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References are to volumes and pages, Roman numerals indicating the
former, Arabic the latter. In a compound item, each volume reference
carries until it is superseded by another.

Abaelard (Abelard), Peter, French
scholar, i, 18, 34, n. 11, 344; ii, 42,

Abbey lands, ii, 56 f., 60, 86, 187.
Abraham, ii, 64.

Absolution, ii, 25, 29, 62, 89, 99, 180,

n. 7.

Academy, the, at Athens, ii, 275.
Academy, the Later, i, 363, 366.
Academy, Calvin's, at Geneva, i,
401 f., 424.

Academy, Platonic, at Florence, i,
55; ii, 273, 276 f.
Accursians, i, 299.

Accursius, Italian jurist, i, 299.

A Child's Piety, by Erasmus, i, 178.
Achilles, i, 337-

Act of Succession, first (1534), ii, 79.
Act of Supremacy, Elizabeth's, ii,
115 ff., 118.

Act of Uniformity, the, of 1549, ii,
104 f.

Act of Uniformity, Elizabeth's, ii,
117 f.

Adagia, Erasmus's, i, 165 ff., 262,


Adam, i, 22, 101, 162, 195, 198, 228,
411 f.; figure of, by Michelangelo,

Adam of St. Victor, mediaeval Latin

poet, i, 344; ii, 377.

Address to the Christian Nobility of
the German Nation, by Luther, i,
183, 207-212, 220.
Adoration of the Magi, in art, i,


Adrian VI, pope (1522–23), i, 92.

Adrianople, i, 46.

Advancement of Learning, The, by
Francis Bacon, ii, 360 ff., 363, 365.
Aeneas, i, 33, 50; ii, 235.

Aeneid, the, i, 16, 30, 342; allegor-
ical interpretation of, i, 14 f.; Sur-
rey's translations from, ii, 219.
Aeschines, i, 38.

Aeschylus, i, 339, 344, n. 8; ii, 239,

373; sublime provincialism of, i,
14; conception of úßpis, 291.
Aethiopica, translated by Amyot, i,

Africa, exploration of, i, 27.
Africa, Petrarch's poem, i, 16, 30,
35, 340; ii, 379.

Against the Bull of the Antichrist,
treatise by Luther, i, 220.
Against the Heavenly Prophets,
tract by Luther, i, 255.
Against the Murderous and Rob-
bing Mobs of Peasants, pamphlet
by Luther, i, 254.

Against the Roman Papacy founded
by the Devil, tract by Luther, i,

Agamemnon, ii, 235.

Age of Erasmus, by P. S. Allen, i,
155, n. 1.

Agincourt, battle of (1415), i, 293.
Agricola, George, German mineral-
ogist, ii, 327.
Agricola, Rudolf, Frisian humanist,
i, 143 f.

Agriculture, ii, 133; importance of,
recognized by Luther, i, 212;
French treatises on, 352.

Ailly, Pierre d', French theologian,

i, 201, 214.

Alain de Lille, see Alanus ab In-

Alamanni, Luigi, Italian poet, ii,


Alanus ab Insulis, French monk

and scholar-poet, ii, 232.
Albert of Saxony (Albertus de Sax-
onia), scholastic philosopher, ii,
269, 284, 289 f., 298 f., 300, 301,

308, 331.

Alberti, Antonio degli, Florentine
merchant prince, i, 29.
Alberti, Leon Battista, universal
genius, i, 99, 119.

Albertus Magnus, scholastic philos-
opher, i, 296, 377; ii, 301, n. 14,
308, 376.

Albigensian Crusade, the, ii, 38.
Albrecht, archbishop of Mayence, i,

217, 237.

Albret, Jean d', king of Navarre
(1484-1516), i, 204.
Alchemy, ii, 319, 361.
Alciatus, Andreas, Italian jurist, i,
391; ii, 15.

Aldine press, the, ii, 317.
Aleander, Hieronymus, papal le-
gate, i, 203, 236.

Alençon, Duke of, French prince, ii,

Alexander the Great, i, 167, 370; ii,

208; in art, 105.

Alexander VI, pope (1492-1503), i,

81, 201.

Alexander de Ville-Dieu, grammar-

ian, i, 159, 297.

Alexander Aphrodisiensis, i, 63.
Alexandria, i, 338; ii, 318.
Alexandrianism, i, 338, 342, 346.
Alexandrian Neoplatonists, ii, 275.
Alexandrine line, the, i, 344.
Alfonso the Magnanimous, king of
Aragon and Naples, patron of hu-
manists, i, 47, 50 f.

