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Raifon, folie chacun fon mot, Par. 1801, 8vo. br. 55.

Recueil de Propofitions de Geometrie, par Puiffant, Par. 1801, 8vo. fig.

or. 4s.


Scrofani, Effai fur le Commerce Générale des Nations de l'Europe, avec un apperçu du Commerce de la Sicile en particulier, Par. 1801, 8vo. br. 2s. 6d.

Segur l'Aîné, Contes, Fables, Chansons & Vers, Par. 1801, 8vo. 5s. Sevigné, (Lettres de Madame de) nouvelle édition augmenté, par de Vauxcelles, ornée de portraits, Par. 1801, 10 vols. 1l. 15s.

Stéréotypes, printed by Didot l'Aîné, all the various editions to this day, three different papers.


Tableau de Famille, ou Journal de Charles Engleman, Par. 1861, 2 vols. in 12, 65.

Theatre Tragique d'Alex Soumarocow, traduit du Ruffe, Par. 1801, 2 vols. 8vo. 10s.

Ditto, vellum, il.

Traité Elémentaire de Phyfique, par Libes, Profeffeur aux Ecoles Centrales de Paris, Paris 1801, 3 vols. 8vo. fig. 11. 4s.

Les Trois Ages des Colonies ou de leur état paffé préfent & à venir, par de Pradt. Par. 1802, 3 vols. 8vo. 15s..


Vaillant, Hiftoire Naturelle des Oifeaux de Paradis, des Rolliers, & des Promerops, fig. color. folio, 1 livraison, 21. 2s.

Veftiges de l'Homme & de la Nature ou Effais Philofophiques, Par. 1801, 2 vols. în 12, 6s.

L'Univers, Poeme en Profe, en 12 chants, fuivi de Notes & d'Obfervations, fur le Syfteme de Newton, Par. 1801, fig. 8s.

Voyage dans l'Inde et au Bengale, pendant les années 1789 & 1790, par Grandpré, Par. 1801, 2 vols. 8vo. fig. 14s.

dans la Caverne du Malheur, Par. 180i, 2 vols. 12mo. 6s.
en Syrie, No. 20, proof plates, 21. 12s. 6d.

Ditto, not proof, 11. 16s.


Page 367, line 19, for war, read way.



13, dela yet.

11, for we are, read are we, placing the ? at the end of the fentence.




ADDISON's favourite Oak,' account of,


Address from a Paftor to his flock, 246.
Alexandria, account of, by Mr. Baldwin,

American debts due to British fubjects, re-

marks on, by Mr. Cobbett, 43.
Americans, a ftriking proof of their im
proveinent since their emancipation, 46.
American Rebel Chief, inftance of the re-
markable ingenuity of one, 47-49.
Answers to Correfpondents, 119-446
Antiquities, account of, difcovered at Bath,

Argyle, valued rent of, in 1757, 196.
Ariftippus, the advantages of his philofo-
phy, 150.

Arts and Sciences, how a knowledge of
them ought to be blended, 149.
Author, an Appeal from one, 210.


Balance of Power, obfervations on, 200.
"Bank, the new, at Paris, account of, 164.
Bank Notes, refufed by difaffected tradef--
men in Ireland, previous to the breaking
out of the Rebellion, 383.
Banks, French and English, refpective im-
portance of their draughts among na-
tions, 61.

Bath, its origin, as a counted for by Mr.
Warner, 114; obfervations on its pro-
grefs under the Romans, 123; extraor-
dinary ri'e in the level of the ground of,
accounted for, 227, 228; Antiquities
found at, 128, 336, 350.

Bath, the King's, at Bath, difcuffions re
fpecting, 223, 224.

Baths, the, at Bath, when firft formed, 117;
fome errors refpecting, expofed. 127.
Bell's I heatre recommended, and why, 191.
Blackftone, Judge, on Popery, 206.
Boileau and Horace on Tranflation, 196.
Book-keeping, a new and ufeful system of,
defcribed, 423; improvements to it point-
ed out, 424.

British troops, ftriking account of their he

[blocks in formation]

Charles, King, his reafons for refusing to
affent to the conclufions of the Cove-

nanters, 133.
Charlotte, Countefs of Derby, her gallant
conduct at the time of the Rebellion, 160.
Cheiranthus, or Stock-July-flower, poeti-
cally defcribed, 360..

Cheft at Chatham, increafed revenue of,

Child found in an Eagle's neft, 162.
Civil Lift, re 1 ftate of, and its amount in
feveral reigns, 197, 198.

Chriftianity, change pr duced by it in the
political condition of barbarous nations,
71, 72; on the developement of facts re-
lative to, 96.

Church, her danger from enthusiasm, 169;
means of checking the evils with which
the is furrounded, ib.
Churches, eft ablished, reflections on,
on thofe only tolerated, 371.
Ciftus Landaniferus, account of that plant,

Clergy, reflections on the caufes of their
non-refidence, 408.

Cobbett's Addrefs to John Reeves, Efq. 36;


fpirited Preface to his Works in twelve

Equality in rank and fortune, impoffibility

volumes, 3742; his view of the Ame-of, and confequences of the attempt to

rican Debts, 43.

Corn Trade, the infamous jobbing fyftem
in, clearly laid open, 94-88.01
Compensation for the support of the French
Armies, what kind of, made on the Con-
tinent, 60.

Confervative Senate, in France, account
of, 165.

Confpiracy, providential difcovery of one
in Ireland, 252.
Conftitutions, account of the various, efta-
**blished in France from the time of the

Revolution, 164; defcription of that of
the 18th Brumaire, effected by Buona-
parte, 164, 165.
Conful, the English, in Egypt, confequences
of the abolition of that office, 261.
Copenhagen, fome account of, 93.
Corruption, the moral, of Society, reflec-
tions on, 404.

