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action to be then decided upon by the General Assembly. The Louisville commissioners declined an invitation by the Assembly to appear and defend the action of the presbytery. On taking a vote (on June 1st) the resolutions of the committee and the amendment of Dr. Humphreys were laid on the table by motion of Dr. Thomas, and the substitute of Dr. Gurley taken up and passed by a vote of 196 to 37. This substitute condemns the "Declaration and Testimony" as a slander against the church, schismatical in its character, and its adoption by any church court is declared an act of rebellion against the authority of the General Assembly. It summons all the signers of the "Declaration" and all the members of the presbytery who voted for it, to appear before the next General Assembly to answer for their conduct, and pro-. hibits them from sitting as members of any church court, higher than session, until their cases are decided; it dissolves any presbytery that disregards this action of the Assembly, and vests all presbytery authority in such ministers and elders of such presbytery as adhere to the action of the Assembly. On the motion of Dr. Monfort, those members excluded under this substitute were allowed to retain their seats in the Assembly until its adjournment. On May 25th, the subject of reunion between the Old School and the New School Presbyterian churches was reported upon. The plan suggested was for the appointment of a committee of nine members and six elders to meet a similar committee of the New School Assembly, who, after consultation, if they deemed reunion desirable and practicable, were to report measures for its accomplishment to the next General Assembly. A motion made by Dr. Vandyke that the Confederate Assembly be invited to join the union was laid on the table. The report of the committee was then adopted by a large majority.

The action of the General Assembly, with regard to the signers of the "Declaration and Testimony," led to a formal division of the Church in Kentucky and Missouri. At the meeting of the presbyteries, the adherents of the General Assembly insisted that, in accordance with the decree of this year's General Assembly, the names of the signers of the "Declaration and Testimony " be not put upon the roll, and in all cases where the majority of the presbytery refused to accede to this demand, the Assembly men left, and reconstituted themselves as the presbytery. The division was fully consummated at the meeting of the Synods of Kentucky (at Henderson, October 10th), and Missouri (Booneville, October 10th). At the meeting of the Kentucky Synod, the clerk, Rev. S. S. M. Roberts, who adheres to the General Assembly, proceeded to call the roll, and, in accordance with the directions of the General Assembly, left out the names of the signers of the "Declaration and Testimony." After having called the list of loyal ministers, he was directed by the moderator to "call the names

of all the constituent elements of the Synod;" and when he refused to obey this direction, the roll was called by the moderator himself. The adherents of the Assembly did not answer when their names were called. The opponents of the Assembly then organized. The friends of the Assembly remained in the church after adjournment, and likewise constituted themselves as the Synod of Kentucky. Of the members present, fifty-nine endorsed the Assembly, and ninety-nine supported the Louisville Presbytery. At the meeting of the Missouri Synod, the majority resolved to enroll the signers of the "Declaration and Testimony," whereupon twenty-seven ministers and elders withdrew, and constituted a synod in accordance with the order of the General Synod. Previous to the meeting of the Missouri Synod, Drs. Robinson and Wilson had written, signifying their purpose to go with the Southern Assembly; a few of the "Declaration and Testimony" men in Missouri were of like mind, but the majority were, at that time, opposed to such a movement, declaring that they would not connect themselves with any other religious organization, but remain in their connection with the Old School Presbyterian Church in the United States. The Synod of New York, by a vote of 111 to 7, excluded a signer of the "Declaration" (Rev. Dr. Vandyke), and endorsed the action of the General Assembly. The same resolution was passed by the Synods of Philadelphia and Baltimore. The latter synod, by a vote of 27 to 11, disapproved of the action of the Presbytery of Baltimore, in not declaring vacant a church the pastor of which, a signer of the "Declaration and Testimony," had declared that he had left the church. It also condemned the Presbytery of Lewes (Maryland) for allowing a signer of the "Declaration and Testimony" to sit as a member. In August, 1866, a conference of ministers and laymen, composed of Presbyterians dissatisfied with the action of the General Assembly on the slavery question, met at St. Louis. The following delegates were present: ministers from Kentucky, 8; from Maryland, 2; from Illinois, 1; from Ohio, 1; from Missouri, 21; ruling elders from Kentucky, 2; from Illinois, 2; from Missouri, 27. Resolutions were passed, in substance as follows:

To prepare a statement of doctrines, ecclesiastical principles, and policy, on which to stand, as against the unscriptural and unconstitutional acts of the Assemblies of 1861 and 1866, inclusive, to be adopted as the official action of this conference.

