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PRES.-I rise


(every morning).—

se lever, v. de bonne heure, adv. tous les matins, m. not well, she applies herself (too much)

My sister is *

sœur, f. se porter, v.

s'appliquer, v. trop, adv.

at the good news which he

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se réjouir, v. de

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nouvelle, f.

has brought us. When do you intend

to go and se proposer, v. d'aller, v. see your brother?—I believe your brothers are not

apportée, p. p.

voir, v.

well *

croire, v.

for I have not seen them this week.
car, c.


semaine, f.


parc, m. quand, c.

IMP.-I was riding on horseback † in the park,

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se chauffer, v.

I met him. Was he not warming himself when rencontrer, v. you (came in)?—We did not imagine he would succeed so

s'imaginer, v.

êtes entré? réussir, v. well.-You were boasting too much of what you have done

se vanter, v.

fait, p. p. for him. They did not expect (that they should meet us).

s'attendre, v.

PRET.-I inquired after you yesterday.-Did not my

s'informer, v. de

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vendre, v



sold yesterday for twelve shillings a bushel.-Did

When we mean to express the state of a person's health, instead of the verb être, we use the reflective se porter :

Ma sœur ne se porte pas bien; my sister is not well.

We say, in French,

Se promener à cheval, en carosse,
en voiture;

Se promener sur l'eau, sur la
S'informer des nouvelles de;

to take a ride, an airing on horse

back, in a coach.

to go upon the water, on the river.

to inquire after.

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FUT.-Will your bird (grow tame)?—You will

ruin yourselves if you continue (gaming).-Will

se ruiner, v.

oiseau, m. s'apprivoiser, v.

they not perceive it (as

continuer, v. de jouer, v.
soon as) they come


[blocks in formation]

dès que, c.


COND. PRES.-If I were in your place, I would not

étais à


vex myself. Would she not (make her escape)?—We chagriner, v. s'échapper, v. would embark (this day) if the weather (would permit.) s'embarquer, v. aujourd'hui, adv. temps, m. le permettait, v. -Would you embark so soon?-Why would you expose


tôt, adv.

fureur, f.

s'exposer, v.

yourselves to their fury?—They would agree very well,

if they were not so proud.

[blocks in formation]

orgueilleux, adj.

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tire yourself. Let him amuse himself a little

s'amuser, v. un peu, adv.

garden.-Endeavour to please

jardin. S'efforcer, v. de plaire, v. à

maître, m.

not so often (make mistakes) (in the) tenses, numbers, and

se tromper, v.

persons of the verb.



PRES. (I must) apply myself to the French language.

Il faut que s'appliquer, v.

lest she should perceive it.

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(In order that) you may not boast (so much).—I have

se vanter, v.

tant, adv.


afin que, c.

they may behave se conduire, v.

told them who you are,

Afin que, c.

dit, p. p. leur

better another time.

fois, f.

IMP. That I might not ruin myself.-That he might se ruiner, v.

not meddle with my affairs.-That we might excuse se mêler, v. de

s'excuser, V.

en trop tard, adv.

ourselves.-That they might not perceive it too late.

s'apercevoir, v.


I have inquired after you and your sister *.-He says

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[blocks in formation]

cousin laughed at me ?-Did
cousin, m. se moquer, v. de
(o'clock)?-They have perceived
heure, f.
s'apercevoir, v.

too late.-I had not applied my

[blocks in formation]

s'appliquer, v. imagined that they s'imaginer, v.

to go to

obligé, p. p. de


to) sur

France ? Did you not hide yourselves (in order

[blocks in formation]

them?-When I (shall) have walked five or Quand, adv.

prise prendre, v.

six minutes in the garden, I will rest myself.-Why have

se reposer, V.

you exhausted yourself as you have done?-Our sailors l'avez fait, v.

would have behaved with more resolution.-Would not you

[blocks in formation]

* Turn, I have inquired of your news and of those of your sister.

have excused yourself?-If I had been in your place, I

s'excuser, v.

would not have meddled with their affairs.

se mêler, v.




Some verbs are called irregular, on account of their deviating from the general rule, either in their terminations, or in being deficient as to some of the moods, tenses, persons, or numbers.


