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Discharge of: (1) How it becomes discharged; (2) By what Law the
Discharge is governed. Roman, Foreign, English Law. Cessio bono-
rum. Bankruptcy. Prescription. Tender; Refusal.


Foreign Bills of Exchange; Promissory Notes; English, American, and
Continental Law respecting them.





Abbott, Treatise of the Law relative to Merchant Ships and Seamen.

Addison's Law of Contracts.

Ahrens, Philosophie du Droit.

Argentine Republic, Civil Code of the.

Argentræi Comment. ad patrias Britonum leges.

Arnould, on Marine Insurance.

Aubrey and Rau, MM., Cours du Droit Civil Français.

Austrian Civil Code.


Baden, Code of the Grand Duchy of.

Bar, Das internationale Privat- und Strafrecht. Hannover, 1862.
Barante, Ducs de Bourgogne.

Barbosa, De Officio et Potestate Episcopi.

Barbosa et Taboris loci communes Jurisprudentiæ.

Bartolus, in Codicem.

Bassevi, Annotazioni al Codice Civile Austriaco.

Bavarian Code.

Belgian Civil Code.

Bell's Commentaries on the Laws of Scotland, 7th Edit. 1870.

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Principles of the Law of Scotland, 8th Edit. 1885.

Bishop on Marriage and Divorce.

Blackstone's Commentaries.

Blume, System des in Deutschland geltenden Privatrechts.

Bluntschli, Das moderne Völkerrecht.

Borchardt, Wechsel-Gesetze aller Länder. Berlin, 1871.

Bouhier, Les Coutumes du Duché de Bourgogne, &c.

Boulay Patey, Cours de Droit Commercial Maritime. Paris, 1854.

Boullenois, Traité de la personalité et de la réalité des Loix, &c.
Brazilian Code.

Bright's Husband and Wife.

Brightly's United States Digest.

British Consular Reports on the Status of Aliens and Foreign Companies in the United States. Parliamentary Papers (Commercial). No. 17. A.D. 1887. No. 6. A.D. 1888.

Brooks on Notaries.

Broom, Comment. on Common Law.

Brown, Epitome and Analysis of Savigny's Treatise on Obligations in Roman Law. London, 1872.

Burge, Commentaries on Foreign and Colonial Laws.

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Carpzovius, Processus Juris.

Cassiodorus, cited by Miltitz.

Casaregis, Discursus legales de Commercio.

Chitty (junr.), on Contracts (by Russell), 11th Edit. 1881.
Cicero De Officiis.

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Demangeat, Histoire de la Condition Civile des Étrangers en France.
Du Statut Personnel, Revue Pratique de Droit Français.

Demolombe, Cours de Code Napoléon. Paris, 1865.

Denisart, Collection de Décisions.

Desquiron (A. T.), Traité du Domicile et de l'Absence.

Devoti, Institutiones Canonicæ.

Dictionnaire de Droit Canonique.

Dirksen's Manuale.

Domat, Loix Civiles dans leur Ordre Naturel.

Donellus, De Jure Civili Comment.

Duranton, Cours du Droit Français.

Dutch Civil Code.

Commercial Code.


Edwards' Admiralty Jurisdiction.

Emerigon, Traité des Assurances et des Contrats à la Grosse. Endeman, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm, Das Handels- See- und Wechselrecht.

Farinacius Consiliorum.


Ferguson's Reports of Consistorial Decisions in Scotland.

Ferguson on Marriage and Divorce.

Felix, Traité de Droit International Privé, 3me Edit. Paris, 1856. Revue Etrangère.

Fonblanque, Treatise of Equity.

Franck, De Bodmeria.

French Civil Code.

Lübeck. 1862.

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Gillespie's Translation of Bar's Private and Criminal International Law. Gothofredus, D., Edition of the Corpus Juris Civilis.

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Heineccius, Opera Omnia. Geneva, 1744.

Henry, Judgment in Odwin v. Forbes.

Hertius (I. N.), De Collisione Legum, &c.

Holtzendorff, Dr. Frank von, Encyclopädie der Rechtswissenschaft.
Hosack's Conflict of Laws.

Huberus, Prælectiones Juris Romani et Hodierni.

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