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Sewage of Towns, 546

Sheep and Shepherding, 239, 296, 486

Sheep: Are the Long-woolled of Tweed-side Pure

Leicesters? 232

Sheep Diseases and Remedies, 356

Sheep, Importance of a Good Flock, 272
Shorthorned Bull Calf, "First Fruits," Descrip-
tion of Plate, 463

Show, A Day after the, 146

Show Sheep, 546

Skylark, How he Preached a Sermon, 117
Small Birds, Utility of, 117

Plants, Contribution towards a Knowledge of the Small-pox in Sheep, 197, 322, 355, 447

Inorganic Constituents of, 316, 386

Poaching, Act for the Prevention of, 245

Poaching (New) Act, Failure of, 439

POETRY:-Have you seen the Mowers? 331

Harvest and Vintage, 221

The Flail, 168

The Justices' Jubilee, 170

The Sickle and the Scythe, 315

Polled Galloway Heifer, 89

Potato Markets, 88, 181, 276, 368, 461, 556
Poultry and its Produce, 60
Poultry-houses, A Chapter on, 16
Premier, The, on the Harvest, 538

Prize Agreements and Modern Leases, 374
Prize System, 382, 526
Property, Protection to, 412
Pyramid, Description of Plate, 2

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