came to b. our lord k. David
1 Chron. 23. 13. and to b. in his name for ever
Psal. 62. 4. they b. with their mouths, but curse
109. 28. let them curse, but b. thou
129- 8. we b. you in the name of the Lord
Prov. 30. 11. there is a generation that curseth


1 Cor. 10. 16. the cup of blessing which we b. BLESSED, man agent and object.

Gen. 14. 19. Melchisedek b. Abram, and said, b. be 24. 60. they b. Rebekah, and said onto her 27. 23. so Isaac b. Jacob and said, 27. 29. and b. be be that blesseth thee 33. 1 have b. him, yea, and he shall be b. 41. the blessing wherewith his father b. him 28. 1. Isaac called Jacob, b. him and charged him 6. as he b. him he gave him a charge, Heb. 11.20. 30. 13. for the daughters will call me A. 31. 55. kissed his sons and daughters, and b. them 47.7. Jacob b. Pharaoh, 10.[|48. 15. he b. Joseph 48.20.Jacob A. Manasseh and Ephraim, f*A.I1.21. 49. 28. Jacob b. his sons, every one he &. Exod. 39. 43. and Moses b. them, Deut. 33. 1. Lev. 9. 22. Aaron lift up his hands and b. them 23. Moses and Aaron b. the people Sum. 22. 6. I wot that be whom thou blessest is b. 23. 11. thou hast A. them altogether, 24. 10. Deut. 33. 20. b. be he that enlargeth Gad 24. let Asher be b. with children Josh.14,13. Joshua b. Caleb, and gave him Hebron 22. 6. Joshua b. them, and sent them away, 7. 24. 10. therefore Balaam b. you still Judg. 5. 24. b. above women shall Jael be Ruth 2. 19. b. be he that took knowledge of thee 1 Sam. 2. 20. Eli b. FJkanah and his wife Hannah 25. 33. A. be thy advice, and A. be thou who kept 26. £5. Saul said, b. be thou my son David Sam. 6. 18. David A. the people, 1 Chron. 16. 2. 13. 25. howbeit he would not go, but b. him 19- 39. the king kissed Barxillai, and b. him 1 Kings 2. 45. and king Solomon shall be *. 8. 14. king Solomon b. all the congregation, 55. 66. congregation b. Solomon, 2 Chron. 6. 3. 2 Chron. 30. 27- priests and Levites b. the people Nth. 11. 2. people A. all that willingly offered Job 29. 11. when the ear heard me, it b. me 31. 20. if his loins have not b. me Psal. 49. 18. while he lived he b. his soul 72. 17. men shall be b. in him, nations call him *. 118.26. b. be that cometh in name of the Lord, we have b. vou out of house of the Lord Prov. 31. 28. her children arise, and call her A. Eccl. 10. 17. b. art thou, O land, when thy king Cant. 6. 9. the daughters saw her, and b. her Isa. 66. 3. that burneth incense, as if he b. an idol Jer. 20.14. let not the day my mother bare me be 4. Mai. 3. 12. and all nations shall call you b. Mark 11. 10. b. be the kingdom of our father Luke 1. 48. all generations shall call me . 2. 34. Simeon b. them, and said to Mary | Acts 20- 35. it is more b. to give than to receive Tit. 2. 13. looking for that h. hope and appearing Heb. 1.1. Melchisedek met Abraham and b. him,6. 7. without contradiction the less is b. of the better BLESSED, God the agent. Gen.1.22. God 4. them, saving, be fruitful. QH | 5.2. 2. 3. and God 6. the seventh day, Exod. 20. It. 9-1. and God. Noah and his sons, and said to them 12. 3. in thee shall all families be A. 18. 18. \ 22.