Aller, to go.

INF. Pres. all-er. Part. act. allant. Part. past, allé, -ée. IND. Pres. vais, vas, va; allons, allez, vont. Imperf. allais, -ais, -ait; allions, -iez, -aient. Pret. allai, -as, -a; allâmes, -âtes, -èrent. Fut. irai, -ras, -ra; irons, -rez, -ront. Cond. Pres. irais, -rais, -rait; irions, -riez, -raient. IMP. va, qu'il aille; allons, -ez, qu'ils aillent. SUB. Pres. aille, -es, -e; allions, -icz, aillent. Imperf. allasse, -asses, -ât; allassions, -iez, -ent.

The compound tenses of this verb are sometimes formed with allé, and sometimes with été; in the former instance they take the auxiliary être, as je suis allé; in the latter, avoir, as j'ai été. But it must be observed that the participle allé is used with être, when we wish to express merely the act of being gone to a place; thus, il est allé à Paris, would be said of a person who had set off for Paris, and either was there still or had not yet returned; whereas il a été à Paris, would express that the person had gone to, and returned from, Paris.

Aller is also conjugated as a reflected verb, with the particle en, in the sense of to go away.

S'en aller, to go away. Je m'en vais, I go, or am going away. Envoyer is irregular in the future and the conditional only, and makes j'enverrai, &c. ; j'enverrais, &c.


Acquérir, to acquire.

INF. Pres. acquérir. Part. act. acquérant. Part. past, acquis. IND. Pres. acquiers, -iers, -iert; acquérons, -érez, ièrent

Imperf. acquérais, -ais, -ait; acquérions,_-iez, -aient. Pret. acquis, is, it; acquîmes, -îtes, -irent. Fut. acquerrai, -ras, -ra; acquerrons, -rez, ront. Cond. Pres. acquerrais, -rais, -rait; acquerrions, -riez, -raient. IMP. acquièrs, -ère; acquérons, -érez, -ièrent. SUB. Pres. acquière, -ères, -ère; acquérions, -ériez, -ièrent. Imperf. acquisse, -isses, -ît; acquissions, -iez, -ent.

Quérir, to fetch.

This verb is never used but in the present of the infinitive mood with the verbs aller, to go, venir, to come, and envoyer, to send. Ex.

Envoyez-moi quérir; send for me.

Conquérir, to conquer; requérir, to require, are conjugated like acquérir.

Bouillir, to boil.

INF. Pres. bouillir. Part. act. bouillant. Part. past, bouilli, -ie. IND. Pres. bous, bous, bout; bouillons, -ez, -ent. Imperf. bouillais, -ais, -ait; bouillions, -iez, -aient. Pret. bouillis, -is, -it; bouillimes, -ites, -irent. Fut. bouillirai, -ras, -ra; bouillirons, -rez, ront. Cond. Pres. bouillirais, -rais, rait; bouillirions, -riez, -raient. IMP. bous, bouille; bouillons, -ez, -ent. SUB. PRES. bouille, -es, -e; bouillions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. bouillisse, -isses, -it; bouillissions, -iez, -ent.

Observation. This verb, as well as its compound rebouillir, to boil again, is seldom used, except in the third person singular or plural, and in the infinitive mood, which is commonly joined to the verb faire. The same observation is to be applied to rótir, to roast. Ex.

Faites bouillir cette viande ;
Faites rôtir ce poulet;

boil that meat.

roast that fowl.

Courir, to run.

INF. Pres. courir. Part. art. courant. Part. past. couru, -ue. IND. Pres. cours, cours, court; courons, -ez, -ent. Imperf. courais, -ais, -ait; courions, -iez, -aient. Pret. courus, -us, -ut ; courûmes, -ûtes, -urent. Fut. courrai, -ras, -ra; courrons, -rez, -ront. Cond. Pres. courrais, -rais, -rait; courrions, -rriez, -raient. IMP. cours, coure; courons, -ez, -ent. SUB. Pres. coure, coures, coure; courions, -iez, -ent. Imperf. courusse, -usses, -ût; courussions, -iez, -ent.

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