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Sprinkling; comforting those who are in affliction; inducing Christians to strive after a higher standard of Christian life, and to live up to their privileges, "in all things growing up into Him, which is the Head, even Christ;" and to encourage them to work for their absent Lord, from whom even a cup of cold water given from love to Him shall not lose its reward.

It also touches slightly upon children, from their baptism to death; and essays to direct attention to this much overlooked and neglected portion of the Lord's vineyard, where much valuable fruit might be garnered in to His praise, who thus commissioned the forgiven Peter-"Feed My lambs."

In the hands of the Lord of the Harvest I leave it, trusting that He will bless whatever is His own therein, and pardon what is only man's; for He has said, "In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thou thine hand;" Cast thy bread upon the waters, and thou shalt find it after many days;" ""Forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."

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E. A. H.

LONDON, July 20th, 1871.

The Word of God.


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