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Private prop

(7) Private property from ships in commission at navy yards must be accompanied with a pass signed by the executive officer or erty from ships. officer of the deck, and stamped with the seal of the ship. These passes shall be returned to the ship for comparison with the stub, and filed for reference.

(8) Signing passes in blank is positively prohibited. Every pass must state the exact number of packages covered thereby. Every public pass must state also the contents of the packages. 1565. Commanding officers of shore stations, other than work- Shore stations ing yards, shall be governed by the provisions of this chapter so other than navy far as applicable.



1566. (1) There shall be attached to each navy yard as cap- Personality. tain of the yard a line officer not restricted by law to the performance of engineering duties, who shall be the aid or executive

of the commandant.

(2) Where there is no civil engineer he shall be charged with Special duties. the special duties pertaining to that officer.

(3) He shall have direct charge of the police and the enforce- General duties. ment of police and fire regulations, and of yard tugs and the crews thereof.

(4) He shall have control of the fires and lights in the work- Fires and lights shops, and shall satisfy himself after working hours that there in workshops. is no danger from fire during the night.

Inspection of

(5) He shall inspect daily the condition of the engines and all apparatus for subduing fires, informing the commandant at once fire department. of any deficiencies; and shall at least once a month report in writing their actual condition.

Executive du

(6) He shall have immediate charge of the moving and mooring of vessels in ordinary. He shall visit and observe all parts ties. of the navy yard and its establishments and shall make such report as will enable the commandant to be fully informed as to the working of the various parts of the station under his command.

(7) A regular journal shall be kept under his direction, which he shall sign and submit monthly to the commandant for his approval. In it shall be entered the reporting for duty or detachment of officers, the arrival, departure, commissioning, or placing out of commission of ships of the Navy, the arrival and departure of vessels with stores of any kind for the yard, the number of mechanics and others employed, the hour of docking or undocking any vessel, and the other principal transactions of the yard, together with a daily meteorological record.


Vessels in or

(8) He shall have charge of all vessels in ordinary, and shall make a weekly written report of their condition to the comman- dinary. dant.

of commission.

(9) Before a vessel is placed out of commission, he shall, in Receipt for company with her captain, inspect her, and if satisfied with her vessel placed out condition, shall give a receipt for her to the captain when the ensign is hauled down. This receipt will state the condition of the vessel as to cleanliness in all departments.

1567. (1) In the absence of the captain of the yard his duties shall be performed by the line officer next in rank, not restricted by law to the performance of engineering duties, actually on duty at the yard proper.





Control of

(2) A navy yard or station having two or more such line officers attached to it shall never be left without one actually present. 1568. Line officers of lower rank may be attached to the yard as subordinate aids to the commandant, for the purpose of assisting the captain of the yard, and for general experience and observation in the duties of their profession.


1569. (1) Officers in charge of yard departments shall, under work and of em the direction of the commandant, direct and supervise all work ployees. pertaining to their respective bureaus, as well as the mustering of all persons employed by them.

Work for another depart


Reports of labor.

Reports made

by commandant to department. Supplies and material.


Account of

material and labor expended.


Suggestions to commandant.

When vessels

are being built or fitted out.

(2) They shall, when doing work for another department, send every morning through the commandant to the head of such department a report of the number and class of men employed, with their rates of pay.

(3) They shall furnish to the commandant a daily report of labor on blank forms prescribed, and make such returns of expenditures for labor and material as may be required by their respective bureaus.

(4) They shall prepare and sign all reports and accounts in their departments that are required to be made by the commandant to the Navy Department or any of its bureaus.

(5) They shall make requisition upon the general storekeeper for supplies and material as required, and shall keep him advised, in advance, as to the probable needs of their several departments. (Chap. XXV, Supplies on Shore.)

(6) All requisitions on the general storekeeper, for materials or articles for use in any department, shall be made as directed by the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts.

(7) An exact account shall be kept by the officer in charge of each department of all material and labor expended upon each object under his control, from which shall be prepared a monthly report to the bureau concerned of all expenditures. This report shall be accompanied with a written detailed report of work done and progress made upon each object for which money has been allotted.

