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Senator KING. Mr. Stewart, you drop your voice; I can not hear you.

The WITNESS. I will try to speak a little louder.

Mr. HOLTON. That Prescott account, all of the money, as I understand it, that was in that account was this money that was used for political purposes?

A. Not necessarily. I had some in there

Q. How much?

A. I don't know; probably $150; got some in there now.

Q. Aside from that $150, that account was composed, so far as this period of time is concerned, entirely of political funds?

A. At that time what they put in was put in for political purposes and drawn out for that purpose.

Q. Now, the checks you drew against that account were all drawn prior to or immediately following the primary; is that correct? A. Nothing drawn after the primaries.

Q. Nothing drawn after the primary?

A. No.

Q. Is that account wholly withdrawn from the bank, then?

A. No; I think I told you awhile ago I have about $175 in there still, I think, and there will probably be that much in there later on if I don't go broke right away.

Q. When you say there will be that much later on what do you mean?

A. I mean if I have any money I will probably put in the bank. Q. You don't do your own personal, individual banking business under that account, do you?

A. Yes; most of it.

Senator KING. Do you deposit your receipts in the bank under that account?

A. Well, the newspaper has an account of its own, and I take most of the money that I use out of the newspaper.

Q. Oh, I see. This is a personal account in contradistinction to your newspaper account?

A. Yes.

Mr. HOLTON. The checks which you drew on the Phoenix National Bank were simply signed by you with no other designation whatever; is that right?

A. "W. P. Stewart"; I think that was all, yes. I know it was all. There is no director of publicity attached to that.

Senator KING. Did you say "director of publicity"?

A. Yes; I don't think that was on the check.

Mr. HOLTON. Did you make out a card and give it to the Phoenix National Bank or any of its employees?

Senator KING. You nodded your head. Answer.

A. Yes, sir.

Mr. HOLTON. And whom did you give that card to?

A. I don't remember who it was.

Q. Who went with you to give that card to them?

A. A woman who was working up there who was signing Mr. Stockton's name to the checks.

Q. What is her name?

A. I think it is Balcon, or something like that.
Q. How do you spell it?

A. B-a-l-c-o-n.

Q. She went with you; and what did she do with reference to authorizing you to sign those checks?

A. She told the man at the bank who I was.

Q. And there must have been the name of some account on that card, because you had deposited no money in the Phoenix National Bank yourself, had you?

A. No, sir.

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Q. What was the name of that account?

A. I think it was the Ellinwood for Governor Club.

Q. Do you know whether this Miss Balcon is here now?

A. I don't know.

Q. You haven't seen her since you came down this morning?

A. I haven't seen her since the primary election.

Q. Who have you talked with in connection with this primary campaign since you arrived here this morning?

A. Nobody.

Q. You saw the marshal?

A. I haven't seen him.

Q. Did you see his deputy?

A. No, sir.

Q. Did you report to some one, then, that you were here?

A. I did not; I sat over here and got up and said I was here.

Q. Have you talked to Mr. Hayden since you came this morning? A. I haven't seen Mr. Hayden, except he told me where to sit.

Q. Mr. Hayden told you where to sit? You saw him, didn't you? A. When I came over here.

Senator KING. You mean when you were called to the witness stand?

A. I have been in Phoenix about 10 minutes until I came up here, I drove down this morning.

Mr. HOLTON. Of course; I don't mean any insinuation about Mr. Hayden.

The WITNESS. Oh, I know that; certainly not.

Q. I was just trying to find out. When you signed these checks you yourself made no record of them?

A. I made no record whatever; no.

Q. Do you know that anyone else did?

A. I don't know that they did; no, but I have an idea.

Q. Did you ever see a record of those checks?

A. I never did.

Q. Then it is only a supposition on your part that there was any record kept at the headquarters?

A. Only a supposition, because I don't know; I had a room separate from the other people in the headquarters. I didn't go in the other rooms. I didn't see what they were doing with the


Q. You purposely refrained from knowing anything about the accounts, did you?

A. Not purposely; no. Probably I could have gone in and found out if I wanted to, but it wasn't any of my business.

Q. Was Mr. Stockton there during that time?

A. He was most of the time.

Q. What, if any, instructions did Mr. Stockton give to you as to the amount of money which you were authorized to use in this publicity work?

A. The ads were to be paid for; that was all the instructions I had, and I was to sign the checks.

Q. Mr. Stockton never said any other thing to you than that what ads you were to write were to be paid for in cash?

A. Mr. Stockton and the other gentleman fixed up the advertisements themselves and sent them out.

Q. What other gentleman?

A. I don't know.

Senator KING. Were you to make arrangements for the publication? Why did they need an intermediary man?

A. Well, the thing was I started this campaign myself. It didn't look very good for a man who started the thing not to stay with it until the end; that was my idea.

Q. Did they want you to check up on the cost of advertising? A. No; I wrote to the newspapers and got their rates; made out the rate.

Q. Then you figured the amount?

A. The amounts were figures up by some one else after I got the


Q. Then when the advertising was handed you, you figured on that what the cost would be; then you wrote a check and sent the check and advertisement to the paper and told them to publish it? A. No: the checks and advertisements were brought to me together, and I signed the checks.

Senator KING. Proceed.

Mr. HOLTON. Mr. Stockton then placed no limitation whatever upon you as to the amount of money that you might sign checks for? A. I answered that awhile ago that the ads were to be paid, and the checks I was to sign were supposed to be for advertising only. It is a matter of honor that you wouldn't go beyond that.