Gen. 12. 2. the Lord said, I will b. thee, 26. 3, 24. 3. I will 6. them that bless thee, and curse him 17. 16. I will b. her, and give thee a son of her 22. 17. in blessing I will b. thee, Heb. 6. 14. 28. 3. God Almighty b. thee, and multiply thee 32. 26. I will not let thee go, except thou 6. me 48. 16. b. the lads, and let my name be named 49. 25. by the Almighty who shall 6. thee Exod. 20. 24. I will come to thee, and I will . thee 23. 25, he shall 6. thy bread and thy water Num. 6. 24. the Lord b. thee and keep thee 27. put my name on Israel, and I will b. them 24. 1. saw that it pleased the Lord to . Israel Is referred, I. To God; and signifies, [1] To Deut. 1. 11. and b. you as he hath promised you bestow plenty of temporal good things upon a 7. 13. he will b. thee. b. the fruit of thy womb person, and make his affairs prosperous and 14. 29. that the Lord may b. thee, 23. 20. | 24.19. successful, Gen. 30. 27. 39. 5. [2] To bestow 15. 4. shall be no poor, for the Lord shall b. thee both temporal and spiritual blessings upon a 10. for this thing the Lord thy God shall 6. thee person, Gen. 12. 2. | 24. 35. Eph. 1. 3. [3] To 18. the Lord thy God shall b. thee in all, 30. 16. make one perfectly happy in the full enjoyment of 16. 15. because the Lord shall b. thee in all himself in heaven, Rev. 14. 13. [4] To consc- 26. 15. look down and b. thy people Israel crate and set apart any thing for an holy and 28. 8. he shall b. thee in the land he giveth sacred use, Gen. 2. 3. Exod. 20. 11. [5] To 12. and to b. all the work of thine hand give power of procreation and fruitfulness, so as 33. 11. b. Lord, his substance, and accept the creatures might multiply their kind, Gen. Ruth 2. 4. saying, the Lord b. thee, Jer. 31. 23. 1. 22. [6] To endue one with an heroic spirit, 2 Sam. 7. 29.therefore now let it please thee to b. the singular valour, miraculous strength of body, and house of thy servant, 1 Chron. 17. 27. all other gifts and graces necessary to his calling, 1 Chron. 4. 10. O that thou wouldest b. me indeed Judg. 13. 24. II. To Christ; and signifies, Psai. 5. 12. thou Lord, wilt b. the righteous [1] To give thanks to God the Father in a spe- 28. 9. save thy people, b. thine inheritance cial manner, and pray for his blessing, thereby 29. 11. the Lord will b. his people with peace paying the homage of his human nature to his 67. 1. God, even our own God, shall b. us, 6, 7.2 Father, Mat. 14. 19. Mark 6. 41. [2] To 115. 12. the Lord will b. us, he will b. the house commend others to God in prayer, as he was of Israel, he will b. the house of Aaron man, Mark 10. 16. [3] Powerfully and effec- 13. he will b. them that fear the Lord tually to work on men for their conversion, so as 128. 5. the Lord shall b. thee out of Zion to save them from their sins, Acts 3. 26. III. 132. 15. I will abundantly 6. her provision To men; and signifies, [1] To extol and 134. 3. the Lord b. thee out of Zion praise God, for the infinite excellencies Isa. 19. 25. whom the Lord of hosts shall 8. and perfections of his nature, Psal. 104. 1. Hag. 2. 19. from this day will I 6. you 148. 1, 2. [2] To give thanks to God for his Acts 3. 26. sent him to b. you in turning you mercies and benefits to us, Psal. 16. 7.1 BLESS. God being the object. 103. 1, 2. [3] To pronounce a solemn, extraor- Deut. 8. 10. art full, then thou shalt b. the Lord dinary, and prophetical benediction upon a person, Judg. 5. 9. b. ye the Lord, Psal. 103. 21. | 134. 1. whereby the holy patriarchs, by God's appoint 1 Chron. 29. 20. David said, now b. Lord your God ment, and with his concurrence, did declare and Neh. 9. 5. stand up and 6. Lord for ever and ever constitute one of their sons as heir, not only Psal.16.7.I will b. Lord who hath given me counsel of their inheritance, but of the promises and 26. 12. in the congregations will I 6. the Lord blessings of the covenant which God made with 34. 1. I will b. the Lord at all times them and their fathers; both praying for, and 63. 4. thus will I b. thee while I live foretelling those blessings which God would confer 66. 8. Ob. our God, make his praise to be heard upon them, Gen. 27. 4, 25, 30. [4] To salute 68. 26. b. ye God in the congregations, even persons, to wish them peace and prosperity, Gen. 96. 2. sing to the Lord, 6. his name, shew forth 47. 7. 1 Sam. 13. † 10. Psal. 129. 8. [5] To 100. 4. be thankful to him, b. his name, 103. 1. pray to God in behalf of others, that he may 103.1. b. the Lord, O my soul, 2. 22. | 104. 1, 35. bestow his blessing upon them, Num. 6. 23, 24. 20. b. the Lord, ye his angels || 21. b. ye his hosts 2 Sam. 6. 18. Luke 6. 28. [6] To account and| 22. b. the Lord all his works in all places reckon one's self happy in having God for his 115. 18. we will b. the Lord from this time God, Isa. 65. 16. Jer. 4. 2. [7] To applaud 134. 2. lift up your hands, and b. the Lord one's self as a wise and happy person, taking 135. 19. b. the Lord, O house of Israel, b. the outward prosperity for an argument of God's love Lord, O house of Aaron and favour, Psal. 49. 18. [8] To flatter one's 20. O Levi, ye that fear the Lord, b. the Lord self with the hopes of impunity, as if God did 145. 1. I will b. thy name for ever and ever not take notice of sin, and either could not, or 2. every day will I b. thee, and praise thy name would not, punish sinners, Deut. 29. 19. 10. O Lord, thy saints shall b. thee God hath promised to bless, [1] Such as put their trust in him, Psal. 2. 12. [2] Such as fear him, and walk in his ways, Psal. 128. 1. [3] Such as God chooses and causes to draw nigh to him in the duties of his worship, Psal. 65. 4. [4] Such as have the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ wrought in them by the Spirit of God, Mat. 16.| 20. in thee shall Israel b. saying, God make thee 17. [5] Such as mourn for their sins and spirit- Erod. 12. 32. take flocks and begone, and h. me also ual wants, Mat. 5. 4. [6] Such as are humble Num. 6. 23. on this wise ye shall ¿. Israel and lowly in mind, affection, and conversation, 23. 20. I have received commandment to 6. who are sensible of their lost and undone con- 25. neither curse them, nor b. them at all dition in themselves, and of their own inability Deut. 10. 8. the Lord separated Levi to b. 21. 5. to help themselves, Mat. 5. 3. [7] Such as are 24. 13. sleep in his own raiment, and b. thee gentle, patient, and quiet-spirited; who murmur 27. 12. these shall stand on mount Gerizim to b. not against God, but submit to all his corrections; 29. 19. heareth words of this curse, he b. himself and who quarrel not with, nor revenge themselves Josh. 8. 33. as Moses commanded they should b. of those that wrong them, Mat. 5. 5. [8] Such 1 Sam. 9. 13. because he doth b. the sacrifice us hunger and thirst after Christ and his bene- 13. 10. Saul went to meet Samuel to b. him fits; after freedom from sin, and holiness of life, 2 Sam. 6. 20. then David returned to b. his Mat. 5. 6. [9] Such who, being inwardly affected household, 1 Chron. 16. 43.

