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have been punished for the first or second, to pay a fine of Twentyone Dollars, or to imprisonment for 30 days.

78. Any non-commissioned officer or private in the Artillery or Penalty on Rifle Corps, or Line Companies of the Georgetown Militia, who sioned ficer shall be guilty of selling or otherwise making away with any or private for uniform, arms, or accoutrements provided for him at the public disposing of expense, may be sentenced by a Regimental Court-Martial to imprisonment for any term not less than two months, and not exceeding six months.

his uniform,


Penalty on

Bandemen for

following offences:

causing distur. bance;

failing to ac. quaint his com. manding officer of disturbance;

insulting, &o., any one serving on duty;

refusing to attend as witness or misbehaving at Court Mar. dial,

breach of dis. eipline.

79. Any person serving in the Georgetown Militia Band who shall be guilty of any of the following offences, namely :

Beginning, raising, abetting, countenancing, exciting, causing or joining in, any disorderly meeting or disturbances in the Militia;

Not using his utmost endeavour to suppress any such disorderly meeting or disturbance, or neglecting or delaying to give immediate notice of the same to his commanding officer;

Insulting, abusing, or affronting by word, gesture, or in writing, any other person serving in the Militia whilst on duty, or for anything done or pretended to have been done whilst on duty;

Refusing or neglecting to attend, in proper uniform, at any Court Martial when summoned or ordered to attend as a witness or otherwise, or behaving improperly, or contumaciously, in presence of any Court Martial, or refusing to answer any question put to him by any member of any Court Martial;

Being guilty of any disorder or wilful neglect, to the prejudice of good order and discipline;


No. CV.

may be sentenced by a Regimental Court Martial to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any period not exceeding one month.

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80. Any person serving in the Georgetown Militia Band who Penalty on shall be guilty of any of the following offences, namely:

Bandsmen for other offences:

Being a second time guilty of any of the offences enumerated second time in the preceding section;

guilty of fore going offences;"

Striking, or attempting to strike, or offering any unlawful violence to any violence to, any person serving in the Militia, whilst person serving either of them is on duty; on duty.

may be sentenced by a Regimental Court Martial to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a period not exceeding two months.

Absence without leave and other offences punishable by fine and imprisonment without trial by Court Martial.

as absentee

81. Every officer, non-commissioned officer, or private of the What person Georgetown Militia, or Band, who shall, without first obtaining to be returned leave, absent himself from parade, drill, rendezvous, or any other without leave. duty, shall be returned as so absent and shall be held to have been absent without leave unless he can shew that the return is erro


Cause of

how such

82. Any member of the Militia Corps or Band, who shall have been prevented from attending by sickness or other unavoidable absence to be cause, not admitting of his previously obtaining leave of absence, Adjutant, and reported to must report such sickness or other cause within forty-eight hours report to be after his non-attendance to the Adjutant, who without delay shall dealt with. make such enquiry as to him may appear necessary into the validity or otherwise, of the excuse given for non-attendance, and shall report

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Penalty on persons serving in Militia for absence without leave.

report the same to the Adjutant General. Should the Adjutant General not be satisfied with the excuse given for non-attendance, he shall thereupon order the Provost Sergeant to demand within twenty-four hours, if practicable, of the person returned as absent the fine hereinafter imposed for such absence.

83. Every member of the Artillery or Rifle Corps, or Line Companies of the Georgetown Militia absent without leave shall for the first offence incur and pay a fine, which in the case of an officer shall be six dollars, and in the case of a non-commissioned officer or private shall be two dollars; and the fine shall be doubled for the second offence of absence without leave within three months; and shall be trebled for the third offence of absence without leave within three months.

Penalty on

same for such repeated offence.

Penalty on Bandsmen for absence

84. Every member of the Artillery, or Rifle Corps, or Line Companies of the Georgetown Militia, absent without leave four times within three months may be summoned by the Provost Sergeant before the Police Magistrate of Georgetown, and, if adjudged to have been so absent without leave, such Magistrate may sentence him in the case of an officer to pay a penalty not exceeding fortyeight and not less than twenty-one dollars, with costs, or to imprisonment not exceeding two months and not less than one month, and in the case of a non-commissioned officer or private to pay a penalty not exceeding sixteen and not less than seven dollars, with costs, or to imprisonment not exceeding one month and not less than fourteen days.

85. Every member of the Militia Band returned as absent without leave shall for the first offence incur and pay a fine which, in the case of an ordinary musician shall be two dollars; and in without leave. the case of a trumpeter, bugler, drummer, or fifer shall be one dollar; and the fine shall be doubled for the second offence of absence without leave within one month.

86. Every member of the Militia Band who shall be guilty

Bandamen for of any of the following offences, namely:

Penalty on

following offençon :


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Being absent without leave three times within one month;

Repeated absence;

Disobeying the lawful commands of the Band Master or other disobedience superior officer;

Leaving or quitting the Band when on duty, or the corps, quitting the company, party, post, detachment, or guard to which he Band cn duty; may be attached;

Being drunk on any duty whatever;

may be summoned by the Provost Sergeant before the Police Magistrate of Georgetown, and if adjudged to be guilty, such Magistrate may sentence him to be imprisoned with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding one month.

drunkenness on duty.

87. Every member of the Militia Band who shall be guilty of Penalty on any of the following offences, namely:

Bandamen for other offences :

Being a second time guilty of any of the offences enumerated in second time the preceding section;

Selling or otherwise disposing of, or making away with any uniform, accoutrement, music, instrument or other article provided for him at the public expense;

Destroying or wilfully injuring any such uniform, accoutrement, music, instrument, or other article ;

Desertion, and for the purposes of this Ordinance any member of the Band shall be deemed a deserter who shall be absent without leave for the space of one calendar month;

guilty of any offence above.


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Penalty on Bandsmen for not appearing properly on parade,

may be summoned by the Provost Sergeant before the Police Magistrate of Georgetown, and, if adjudged guilty, such Magistrate may sentence him to imprisonment with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding two months.

88. Every member of the Georgetown Militia Corps or Band who shall turn out at any parade, drill, or rendezvous, or on any other duty, without his uniform, arms, or accoutrements, or without his proper musical instruments in the case of a member of the Band, or in uniform, arms, or accoutrements and in the case of a member of the Band with his instrument not perfectly clean and in good order, or who shall appear in, wear, or carry at any time, any uniform, arms or accoutrements, or use any instrument in the case of a member of the Band, in opposition to any general order in force for the time being, shall on each occasion be subject to the same penalties and punishments as are herein before imposed for absence without leave, according to the number of times the offence shall be committed within three months, or one month, as the case may be, and such penalties and punishments shall be adjudged in the like manner by the Police Magistrate of Georgetown upon the complaint of the Provost Sergeant.

89. In case any member of the Georgetown Militia Corps or Penalty in de Band shall not pay any fine when demanded of him by the Provost fault of pay. ment of any Sergeant, or within twenty-four hours thereafter, he may be sumAine to Provost moned by such Provost Sergeant before the Police Magistrate of


Manner of pro

this Ordi.


Georgetown, and, if adjudged by him to have been absent without leave, such Magistrate may sentence him to pay a penalty not exceeding twice the amount of the fine demanded of him, and in default of immediate payment with costs, to imprisonment not exceeding two months.

90. All proceedings before the Police Magistrate of Georgetown ceeding under under this Ordinance shall be conducted as near as may be according to the form of procedure provided for summary proceedings before Stipendiary Justices of the Peace: Provided that it shall not be lawful for any defendant under this Ordinance to proceed in review

Proviso as to

review and appeal to Go. VOTNOR,

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