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considerable by their notice than really they were; fondly imagining, the hatred found in succeeding parliaments to the papists, resulted from a puritanicall affection, when it was for a long time in the most a feare of shaking the titles of abbey lands, or a desire to free the laity, in all things temporall and mulctable, out of the hands of the church; who, about the setting of this glorious planet, became something more red and severe, than suted with a calling no better supported: For though zeale in the clergy may bias men towards religious duties, yet it hath often been found so much to alter the gate of the rable, as they have quite forsaken the end of all professions, which is obedience to God and their governours, and inclined to more uncouth and distructive opinions, than an open and unsuborned temper in religion was ever yet found guilty of.

27. Thus I may have in part expiated for the neglect, if not malice, observable from the most relations concerning this lady, no


lesse than vindicated my owne gratitude, (whose grand-father and father did enjoy a quiet, happy, and plentifull fortune under her,) though in a stile and method far below her merit, as best appeares by the bonfiers and loud acclamations used still by the people upon the day of her inauguration. The felicity of which was never since matched, nor have we had yet any cause to hope it will be, especially during my life, which began under this beloved princess.


'Queen Elizabeth's day was long a day of jubilee among the London apprentices, who used to solemnize it by burning the pope in effigy. During the time of investigation, after the supposed popish plot, this festival was observed with circumstances of peculiar solemnity, which has made Dryden term Elizabeth,

The queen, whose feast the factious rabble keep.

An attempt to revive this ceremony, and to direct it against the Tory ministry, occurred in the end of Queen Anne's reign.




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SINCE age, though something early, hath now overtaken me, anticipated through a number of infirmities, and no fewer discontents, it is not probable I should go long unserved by that fatall sub-pœna we all are liable to through our fathers concupiscence, no lesse than a reciprocall necessity to leave elbow-roome for our own; wherefore, at present, compelled by usuall, yet farre lesse gratefull diversions, to put a stop upon the following discourse, (which though defective and imperfect, may not unpossibly be owned for mine, by such as are well acquainted with the stile,) I take my selfe obli

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