21. let all flesh b. his holy name for ever
Jam. 3. 9. therewith b. we God, even the Father

BLESS, man agent and object.
Gen. 27.4. my soul may b. thee before I die, 25.
34. 6. me, even me also, O my father, 38.
48. 9. bring them to me, and I will . them

18. 26. 4. 28. 14. Acts 3. 25. Gal. 3. 8. 17. 20. I have A. Ishmael||24. 1. Lord A. Abraham 24. 31. and he said, come in thou A. of the Lord 25. 11. after death of Abr'am, God A. Isaac, 26.12. 26. 29. thou art now the A. of the Lord 27. 27. the smell of a fifld which the Lord bath A. 30. 27. that the Lord hath A. me for thy sake 30. the Lord hath A. thee since my coming 32. 29. and be A. Jacob there, 33. 9- | 48. 3. 39. 5. that the Lord A. the Egyptian's house Sum. 22. 12. shalt not curse, for the people are *. 23. 20. he hath A. and I cannot reverse it Df«/.2.7.!hy God hath b. thee, 12.7. | 15.14.1 | 16. 7. 14. thou shalt be A. above all people TlO. 14. 24. if place be too far, when tne Lord hath 6. 23- 3.A. shalt thou be in the city, in the field 4. A. shall be fruit of thy body 5. A. thy basket 33. 13. of Joseph he said, . of the Lord be his Josh. 17. 14. forasmuch as the Lord hath A. me Judg. 13. 24. Samson grew, and the Lord A. him 17 2-A. be thou of Lord, Ruth 3. 10. 1 Sam. 15.IS. Ruth 2. 20. A. be he of the Lord who hath not

Ruth 3. 10. 8. be thon of the Lord, my daughter) 1 Sam. 23. 20. A. be ye of the Lord, 2 Sum. 2, 5. 2 Sam. 6. 11. the Lord. Obed-edom, and all his household, 12. 1 Chron. 13. 14. | 26. 5. 7.29. the house of thy servant be 6. for ever 1 Chron. 17. 27. blessest, O Lord, and it shall be ¿. £ Carm. 31, 10, the Lord hath &. his people Jeb 1. 10. thou hast 6. the work of his hands 42.12. the Lord . the latter end of Job Piei. 21. 6. for thou hast made him most b. 33. 19. 5. is the nation whose God is the Lord 37. 02. for such as be . of him shall inherit 26. he is merciful and lendeth, and his seed is ò. 41. 2. the Lord will keep him, and he shall be b. 45. 2. therefore God hath b. thee for Dan, 12. ip. A. it the people that know the joyful sound 112. 2. the generation of the upright shall be 6. 115. 15. you are . of the Lord who made heaven 119. 1. 6. are the undefiled in the way 123. 1. 3. is every one that feareth the Lord 4. thus the man be b. that feareth the Lord 147. 13. he hath &. thy children within thee Pet. 5. 18. let thy fountain be 6. and rejoice 10. 7. the memory of the just is b. 20.7. the just man's children are 6. after him 21. but the end thereof shall not be . 2.9 he that hath a bountiful eye shall be & Iss. 19. 25. saying, 3. be Egypt my people 51. 2. for I called him alone and b. him 61. 9. they are the seed the Lord hath b. 65. 23. Mar 5.3. 8.are the poor in spirit || 5. 6. are the meek 7.4. are the merciful || 8. 6. are the pure in heart 9. b. are the peace-makers || 10. b. are persecuted 13. 16. &. are your eyes, for they see, Luke 10. 23. 14. 19. he . and brake, and gave the loaves,26.26. Mark 6. 41. | 14. 22. Luke 9. 16. | 24. 30. 16. 17. Jesus said, . art thou Simon Bar-jona 24. 46. 3. is that servant, Luke 12. 43. 25. 34. come ye b. of my Father, inherit kingdom Mark 10. 16. took them up in his arms, and b. them 14.61. thou art Christ, the Son of the ¿. Lake 1. 28. 8. art thou among women, 42. 45. 8. is she that believed || 6. 20. b. be ye poor 11. 7. is the womb that bare thee, and paps 12. 37. 6. are those servants whom the Lord when he cometh shall find watching, 38. 14. 14. thou shalt be . they cannot recompense 19. 38. 3. be the King that cometh in zame of Lord £3.9. . are the marren that never bare 24. 30. he 3. them || 51. while he b. them Gal. 3. 9. they are . with faithful Abraham Ep. 1.3. who hath 6. us with spiritual blessings Jam. 1. 25. this man shall be b. in his deed Her. 14. 13. 6. are the dead that die in the Lord BLESSED, God the object.

Gen. 9. 26. he said, b. be the Lord, 24. 27. Erod. 18. 10. Ruth 4. 14. 1 Sam. 25. 32, 39. 2 Sam. 18 28. 1 Kings 1. 48. 5. 7. 8. 15, 56. | 10. 9. 1 Chren. 16. 36. 2 Chron. 2. 12. | 6. 4. 19. 8. Ena 7.27. Psal. 28. 6. | 31. 21. | 41. 13. | 68. 1972. 18. | 89. 52. | 106. 48. | 124. 6. | 135. 21.144. 1. Zech. 11. 5. Luke 1. 68. Ges. 14. 20. 8. be most high God who delivered Jah, 2. 33. and the children of Israel b. God Sem. 22. 47. and . be my rock, Psal. 18. 46. 1 Car, 29. 10. David &. the Lord, b. thou, O Lord 30, all the congregation b. the Lord God Care. 20. 26. for there they b. the Lord 11.8. when they saw the heaps, they b. the Lord Ned. 8. 6. and Ezra b. the Lord, the great God 9. 3. 3. be thy glorious name, Psal. 72. 19.

