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TABLE F.-Statement of outstanding principal of the public debt, &c.-Continued.

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*In the amount here stated as the outstanding principal of the public debt are included the certificates of deposit outstanding on the 30th of June, issued under act of June 8, 1872, amounting to $31,730,000, in 1873; $58,760,000, in 1874; $58,415,000, in 1875, and $32,840,000, in 187, for which a like amount in United States notes was on special deposit in the Treasury for their redemption, and added to the cash balance in the Treasury. These certificates, as a matter of accounts, are treated as a part of the public debt, bat, being offset by notes held on deposit for their redemption, should properly be deducted from the principal of the public debt in making comparison with former years.

Statement of the principal of the public debt, including accrued interest thereon, less cash in the Treasury, on the 1st day of July of each year, from July 1, 1869, to July 1, 1876, compiled from the published monthly debt-statements of those dates.

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It will be noticed that there is a difference in the amounts represented by these two statements as the principal of the debt July 1, 1869, and July 1, 1870. This difference is explained thus: In the principal of the debt as shown by the monthly debt statements of those dates the bonds purchased for the sinking-fund and paid for from money in the Treasury, were included as a part of the outstanding debt, and were also treated in the cash as a cash item, or asset, for the reason that at that time there was no authority of law for deducting them from the outstanding debt. Congress, by the sixth section of the act of July 14, 1870, directed that these bonds should be canceled and destroyed and deducted from the amount of each class of the outstanding debt to which they respectively belonged, and such deductions were accordingly made on the books of the Department and in the table of the debt in the annual report.

TABLE G.-Statement of the receipts of the United States from March 4, 1789, to June

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16 363, 550 58 7,257,506 62 8,583, 309 31 | 13, 313, 222 73 8,958, 777 53 13, 224, 623 25 5,998, 772 08 7,282, 942 22 36,306, 874 88 26, 283, 348 49 17, 176, 385 00 20, 283, 608 76 15, 005, 612 15 13, 004, 447 15 17, 589, 761 94 19,088, 433 44 17,878, 325 71

4,903 06 4,755 04 1,662,984 82❘ 4,678, 059 07 5, 124, 708 31 2,678, 100 77

955, 270 20
229,593 63

859 22 3,805 52 2, 219, 497 36 2, 162, 673 41 4, 253, 635 09 1,834, 187 04 264,333 36 23,650 78

710,427 78 835, 655 14 1, 135, 971 09 1,287, 959 28 1,717,985 03 1,991, 226 06 |

2,606, 564 77

3,274, 422 78

1,635, 871 61


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1,795, 331 73 37, 640, 787 95 1, 485, 103 61 109, 741, 134 10 475,648 96 209, 464, 215 251, 200, 573 03 |

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1, 212, 966 46 1,803, 58! 54 916, 523 10 981,418 15 1,216,090 56 1,393, 785 09 1,495, 845 26 1,018,308 75 1,517, 175 13 2, 329, 356 14 3, 210, 815 48 2, 623, 381 03 3,967,682 55 4,857, 600 69 14,757, 600 75 24, 877, 179 86 6,776, 236 52 3,730, 945 66 7,361,576 40 3,411,818 63 1,365, 627 42 1, 335, 797 52 898, 158 18 2,059, 939 80 2,077,022 30 2,694,452 48 2,498, 355 20 3,328, 642 56

1,688, 959 55 1,859, 894 25 2,352, 305 30 2 043, 239 58 1,667,084 99 8,470, 798 39 11, 497, 049 07 8,917, 644 93 3,829, 486 64 3,513, 715 87 1,756, 687 30 1,778, 557 71 870,658 54 152, 203 77 167,617 17

152, 589 43 452,957 19 141, 129 84 127, 603 60 130,451 81 94,588 66

1,315, 722 83 !

65, 126 49 112,648 55 73,227 77 584, 124 05 270,410 61 470,096 67 480, 812 32 759,972 13 2,245, 902 23 7,001,444 59 6, 410, 348 45

979,939 86 2,567, 112 28 1,004,054 75 451,995 97 285,895 92 1,075, 419 70

361, 453 68 289,950 13

220,808 30

612, 610 69 685, 379 13 2, 064, 308 21 1, 185, 166 11

464,249 40 988,081 17

1, 105, 352 74 827,731 40

1, 116, 190 81 1,259, 920 88 1,352, 029 13 1,454,596 24 1,088, 530 25 1,023, 515 31

915,327 97 3,741, 794 38 30, 291, 701 86 996, 553 31 | 25, 441, 556 00

588, 333 29

For the half-year from Jan

31,586 82 29,349 05 20,961 56 10,337 71 6, 201 96

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7,666 66

1,040, 237 53

59, 211 22

126, 165 17

271, 571 00

164,399 1

285,282 84

273,782 35

109,761 08

57,617 71

57,098 42

61,338 44

2,339 85

6,638 76




30, 1876, by calendar years to 1843 and by fiscal years (ended June 30) from that time.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

11,064, 097 63 11,826, 307 38


$8,028 00

3,669,960 31


38, 500 00

4, 652, 923 14)


303,472 00

5. 431, 904 87


160,000 00

6, 114, 534 59

$4,800 00


160,000 00

8,377, 529 65

42,800 00


80,969 00

8,688.780 99


79,920 00

7,900, 495 8

78,675 00


71,040 00

7,546, 813 31

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10,848, 749 10'


