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cerning' as super hac re ad te scribam, I shall write to you about this matter. In all other cases it governs the accusative.

4. Subter is generally construed with the accusative; but with the ablative its use is almost confined to poetry.

276. Verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, denoting extent of time or space, govern the accusative of the noun describing that extent. Adjectives of this kind are longus, latus, altus, crassus; e. g.,

hasta sex pedes longa,

a lance six feet long,

Troja decem annos oppugnata est, Troy was besieged ten years.

In like manner the participle natus, in the sense of 'old,' is joined with the accusative of the number of years which a person has livedas viginti annos natus est, he is twenty years old; sex annos natus, six years old.

277. Names of towns and small islands are put in the accusative without any preposition to express motion towards them, when the question, whither? may be asked-as

Romam profectus est, legatos Athenas misit,

he has gone to Rome.

he sent ambassadors to Athens.

278. In exclamations of wonder or grief at the state or condition of a person or a thing, the name of the person or thing is put in the accusative either with or without an interjection-as

heu me miserum! or me miserum! Oh, I, wretched man!

There are certain expressions in which the accusative, especially of neuter pronouns, stands for the genitive or ablativee-as id temporis, at that moment of time, for eo tempore; id or illud aetatis for ejus or illius aetatis, of that age; id or hoc genus for ejus or hujus generis, of that kind.


279. The dative generally expresses the person or thing for which, or in regard to which, something is, or is done; it may therefore be termed the case of the remoter object. The English language generally expresses this relation by the prepositions 'to' or 'for'-as

Solon leges Atheniensibus scripsit, Solon wrote laws for the Athenians.

280. The dative accordingly is used with transitive verbs, when, besides their object, a person or thing is mentioned to which or for which the action is performed-as

exercitum collegae tradidit,

viam tibi monstro,

he surrendered the army to his colleague.

I show you the way.

281. Many transitive verbs compounded with the prepositions ad, ante, circum, cum, ex, in, inter, ob, post, prae, and sub, have, besides their real object, another noun, the relation to which is indicated by the prepositions; and this other noun is put in the dative both with the active and passive of such compound verbs- -as

haec res mihi magnum commodum affert,

milites consuli circumfundebantur,

this affair affords me a great advantage.

the soldiers were crowding around the consul.

282. If, however, by such compound verbs, the idea of place contained in the prepositions is to be expressed more emphatically than the mere action contained in the verb, the preposition must be repeated with its proper case—as

signa inferre in hostes,

to carry the standards against the enemy.

283. The dative is joined with many intransitive verbs, such as those which denote benefiting, pleasing, injuring, and others.

The principal verbs of this kind are-prosum, obsum, noceo, incommodo, expedit, conducit; adversor, obtrecto, officio, cedo, suffragor, refragor, intercedo, gratificor; faveo, studeo, ignosco, indulgeo, invideo, insidior; auxilior, opitulor, patrocinor, consulo, prospicio, medeor, parco; placeo, displiceo; impero, obedio, obsequor, obtempero, pareo, servio, famulor; assentior, adulor, blandior, irascor, succenseo, convicior, maledico, minor; suadeo, persuadeo; credo, fido, confido, diffido; desum, nubo, propinquo, appropinquo, supplico, videor (seem or appear); accidit, contingit, evenit; libet, licet; obviam eo, praesto sum, dicto audiens sum.

284. Intransitive verbs compounded with the prepositions ad, ante, cum, in, inter, ob, post, prae, (re or red), sub, and super, follow the same rule as the compound transitives mentioned in number 282; e. g.,

adesse amicis, antecellere omnibus,

to succour one's friends.
to surpass all.

285. The verb esse governs the dative in the sense of 'to be,' or 'to exist for a person's use;' and in such construction it must be rendered into English by the verb 'to have'-as

mihi sunt multi libri, mihi nomen est,

I have many books.
I have a name, or I am called.

In the last-mentioned instance, when the name is added, it may either be put in the nominative, so as to stand in apposition to nomen — as nomen ipsi erat Romulus—or the name may be a sort of attraction to the dative ipsi and be put in the dative- —as nomen ipsi erat Romulo.

286. Adjectives generally govern the dative when they express qualities which exist for some person or thing; e. g.,

pax reipublicae utilis erat,

res tibi facilis, ceteris difficilis,

the peace was useful to the republic.

a thing easy for you, difficult for others.

But the dative is joined in particular with those adjectives denoting a certain relation to something or somebody; such as those expressing a kindly or unkindly disposition, similarity, proximity; e. g., amicus, inimicus, aequus, iniquus, propitius, infensus, infestus, obnoxius; par, impar, dispar, similis, dissimilis, consentaneus, contrarius, aequalis; propinquus, propior, proximus, vicinus, finitimus, conterminus, affinis, cognatus, e. g., hic locus urbi propinquus est, this place is near the city. 287. Names of towns and small islands are put in the dative, to denote the place where anything is or happens-as

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288. When the name belongs to the second or third declension, it takes the termination i—e. g.,

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Instead of the termination in names of the third declension, we sometimes find e, which is only a corruption for i-as Carthagine, at Carthage; Lacedaemone, at Lacedaemon.