1.21. 4. be the name of the Lord, Psal. 113. 2. Pial. 66. 20. 4. be God, 68. 35. 2 Cor. 1. 3. 119.12. 4. art thou, O Lord, teach me thy statutes Ex. 3. 12. saying, b. be the glory of the Lord Dra. 2. 19. Daniel &. the God of heaven, 20. 4.34. Nebuchadnezzar b. the most High Lake 2. 28. took him in his arms and 5. God Jedu 12. 13. d. is the King of Israel that cometh Fm. 1. 25. than the Creator, who is 6. for ever 5. Christ, who is over all, God &. for ever ler. 11. 31. is b. for evermore, knoweth I lie not Ipa 1. 3. 6. be the Father of our Lord, 1 Pet. 1.3. Fm. 1. 11. the glorious Gospel of the b. God 6. 15. who is the &. and only Potentate BLESSED are they. Pia 2. 12. b. are they that put their trust in him 84.4. b. are they that dwell in thy house 106. 3. b. are they that keep judgment at all times 112 2. b. are they that keep his testimonies P. & 32. for b. are they that keep my ways Lie. 30. 18. b. are they that wait for him Mat. 5.4. d. are they that mourn shall be comforted are they who hunger 10. who are persecuted Inte 11.98. yea,rather b.are they that hear theword Jún 20. 99. 8. are they that have not seen,believed] hem. 4. 7. 8. are they whose iniquities are forgiven Ke 19.9.5. re they who are called to the marriage supper

S. 14. b. are they that do his commandments

BLESSED are ye.

Isa. 32. 20. b. are ye that sow beside all waters Mat. 5. 11. b. are ye when men shall revile you Luke 6. 21. b. are ye that hunger now, ye shall be filled; b. are ye that weep now, for ye shall laugh 22. b. are ye when men shall hate you BLESSED is he.

Num. 24. 9. b. is he that blesseth thee, and cursed Psal. 32. 1. b. is he whose transgression is forgiven 41. 1. b. is he that considereth the poor Dan. 12. 12. b. is he that waiteth, cometh to days Mat. 11. 6. and . is he whosoever shall not be offended in me, Luke 7. 23. 21. 9. b. is he that cometh in the name of the Lord, 23. 39. Mark 11. 9. Luke 13. 35. Luke 14. 15. b. is he that shall eat bread in kingdom Rev. 1. 3. b. is he that readeth, and they that hear 16. 15. b. is he that watcheth, and keepeth 20.6.b. is he that hath part in the first resurrection 22.7. b. is he that keepeth sayings of the prophecy BLESSED is the man. Psal.1.1. b. is the man that walketh not in counsel 32. 2. b. is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, Rom. 4. 8. man that trusteth in him,84.12.Jer.17.7. 40. 4. b. is the man that maketh the Lord his trust the man whom thou choosest, and causest 84. 5. b. is the man whose strength is in thee 94.12. b. is the man whom thou chastenest, O Lord 112.1.b. is the man that feareth Lord, that delights Prov. 8.34. the man that heareth me, watching the man that doth this, and son of man Jam. 1. 12. b. is the man that endureth temptation BLESSEDNESS.

Rom. 4. 6. even as David describeth the b.

9. cometh this 6. on the circumcision only? Gal. 4. 15. where is then the 6. ye spake of? BLESSEST.

Num. 22. 6. I wot that he whom thou b. is blessed
1 Chr.17.27. thou b. O Lord, and it shall be blessed
Psal. 65. 10. thou b. the springing thereof

Deut.33.16. let the b.come upon the head of Joseph 23. Naphtali full with the b. of the Lord Josh. 15. 19. answered, give me a b. Judg. 1. 15. 1 Sam. 25. 27. this b. thy handmaid hath brought 30. + 26. behold a b. for you from the spoil 2 Sam. 7. 29. with thy 6. let my house be blessed 2 Kings 5. 15. I pray thee take a b. of thy servant 18. 31. make with me a b. and come out to me,

and eat of his own vine, Isa. 36. 16. Neh. 9. 5. which is exalted above all 6. and praise 13. 2. our God turned the curse into a b. Job 29. 13. the b. of him that was ready to perish Psal. 3. 8. thy b. is upon thy people 24. 5. he shall receive the b. from the Lord 109. 17. as he delighted not in b. let it be far 129. 8. the 6. of the Lord be upon you 133. 3. there Lord commanded the b. even life Prov. 10. 22. the b. of the Lord maketh rich 11. 11. by the b. of the upright the city is exalted +25. the soul of b. shall be made fat 26. but a b. on the head of him that selleth it 24. 25. a good b. shall come on them that rebuke Isa. 19. 24. even a b. in the midst of the land 44. 3. and I will pour my b. on thy offspring 65. 8. destroy it not, for a b. is in it Ezek. 34. 26. I will make them and the places

about my hill a b. there shall be showers of b. 44. 30. he may cause the b. to rest in thy house Joel 2. 14. if he will leave a b. behind him Zech. 8. 13. I will save you, and ye shall be a b. Mal. 3. 10. open heaven, and pour you out a b. Luke 24. 53. in the temple praising and b. God Rom. 15. 29. in the fulness of the b. of the gospel 1 Cor. 10. 16. the cup of b. which we bless Gal. 3. 14. that the 6. of Abraham might come 2 Cor. 9. +3. make up beforehand your b. Heb. 6. 7. for the earth receiveth b. from God 12. 17. when he would have inherited the b. Jam.3.10.of the same mouth proceeds b.and cursing 1 Pet. 3. 9. but contrariwise b. knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a b. Rev. 5. 12. worthy to receive honour, glory, b. 13. b. to him that sitteth on the throne 7. 12. b. and glory to our God for ever and ever BLESSINGS.