(8) Upon the receipt of official notification that articles intended for his department, are ready for inspection, the head of department concerned, or some person authorized to represent him, shall go without delay to the general storekeeper's office, or storehouse, and make the required inspection. A definite report shall be sent to the office of the board the same day, if practicable, and not later than the following day.

(9) Heads of departments shall make to the commandant such suggestions in the line of their profession as they consider for the interest of the service.

1570. (1) At navy yards where vessels are being built, or fitted out for first commission, the heads of the departments of equipment, ordnance, steam engineering, and supplies and accounts shall furnish the commandant of the yard, as soon as practicable after the first of each month, with a list of the actual finished weights of all articles, including machinery and appurtenances thereto, battery or ammunition, spare machinery, tools, outfit, stores, or other articles of any kind under the cognizance of their respective bureaus, that have been placed during the preceding

month on board each vessel under construction, with the total amount of such weight up to date. Copies of the above reports shall be furnished the head of the department of construction and repair and he shall prepare from them a general monthly report giving the total amount of weight placed on board the vessel during the month, and the total amount up to date.

(2) In the case of extensive repairs to the hull, machinery, or armament of a naval vessel, monthly reports of weights removed and added shall be made in a similar manner to that directed above for vessels under construction, and the naval constructor shall prepare a monthly summary of all weights of every kind added or removed, for transmission to the Bureau of Construction and Repair.


1571. The engineering duties of a navy yard or station shall be performed by officers detailed therefor, and during such detail they shall be known as the engineer officers of the yard.


Senior engl

1572. (1) The senior engineer officer of a navy yard shall be in charge of the department of steam engineering, and shall, un- neer officer. der the direction of the commandant, superintend the construction and repair of the steam and other machinery pertaining to that department.

(2) He shall inspect quarterly all boilers at the station and report to the commandant their condition and the steam pressure to which they may safely be subjected, and he shall make at all times such suggestions as, in his opinion, will add to their safety and efficiency. When changes or repairs to a boiler are recommended by him, the commandant shall forward his recommendations to the bureau to which such boiler belongs.

Steam gener


Steam machin

(3) He shall, under the direction of the commandant, have charge of and be responsible for the condition and preservation of ery afloat. all steam machinery, boilers, and appurtenances under cognizance of the Bureau of Steam Engineering afloat at the station, except of vessels in commission; and he shall exercise control over all persons employed in connection with such machinery in matters relating to its preservation and good order.

(4) When a ship is to be laid up, he shall take charge of her machinery at the time her senior engineer is detached.

Vessels to be laid up. Supervision of


1573. When a ship in commission is to be repaired, he shall make requisition for the labor necessary, and before beginning repairs on chinery of ships any repairs shall confer with the commanding officer of the ship, in commission. who shall afford him every facility for the prompt and economical execution of the work.

1574. He shall submit to the commandant weekly a report of Reports. the engines and boilers which have been repaired and the condition of the work to date.


1575. (1) The senior medical officer and his assistants on duty General duties. at a navy yard shall give their professional attention to officers and other persons belonging to the Navy and Marine Corps who are on duty at the yard; and to all families residing within the limits of such yard or station.

Attendance on officers' families.

Employees injured while at


Daily sick report.

To examine recruits and candidates.

Applicants for


Junior medical officers at shore stations.

General duties.

Pay of me


(2) When wounds or injuries are received by mechanics or laborers while at work in the yard, the medical officer shall supply whatever may be necessary in rendering professional assistance. Such cases, if serious, shall be recorded and indexed in a book provided for that purpose, and if the injuries were received in the line of duty the case shall be reported to the commandant.

(3) The senior medical officer shall make a daily report to the commandant of all persons in the naval service attached to the yard who should be excused from duty on account of sickness, and shall furnish to the commanding officer of marines a copy of so much of said report as pertains to the marines.

(4) He shall examine recruits who may offer to enlist in the Marine Corps at the yard, and all candidates for appointment in the Navy who may present themselves under proper authority.