Allegorical interpretation, of the

poets, i, 14-16, 169; of Gerusa-
lemme Liberata, 70; of the rela-
tion of church and state, 73; of
Scripture, 15; ii, 64, 65; by Eras-
mus, i, 168; temperately used by
Wyclif and Luther, 200; Luther's
use of, 233; freedom of Calvin's
exegesis from, 401.

Allen, Percy Stafford, Age of Eras-
mus by, i, 155, n. 1.

All Souls College, Oxford, ii, 6.
All's Well that ends Well, play by

Shakespeare, ii, 251.

Altar, sacrament of the, ii, 61,

Amadis of Gaul, ii, 228.
Ambassadors, reports of, i, 83.
See Dzialinus.

Ambrose, St., i, 161; ii, 150.

Amiens, i, 285; cathedral of, ii, 380.
Aminta, by Tasso, i, 60, n. 7, 69.
Ammianus Marcellinus, i, 41.
Amorosa Visione, by Boccaccio, i,


Amour courtois, i, 314 f.

Amours, poems by Ronsard, i, 345.
Amsdorff, Nikolaus von, German
Protestant reformer, i, 264.
Amulets, ii, 274, 320.
Amyot, Jacques, French writer, i,
319, 353-357, 358, 362; ii, 385.
Anabaptists, i, 253, 255, 273, 407,
410; in England, ii, 85, 89, 108,

Anacreon, i, 341 f.; ii, 217.
Anacreontea, i, 310, 341 f.
An Admonition to the Parliament,
tract by Field and Wilcox, ii, 140-


Anagni, seizure of Boniface VIII at,
i, 74.

Anatomical Tables, of Vesalius, ii,


Anatomy, ii, 302 f., 305, 309 ff., 314.
Anaxagoras, ii, 370.

An Exhortation to Peace, by Luther,
i, 254.

Angelico, Fra, Italian painter, i, Apologie de Raimond Sebond, by

116, 126.

Angers, i, 357; university of, ii,


Anglican Church, the, ii, 385; the
church revolution in England by
royal prerogative and acts of par-
liament, 70-100; the Prayer Book
and Articles and the Elizabethan
settlement, 101-122; Hugh Lati-
mer, 123-134; Puritan doctrine,
135-158; the Anglican via media,
123 f., 159-182, 385.
Angoulême, i, 392.

Animals, fictitious ways of, in liter-

ature, ii, 227.

Anjou, Duke of (afterwards Henry

III of France), suitor of Queen
Elizabeth, ii, 121, 193, 221.
Anna, mother of the Virgin, i, 100,

Annates, i, 205, 209; ii, 49.
Annotationes, Budé's, on the Pan-
dects, i, 298 f.

Annunciation, the, in Italian art, i,

Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury

(1093-1109), i, 231; ii, 70.
Antichrist, the pope as, i, 200; ii,
32 ff., 57, 141.

Antigone, play by Sophocles, ii, 171.
Antiphysis, i, 333.

Antique motives, in Christian art,
i, 104 f., 110 f.

Antisthenes, i, 364.

Antwerp, ii, 63.

Apes, dissection of, ii, 310.
Aphorisms, of Hippocrates, i, 321.
Apocalypse, the, in art, i, 102.
Apocrypha, the, i, 153; subjects
from, in art, 102.
Apollo, the Delphic, ii, 281.

Apollonius Rhodius, i, 341.

Apologia, Erasmus's, i, 173.
Apologia, Pico's, ii, 280.
Apologia pro Ecclesia Anglicana,
treatise by Jewel, ii, 159 ff., 198.

Montaigne, i, 365 f.

Apologie pour Hérodote, by Henry
Estienne the second, i, 308.
Apophthegmata, Erasmus's collec-
tion of, i, 167.

Apostles' Creed, the, i, 51, 185, 258,
414; ii, 88, 91.
Appian Way, the, i, 104.
Apuleius, ii, 274.
Apulia, i, 103, 106.

Aquinas, Thomas, Italian theologi-
an and scholastic philosopher, i, 6,
20, 43, 72, 74, n. 3, 121, 192, 216,
270, 271, 296, 377, 389, 414; ii, 24,
n. 5, 45, 124, 161, 267 f., 271, 276,
279, 282, 284, 286, 287, 344, 376,
378; arrangement of his Summa
Theologiae compared with that
of Calvin's Institute, i, 404 ff.,


Arabia, i, 230.

Arabian medicine, ii, 316 f.
Aratus, i, 341.