To prepare a popular warning against the errors of the General Assembly of five years back. To urge cooperation in this movement from all who are opposed to the aforesaid acts of the Assembly.

It was resolved not to form a new Church organization, but to appeal to the churches to correct the errors of the General Assembly, and hold another conference.

The conference was called for November 15th, but did not meet. The editor of the St. Louis Presbyterian was one of the committee of correspondence, which was to communicate with like-minded brethren and urge their attendance. He confessed that he had neither time nor inclination to perform the duty imposed upon him. The leaders of the movement had made up their minds to join the Southern Presbyterian Church as soon as possible. On November 23d, the seceders from the General Assembly in Maryland organized a new presbytery, to be known as the Presbytery of the Patapsco. Four ministers and three ruling elders were present. Dr. Bullock, of Baltimore, stated that a church movement was on foot in Pennsylvania, to meet this effort to maintain the standard of the church pure and unstained, and that union would be made with all who stood by the Presbyterian doctrine unsullied.

While the Church thus lost part of her territory in Kentucky, Missouri, and other border States, some progress was made, on the other hand, in reconstituting presbyteries in the late Confederate States. The first act of this kind was the reorganization of Holston Presbytery, in East Tennessee, which took place on the 23d of August. The new presbytery numbered at the time of its constitution, four ministers and five churches. Subsequently another presbytery was reconstituted in New Orleans, and another in North Carolina (the Presbytery of Catawba).

II. New School Presbyterians.-The statistics of the New School Presbyterians, as reported in May, 1866, were as follows:

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Assembly, at St. Louis, on the 17th of May. Prof. Hopkins, of Auburn, New York, was chosen moderator. Two hundred and one commissioners were present. On May 26th, the Assembly provided, through a series of resolutions, for the appointment of a committee of fifteen, to consult with a similar committee from the Old School Assembly, on the subject of an organic reünion. On Friday, May 25th, the New School Assembly adopted, unanimously, the report of the committee on the state of the country. The report, after expressing at considerable length the Assembly's gratitude to God for delivering the nation from civil war, for freeing it from the sin of slavery, making the people recognize more fully the reality of Divine Providence, and watching over the churches, concludes by bearing testimony in respect to our urgent needs and duties as a nation, in view of the new era upon which we are now entering. It said:

1. Our most solemn national trust concerns that patient race, so long held in unrighteous bondage. Only as we are just to them can we live in peace and safety. Freed by the national army, they must be protected in all their civil rights by the national power. And, as promoting this end, which far transcends any political or party object, we rejoice that the active functions of the Freedmen's Bureau are still continued, and especially that the Civil Rights bill has become the law of the land. In respect to the concession of the right of suffrage to the colored race, this Assembly adheres to the resolution passed by our Assembly of 1865 (Minutes, page 42): the colored man should, in this country, enjoy the rights of suffrage, in connection with all other men, is but a simple dictate of justice. The Assembly can not perceive any good reason why he should be deprived of this right, on the ground of his color or his race." Even if suffrage may not be universal, let it at least be impartial.


2. In case such impartial suffrage is not conceded, that we may still reap the legitimate fruits of our national victory over secession and slavery, and that treason and rebellion may not inure to the direct political advantage of the guilty, we judge it to be a simple act of justice that the constitutional basis of representation in Congress should be so far altered as to meet the exigencies growing out of the abolition of slavery; and we likewise hold it to be the solemn duty of our national Executive and Congress, to adopt only such measures of reconstruction as shall effectually protect all loyal persons in the States lately in revolt.

3. As loyalty is the highest civic virtue, and treason is the highest civil crime, so it is necessary, for the due vindication and satisfaction of national justice, that the chief fomenters and representatives of the rebellion should, by due course and process of law, be visited with condign punishment.

A motion to strike out the word section was lost. A resolution that the testimony be read in all the churches of the denomination was adopted. On May 28th, the Assembly voted to raise $120,000 next year, for home missions; that the catechism be taught in all Sabbathschools; adopted a fraternal letter to the Scotch Presbyterian Church; responded to a letter from the Reformed Dutch Church, professing a closer union; adopted an able report on temperance, and a deeply-interesting narrative of the state of religion. The year has been one