Senator KING. They drew the checks and brought them to you to sign?

A. Yes.

Mr. HOLTON. The only part you played in this was to sign your name to the checks. You didn't figure the cost of the advertising: they furnished the publicity and the checks, and you just stayed there and signed the checks?

A. That is about all I did.

Q. What salary did you draw for that?

A. I said I got no pay at all.

Q. Now, how much money was spent during the campaign for newspaper advertising for Mr. Ellinwood?

A. I said I didn't know. I said five or six thousand dollars would be my guess was the amount that passed through my hands. You can take that and add the amounts that went into the Phoenix newspapers each day, and you will have it.

Q. That is your best estimate, then, of the amount of checks which you signed, is $5,000 or $6,000? A. My best estimate.

Q. And that includes the amount which you checked out of the bank at Prescott?

A. Yes.

Q. It doesn't include any other form of publicity, however, for the Ellinwood campaign?

A. Well, there was written matter that was supposed to go with the advertisements that was sent out to the papers. That was publicity without pay. We didn't get as much of it, I don't think, as we deserved, but we got all we could.

Senator KING. That is to say, you sent out certain articles to be printed and some of the papers printed them, and some did not.

A. Yes; we had the same trouble that Cameron has all the time with us, excepting the fact that he has agreed to help out

Mr. HOLTON. You recognize that Mr. Cameron does have some difficulty in getting publicity that he doesn't pay for?

A. Yes; with a man like he has a good deal. My paper, though, is a little different.

Q. Is this policy of yours not to give Mr. Cameron any publicity, whether he pays for it or not, due to the fact that your paper is more or less obligated to Jimmy Douglas, who hates Mr. Cameron? A. No; Mr. Douglas has never asked me to do one thing with my paper and never suggested a policy of support or anything else. If Mr. Cameron was to give me a page advertisement he would probably get a write-up as a matter of courtesy. When he was there and made a speech I gave him about a column; put that in my paper because I wanted the people to know what he was saying. Q. You do, however, keep yourself well informed as to how Mr. Douglas feels toward Mr. Cameron, don't you?

A. I didn't know that he felt what the paper stated yesterday; no. We don't discuss Cameron when I see him. I haven't seen him but about twice in the last six months.

Q. You know he is unfriendly toward him?

A. I didn't know he was as unfriendly as the paper said yesterday, but I don't know that I blame him. He has been knocking his mining company for a long while.

Senator KING. Well, do not indulge in personalities.

The WITNESS. As a matter of fact, Mr. Cameron's secretary asked me how much I would take for my paper 30 days ago.

Mr. CAMPBELL. Do you swear to that under oath?

A. I do.

Mr. CAMPBELL. That is a lie.

Senator KING. Wait a minute. That is very improper.

Mr. CAMPBELL. Yes; that is improper. I apologize for it.

The WITNESS. It was in the presence of four men.

Mr. HOLTON. Now, you say you didn't write the Ellinwood publicity?

A. Very little of it.

Q. Who did write it?

A. Well, Mr. Adams wrote a good deal of it.

Q. Mr. Weiss-Captain Weiss, or Mr. Weiss-wrote some of it? A. No publicity at all.

Q. Did he write the ads?

A. I don't know; I think he probably designed them. The advertising department of the Republican designs the ads for anyone who will go in there and place their ads. It is part of their business. He probably designed the form of the ads to be set up. I don't think he had anything else to do with it. He does that for everybody

anyone who goes in.

Q. Do you know of the Presley Advertising Agency?
A. No.

Q. Do you know whether Mr. Weiss is employed by some advertising agency other than the-or was at that time-or connected with some other advertising agency than the Ellinwood for Governor Club?

A. He wasn't connected with the Ellinwood for Governor Club at all, as I know. Here is the proposition with the newspaper-maybe you don't know: I will explain. A newspaper the size of the Phoenix Republican, and probably the Gazette, has an advertising department as a matter of service. The ads they are getting, they will design the ads, make the mats, and charge for the mats. They did that for Hunt and other people during the campaign. That is their service: they give that service to sell the mats: they will sell it to anybody. Weiss had no connection any more than if they had gone to some other man to design the ads. He had not a cent from the Ellinwood concern that I know of.

Q. Do you know where Mr. Weiss is?

A. I think he is working for the Los Angeles Examiner. He told me he had a position offered him there and left during the campaign.

Q. As a matter of fact, didn't he tell you he had a position offered him with the Presley Advertising Agency, one of the largest advertising agencies in the United States, which handles the publicity for the American Brass & Wire Co. ?

A. No: he told me he was going to the Examiner when he left here; I met him on the street, and he told me good-by.

Q. Isn't it a fact, or do you know it to be a fact, that this Presley Advertising Agency is the advertising agency for not only the American Brass & Wire Co. but the Anaconda Copper Co., and that Mr. Weiss is now working for them?

A. I don't think so. I think the Anaconda Copper Co. is only concerned with the Brass Research Association. Certainly they don't advertise in any papers in this State. I don't know the Pres ley Advertising Agency at all. They are not a big concern, I know, or I would have heard of them.

Q. They would be a big concern if they handled the business for those two big companies, wouldn't they?

A. They would, I should think.

Q. As a matter of fact, it is possible that you could have signed your name to checks attached to advertising matter

A. And put the money in my pocket?

Q. No; not at all. No; I know you wouldn't do that; but that the amount of that check wouldn't be written in at the time you signed it. Just as a matter of form you would sign the check; it might be for any amount. You can not say now, of your own knowledge, what the amount of those checks was when you signed them.

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