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V. Any person, Civil or Military, who, either by craft or violence shall dare to cause the desertion of any individual referred to in this Cartel, or shall contribute to his flight, shall be punished with all the rigour of the Laws against illegal Enlistments.

VI. The purchasing from the respective Deserters, of any article of accoutrement, arms, clothes, horses, &c. shall be mutually prohibited. These articles shall be considered as stolen, and shall be kept and restored to the Corps to which the Deserter belongs. Whoever shall have been the Purchaser of any of these articles, shall not be entitled to demand any indemnification for the same, and shall be punished for having transgressed this prohibition.

VII. All Military Commanders, under the command of the Austrian Army stationed in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, and the Governors, Civil as well as Military, by Sea and Land, in the Service of His Sicilian Majesty, shall receive the strictest orders to superintend the execution of the present Cartel, which shall take effect from the day the Austrian Army entered this Kingdom.

In faith of which, &c.

Done at Naples, 14th October, 1822.




It shall be well understood, that what is published in this Cartel, is only applicable to Desertions which have taken place since the 23d March 1821:

That this is equally applicable to Austrian Deserters, who shall have deserted in the interior of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, belonging to Regiments which shall be stationed there:

That the reward of 8 ducats, established by Art. 3, to Neapolitans who shall arrest an Austrian Deserter, shall be equally granted by the Neapolitan Government to any Austrian who shall arrest a Neapolitan Deserter.

The present Cartel shall take effect, with respect to the consignment of Deserters, from the 23rd March, 1821, and, to the other Regulations, from the day of its publication.

Naples, 10th May, 1823.



ACT of the Turkish Government, granting to Sardinian
Subjects the Privilege of Navigating and Trading in the
Black Sea.-25th October, 1823.

Note Officielle de La Porte, remise à Son Excellence l'Ambassadeur d'Angleterre.


SON Excellence l'Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire de la Cour d'Angleterre, qui est l'Amie la plus affectionnée et la plus particulière de la Sublime Porte, le très-distingué Lord Strangford, Notre Ami, residant à Constantinople, ayant fait instance, en qualité de M ́diateur, au Nom de Sa Majesté le Roi de Sardaigne, que La Sublime Porte, qui vient de conclure un Traité avec la Cour de Sardaigne pour lier, pour la première fois, amitié entre elles, veuille bien accorder aux Bâtimens Marchands Sardes la permission de faire le Commerce de la Mer Noire; et vû, qu'à l'exception des Puissances connues d'être autorisées, en vertu des Traités, à se rendre par l'embouchure de la Mer Noire aux Echelles de la Russie, la même permission accordée par le passé, par le Gouvernement Ottoman aux Bâtimens Marchands de quelques autres Puissances Amies, produit des avantages aux deux Parties, il a plu à La Sublime Porte d'accorder aux Bâtimens Marchands Sardes la permission de naviguer dans la Mer Noire, et cela à commencer du jour que, par la Grâce du Très-Haut, l'échange des Ratifications aura lieu.

Ainsi, à l'arrivée désormais dans ce Port, des Bâtimens Marchands Sardes, aussi, soit qu'ils viennent de la Mer Blanche pour passer dans la Mer Noire, soit qu'ils viennent de la Mer Noire pour passer dans la Mer Blanche, il sera pris connoissance de leurs chargemens (ce qui veut dire, par Manifeste ou autre Communication Ministérielle), par le canal d'Officiers préposés à cet effet, et lorsque, dans le cas de nécessité, Constantinople aura besoin des Marchandises non prohibées qu'ils exporteront et importeront, elles seront achetées à leur juste valeur, sans que l'on ait à faire, de part ni d'autre, des propositions qui ne correspondent pas aux prix courans.

C'est pour en informer M. l'Ambassadeur Notre Ami, ainsi que pour lui renouveler les assurances de l'estime et de la considération que nous avons pour Sa Personne, que la présente Note Officielle a été rédigée, et lui est remise, ce 20 Safer, 1839.-(25 Octobre, 1823.)

[See Note annexed to the Treaty of Commerce, of the same date, between Turkey and Sardinia. State Papers, 1824, 1825, page 924.]

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ABDICATION of Augustin Iturbide, as Emperor of Mexico.


19th March, 1823. 1023

ACCOUNTS, Financial, Commercial, &c. See GREAT BRITAIN, UNITED


ACTS of the British Parliament.

Pensions and Allowances of Persons

who have served the Crown in
Foreign Courts..................1112, 568, 569
Public Salaries, Pensions, and Allow-

..565, 569, 584

ACT of Trade between America and the West


[blocks in formation]

of the Congress of The United States, concerning Navigation.

Trade with British Colonial Ports.


18th April, 1818. 776


15th May, 1820. 777

Commercial Intercourse with certain

British Colonial Ports.... 1st Mar. 1823. 775
Convention of Commerce and Navigation
with France......... 24th June, 1822. 644

to carry into effect the Treaty with Spain
of 1819. Claims. Florida........



ADMIRALTY. Correspondence with British Naval Officers. Slave Trade.

AFRICA. Exportation of Arms, &c. to, prohibited.


1821, 1823. 518, 548

British Orders in Council........646, 647
AMERICA. United States of North America. See UNITED STATES.
United Provinces of The Rio de la Plata. See BUENOS


ARMS, AMMUNITION, &c. Exportation of, to certain Parts of Africa,
prohibited. British Orders in Council....................