of remarkable spiritual prosperity. Many hundreds of the churches report extensive revivals. III. United Presbyterians.-The minutes of the General Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church give the following statistics of this denomination: pastors, 387; ministers, without charge, 152; licentiates, 48; congregations, 686; families, 25,675; communicants, 58,988; received by profession during the year, 4,061; infant baptisms, 3,791; adult baptisms, 475; officers and teachers in Sabbath-schools, 3,233; average number of pupils in Sabbathschools, 17,976. Contributions: home missions, $20,838; foreign missions, $112,276; freedmen's mission, $15,478; education, $3,482; publication, $3,075: church extension, $9,636; aged ministers' fund, $2,233; salaries from congregations, $268,229; salaries by assembly, $19,070; general contributions, $225,324. Total, $589,052. The Eighth General Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church convened in Allegany City, Pennsylvania, on May 31st, Rev. D. R. Kerr, D. D., was elected moderator. The Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Missions, Rev. J. Price, handed in the report, which consisted of a series of resolutions expressing gratitude to God for past success in the mission field; recognizing his hand in the removal of missionaries by death; asserting it to be the duty of the Assembly to reënforce the missions in India, China, and Syria immediately; recommending that missionaries be allowed to select their own field of labor; that all money for salaries, etc., be consolidated into one fund; that $100,000 be raised during the present year, and that all the churches be urged to observe the week of prayer at the beginning of 1867, for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The resolutions were adopted. The Assembly appointed

a committee of conference with the Reformed Presbyterians. It was resolved to continue the Church's missionary efforts among the Jews. The sum of $15,000 was appropriated for church extension during the ensuing year. The Assembly agreed to hold its next session on the fourth Thursday in May, 1867, at Xenia, Ohio.

IV. Cumberland Presbyterian Church.-The General Assembly met in May, at Owensboro', Kentucky. This was the first assembly since the beginning of the war at which the commissioners from the Southern States were present. A committee was appointed of one from each synod to investigate the whole subject of the deliverances of the preceding assemblies, and to harmonize the difference growing out of the war and slavery. This committee, composed of twenty members, after protracted discussion, brought in a majority and minority report. The majority, in substance, proposed to pro

nounce unconstitutional the action of 1864 and

1865 on the subject of slavery and rebellion. The minority proposed in substance to let the whole matter stand where it is. These reports were discussed at considerable length on both sides, and finally, Rev. Dr. Bird offered a substitute for the whole, which it was moved to

amend by adding an additional resolution disclaiming any indorsement by the Assembly in this action of slavery or the rebellion. Dr. Mitchell, of Texas, moved to amend the amendment by adding the words that "no opinion" is hereby expressed on those subjects. In this form the substitute passed by a large majority. Some of the Northern Presbyteries were greatly dissatisfied with this action, and proposed the holding of a convention to deliberate on the action to be taken. The movement for a convention was supported by one of the North Church papers (Cumberland Presbyterian), but opposed by the other northern paper (Western Cumberland Presbyterian). At the close of the year no convention had yet met. A number of Southern members desired a union with the Southern Presbyterian Church. (See SOUTHERN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.)

V. Southern Presbyterian Church.*-The General Assembly of this denomination commenced at Memphis, on November 15th. The Rev. Andrew H. Kerr, of the Memphis Presbytery, was unanimously elected moderator. There were present forty-eight ministers and thirtyseven ruling elders. The chief subject of discussion in the early sessions of the General Assembly was a new book of discipline, which was reported by a committee previously ap pointed. One of the sections of this new book, which was adopted, defined the relation of baptized children to the church in the following terms:

Ch. II., Art. 1. All baptized persons, although they may have made no profession of faith in Christ, are federally members of the Church, are under its care, and subject to its government, inspection, and training: but they are not subject to those forms of discipline which involve judicial process.

Dr. Palmer offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

Whereas, In view of the great controversy now pending in this country upon the spirituality and independence of the Church as the visible Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ upon the earth; and in view of the fact that the Assembly did, at the time of its organization in 1861, plant itself firmly upon the ground that the Church is a spiritual commonwealth distinct from, and independent of the State, be it, therefore,

Miller, and George Howe, D. D., be appointed a comResolved, That the Rev. Messrs. T. E. Peck, A. W. mittee to prepare and report to the next General Assembly, a paper defining and limiting this whole subject for the instruction of our people, and suitpublic testimony against the alarming defections in able to be adopted by the Assembly as a full and

so many branches of the Protestant church in this country.

ceive the "Alabama Presbytery of the AssoThe Synod of Alabaina was authorized to reciate Reformed Church," the Assembly recognizing the right of all its churches to use "Rouse's Version" of the Psalms, if they prefer it. It further authorized any of the synods to

The official name of this branch is "Presbyterian Church in the United States." We use the name Southern Church only to distinguish this from the so-called Old and New School Presbyterian denominations.