Arbitration, plan of Dubois for, i,


Arcadia, by Sannazaro, i, 60, n. 7.
Arcadia, by Sidney, ii, 221, 226, 227,
228 f.

Archilochus, ii, 373.

Archimedes, ii, 298, 299.

Architecture, i, 104; ii, 383. See
Gothic cathedrals.

Arena Chapel, the, at Padua, i,
107, 108 f., 110.

Areopagus, court of, at Athens, ii,


Areopagus, the, English literary
society, ii, 221 f.

Aretino, Pietro, blackmailing litter-
ateur, i, 121.
Arezzo, i, 80, 81.

Argalus, character in Sidney's Ar-
cadia, ii, 229.

Argonautica, the, of Valerius Flac-
cus, i, 41.

Ariosto, Ludovico, Italian poet, i,

24, 65, 66-69, 98; ii, 233, 235, 378,
383 f.

Aristocracy, in church government,
ii, 149 f., 180.

Aristophanes, sublime provincialism
of, i, 14; translations from, by
Bruni, 38; printed in France, 301.
Aristotelicae Animadversiones, by
Ramus, i, 377.

Aristotle, i, 32, 43, 59, 78, n. 8,
127 f., 192, 292, 362; ii, 17, 215,
235, 308, 373 f.; investigator of
the world of nature, i, 3, 4; Pe-
trarch on, 12, 14; revived study
of, 18; translations from, 38, 39,
296, 301; influence of his Politics,
72, 291, 358; Erasmus on, 161;
Luther on, 211, 216; Melanchthon
respects, 271, 272; Lefèvre a stu-
dent of, 297, 306; Ramus and
Aristotelian dialectic, 376-379,
382 f.; influences Travers and
Cartwright, ii, 149 f.; Hooker's
knowledge of, 162; read by Sid-
ney, 223; the scholastic Aristotle,
267-271, 283, 345, 348.
Armada, the Spanish, ii, 208.
Arraignment of Paris, The, pastoral
play by Peele, ii, 244.

Ars est recta ratio factibilium, i,


Ars Versificatoria, by Gaguin, i, 297.
"Art for art's sake," i, 17.
Arthur, King, i, 67; ii, 227, 235.
Arthur, eldest son of Henry VII of

England, ii, 6, 74.

Arthurian romances, the, i, 20, 67,
292; ii, 378, 381, 383.
Articles, of the Geneva Reformers
(1537), i, 395 f.
Artillery, French, effectiveness of,
i, 292.

Arti maggiori, the greater guilds at
Florence, i, 28.

Ascham, Roger, English classical

scholar, ii, 17 f., 186, 198.
Asia Minor, i, 301.

Assembly of the Elders, see Council
of the Elders.

Assertio Septem Sacramentorum,

tract by Henry VIII, ii, 86.
Assisi, i, 108, 109, 110.
Astolfo, journey of, to the moon, i,
Astrology, i, 150; an anthropocentric

astronomy, 3; Petrarch on, 12; in
the Cabbala, 148; practised by
Louis XI, 287; warned against by
Rabelais, 327; accepted by Bodin,
359; Ficino addicted to, ii, 274;
Pico writes against, 278; Cardan
devoted to, 317 f., 323, 324, 326;
revival of, in the fifteenth and
sixteenth centuries, 326 f., 338,
339, 340, 361.
Astronomy, studied at Alexandria,
i, 3 f.; at Florence, 27; in France,
352; at Padua, ii, 321; revolution
in, during the sixteenth century,
326-345, 347.

Astrophel and Stella, by Sidney, ii,
224 ff.

As You Like It, play by Shake-
speare, ii, 184, 255, 260.
Athanasian Creed, the, ii, 88.
Athanasius, i, 45, 148.

Athenaeus, i, 161, 326.
Athene, i, 113.

Athens, i, 243, 381; ii, 149, 239-
Atomists, i, 362; ii, 352.
Aubigné, Théodore Agrippa d',

French Huguenot historian and
soldier, i, 346 f., 367.
Augsburg, i, 151, 152, 205, 219.
Augsburg Confession, the, i, 249 ff.,
270; ii, 95, 100.

Augustine, St., bishop of Hippo, i,

231, 274; ii, 11, 127, 214, 273,
349, 375, 377; read by Petrarch, i,
11, 12; discussed by the Florentine
humanists, 29; esteemed by Salu-
tato, 32; read by Poggio, 43; and
by Lorenzo dei Medici, 57; edited
by Erasmus, 170; valued by

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