Gen. 49. 25. Almighty who shall bless thee with b. of heaven above, b. of the deep, b. of the breasts 26. b. of thy father prevailed above the b. of my Deut. 28. 2. all these b. shall come on thee, if [hearken

Josh. 8. 34. afterwards he read the b. and cursings
Psal. 21. 3. for thou preventest him with the b.
+ 6. thou hast set him to be b. for ever
Prov. 10. 6. b. are upon the head of the just
28. 20. a faithful man shall abound with b.
Mal. 2.2. I will send a curse, and will curse your b.
Eph. 1. 3. who hath blessed us with all spiritual &.
BLEW, Verb.

Gen. 27. 20. blessed is he that A. thee, Num. 24. 9. Dent. 15. 6. thy God 4, thee as he promised Psal. 10. 3. 4. covetous whom the Lord abhorreth 107. 38. he A. them so that they are multiplied Prov. 3. 33. but he 6. the habitation of the just 27. 14. he that A. his friend with a loud voice Isa. 65. 16. he who A. himself in the earth BLESSING Signifies. [1] The favour, kindness, and goodness of God, making what his people do to succeed and prosper, Tsal. 3. H. [2] All good things, gifts, graces, and privileges, vhich God bettoas vpon his people, whether spiritual or tempera/, whether they respect the soul, or the body, this present life, or that which is to come, Deut. 28. 2. Psal. 24. 5. lsa. 44. 3. Eph. 1. 3. [3] lam means of conveying a blasting to others, Isa. 19.24. Josh. 6. 8. priests passed on before the Lord and §. Thus the Jews are called a Blessing, because Judg. 3. 27. Ehud 6. a trumpet in the mount Christ was to be born of them, and the gospel. 6.34. Spirit come on Gideon, and he b. a trumpet church and ordinances were first established 7. 19. they b. the trumpets and brake, 20, 22. among them, and by them conveyed to the Gentiles.1 Sam. 13. 3. Saul b. saying, let the Hebrews hear [4] wishing, praying for, and endeavouring the 2 Sam. 2. 28. Joab h, a trumpet, 18. 16. | 20. 22. good of our enemict, 1 Pet. 3. 9. [5] Alms, 20. 1. Sheba a Benjamite 6. a trumpet and said bounty, or liberality, 2 Cor. 0. 45. [6] A gift,|1 Kings 1. 39. they b. the trumpet, people said, God or present. Gen. 33. 11. 2 Kings 5. 15. save king Solomon, 2 Kings 9. 13. | 11. 14. Thou shalt be a blessing, Gen. 12. 2. Thou shalt Mat. 7. 25. winds 6. and beat on that house, 27. be a means of conieying blessedness, [1] To thy John 6. 18. the sea arose by a great wind that 6. posterity, uho shalt be blessed for thy take. [2]| Acts 27. 13. when the south-wind b. 28. 13. To thy friends and servants, who shall be blessed by thy instruction and example. [3] To all the world, by being the progenitor of Christ, and an eminent pattern of faith and holbtess to all. Leave a blessing behind him, Joel 2. 14. Reserve some of the fruits of the earth from the common destruction, for tneir support, and hit own norship.

The blessing of Abraham. Gal. 3. 14. The blessing conferred on Abraham, namely, justtfcation and reconciliation with God, through faith in the blood of Christ.

Gen. 12. 2. I will bless thee* thou shalt be a 4. 22. 17- that in A. I will bless tbec, Heb. 6. 14. 27. 12. 1 shall bring a curse on me, and not a A. 35. thy brother hath taken away thy 4. 38. Esau said, hast thou but one b. my father? 28. 4. God give thee the 4. of Abraham 33. 11. take, 1 pray thee, my 4. that is brought 39. 5. the 4. of the I/ml was on all that he had 49. 28. every one according to his . he blessed Erod. 32. 29. then he may bestow on you a 4. Lev. 25. 21. thcu will I command my 4. on you Deut. 11. 26. behold, 1 set before you a A. 30. ly. 27- a A.if ye obey the commandments of the Lord 29. thou sbalt put the 4. on mount Gerizim 12. 15. according to the 4. of the Lord, 16. 17. 23. 5. the Lord turned the curse into a 4. 28.H. Lord shall command a b. on store-house


Signifies, [1] Such as are deprived of natural sight, John 9. 1, Acts 13* 11. [2] Such whose judg ments are so corrupted by taking of gifts, that they cannot, or will not discern between right and wrung, Exod. 23. 8. Deut. 16. 19- [3] Suck as are wilfully and obstinately ignorant, in matters that concern salvation, Mat. 15. 14. [4] Such as through simplicity and ipiojance are easily misled and seduced by the pernicious counsel vf others, Deut. 27. 18. Mat. 15. )4.

It is applied, [1] To ignorant ministers, Isa. 56. 10. [2] To deceitful teachers, who are blinded by their ofen interest against any convictian, Isa. 42. 19. Mat. 23. 16. [3] To an ignorant people, Mat. 15. 14. Rom. 3. iu„ [4] To such as reject the knowledge and faith if Christ, notwithstanding the clear discoverits of the way of saltation in the gospel, 2 Cor. 4. 4. [5] To such as live in hatred, 1 John 2. 11. [9] To such as are self-conceited, being puffed up with an high opinion of thtir qualifications and attainments, Kev. 3. 17.