Covenanters in the time of Charles I. their
fufpicious and antimonarchical conduct,
134, 135.

Creed, that publicly read by converts to the
Roman Catholic religion, 294-2963
Critical Reviewers, their fplenetic account
of Mr. Polwhele's Hiftory of Devonshire,
432, 433; their contemptible attack on
the great Dr. Johnson, 434. ››
Crown, the relinquishment of its hereditary
revenue advantageous to the Country,198.
Cufcuta or Dodder, metaphorically de-
· fcribed, 357.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

produce it, 376.

Errata, 334-446.

Euphrafia, or Eyebright, metaphorical ac-
count of, 859.

Executioner, the public, contemptuous
treatment of, in Germany, 288.

Exports and Imports of the eighteenth cen-
tury contrafted, 193.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Figs, account of the propagation and cul-
ture of, 181.

Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, account of his
melancholy end, 384, 385

Flour, fee Corn Trade and London Markets.
Foreigners, on their incompetence for the

tafk of tranflators or authors in the Eng
dish Language, 287.2

Foreftalling, obfervations on the origin of,
3. &c. 22-24. ofta an

France, the right affumed by her to correct
abuses in other Governments not to be
dreaded, 56; account of the payments
of the French in ready money contra-
dicted, 59...


remarks on, by a modern writer,

Frenchmen, on the verfatility of their fa
shions, 162.

[ocr errors][ocr errors]

Generation, equivocal, exploded, 278.*
Giffard, Lieut. his horrid murder by the
Rebels, 388, 389.1

Goat, the Caucafan defcribed, 179.

Greenwich Hofpital, increase of its revenue,


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Germany, wretched fate of the roads, and
inconveniences of travelling in, 173.
Gipfies, fevere laws againft, in Germany,


Godwin, Mr inftance of his vanity, 394;
of his felf contradictions, 395; of his bad
English, 307; of his cloudy paragraphs,
Government, the French, account of,
165, 166.

Grand Vizier, curious Anecdote of, 298.


Hanger, Col. George, oppofed by an At-

torney 206.**

Harvey, Mr. B. one of the principal Inh
Rebels, account of, 385.

Hawkesbury, Lord, a compliment (or furs
cafm?, 10, 421.


Hebrews and Hindoos, their refpective-fa-
cred knowledge contrafted, 6, 7.
Heir Apparent, energetic appeal to, 406,


Helfingburg, account of, 94..

Hindoos whence they derived their origin
of the Creation, 3.

Holidays, account of thofe in France, 163.
Honey and Knavery, comparative differ-
-"ence between, 246

Honour, modern, reflections on, and diftinc-
t on between it and real honour, 411.
Horace and Boileau on Tranflation, 186.
Humane Society, its great utility; number
of perfons reftored by its means, 414;
low ftate of its funds, ib.
Hufbandman, parody on the, 246.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Landholders, neceffity of checking their n
pacity, 378."

Langles, the French tranflator of the Hindo
Hitopades, refuted by Dr. Prieftley, 2
Latham House in Lancashire, anecdotes re-
lative to, 161, 162.

Legiflators, Judges, and Magiftrates, im
portance of the charge with which they
are entrusted, 303.

Leo X. and his pontificate, account of,

Lift, the Civil, see Civil Lift.
Literary Foundations, account of the ancient
and modern, in France, 163.
Literature in Spain, wretched ftate of, 177.
London Markets, the nefarious practices of,
fpeculations to raife the price of &c, ex
pofed, 84-88.

Lyric Poetry, obfervations on, 191.
M. H

Madrid, defcription of, 175, 126,
Markets, of corn and flour in the metrops.
lis, how fubjected to the arts of nefari.
ous jobbers, 84, 88,

Military Compenfations, fpecimen of, as
exacted by the Dutch, 61.

Military Force of France, account of, 167.
Millers, regulations refpecting them pro-
pofed, 88.

Minerva, conjectures refpecting her temple

at Bath, 229242336355.
Moira, Earl of, opinion entertained of him
by the Irish, 251.

Monaftery lately erected in Dorsetshire, ac-
count of, 205.

Monies, now used in France, account of,

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Portuguefe, their partiality for the English,
and deteftation of the French, 172.

troops, the high difcipline of, 179.
Poft-Office Revenue, ftatement of, its in-
creafe during the last century, 196, 197.
Priestley, Dr. his work on the Inftitutions
of Mofes examined, 1; various paflages
worthy of praife and cenfure pointed out,
6-9 contradictory opinions of the Dr.
concerning the Devil and Chrift, 10; pre-
dicts the fpeedy delivery of the Jews, 11;
and the fall of all the monarchies of Eu-
Tope, 12,

Prytaneum, the French account of, 164.
Palm xix. on the illuftrative beauty of,

[blocks in formation]

Redeemer, the, faife ideas refpecting him
senfured, 410.

Religion, as a fyftem, definition of, 368.
Rental, annual, increate of in this kingdom
Since an hundred years, 196.
Reftorative, the beft for decayed land, 279.
Revenue, increase of, in the courfe of an
hundred y
2 རྐ ཀྭ
years, 194
In the time of Queen Elizabeth, ib.
the Poft-Office, increafe of during
the last century, 196, 197.
Reynolds, Mr. his adventures among the
irish Rebels, 252, 253.

Right of fearching neutral veffels by belli-
gerent powers, proved by Dr. Croke, 28,
33; other writers on, examined, 34
Robberies frequent "in Portugal, and why,
172, 173.

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Robinson, Mrs. biography of, with ftric-
tures, 253-259.
Romish Faith, increase of the, in England,

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