88,800 00

12, 935, 330 95)

10, 125 CO


39,960 00

14,995, 793 95

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13, 560, 693 20 15, 559, 931 07 16, 398, 019 26] 17, 060, 661 93

7,773, 473 12

9,384, 214 28 14, 422, 634 09 9,801, 132 76 14,340, 409 95 11, 181, 625 16. 15,696, 916 82 47, 676, 985 66 33, 099, 049 74 21, 585, 171 04 24, 603, 374 37 17 840, 669 55 14, 573, 379 72 20, 232, 427 94 20,540, 666 26 19, 381, 212 79 21,840, 858 02 25, 260, 434 21 22,966, 363 96 24, 763, 629 23 24,827, 627 38. 24,844, 116 51 28,526, 20 82

31, 867, 450 66 33, 948, 426 25 21,791, 935 55 35, 430, 087 10 50, 826, 796 08 24, 954, 153 04' 26, 302, 561 74 31, 482, 749 61 19, 480, 115 33 16,860, 160 27 19, 976, 197 25 8,231,00! 26 29, 320, 707 78

300 00


11,541 74 68,665 16 267,819 14 412 62

$361,391 34 5, 102, 498 45 1,797, 272 01 4,007,950 78. 3,396, 424 00. 320,000 00 70, 000 00 200, 000 00

5, 000, 000 00 1,565, 229 24

$4,771, 342 53
8,772, 458 76
6, 450, 195 15
9,439, 855 65
9,515, 758 59
8,740, 329 65.
8,758, 780 99
8, 179, 170 80
12, 546, 813 31
12, 413, 978 34
12,945, 455 95
14,995, 793 95

11,064, 097 63

11,826, 307 38 13, 560, 693 20 15, 559, 931 07 16, 398, 019 26 17,060, 661 93 7,773, 473 12 12, 134 214 28 14, 422, 634 09. 22, 639, 032 76 40, 524, 844 95

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490,000 00


490, 000 00






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24,844, 116 51

28, 365 91 37, 080 00 487,065 48 10, 550 00 4,264 92

22 50

10,008 00 33,630 90 68,400 00 602,345 44

2,992, 989 15 12, 716, 820 86 3,857, 276 21 5,589, 547 51 13, 659, 317 38 14, 808, 735 64 12, 479, 708 36 1,877, 181 35

28,872, 399 45 21, 256, 700 00 28,588, 750 00 4,045, 950 00 203, 400 00 46,300 00 16, 350 00 2,001 67 800 00 200 00 3,900 00

23, 717, 300 00 28, 287, 500 00 20,776, 800 00 41, 861, 709 74 529, 692, 460 50 776, 682, 361 57

28,526, 820 82 31, 867, 450 66 33, 948, 426 25 21, 791, 935 55 35, 430, 087 10 50,826, 796 08 27, 947, 142 19. 39,019, 382 60

$1,889 50

63,288 35

35, 340, 025 82 1, 458, 782 93 25,069, 662 84 37,469 25

30, 519, 477 65. 34, 784, 932 89 20, 782, 410 45 31, 198, 555 73 29,970, 105 80 29, 699, 967 74 55, 368, 168 52 56, 992, 479 21 59, 796, 892 98 47,649, 388 88 52, 762, 704 25 49, 893. 115 60 61, 603, 404 18 73, 802, 343 07 65, 351, 374 68 74,056, 899 24 68, 969, 212 57 70, 372, 665 96 81,773, 965 64 76, 841, 407 83 83, 371, 640 13 581, 680, 121 59 889, 379, 652 52

21, 174, 101 01 1, 128, 873, 945 36 1, 393, 461, 017 57 11, 683, 446 89 1, 472, 224, 740 851, 805, 939, 345 93

11, 188 00

28,251 90

30,000 00

103, 301 37

15,408 34

11, 110 81 6, 001 01 9,210 40 6, 095 11

uary 1, 1843, to June 30, 1843.

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3,854, 064, 140 83 2, 205, 309, 963 70 27,648, 725 73 201, 567, 034 70 324, 811, 922 01

*Amounts heretofore credited to the Treasurer as una

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$712,851, 533 05 $1, 270, 884, 173 11
640, 426, 910 29 1, 131, 060, 920 56

$38, 083, 055 68
27, 787, 330 35

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284, 020, 771 41


29, 203, 629 50
13,755, 491 12
15, 295, 643 76
8,892, 839 95
9,412, 637 65
11, 560, 530 89
5,037, 665 22
3,979, 279 69
4,029, 280 58

625, 111, 433 20
238,678, 081 06
285, 474, 496 00,
268, 768, 523 47
305, 047, 054 00
214, 931, 017 00
439, 272, 535 46
387, 971, 556 00
397, 455, 808 00

290, 066, 584 70

1, 030, 749, 516 52

609, 621, 828 27
696, 729, 973 63
652, 092, 468 36
679, 153, 921 56
548, 669, 221 67
744, 251, 291 52
675, 971, 607 10
691, 551, 673 28

721, 827 93

$172,094 29

2, 675, 918 19

*2, 070 73

*3,396 18 *18, 228 35 *3,047 80

12, 691 40

9,720, 136 296, 623, 121, 923 26 485, 224 45 202, 031, 184 328,839, 219, 011 84 15, 664 857, 343 872, 661, 866 53

vailable, and since recovered and charged to his account.

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