Erod. 4. 11. who maketh the seeing or the *.? Lev. 19. 14. not put a stumbling-block before A. 21. 18. a A. or lame man shall not offer 22. 22. not offer the A. to the Lord, Deut. 15. £1. Deut. 27. 18. cursed that maketh the A. to wander 28. 29. grope at noon-day, as A. gropeth in darkness 33. 1. this is the . wherewith Moses blessed, 7.12 Sum. b. 6 cicept thou lake away the A. and iamag

2 Sam 5. 8. imiteth the lame and A. hated of David, | Num. 23. 24. and drink the 8. of the slain

the 6. and the lame shall not come into house Job 29- 15. I was eyes to the A. feet to the lame Psai. 146. 8. the Lord openeth the eyes of the A. Isa. 29. 18. the eyes of the A. shall see, 35. 5. 42. 7. give thee for a light to open the A. eyes 6. I will bring the b. by a way they knew not 18. hear, ye deaf, look, ye b. that ye may see 19. who is b. but my servant? who is b. as he that is perfect, and b. as the Lord's servant? 43. 8. bring forth the b. people that have eyes 56. 10. his watchmen are A. they are all ignorant SQ. 10. we grope for the wall like the b. Jer. 31. 8. ! will gather with them the b. and lame J^m. 4. 14. ;hey wandered as b. men in the streets Zfph. 1. 17. that they shall walk like b. men Mai.1.8 if ye offer the A. for sacrifice is it not evil? Mat. 9. 27- two b. men followed him, crying, 20.30. 11. 5. the b. receive their sight, 12. 22. Luke 7. 22. 15. 14. they be b. leaders of the A. if the b. lead the 4. both shall fall into the ditch, Lacke 6. 39. 23. 16. wo to yon, ye A. guides, which say 17. ye fools and 6. whether is greater. 19. 26. thou A. Pharisee, cleanse first within Hark B. 23. and he took the b. man by the hand 10. 46. b. Bartimeus sat by the way side begging Luke 4. 1H. to preach recovery of sight to the b. 7. 21. to many that were A. he gave sight 14. 13. when thou makest a feast, call the b, J'hn 5. 3. in these lay a great multitude of b. 9- 1. he saw a man that was b. from his birth 39. that they which see might be made b. 40. are we b. also? || 41. if yc were b. 10. 21. can a devil open the eyes of the b.? Acts 13. 11. thou shalt be b. not seeing the sun Hom. 2. 19, art confident thou art a guide to the b. 2 Pet. 1. 9. he that lacketh these things is b. Kev. 3, 17. and knowest not that thou art b. BLIND, Verb.

Dent. 16. 19. a gift doth A. the eyes of the wise
1 Sim. 12. 3. of whom received I a bribe to b.

Irod. 23. 8. take no gift, for a gift A. the wise
Jer. 52. 11. then he A. the eves of Zedekiah
John 12. 40. he hath A. their eyes, and hardened
Rom. 11, 7. election hath obtained, the rest are A.
2 Cer. 3. 14. but their minds were A.

4. 4. in whom god of this word hath A. the minds 1 John 2. 11. because darkness hath A. his eyes BLINDFOLDED.

Lmtt 22. 64. when they had b. him, they struck

den. 19. 11. smote the men at the door with A.
Dent. 2e. CS. the Lord shall smite thee with A.
2 Kings 6. 18. Elisha prayed, smite this people, I

pray thee, with A. and he smote them with A.
Zcch. 12. 4. I will smite every horse with A.
Mark 3. t 5. being grieved for their A. of heart
Rom. 11. 25. A. in part has happened to Israel
Eph. 4. 1H. Iwcause of the A. of their heart

Block. See Stumbling.

Signifies, [1] A warm red liquor or humour circu-
lating through the whole body, Exod. 29. 12.
[2] Death, slaughter, or murder, together with
the guilt following upon it. Gen. 4. 10. Mat. 27.
24. [3] The punishment or vengeance due for
the shedding of blood. Mat. 27. 25. [4] That
which was bought or mtrchascd with the price of
blind, Acts 1. 19. [5] Wealth, goods, or money
got by taking away the lives of the innocent,
and then setting upon their estates, Nah. 3. 10.
Hab. 2. 12. [6] The guilt and punishment of
sin. Acts 18.6 [7] Fallen nature, Ezek. 16. 6.
John 1. IS. [8] The first man Adam, who was
the root or stock from which all mankind de-
scended, Acts 17. 26. [9] Human reason or
wisdom. Mat. 16. 17. flOj The juice of grapes,
Gen. 49- 11. [II] A sacramental symbol and
representation of the blood of Christ, Mat. 26. 28.
[12] The death and sufferings of Christ, Rom.
3. 25. 5. 9- Eph. 1. 7.

