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The peculiar use of AVOIR, in speaking of age, cold, heat, warmth, hunger, thirst, has already been noticed at p. 134-1 and 324 but, as this use embraces a great number of phrases constantly occurring in every day's conversation, it appears useful to introduce an exercise here for the especial purpose of illustrating it. Ex.

[blocks in formation]

Are you not hungry?—I am very thirsty.-That child is cold.-Put on a great coat, or you will be cold.-Her hands and feet are very warm.-Does your head ache ?— How warm you are!-Do you know what is her age? She will be twelve next Monday.-I thought you were twenty. No, I shall not be twenty before the twentieth of March.


I could not eat, I was not hungry.—Are your feet warm? -He complains that his back is cold.-How long has he se plaindre de


had (a bad) leg?—She has bad eyes.—Will he not be cold

mal à

if he travels

à l'extérieur.

outside?-My head is cold, there must be y falloir que a draught in this room.-I was only nineteen when I visited courant d'air Rome.—What was his age when he was appointed to the nommé


command of the army of Italy? Bonaparte was about six

The peculiarities of être are referred to the Supplement at page 124, but they will be found at page 326 of the Grammar.

and twenty then.-How long have you had this headache?


My head has been aching (for these two days).-Will you `1 voilà deux jours que

allow me to ask for a glass of table beer? I am very thirsty. petite bière?

Nothing could quench the thirst I felt.-Here, put on these



thick gloves, your hands will (not) be cold then.-The poor


man must be very hungry, after eight hours


hard work. d'un travail dur.

-Let her drink water if she is thirsty, beer is not good


convenir à

for her.


Grammarians have all been agreed to admit only two auxiliary verbs, être and avoir (to be and to have), which are used, in the conjugation of verbs, to form those tenses serving to express, in a more defined and precise way, the time at which an action has taken place. But independently of these two verbs (être and avoir), there are four, which, from their frequent connexion with other verbs, also deserve the name of auxiliaries. These verbs are venir, aller, devoir, and pouvoir. The difference is, however, that être and avoir are always joined to a participle past; whereas these are joined with an infinitive. The way in which they are used in French is also so peculiar, that, for that reason alone, they deserve special notice, although some remarks have already been introduced on some of them at pp. 154, 198.

VENIR DE, to have just.

It is used, in that sense, in the present tense, and in the imperfect. Ex.

Je viens de rentrer ;

Nous venons de le voir;

I have just returned home.

we have just seen him.

Son père venait de mourir lors-
qu'elle s'est mariée;
La pièce venait de finir, quand le
feu prit aux coulisses;

her father had not long died
when she got married.
the play had just finished, (was
just over,) when the fire
caught on the stage.


You have just heard him, what have you to say?-Have

[blocks in formation]

I not just now told you that he is gone to town ?-No wine,

[blocks in formation]

Londres? few glasses with your quelques

brother. I had not long since entered the army, when war

[blocks in formation]

broke out between France and England.-We had just


gone out, when you called.-You are too late, she is sortir, êtes venu. arriver just gone.-My daughters had not long begun music, and partir. were making some progress, when the death of their father, and the loss of our fortune, compelled me to interrupt their

6 6

studies.-What is the time? The clock has just struck

three. trois heures.



Is used in the present and the imperfect; in both cases to express that an action is or was going to take place. Ex. wait a little, I will show you my flowers.

Attendez, je vais vous montrer

mes fleurs ; Je vais vous l'expliquer; un peu de patience, s'il vous plaît ;

I am going to, or will*, explain it to you; have a little patience, if you please.

*In English, these two forms may indifferently be used, but not so in French; je montrerai, j'expliquerai, may not be used in reference to an action which is going to take place immediately.

Nous allions nous mettre à table, we were going to sit down,

quand elle est arrivée;

J'allais me tromper de porte, mais un de vos voisins m'indiqua votre maison;

(we were about to sit down to table,) when she came in. I was on the point of knocking at the wrong door, but one of your neighbours showed me your house.


Take care, she will get in a passion.-They say she is se fâcher.

about marrying a foreign officer. Give it me, and I will

sign instantly. The play will begin presently, we have no à l'instant,



time to lose. He got out of his depth and was near being

perdre terre


drowned, when we (jumped in) after him.-If you se jeter à la nage


wish to see him, make haste, for he will go out directly.

[blocks in formation]

was on the point of telling him all our secrets, but I stopped

[ocr errors][ocr errors]

her in time. The service is about to begin, let us go in.

[blocks in formation]

-I was about to explain it to you, when you interrupted

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

interrompre, 109-16 they were about

au moment où


to retire for the night; but they nevertheless received us se retirer

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

jusqu'à ce que, 313

(told them) the adventures of the

de leur raconter

[blocks in formation]


Is used in the present, the imperfect, the preterite, the conditional, and the conditional compound. The sense in which it is used is not the same in each of these tenses.

The Present, je dois,

Implies probability or supposition that a thing is, or obligation that it should be, and is also a sort of future. Ex.

Vous devez avoir bon appétit, après une promenade aussi longue;

Elle doit être bien heureuse de se retrouver auprès de sa famille;

Je dois dîner chez lui aujourd'hui; Vous ne devez pas me répondre ainsi ;

you must be hungry (I sup

pose you are hungry) after so long a walk. she must be so happy (I should think she is happy) to be again united to her family. I am to dine with him to-day. you are not to answer me in this way.


Come, sit down and rest yourself, for I am sure you

[blocks in formation]

must be tired.-Must I write to my father

être sûr que

[blocks in formation]

leave?-We are all of us to go and spend a week in the

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

country. Are we to submit to such treatment?-How much


se soumettre

un tel


that man must regret his imprudence, and his extravagance?


-It appears to me that young people are not to judge the


motives of their elders.


ceux qui sont d'un âge avancé.

The Imperfect,-je devais,

Implies that a thing was expected, but did not happen. Ex.

Nous devions faire le voyage ensemble, mais des circonstances imprévues nous en ont empê

chés ;

we were to have gone together, but unexpected circumstances prevented us.

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