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Compound of the Future.

Je "recevrai, I shall or will J'aurai reçu, I shall have re


tu recevras, thou wilt receive. il recevra, he will receive. nous recevrons, we shall receive. vous recevrez, you will receive. ils recevront, taey will receive.


tu auras reçu, thou wilt have &c. il aura reçu, he will have &c. nous aurons reçu, we shall &c. vous aurez reçu, you will &c. ils auront reçu, they will have &c.


Je ne recevrai pas, I shall not or Je n'aurai pas reçu, I shall not or will not receive ; &c.

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will not have received; &c.

Compound of the Conditional.

J'aurais reçu, I should or would have received.

tu aurais reçu, thou shouldst have received.

il aurait reçu, he would &c. nous aurions reçu, we should have received.

vous auriez reçu, you would have received.

ils auraient reçu, they would have received.


Je ne recevrais pas, I should not Je n'aurais pas reçu, I should not receive; &c.

have received; &c.



Reçois, receive thou. qu'il reçoive, let him receive. qu'elle reçoive, let her receive. recevons, let us receive. recevez, receive (ye or you). qu'ils reçoivent, let them &c.


Ne reçois pas, do not receive. qu'il ne reçoive pas, let him &c. qu'elle ne reçoive pas, let her &c. ne recevons pas, let us not &c. ne recevez pas, do not receive. qu'ils ne reçoivent pas, let &c.

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Que je ne reçoive pas, that I may Que je n'aie pas reçu, that I not receive ; &c.


Que je reçusse, that I might receive.

que tu reçusses, that thou mightest receive.

qu'il reçût, that he might receive.

que nous reçussions, that we might receive. que vous reçussiez, that you might receive. qu'ils reçussent, that they might receive.

not have received; &c.


Compound of the Imperfect. Que j'eusse reçu, that I might have received.

que tu eusses reçu, that thou

mightest have received. qu'il eût reçu, that he might have received.

que nous eussions reçu, that we might have received.

que vous eussiez reçu, that you might have received. qu'ils eussent reçu, that they might have received.


Que je ne reçusse pas, that I Que je n'eusse pas reçu, that I

might not receive ; &c.

might not have received; &c.



PRES.-I entertain great hopes from his conduct.conc-evoir, v. espérance, f.

conduite, f.

to write to your brother to-morrow, to let demain, pour faire3, v.

écrire, v.

I am devoir him know that your father is arrived.-A commander lui1 savoir, v. capitaine, m. ought to be intrepid (in the midst) of dangers.-He is

d-evoir, v.

au milieu des


and breakfast at my uncle's next Sunday, déjeûner, v. chez, p.


to go
aller, v.
and he is to come and sup

souper, v.



with us. We some


venir, v.

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serve our friendship.-Do you not perceive a great

riter, v.

amitié, f.

derrière, p.

aperc-evoir, v.

mountain behind that tree? Yes, I do.-Is my father

to remit him the value in


goods or in money?—

remettre, v. lui valeur, f. en, p. marchandise, f.

Are you not to dine with my father and mother to-morrow?—

Men commonly Owe

demain, adv.

their virtues or their vices to edud-evoir, v.

cation (as much as) to nature.-Are these young ladies

to go

aller, v.

autant que, c.

to the ball?
bal, m.

No, they are not†.

IMP. I owed four guineas to your aunt when she

guinée, f.

died. Was not your brother to receive that money last

mourut, v.


* When the verb to be is used in the present or imperfect tenses of the indicative mood, in conjunction with another verb in the infinitive mood, to express that a thing is or was to be, it is to be rendered in French by the verb devoir, and not by être. Ex.

Je dois aller au parc;
Nous devions lui écrire;
Turn, they are not to go there.

I am to go to the park.
We were to write to him.

Thursday?-We received his tiresome visits, because we

Jeudi1, m.

were obliged.


obligés, v. (p. 55)

ennuyant, adj.

Were you not (to let) them know

faires, v. leur savoir1, v. it sooner ?-They were not to stay above six weeks.


rester, v. plus de

PRET. I received yesterday, with (a great deal) of plea

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sure, the books which you

bien, adv.

sent me. As soon as we avoir envoyés

perceived the danger, we warned (him of it).-They received

avertir, v. l'en

yesterday a letter from your brother.

FUT.-I shall entertain a bad


opinion of you, if

mauvais, adj.

you do not avoid Mr. R.'s company.-We shall owe him

éviter, v.

devoir 3 2

(nothing more) after this month.-I hope you will receive ne1 plus rien après, p.

all my letters during my absence, and that (they will

pendant, p.

hear) from their father in (a short time).

re-cevoir des

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* 1. When the word should expresses a duty or necessity, or can with propriety be turned by ought, it is rendered in French by the conditional present of the verb devoir. Ex.

Je devrais aller le voir;

I should, or ought to go and see him. Vous devriez le secourir dans sa you should, or ought to help him in misère, &c.; his misery, &c.;

2. Should or ought are also used in conjunction with the infinitive to have and a participle past, to express that a thing should have taken place or been done. In this case, avoir is put in the conditional present, devoir in the participle past, and the verb expressing the action in the infinitive. Ex.

J'aurais dû l'obliger à rester ici;

Nous aurions dû revenir plutôt ;

I should, or ought to have obliged him to stay here.

we should or ought to have come backs sooner.

but I have no time.-Ought not your sister to give

temps, m.

your mother an account

à votre 3 acompte, m.

would soon

of all her actions?

rendre1, v. - She

perceive the danger, if she knew the con

savait, v.

bientôt, adv. sequences of it. Children should (every day) learn

tous les jours apprendre, v.

something by heart.-You should not despise the advice.

cœur, m.

that he gives you.-Should they,

avis, m.

mépriser, v. after what they have après, p. (70-8)

done, expect to receive favours ?-Grammar, geo

fait, p. p. s'attendre à, v.

graphy, history, music, are sciences and arts which ladies

should never neglect.



Conceive the horror of his situation.-Receive no more

ne plus of his letters.-Receive this small present as a proof of my petit cadeau, m. marque

friendship. Let that child receive your advice with respect avis, m.

and gratitude. Let us conceive a horror of vice.

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PRES. and IMP.-Though I perceive ships (afar off)

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• That, meaning in order that, is rendered by afin que.

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