289. The dative is used to denote the purpose which anything serves, or the effect it produces. This is the case especially with esse (in the sense of 'to serve the purpose of'), do, habeo, mitto, venio, pono, duco, verto, tribuo. It not unfrequently happens that such verbs are also accompanied by their ordinary dative-as

eui bono est?

est mihi et honori et utilitati,

to whom is it (does it) any good? it does me honour and is useful to me.

290. With passive verbs the agent is sometimes expressed by the dative instead of the ablative with the preposition a or ab. This, however, is done more frequently in poetry than in prose, and oftener with the compound tenses of the passive than with the simple ones-as

quidquid mihi (a me) susceptum est, whatever has been begun by me. non intelligor ulli (ab ullo), I am not understood by any one. 291. The gerundive is regularly construed with the dative instead of the preposition a or ab-as

hoc mihi faciendum est,

non omnibus eadem facienda sunt,

this must be done by me.

not all men must do the same



292. The genitive serves principally to denote that relation between two substantives by which the two conjointly express only one idea, the genitive supplying the place of an adjective

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In speaking of the temple of a god, the words aedes and templum are often omitted, especially after the prepositions ad and ab -as ad Opis (aedes), near the temple of Ops; ad Vestae, near the temple of Vesta.

Substantives which are derived from transitive verbs, and have an active meaning, like all other substantives, govern a genitive; but this genitive may be of a twofold nature-namely objective, when it denotes the person or thing affected by the action implied in the substantive— as amor patriae, love for one's country; or subjective, when it denotes the person or thing from which the action implied in the governing substantive proceeds-as amor parentum, the love which parents entertain (for their children.)

One substantive is sometimes followed by another in the genitive, which contains in reality the same idea, and gives only a more specific explanation of it-as arbor fici, a fig-tree; arbor abietis, a fir-tree; nomen regis, the name of king (but it may also be the name of the king.') In cases of this kind, the genitive is little more than one noun in apposition to another.

293. The genitive denotes the whole of which anything is a part, and is governed by the noun which expresses the part


magnus numerus militum,

magna vis auri,

a large number of soldiers.
a great quantity of gold.

294. When the nature, quality, size, or extent of anything is described by a substantive accompanied by an adjective (numeral, participle, or pronoun), the latter is put in the genitive (genitive of quality), which is governed by the substantive which they explain-as

vir magni ingenii,
res magni laboris,

a man of great talent.

an undertaking of great labour.

Such a genitive of quality cannot be used when the substantive is not accompanied by a adjective; we cannot, therefore, translate 'a man of talent' by homo ingenii, but, using the adjective, by ingeniosus homo.

295. The genitive is governed by several adjectives denoting a quality existing in reference to certain things - that is, by relative adjectives, the meaning of which is not complete with

out the thing being added in regard to which it exists. Adjectives of this kind are

1. All present participles of transitive verbs, when used as real adjec tives, and all adjectives ending in ax, which are derived from transitive verbs -as amans patriae; capax aquae.

2. Adjectives denoting desire, knowledge, experience, remembrance, and their opposites - such as avarus, avidus, cupidus, studiosus, conscius, inscius, nescius, gnarus, ignarus, peritus, imperitus, prudens, rudis, insolens, insuetus, memor, immemor, and others; and sometimes also those which denote foresight and want of care-such as providus, diligens, curiosus, incuriosus as cupidus gloriae, desirous of fame; ignarus omnium rerum, ignorant of all things; memor beneficii, remembering an act of kindness.

3. Adjectives denoting power over a thing, or the contrary, such as compos, impos, potens, and impotens · -as compos mentis, in possession of one's mind; impotens equi regendi, unable to control the horse. 4. Adjectives denoting participation, such as particeps, expers, consors, exsors, reus, affinis, insons - as particeps consilii, partaking in a plan or design; expers periculorum, not sharing the dangers.

5. Adjectives denoting abundance, fulness, or want, may govern either the genitive or the ablative; but inops (poor) is construed with the genitive only, and plenus more commonly with the genitive than with the ablative.

6. The adjectives similis and dissimilis are joined with both the genitive and dative; the same is the case with proprius, though the neuter in the sense of 'property' or 'peculiarity' is generally joined with the genitive- - as proprium est oratoris, it is peculiar to an orator; but tempus agendi mihi fuit proprium, the time of action was conve

nient to me.

296. The verbs sum and fio, when they connect two substantives, and signify 'to belong to' and 'to come to belong to,' govern the genitive of the person to whom anything belongs-as

domus est patris,
omnia viri fiunt,

the house belongs to the father.
all things come to belong to the


The genitive with sum often denotes the person or thing to which any. thing belongs, is proper or becoming, or whose duty anything is-as ista oratio non est hujus temporis, that speech is not suited to this time; non est mearum virium, it is not proper for my strength- that is, I have not strength enough.

When the person to whom anything is a duty or becoming, is expressed in English by a personal pronoun, the Latins use the neuter of the possessive-as meum est pro republica pugnare, it is my duty to fight for the republic.

297. Verbs of remembering, forgetting, and reminding-as memini, reminiscor, (recordor, rarely), obliviscor, admoneo, commoneo, and commonefacio, govern the genitive of the person or

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