receive any of the Presbyteries of the Associate Reformed Church upon the same conditions, and, to make the way to union easier, resolved that fifty Psalms of "Rouse's Version" be incorporated in the new psalm and hymn book about to be published. A delegate from the Cumberland Presbyterian Church appeared in the Assembly, and, though without authority to make any overtures for a union of two bodies, he expressed the opinion "that the time had arrived when some movement should be made in this direction." Upon this hint the Assembly acted, passing a resolution favorable to a union, and, at a later stage, appointed a committee to confer with a similar committee from the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The Assembly had a long and important debate, as to the future status of the colored race in their ecclesiastical connections. Dr. Atkinson contended that there was nothing in Scripture or the standards of the church to prohibit colored persons from holding the office of deacon, ruling elder, or minister of God, and that in their church sessions and assemblies, they are entitled to a treatment of perfect equality. He contended that it was through the Gospel that caste and prejudice would be broken down, and that any thing that stood in the way of the Gospel should be destroyed. Others contended that innovations would surely result in miscegenation and negro equality. The resolutions adopted by the General Assembly recommend the spiritual wants of the colored race to the particular attention of the Church. The report on domestic missions showed the receipts to be $34,746, and the whole number who received aid from the sustentation fund, including sixteen families of deceased ministers, is upward of two hundred and twenty. It was ascertained that between ninety and one hundred church edifices were either seriously injured or entirely destroyed during the progress of the war, about one half of which were in the Synod of Virginia. The committee reported that not less than $50,000 would be needed for Presbyterial missions, sustentation, and church erection the coming year. The report on education showed that $200 had been contributed to the funds of the executive committee and one candidate received. The publication committee reported receipts by donations and sales, $18,174; and a balance in treasury of $2,299. The next Assembly is to meet in the First Presbyterian church, in Nashville, on the third Thursday of November, 1867, "or whenever or wherever it may orderly be called." The Assembly adjourned on November 28th.

VI. Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in the South. The Synod of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in the South, held in 1866, declared against a union with the Southern Presbyterian Church, and all negotiations on the subject were, consequently, abandoned. This denomination has nine presbyteries, sixty-six ordained ministers, and eight VOL. VI.-40

licentiates. In 1862, the church seemed quite favorable to the union; but a decided change has taken place since, and at the session of the synod at Fayetteville, Tenn., a majority of the delegates declared against it. Some of the ministers have consuminated the union for themselves individually, and a few others may do so hereafter.

VII. Great Britain.-The Church of Scotland had, in 1866, 16 synods, 84 presbyteries, and 1,243 congregations (including parish churches and quoad sacra chapels). The Free Church of Scotland has 16 synods, 71 presbyteries, 846 churches, 3 colleges for the education of students for the ministry. The United Presbyterian Church had 31 presbyteries in England and Scotland, 584 ministers, 592 churches, and 172,752 members. The Reformed Presbyterian Synod ("Cameronians," "Covenanters ") has 6 presbyteries, 45 churches, and 40 ministers. The Synod of the United Original Seceders was dissolved in 1852, and united to the Free Church; 25 congregations, however, refused to join that church, and still continue a separated body, divided into 4 presbyteries. The Presbyterian Church in England has now 7 presbyteries and 105 churches.

The General Assemblies of the Free and United Presbyterian Churches again discussed the union question, and both bodies resolved to send the report of the joint committee down to the presbyteries, and to instruct the committee to review what suggestions they had to make and report to the next general assemblies. In the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland the question of innovations came up, upon overtures from numerous synods and presbyteries, some praying to rescind, and others to correct and explain the legislation of last year. In 1865 the Assembly passed a strong declaration against innovations in public worship, and calling upon presbyteries to take particular cognizance of any cases within their bounds of departure from the law and usage of the Church in reference thereto. Dr. Pirie moved the adoption of an act declaring "that the right and duty of maintaining and enforcing the observance of the existing laws and usages of the Church in the particular congregations or kirks within their bounds, in matters connected with the performance of public worship and the administration of ordinances, belong to, and are incumbent upon the presbyteries of the church, subject always to the review of the superior church courts;" and further declaring it to be the duty of presbyteries, on becoming aware of any innovation being introduced or contemplated, "either to enjoin the discontinuance, or prohibit the introduction of such innovation or novel practice, as being, in their opinion, inconsistent with the laws and settled usages of the church, a cause of division in the particular congregation, or as being unfit from any cause to be used in the worship of God, either in general or particular kirk, or to find that no

case has been stated to them calling for their interference." Dr. Lee moved that the act of 1865 be rescinded. After a debate which lasted a whole day, the assembly divided, when the vote for Dr. Pirie's motion was 207; for Dr. Lee's 94-majority, 113.