(5) Medical officers shall examine all applicants for pensions under the provisions of sections 4756 and 4757 of the Revised Statutes and give the required certificate on the blanks issued by the Department.

1576. Passed assistant and assistant surgeons attached to a navy yard or other shore station shall be guided by the regulations prescribed for medical officers of the same grade when at sea.


1577. (1) The pay officer of a shore station shall pay all officers and enlisted persons attached to it and to the vessels in ordinary, and, if so ordered, those belonging to receiving ships; also such officers as have their accounts transferred to the station for pay. (Arts. 1070 and 1105.)

(2) He shall pay all mechanics and laborers employed at the chanics and la- station, upon certified pay rolls approved by the commandant. He shall be responsible only for the correctness of the computations on the mechanics' and laborers' rolls pertaining to the different departments.


(3) The duties of general storekeepers and purchasing pay and purchasing officers are laid down in Chapters XXV to XXIX, inclusive.


General duties.

Vessels in ordinary.


1578. (1) The naval constructor at a navy yard shall have general superintendence and charge of the construction and repair of all ships. He shall conform to the instructions he may receive from the commandant for such construction and repair, being furnished with copies of orders and contracts relating thereto. If, in the course of the repair of any vessel, defects are discovered that were not previously known, which will be likely to increase the expense or delay the work, he shall immediately report the same to the commandant for further instructions, suggesting such modifications as may diminish the expense or increase the utility of the work.

(2) He shall cause to be examined thoroughly, at least twice a month, all ships in ordinary or upon which work may have been suspended, to see that they are carefully guarded against deterioration or decay in all matters under the cognizance of the Bureau of Construction and Repair, and shall report the results of such examination to the captain of the yard, with his recommendations in the premises.

(3) He shall be responsible for waste and improper use of material by those under his general superintendence.


for waste of ma


(4) He shall use all possible care to prevent the use or con- Checks on exversion of any material until such account is taken of it as will penditure of masecure a correct expenditure.

1579. He shall submit weekly to the commandant a report of vessels building or repairing, on which work has been done, giving the condition of the work to date.


1580. (1) The civil engineer attached to a navy yard shall be the representative of the Bureau of Yards and Docks.




Duties and re

(2) He shall have control of all work of his department, including repairs and improvements, and shall be held responsible for sponsibility. the proper performance of the same.

(3) He shall make the plans, drawings, and estimates for all Preparation of such projected improvements, repairs, and other technical works plans and estiin the line of his profession at the yard.

(4) When directed to construct works for which estimates have been made, he shall prepare all necessary schedules of materials' to be used.


Schedules of materials.

(5) Should the Navy Department decide that any civil engineer- Contract work. ing work shall be done by contract, either wholly or in part, the civil engineer shall superintend the work, make estimates, as the work progresses, of the proportion completed, and certify and sign all bills, if the work is done in accordance with the terms of the contract.


1581. Labor shall be employed in the several navy yards by Qualifications. the proper officers in charge, with reference to skill and efficiency, and without regard to other considerations. (Sec. 1544, R. S.) 1582. No officer or employee of the Government shall require Contributions or request any workingman in any navy yard to contribute or pay for political purposes forbidden. any money for political purposes, nor shall any workingman be removed or discharged for political opinion; and any officer or employee of the Government who shall offend against the provisions of this section shall be dismissed from the service of the United States. (Sec. 1546, R. S.)

1583. Persons honorably discharged from the military or naval Honorably disservice by reason of disability resulting from wounds or sickness charged men. incurred in the line of duty, shall be preferred for appointments to civil offices, provided they are found to possess the business capacity necessary for the proper discharge of the duties of such offices. (Sec. 1754, R. S.)

1584. (1) It shall be the duty of the commandant of each navy Each officer to yard or station at which labor is employed, to furnish every officer be furnished with copies of under his command, for his guidance, with a copy of all orders orders. relating to the employment of labor at navy yards and stations.

(2) Persons who are entitled to compensation for injuries sus- Compensation tained in the course of their employment, pursuant to the act to injured employees. approved May 30, 1908, shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of said act under regulations issued by the Secretary of

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