Tie blood of the covenant, Heb. 10. 2Q. The
blood of Christ, whereby the new covenant or tes-
tament was confirmed and ratified.
Where mark"d uith it it in the Original, BLOODS.
Ccn. 4. 10. the voice of thy brother's A. crieth
9. 4. the life which is the A. shall you not eat
5. sorely your A. of your lives, I will require
37. 31. they killed a kid and dipped the coat in b.
Prod. 4. 9. water shall become A. on the dry land
7. 17- *nd the wafers shall be turned into A.
12. 13. the A. shall be for a token, when I see A.
23. 18. shait not offer the A. with leaven, 34. 25.
29. 21. thou shalt take of the A. upon the altar
Lec. 10. 18. the A. of it was not brought in
15. 19. and if the issue in her flesh shall be A.
17. 4. A. shall be imputed unto that man

11. for it is the A. that maketh an atonement 19- 15. n"t stand against the A. of thy neighbour


35.33.not cleansed but by the A. of him that shed it
Dent. 17.8. matter between A. and A. 2 Chron.10.10.
21. 8. and the A. shall be forgiven them
22. 8. make a battlement, that thou bring not A.
32. 43. he will avenge the A. of his servants
Judg. 9. 24. and their A. be laid upon Abimelech
1 Sam. 26. 20. let not my A. fall to the earth
2 Sam. 1. 16. David said, thy A. be upon thy head
22. from the A. of the slain, from the fat
3. 28. I and my kingdom guiltless from the A.
16. 7- come out, come out, thou man of A.
8. the Lord hath returned upon thee all the A.
20. 12. Amasa wallowed in A. in the high-way
23. 17- is not this the A. of the men? 1 Chr. II. 1Q.
1 Kings 2. 5. and put the A. of war on his girdle
37. thy A. shall be on thy head, Esei. 33. 4.
18. 28. till the A. gushed out upon them
2 Kings. 3. 22. the Moabites saw the waters red as 6.
23. tUey said, this is A. the kings are surely slain
9. † 26. 1 have seen the A. of Naboth, b. of his sons
Job 16. 18. O earth, cover not thou my A.
39. 30. the eagles' young ones also suck up A.
Psai. 30. 9. what profit is there in my A.?
50. 13. or will I drink the A. of goats?
58. 10. righteous wash his feet in the A. of wicked
08. 23. foot may be dipped in the A. of thy enemy
72. 14. precious shall their A. be iu his sight
Pruv. 88, 17. that doth violence to the A. of any
tsa. 1. i 15. your hands are full of A.

4. 4. the Lord shall purge the A. of Jerusalem
9- 5. with noise, and garments rolled in A. wash ye
15. 9* the waters of Dimon shall be full of A.
26. 21. the earth shall disclose her 6.

Ileb. 13, 11. whose b. is brought into the sanctuary 1 Pet. 1. 2. and sprinkling of the b. of Jesus Christ 1 John 1. 7. the b. of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from 5. 6. this is he that came by water and b.

8. three in earth, the Spirit, the water, and b. Rev. 5. 9. thou hast redeemed us to God by thy b. 6. 10. how long dost thou not avenge our 6.! 12, the sun was black, and the moon became as b. 7. 14. made them white in the b. of the Lamb 8. 8. the third part of the sea became 6. 16. 3. 11. 6. have power to turn the waters into b. 12. 11. they overcame him by the b. of the Lamb 14. 20. and b. came out of the wine-press 16. 6. and thou hast given them b. to drink 18. 24. in her was found the 6. of the prophets 19. 2. he hath avenged the b. of his servants 13. he was cloathed with a vesture dipped in &. See AVENCER, REVENGER. BLOOD be upon.


Lev. 20.9.that curseth his father, his b. be кроп
11. incest 13. sodomy, their b. be upon them
16. bestiality 27. wizard, their b. be upon them
Deut.19.10. innocent b. be shed, and so be upon thee
Ezek. 18. 13. done abominations, his b. be upon him
33. 5. took not warning, his b. shall be upon him
BLOOD with bullock.

Erod. 29. 12.take b.of bullock, Lev. 4.5. | 16.14.18.
Lev. 4. 7. pour b. of bullock at bottom of the altar
16. 15. do with that as he did with b. of the bullock
Isa. 1. 11. I delight not in &. of bullocks or of lambs
BLOOD of Christ.

1 Cor.10.16. is it not communion of the b.of Christ?
Eph.2.13.were far off, are made nigh by b. of Christ
Heb. much more shall b. of Christ purge?
1 Pet.1.19.butwith precious b.of Christas of a lamb
1 John 1.7. the b. of Christ cleanseth us from all sin
BLOOD of the Covenant.

Ered. 24. 8. Moses said, behold the b. of the covenant
Zech. 9. 11. as for thee also by the 6. of thy covenant
Heb. 10. 29. hath counted b. of cor, an unholy thing
13. 20. through the b. of the everlasting covenant
BLOOD, with eat.

Lev. 3. 17. a statute that ye eat neither fat nor 8.
7.26. ye shall eat no manner of 6. of fowl or beast,
27. 17. 14. Deut. 12. 16, 23. | 15. 23.
27. that eateth b. that soul shall be cut off, 17. 10.
1 Sam. 14, 32, the people did eat them with the 5.
Ezek. 33. 25. ye eat with b. and lift up your eyes

Num. 35. 33. not pollute land, for b. it defileth land 2 Sam. 3. 27. he died for the b. of Asahel his brother 2 Chron. 24. 25. for the b. of the sons of Jehoiada Psal. 9. 12. when he maketh inquisition for b. Prov. 1. 11. they say, come let us lay wait for b. 18. 12.6. the words of wicked are to lie in wait for b. Mic. 7. 2. they all lie in wait for b. they hunt His BLOOD.