VIII. British Colonies.-The union of the Presbyterian Church of the Lower Provinces of British North America and the Presbyterian Church of New Brunswick, took place in the city of St. John, N. B., on the evening of September 2d. The Synod of the Presbyterian Church of the Lower Provinces was made up of the two bodies known by the names of the Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia and the Free Church. Six years ago the union took place between these two bodies, and they have been since known by the name of the Presbyterian Church of the Lower Provinces. ministers belonging to it amounted to between ninety and one hundred, diffused throughout Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland, and one or two in New Brunswick. The Synod of New Brunswick consisted of between twenty and thirty ministers, chiefly in the Province of New Brunswick. The name of the now united body is the Presbyterian Church of the Lower Provinces-the designation of the larger body before the union.


PRUSSIA, a kingdom in Europe. Reigning king, William I., born March 22, 1797; succeeded his brother, Frederic William III., on January 2, 1861. Heir-apparent, Prince Frederic William, born October 18, 1831. (For a full account of the Constitution of Prussia, see ANNUAL CYCLOPÆDIA for 1865.) The year 1866 will be memorable for the large increase of the area, population, and power of the kingdom. In consequence of the German-Italian war, the Government of Prussia annexed the States of Hanover, Hesse-Cassel, Nassau, and Frankfort, the Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein, and some districts ceded by Bavaria and HesseDarmstadt. Thus the area of Prussia rose from 108,212 English square miles to 135,662; and the population from 19,304,843 to 23,590,543.

As regards the religion of the inhabitants, the relation of Protestant, Roman Catholic, and other denominations, is as follows:



All others.




Prussia proper....



The former Principalities of Ho



96.31 1.80

The Territory of Yahde.






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7.06 8.20 0.06 0.03 99.87 0.20 0.54 87.49 11.75 0.76 82.82 14.58 2.60 52.11 46.27 1.62 69.87 21.51 8.62 77.70 18.08 4.22

3,000,000 of the inhabitants, about 2,000,000 of whom are Poles, and 170,000 Danes (in Schleswig).

The revenue in the year 1865 (exclusive of the newly-annexed territory) amounted to 173,934,739 thalers; the expenditures to 169,243,365; surplus, 4,691,374. The public debt, in 1866, amounted to 280,820,427.

The Prussian army in time of peace numbered at the beginning of the year 1866, about 212,000 men, and in time of war, inclusive of the landwehr of the second call, 742,498. The fleet consisted of the following vessels: 40 steamers (276 guns), 8 sailing vessels (140 guns), 36 rowing vessels (68 guns). Total, 84 war vessels, with 484 guns. The movement of shipping was, in 1865, as follows:

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The merchant navy, in 1865, consisted of 1,200 vessels, of a total burden of 180,821 lasts.

The disagreement of Prussia with Austria in the Schleswig-Holstein and the Federal-German questions, assumed, soon after the beginning of the year 1866 a threatening aspect (see AUSTRIA, GERMANY, and the GERMAN-ITALIAN WAR), and led, in June, to the outbreak of a great war, and the withdrawal of Prussia from the German Confederation. The success of Prussia in the war exceeded the boldest expectations. The ability of the generals, the bravery of the troops, and the efficiency of the needle-gun, astonished the world. After a brief and decisive campaign, Prussia dictated the terms of a treaty of peace with Austria and the South German States, by which Austria renounced all connection with the German Confederation, consented to the construction of a new German confederation under the leadership of Prussia, and ceded to Prussia her claims to Schleswig and Holstein, which accordingly were incorporated with the Prussian monarchy. The Government of Prussia by right of conquest also annexed (by decrees dated September 20th) the Kingdom of Hanover, the Electorate of Hesse Cassel, the Duchy of Nassau, and the Free City of Frankfort, and formally took possession of them on October 8th. Small districts were also ceded to Prussia by Bavaria and HesseDarmstadt. (See BAVARIA and HESSE-DAPMSTADT.) The annexed states are provisionally to remain under a separate administration, until the preparations for the introduction of the Prussian Constitution and their conversion into Prussian provinces shall have been completed. Ministerial orders introduced, however, in November the system of general liability to military service. The aggrandizement of Prussia led to a demand on the part of France for the cession of some Prussian territory. The demand

To non-German nationalities belong nearly met with a firm refusal, and was consequently

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