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He that Serveth.

Messrs. Skeffington ask special attention to the two following Manuals for Boys and Girls, as thoroughly practical, useful, and attractive little gift books both in town and country parishes, for boys and girls on the threshold of grown up life, for Confirmation gifts, etc., they have been everywhere found of the utmost value and suitability. 1. BOYS: THEIR WORK & INFLUENCE. Specially suitable for Parochial Distribution. (Home and School-Going to Work-Religion-Courage-MoneyAmusements Chums CourtshipHusbands, etc.) Fourth Edition. Bound in very elegant cloth, price 9d.

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2. GIRLS: THEIR WORK & INFLUENCE. Specially suitable for Parochial Distribution. (Home and School - The Teens - Religion - Refinement -DressAmusements-Relations-Friendship-Youth and Maiden -Service and Work Courtship-Wives, etc.) Fifth Edition. Bound in very elegant cloth, price 9d.


The merit of the Papers lie greatly in their exceeding sim plicity, and strong good sense: they are just precisely of the kind our girls in the humbler classes need-true, affectionate, sympathetic, and real.”—Literary Churchman.

"It is altogether one of the most valuable, useful, and interesting little works we have ever met with. Every mother should buy it for her children. We shall be glad to see it purchased in hundreds by the clergy and others for free distribution."-S. L. Gazette.

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Papers like the following may be read where there is not time for deeper study. Sermons addressed to general congre. gations often deal with so many duties that the mind is uncer. tain which to undertake first. These short papers dealing each with one particular subject may, it is hoped, be of help to those who in the midst of a life of hard work, are striving to serve God with all their strength.

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