15. that stoppeih his ear from hearing A. 34. 3. the mountains shall be melted with their A. Jer. 2. 31. is found the A. of the poor innocents 18. 21. pour out their A, by the force of the sword 4H. 10. cursed be he that keepeth his sword from A. 51. 33. my A. be on the inhabitants of Chaldea Lam. 4. 14. they have polluted themselves with A. feek. 5. 17. pestilence and A. pass through thee 9- 9- the land is full of A. and the city is full of 14. 19. or if 1 pour out my fury upon it in A. 16. 6. I said to thee when thou wast in thy A. live +9- I thoroughly washed away thy A, from thee 38. 1 will give thee . in fury and jealousy 18. 10. if he beget a son that is a shedder of A. t13. he shall die, his A. shall be upon him 19. 10. thy mother is like a vine in thy A. 21. 32. thy A. shall be in midst of the land, 22. 12. 22. 3. the city sheddcth A. in the midst of it 23. 37. and A. is in their hands, 45. 24. 8. 1 have set her b. on the top of a rock 28. 23. for I will send A. into her streets 32. 6. I will also water with thy A. the land 35. 6. saith the Lord, I will prepare thee to A.thon hast not hated A. even A. shall pursue thee Gen. 37.26. if we slay our brother and conceal his b. 44.7.when ye offer my bread, the fat and the A.15.42. 22. therefore behold his b. is required Hos. 1. 4. for yet I will avenge the A. of Jezreel Josh. 2. 19. his b. shall be upon his head 4.2. they break out, and A. toucheth 6. 2 Sam. 4. 11. shall I not require his b. of your hand? Joel 2. 30. A. fire, and pillars of smoke, Acts 2. 19. 1 Kings 2. 32. Lord shall return his b. on his head 31. the moon shall be turned iuto A. Acts 2. 20. Esek. 3.18. shall die in his iniquity, but his b. will I 3.21.1 will cleanse their A.that 1 have not cleansed require at thy hand, 20. | 33. 4, 6, 8. Zeph. 1. 17. their A. shall be poured out as dust Hos. 12. 14. therefore shall he leave his b. on him Mat. 9- 20. behold a woman diseased with an issue Zech. 9. 17. take away his b. out of his mouth Mar. 27. 95. his b. be on us and our children Acts 20. 28. church he hath purchased with his b. Rom. 3. 25. a propitiation through faith in his ¿. 5. 9. much more being now justified by his b. Eph. 1.7. we have redemption thro' his b. Col. 1.14. Heb. 9. 12. but by his own b. he entered in once 13. 12. that he might sanctify the people with his b. Rev. 1. 5. and washed us from our sins in his &. Innocent BLOOD.

of 6. twelve years, Mark 5. 25. Luke 8. 43. 16. 17 flesh and A. hath not revealed it to thee 23. 30. not partakers in the A. of the prophets


35. from the A. of righteous Abel, Luke 11. 51.
26. 28. my A. of the new testament, Mark 14. 84.
27.6.not to put into treasury, because it is price of
A. was called the field of A. to this day,dets 1. 19.
24. I am innocent of the A. of this just person
/.nl l3.l.whoseA. Pilate had mingled with sacrifices
22.20. the new testament in my A. 1 Cor. 11. 25.
44. his sweat was as great drops of A. falling
John 1. 13. which were born not of A. nor of flesh
6. 54. who eateth my flesh and driukelh my A. 56.
55. my flesh is meat, and my A. is drink indeed
19- 34. forthwith came thereout A. and water
Acts 5. 28. ye intend to bring this man's A. on us
15. 20. that they abstain from A. 29. | 21. 25.
17. 26. and hath made of one b. all nations
IB. 6. your A. be on your own heads, I am clean
20. 26. I am pure from the A. of all men
1 Cor. 11. 2*. guilty of the body and A. of the Lord
15. 50. flesh and A. cannot inherit the kingdom
Eph. 6. 12. we wrestle not agaiost flesh and A,
Col. 1. 20. having made peace thro* A. of his cross
Heb.2.14. the children are partakers of flesh and A.
9.7- not without A. which he offered for himself
12. nor by the b. of goats, but by his own A.
13. if the A. of bulls and goats sanctifieth
20. this is the A. of the testament God enjoined
£2. without shedding of A. there is no remission
10. 19. to enter into the holiest by the A. of Jesui
11. 28. he kept the passover, and sprinkling of A.
12. 4. ye have not yet resisted unto A. striving
21. to the A. of sprinkling that speakcth better


Deut. 13. 11. what innosent A. be not shed in the land
13. thou shalt put away guilt of innocent b. 21. 9.
21. 8. lay not innocent b. to thy people's charge
1 Sam. 19. 5. wilt thou sin against innocent b. to slay
Kings 2. 31. take away innocent b. that Joab shed
2 Kings 21. 16. Manasseh shed innocent b. 24.4.
Psal. 94. 21. they gather and condemn innocent b.
106.38. shed innocent b. even b. of sons and daugh.
Prov.6.17. Lord hateth hands that shed innocent b.
Isa. 59. 7. and they make parte to thed innocent A.
Jer. 7.6. if ye oppress tot, thed not innocent A.2.3.
22. 11. thine eyes and heart are to shed innoc. &. shall surely bring innoc. b. on yourselves
Joel 3. 19. because they have shed innoc. b. in land
Jonah1.14. O Lord, we beseech,lay not on us innoc.&.
Mat.27.4. I sinued in that I have betrayed innoc. &.


Gen.9.6.who sheddeth man's b. by man his shed
37. 22. Reuben said to them, shed no b.
Erod. 22. 2. there shall no b. be shed for him

3. if the sun be risen upon him, b. be shed for him
Lev. 17. 4. he hath shed b. that man shall be cut off
Num. 35. 33. land not cleansed of b. shed but by
Deut. 21. 7. our hands have not shed this b.
1 Sam. 25. 26. withholden from coming to shed D.

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