.....646, 647


AUSTRIA. Convention with Sicily. Mutual arrest, and surrender of


Naples, 14th October, 1822. 1114
Naples, 10th May, 1823. 1115

Additional Article to do.........
Proceedings of the Congress of Verona. Slave Trade.

Convention between Austria,


Verona, November, 1822.
Russia, and Prussia, and


Sardinia. Military Occupation of the Sardinian
Verona, 14th December, 1822. 731
Instructions to the Chargé d'Affaires at Madrid. Internal
state of Spain......... Verona, 2nd December, 1822. 917
Circular to the Ministers of Austria, Prussia, and Russia,
at Foreign Courts. Affairs of Italy and Spain.
Verona, 14th December, 1822. 921
Communications between the Austrian Chargé d'Affaires,
and the Spanish Minister, previous to the de-
parture of the former from Madrid.

January, 1823. 927

................... Decree of the King of Spain. Vessels and Effects belonging
to Austria, France, Prussia, and Russia, prohibited
from Cuba.......

5th March, 1823. 1034

of do. Vessels and Effects of do. prohibited in the
Peninsula and Islands adjacent. 16th March, 1823. 1035
Correspondence with Wirtemberg. Decisions of the Congress
..May, June, 1823. 898

of Verona


BAHIA. Port of, declared in a state of Blockade. Decree of the Emperor

of Brazil..

.29th March, 1823. 947

BANDA ORIENTAL, Law of Buenos Ayres. Principle to be maintained
in any Negociation with Brazil, with respect

to the

.10th May, 1822. 1012
Convention between the Cisplatine State, and the
Province of Entre Rios. Friendship and Limits.
St. Jose, 11th December, 1822. 952
Notifications of France and

BARCELONA. Blockade of, by the French.

Great Britain.....

BARBARY. Coast of, Ordinance. French.

..July, 1823. 936, 645
Conveyance of Prisoners as

Slaves on board French Vessels, prohibited.

18th January, 1823. 771

BLACK SEA. Privileges of, Navigating, &c., by Sardinian Subjects.

Act, Turkish.....

..25th October, 1823. 1116
BLOCKADE of the Ports and Coasts of Colombia. Protest, British,
against the Declaration of the, by the Spanish General
Don M. de la Torre....... ..Jamaica, 21st August, 1821. 944
of the Spanish Main, and punishment of Foreigners in the
Service, or in the Territories in possession, of
Spanish American Insurgents. Spanish Decree.
September, 1822. 938

[ocr errors]

Maracaibo, 15th

Protest (Dutch) against do...........

(United States) against do..........
(British) against do.........

of Bahia. Decree of the Emperor of Brazil.

5th Nov. 1822. 939
.15th Nov. 1822. 940

5th Dec. 1822. 942

29th March, 1823. 947

of Cadiz, Barcelona, Santona, St. Sebastian, Ferrol, and

Corunna, by France.

Notifications of the French

..July to October, 1823. 936

Notifications of the British Government.

July and August, 1823. 645


BLOCKADE of Ulloa, and exclusion of Spanish Vessels, &c. Decree of
of the Supreme Executive Power of Mexico.
8th October, 1823. 1027

BOUNDARIES. Treaty between The United States and Spain. Florida.

Washington, 22nd February, 1819. 1070, 1072
BRAZIL. Law of Buenos Ayres. Principle to be maintained in any
Negociation with Brazil respecting the Banda
..10th May 1822. 1012


Proclamation of the Emperor to the Portuguese, on his elevation
to that dignity......

21st October, 1822.
Convention between the Cisplatine State and the Province of
Entre Rios. Friendship and Limits.

Proclamation of the Emperor.



St. Jose, 11th December, 1822. 952
Brazilians in Foreign Countries
.8th January, 1823.

Decree of the Emperor. Bahia declared in a state of Blockade.


29th March, 1823. 947
Project of Constitution for the Empire........30th of August, 1823. 1009
Report of the Minister of Finance to the Emperor.

26th September, 1823. 948

BREMEN. Resolution of the Senate. Abolition of Legacy, and other
Foreign Duties, in favour of Subjects of The
United States....


10th January, 1833. 770

Law. Negotiation for cessation of War in Peru, &c.
16th of August, 1822. 1013
Law. Principle to be maintained in any Negotiation
with Brazil, respecting the Banda Oriental.

10th May, 1822. 1012
Convention between the Cisplatine State, and the
Province of Entre Rios. Friendship and Limits.
St. Jose, 11th December, 1822. 952
Statement of the Receipt and Expenditure of the
Province of Buenos Ayres, for 1822..
Message of the Executive Government. Opening of
the Legislative Assembly... 5th May, 1823. 871
Law. Basis of any Negotiation with Spain.


19th June, 1823. 1013

Circulars of The United States. Treatment of Belli-
gerent Vessels, and their Prizes (seeking shelter)
of France, Spain, and Spanish America.


July, August, 1823. 848

CADIZ. Blockade of, by the French. Notification of France and Great


..July, 1823. 936, 645
CHILI. Decree of the Supreme Director. Transfer of the Government
to a Provisional Junta ..... .28th January, 1823. 1015
.....29th Dec. 1823. 1076

Political Constitution of the State of Chili.
CIRCULARS of The United States. Treatment of Belligerent Vessels and
their Prizes seeking shelter, of France, Spain, and

Spanish America......................July, August, 1823. 848


CISPLATINE STATE, and Province of Entre Rios. Convention. Friend-

ship and Limits. St. Jose, 11th December, 1822. 952

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